The Mafia's Doll (Mpreg)

By DarkFlower065

75.3K 3.5K 794

Due to unusual circumstances, Pete ends up living with a mafia. What will happen when he develops feelings fo... More

Business Meeting
Fate or luck?
First time
Feelings for you
A bit different
Pouring out
Beautiful morning
Loving you
I want kids
Just you and me
Not pregnant
Code Red
The last few minutes
Shopping and Photo shoot
The Artist
Wedding night
I am not sick but I am craving
I have mood swings
Secrets out
Not all days can be happy ones
We have a past
My love
I have your attention
I crave for you
We are going to have a princess!!
Enemy is here!
The battle is over

Good day turned bad

1K 57 12
By DarkFlower065

Pete's POV:

I headed downstairs with Ae beside me and his arm wrapped around me protectively. I was more than excited to disclose the news but again I wanted it to be special so I thought to plan a little surprise for Ae.

When we reached the hall, Can was already present with the guards. "Seems like Can already arranged for everything." Ae commented. "You have instructed that I should be back in an hour and to take the guards along. So I asked him to get everything ready in advance." I replied.

"Hmmm.... I'll be waiting for you so hurry back home." Ae said and kissed my cheeks. I felt the little blush creeping up on my face as he kissed me in front of all. I wasn't used to this but he seemed least bothered.

"Enough with the public display of emotions..." Can said stepping closer. "Can, take care of him and I am keeping the whole team ready in case of emