Wandering Off

By inchen1100101

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GabrielxReader. Sequel to a story I liked, but has been updated last in 2019, so, I decided to continue it i... More

In the morning
A Real Date
The School Dance
Secretly Leaving
Maman's Concerned Glare
Under Pressure
Walking On Thin Ice
You're what?!?
A tiny bit of Ladynoir
Hiding from the public
The Party
A doctor's call
This isn't a lovesquare, it's a fuckin' hexagon!
Unexperienced Lovers
Let's not make it awkward
Early breakfasts
How to keep a workaholic on bed rest
New Agreements
Beautiful Pregnant Women
You must make a quick decision now!
Happy New Year!
It's still complicated
Starting In The Spring
Playing Cupid
Dinner Date
New Relationships And A Lot Of Worries
Arrangements And Support

To our future together

96 2 0
By inchen1100101

When I told Sean about this conversation in the evening, he could only stare at me in utter shock. And for now I had only told him about the offer, that he could move in when we would decide, that we had reached that point in our relationship.

The poor man had just arrived and placed his backpack on the chair beside the window, when I had kinda ambushed him with the new information. He had immediately let himself drop to said chair and was still sitting on top of his things, when I walked closer to him and cupped his face.

"Are you alright? I am already afraid, to tell you the rest of it, by the way you look after those first news. Do you think you can handle a little more? Or maybe, I just ask you about the urgent question, Nathalie needs an answer to. And I can truly understand her with that. So......"

I had finally caught his attention again and he looked up and into my eyes, giving me a polite smile, that kinda started to scare me.

"Was that too much? If you feel like all of that is happening too fast, it's just an offer from Gabriel and Nathalie, it doesn't have to be right away or in the next couple of months. I can understand though, that he wants to keep his son close, so....", I took a deep breath, "if you don't want this anymore, if it's too much, please tell me now, before I fall for you even more than I already have. I just thought you wanted all of this.....I...sorry, I just....."

Trying to hide the tears, which were about to fall from my eyes, I turned around and walked towards my bed, looking frantically around to find anything to at least pretend to be busy with, when I felt his arms wrap around me from behind and he tenderly kissed the side of my neck!

"Sorry", he whispered, "it was a tough day in the hospital, something, I can't and won't talk about, especially to you, but not every treatment ends the way we want it to and I was a little distracted and completely overwhelmed, that you would even consider to live with me already! I would really like that, once we both think we are at that point. So please stop worrying. My actual mood has nothing to do with us or with you!"

"Really?", I muttered and he nodded, then said:

"Well, maybe a little, but not the way you thought. It's just, I came here and I really felt sad and useless, because I failed, no, the surgeon, I was assisting failed, but the outcome was the same and...."

I turned around and cupped both his cheeks now, making him look into my eyes.

"Just tell me, what happened! I am sure, it won't break me! But I can see it's hurting you and I want to help you. Sharing your fear and sorrow makes it only half as bad. Who died? The mother or the baby? Or both?", I pryed.

He gazed at me and sighed, then soundlessly said:

"The baby is fine, but there was a bleeding and he didn't notice. I did, but he wouldn't listen and so, there was nothing we could do, to save the mother's life. And though she could have been saved, I am not supposed to tell the woman's husband the truth, to not damage the doctor's reputation. I could do it anyway, but then, they would probably fire me and I wouldn't be able to find another spot as an intern anywhere here in Paris!"

Sean leaned his forehead against mine and tried to get a hold of himself again.

"Come", I said, "let's just lay down and cuddle. Maybe me, holding you in my arms can cheer you up a little bit!"

But he didn't answer. Instead he started to kiss me, desperately and savagely. Sensing the need to be close to me behind his vigorous ambush, I moved backwards to my bed and pulled him down with me, feeling him soon on top of me, his hands urgently pulling at my dress.

Seconds later it lay on the floor, my underwear and his clothes following straight. He stared at me, stared at my full breast and my growing belly. Then he reached for his member and aimed for my entrance, entering me with a quick thrust.

Seeing him like this, already made me fear, that he would hurt me, if he went on like that, but despite his still agitated state, he began to move slowly and carefully, only his mouth, which was ardently tending to my breasts now, was still showing his inner turmoil.

"Damn it, I need you so much, right now. I couldn't even imagine, how very much I 'could' need anyone, but I have been waiting to become one with you again since I left the OR. It was all I could think of. Your warmth, your softness, the feeling to come home, despite knowing you for such a short time only. You're my sanctuary and I never even knew, that I needed one. I love you and I would never even consider, to not go through with this. I want all of you. I need all of you!", he grunted and moaned, while he kept his slow pace, kept thrusting into my core ever so gently, that I almost became angry and was about to demand a different approach, when those sweet and equal movements eventually made my body react and I felt the sensation increase, felt it getting stronger, his continuous stimulations of my most sensitive areas pushing me slowly but steadily into a lingering, smooth release.

"Oh God Sean, you're....making me......oh shit, I am going to.....!"

And then I felt the sudden bliss throughout my body and my hips began to twitch, leaving me no chance to control them, while I just as unconsciously squeezed my legs together, making the man in between them explode inside of me, his throbbing length keeping me on my high, every single gush of fluid, he spilt, made my orgasm more intense from just the feeling it caused deep in my core.

Eventually my lover could no longer restrain his desperate desire and made a couple of hard and deep thrusts, crying out my name in a deep guttural voice, and I could feel my intimates cringe from seeing his wild animalistic side possessing me the way he did.

"Oh yes, just don't stop. I like it, when you are like that. So wild and untamed. Letting go of your control completely to give all of you to me!", I cried out in a lustful tone.

His eyes widened and he did a couple more thrusts, before he pulled me with him, when he collapsed onto his back. I was now straddling him, his member which hadn't shrunk yet, still inside of me and couldn't help but felt the urge to move, seeing him tense every single muscle as he watched me move slowly up and down, while I tried to rub my little nerve bundle along his stomach as much as possible.

He came to my aid just a moment later and placed his thumb on the little nub, just keeping a constant pressure, while I quickened my pace to intensify the friction between us. Already feeling my own orgasm give me that utter bliss, I soon could feel him convulsively twitch inside of me and knew, he had found another release too.

I carefully bent down to kiss his lips, when he started to sob into the crook of my neck, to then hug me tightly and mumble into my ear:

"I could only think all the time, what if that happened to you? What if it had been you? And nobody was telling me the truth!"

"Hey, look at me, please, Sean! I am fine, see? And as you already knew, I want you to be there at the birth. Or at least you know now. But you said it yourself already, while Gabriel will be holding my hand, you'll be the one, helping the baby into this world. And I trust you with that, Sean!", I hummed soothingly against his hair.

Eventually he could raise his head and look up at me again.

"Sorry for the ambush before! I was just so desperate, when I kept imagining, I could loose you! I would love to move in with you, by the way! There were more things, you wanted to talk about and you said something about an urgent question from Nathalie.... so maybe start with that!", he suggested and I agreed.

"Well, she still feels rather, I just called it by its name, horny, and she would like to know, if they are allowed to tend too her needs at least. I am totally on her side, because I know how she feels and how much more stress she would be under, having to keep those urges torturing her. So...."

I felt a little flustered, asking him that and admitting at the same time, that I still felt the same as her.

But my wonderful, hot and sweet boyfriend was very understanding and after giving it a bit of a thought, he nodded and told me:

"Well, I would say, if they're taking it slowly and carefully and don't exaggerate in how often they tend to those urges, they shouldn't have to worry. I simply give the advice, that as long as Nathalie feels good 'and' isn't too exhausted afterwards, they're on the safe side. You can tell them that!"

I grinned widely and quickly pulled out my phone, to text Nathalie the exact words, he had told me. Sean could only shake his head, but I explained:

"If they can at least take care of this issue, she will feel a lot better very soon and will be able to just relax into Gabriel's arms and go to sleep. It's just part of what she has been ordered to do: Relaxing and resting!"

He smirked, when he pulled me close again and whispered:

"So, I can assume, that you are utterly relaxed right now too? And that you are able to get some well deserved rest?"

I giggled and nuzzled my face into his chest.

"Well, would you like to hear the rest of the conversation before or after we took a shower? Because you, doctor, are starting to smell. And I certainly do too! So..."

Instead of answering, he picked me up and carried me towards the bathroom, making me squeal from the sudden movement.

He let me down on the tiled floor inside of the bathroom and while he opened the faucet, to let the water get a pleasant temperature, he asked me to tell him the rest of the conversation with Gabriel and Nathalie.

I grinned mischievously, as I rubbed myself along his body, to then tell him:

"Well, they were discussing, how to split up the rooms, when Nathalie said, she would like it, if her and Gabriel would be keeping her room as bedroom and we should be taking Gabriel's and Emilie's former room for us and the ones between the adult rooms and Adrien's room for the babies, so he always would be in the middle. And then Nathalie added something, so that Gabriel wasn't able to hear!"

I paused and waited for him to ask.

"What did she say?", he wondered and I got on the tips of my toes and whispered into his ear:

"She was talking about us and the baby and all the babies, we're going to have!"

The young doctor froze in his spot, but he didn't at all react the way I had thought he would.

"It's nice from her to think of that too!", he muttered with an amused expression, because I looked at him in utter shock now.

"Why doesn't that make you at least freak out a little?", I inquired and he shrugged.

"Honestly? I am willing to except you with another man's child, did you really think, imagining you, having our children would scare me?", he asked in disbelief, sounding even a little hurt.

I pressed myself tighter against him, explaining:

"It wasn't the having children with you, that I thought might freak you out, but the plural, which should have at least made you turn pale or something, I don't know. You're really weird in some situations. Good weird, but weird!"

He laughed to that and started to kiss along my neck and down to my belly. Lingering there for a moment, he soon left another trail of pecks on his way up, until he reached my lips and entangled me in another one of those electrifying kisses, making me sigh blissfully.

"I wouldn't mind, having a dozen children or more. But I like to be realistic and that you would be the one, having to endure that and so I'd rather say, how about three?", he then suggested.

I shrugged.

"I don't know, to be quite honest. Right now, I am feeling rather good and I haven't had many problems yet, so I could imagine having more than the one. But we'll talk about that, once I made it through labour and birth. Maybe by then, I don't want even one more!", I giggled, making him smile understandingly.

"I totally agree with that. But right now, I would like to help you take a shower and tend to all the places, you can't reach that good anymore!", he hummed huskily right into my ear and I whimpered from the mere thought.

But then I remembered his previous agitated state and asked softly:

"Are you feeling a little better now? I mean, you certainly behave as if you did, but.....I can hardly believe, that you put this behind you so very quickly!"

He sighed as he hugged me tightly.

"I will take a while to be able to deal with it completely, but for now, I am good. And I only want to think about our future together and not anything, that could possibly be happening. I just want us, to be happy!"

I beamed at him widely.

"I very much agree with that!", I cooed and nudged him backwards under the raining water.

While Nathalie and Gabriel slowly began to get used to one another, not only in a sexual manner, but as well in their every day routine, yet, as far as she told me, she could barely keep her arousal contained, Sean and I had started a more calm way to meet each other.

A little more than six weeks had passed, and being now at the beginning of my twenty eighth pregnancy week, having sexual intercourse felt slightly painful. The young doctor, he really had made it from intern to resident by now, was of course very understanding and whenever I was complaining about it, he tried to make me feel better, by tending to my still heightened needs with his mouth or his hands.

My little boy was kicking that strongly, that small bumps could be seen in the spots, he did that and everyone in the house loved to watch that.

When my boyfriend was at the hospital, lately having to work more hours, I spend a lot of time with Nathalie, who by now was allowed to get up, but was supposed to take it slow still.

As I once again sat down beside her, while she was sitting in one of the armchairs in the dining room, I noticed both her hands lying on her already very well visible bump. I smirked, as I remembered something from a couple of months ago and wondered:

"I guess, now you can understand the feeling and why I decided to have this baby right?"

She nodded with a blissful smile.

"Yeah, very well. But I am also scared like hell. I mean, one baby is quite some decision already, but two.... Just thinking about the responsibility, the lack of sleep....", she sighed and when I turned to look at her face, she really seemed petrified.

"Hey", I hummed and took her hand into my own, relax, okay? I am here too and you will have a couple of weeks, in which you can practice with this little guy!"

I pointed down to my by now much protruding belly, where my unborn son was making so much of a turmoil again, that my shirt was moving even.

Nathalie smiled, as she got onto her knees and placed one hand on each side of the round stomach, then pressed her lips against my shirt and whispered:

"Good morning! I see you're already awake. Please don't make it too hard on your mummy today, yeah? She looks a little tired just now!"

As if he was listening to her, the kicking and moving stopped and I smiled at the dark haired woman.

"Thank you, Nathalie! It really can be painful at some spots already. Every time you or Adrien talk to him, he immediately calms down, while Sean or Gabriel cause just the opposite and he goes completely nuts!", I blurted out, making her laugh.

Then she slowly pulled herself back to her feet with a groan.

"Are you alright?", I asked her with concern and she nodded.

"Yeah, just a lot of pain in my back. Your boyfriend said, it was quite usual, not only while having twins, but according to muscles and everything loosening up and make room to the baby, most women had those in the second trimester. So, no need to worry!", she replied with a forced smile.

"You sure?", I wondered and she nodded.

"It's just exhausting right now. But what about you? Aren't you scared already? Of giving birth, I mean? It's barely three months, if he won't decide to be born a little earlier! I would be petrified, I think!"

I shrugged.

"Maybe a little, but it's not serious just now. I feel more angry, that I can't enjoy sleeping with my hot and tempting boyfriend anymore! He's really sweet and tries to do well, 'other' things, but....."

"It's still not the same, right?", Nathalie finished my sentence and we giggled together.

"When's your next ultrasound? Do you want to know the gender then? I mean, if they can see one, they know from both, right? A little advantage of having identical twins!", I pryed.

"We can't agree on that already. Gabriel wants to know urgently, but I do still struggle. It would also be nice, to find out, once they are here!", she said with a blissful smile as she rubbed her cute belly.

I leaned back in the chair and stared at the opposite wall, stating:

"It's still hard to imagine, being a 'mum' very soon. Being responsible for a tiny person, whose life we could ruin, if we did just one thing wrong!"

Nathalie looked at me for a moment, than nodded and placed herself in a similar position.

"Now you got me even more worried than before!", she said.

I sighed and held out a hand, which she grabbed and squeezed softly. We stayed like that, until we heard Gabriel, clearing his throat while he looked at us from the doorway. I blinked at him shortly, then tightened my grip around the other female's hand, as she was already about to let go and jump to her feet.

"Whatever you're thinking, we're just sharing the same thoughts and fears and are giving each other comfort and strength!", I said calmly, my thumb rubbing along the back of Nathalie's hand.

Gabriel chuckled.

"Yeah, I've been here for some time already and must admit, I listen to your conversation for a bit. I just didn't want to startle either of you, so I thought, I try to catch your attention like this!", he mused.

Then he bent down to kiss his beloved woman passionately. She sighed contently, as he pulled back to peck first her, then my belly and last placed a light kiss on my cheek.

"I figure, despite those unpleasantries you're both experiencing, you're doing good so far?", he asked us both and while Nathalie just gave him a loving smile, I responded:

"I guess!"

He narrowed his brows at me, then gave Nathalie a questioning look. But she shrugged.

"How long have you been listening?", I asked, "Did you hear about the intercourse issue?"

He really had the guts to smirk about that!

Though he was quick to apologize for that, I could still see the laugh in his eyes, as he patted the back of my hand.

"You've made it that far, I am sure, you can handle those next five months without too!"

"Five?", I exclaimed, but then remembered, that after giving birth, there would be another two months, in which I would be having some discharge, from blood to other substances, I didn't even want to think about and said sheepishly, "oh yes, that!"

He gave me a compassionate smile, then came to the actual cause for him coming to talk to us.

"There are a couple of things, I would like to talk about", he began, "starting with....", he placed a hand on my belly, "...his birth. I know, it's kind of an awkward situation just now, but.... would you be okay with me being there, when you're giving birth?"

I looked at Nathalie, before I answered, seeing her give her permission by tilting her head.

"As long as Nath is okay with it, I am too. But I want you to talk with her about it, before you make a final decision. Sean will be there as well, but that has another reason to it, as I want him to be my doctor as long as everything is okay and nothing comes up. I totally trust him with any emergencies too, but I wouldn't want to lay the responsibility on him then. So you have to be prepared for him to be there too!"

Gabriel sighed.

"Yeah, I already thought he would be!", he said quietly, "the other thing, I wanted to talk about, is still a surprise and I can't tell you, until your 'doctor' is 'home'! I just wanted to inform you, so you can make the time later, alright? Same for you my love! There is something important, you need to see later too. So, maybe the two of you would like to dress up a little bit for tonight? If you were both feeling good today, maybe you could even have Francis dress you up and you could have some pictures taken of the new maternity clothes line? Only if you would like to, of course. But as you are both looking incredibly beautiful with those bellies...."

I was already beaming at him widely.

"Are you saying, they are finished already? Come Nathalie, let's show the world, how beautiful young mums to be can look! Francis is a genius, he will set us both in a perfect light!", I exclaimed and pulled at her hand.

She stood reluctantly up to follow me into the hallway, when Gabriel stopped us.

"I figured, we could do it here in the garden! There are beautiful flowers blooming just now and the grass has this very special green. And neither of you would have to go over to the studio. Would you like that?", he questioned and I could immediately feel Nathalie tension relax.

So I nodded vigorously, muttering:

"That's a brilliant idea!", I laid my arm around the assistant's shoulders, "and we will have a professional set of pictures from our pregnancies on top of making the new line publice and famous!"

Nathalie smiled hesitantly, but as she was still willing to do everything for Gabriel, she agreed to the shoot.

Francis was more than happy to see me again, he was so enthusiastic, that he was on the edge of hyperventilating.

"Little bean! You look fantastic! How are you doing? Is everything alright? Are you having a boy or a girl? And who's the other woman attending this session? I mean, there have been rumours about a breakup and new partners and Mr Agreste cheating on you, getting someone else knocked up! I can't imagine any of it, but... !", he exclaimed the very second his eyes fell on me.

I snickered and hugged him tightly, as tight as I dared, then turned to the woman who was halfway hidden behind my back.

"Come on, Nath! Francis won't bite! He's just a little hyped, that's all!", I tried to encourage her.

I could hear the woman take a very deep breath, to then slowly let out the air again, before she made two steps to stand beside me.

Francis gasped the very second he recognized her.

"Miss Nathalie!", he blurted out, "so that's why we haven't seen you in a while! And we all thought, you would end up with Mr Agreste one day!"

He turned back towards me and pryed:

"I always thought, Miss Nathalie had so much potential, if she didn't dress the way she does all of the time. I've been trying to convince her to let me do a make over for ages, but she always declined. But don't let me wait any longer, tell me, how's it going? How's your baby and who is the lucky father to yours, Miss Nathalie?"

I lifted both hands high in the air and exclaimed:

"For heaven's sake, Francis, come down a little bit. And let's please go inside, where not half of Paris will be able to hear you squeal!"

He laid a hand over his heart, as if I had wounded him deeply and scoffed, before he turned on his heels and stomped inside, yet not able to hide his smile, as he did.

We hardly made it into Gabriel's office, where the clothes we were about to wear had been placed, before his excited voice could be heard again:

"And now spill! Is it a little girl or a little boy? and what about you, Miss Nathalie?", he stepped a little closer to the usually so reserved woman and nudged his hip against hers, "girl or boy? And who was the lucky guy, who....", he chuckled with wiggling eyebrows, "...I have to admit, even I would have been tempted, if I had ever gotten the chance and I usually am into men only!"

The poor assistant blushed deeply over his statement, which made me giggle.

"Relax, Nath. He's just teasing you!"

But Francis shook his head vigorously, then added:

"I was serious about that, you are a very beautiful and tempting woman, Nathalie Sancoeur!"

"Well, he's right about that!", I snickered, then averted my focus back to the stylist, "I'm having a little boy, by the way!"

I covered my ears immediately after saying that and was right to do so, because the man with the long hair began to squeal in a highh pitched tone in an instant.

Nathalie even flinched and I quickly grabbed her hand, to keep her from running.

"That's so amazing!", Francis blurted out, "what about you, Nathalie? Can I call you Nathalie?"

She nodded, but then she hesitated andd looked at me, her eyes asking me for help.

"Nathalie doesn't know yet, it's still a little too early to see!", I explained and caused the man to furrow his brows and gaze down at her already very visible belly.

Then he looked baack up and quirked an eyebrow.

"Oh, uhm, Nathalie is having twins, Francis, that's why it looks, as if she was that far along already!"

"Oh my gosh, that's so amazing! But now tell me, what kind of guy is the lucky and potent father?", he pryed and laid one arm around each of us, to gently direct us towards the finished combinations, we were about to dress into. Hinting us both to have a seat in one of the armchairs, he looked expectantly at the dark haired assistant, waiting for her to answer to his question.

"I would say, the impatient and easily to anger kind!", Gabriel, who was just entering the room as well, responded to him.

Sean was entering right behind him and closed the door with a soft thud.

Francis only took a short look at him and was thrilled.

"Well, this is one beautiful man, I must admit! Nathalie, is he the.... ?"

He looked at her and winked, but winced the moment, he heard me snort and Gabriel grunt. Then his eyes widened, because my boyfriend had come to me and bent down, to give me a passionate kiss.

When then our boss went to his 'assistant', to gently peck her belly first and afterwards the woman's lips, Francis' mouth fell agape too.

I giggled, as I told the men, who had just arrived:

"I think, you broke him!"

But Francis was used to all sorts of scandals in the world of fashion, he had been working in for so long already and recovered quickly.

"Okay, little bean, explain. While you do, you can both get dressed into your first outfit. Gentlemen....", he turned towards Sean and Gabriel, "...would you be so kind to wait outside, so the ladies won't have to undress in front of you?"

This time, it was Nathalie, who answered:

"Given the circumstances, I don't think that's necessary. Right?"

She looked around, waiting for me and the men to confirm.

Francis was about to pass out by the look of it and I started my explanation to him with:

"Are you alright, Francis? Maybe you should sit down and listen, while we change. It all started when Gabriel and I were at the first appointment at my gynaecologist and he made fun of me, because the cute young intern, who did the examination, made me blush. Then, there was this moment, when Nathalie told Gabriel and he told me, that I was so sweet, that 'she' was even tempted to sleep with me!"

I paused to watch the stylist's reaction.

He was just staring, obviously not able to react at all just now and so I continued:

"After Gabriel had told me about that, I just couldn't get it out of my headd and when Nathalie went into my room with me, to figure out something for me to wear, that wouldn't reveal my pregnancy to everybody, I asked her something, which touched her so much, that she had to sit down for a moment. I sat down beside her on my bed, then decided to put my feet up for a couple of minutes and talked Nathalie into doing the same, because she always overworks herself. Well, she did, but was lying there all tense and then I started to tickle her and one thing led to another, Gabriel walked in on us, then joined us, I had a small mental breakdown later that day at my second doctor's appointment and Sean was so nice, to comfort me and take me home. Well, he also was the one, who a couple of weeks after that encounter made me find out about Nathalie being pregnant too and we somehow ended up in this constellation!"

I took a deep breath after gushing all of that out as fast as I could.

"So, am I right, when I guess, that you are now dating the man, who is both your doctor? And that you are all okay with the situation itself?", he let himself collapse dramatically into one of the chairs and sighed deeply, "I would so love to live here too and be one of the first people to hear about stuff like that!"

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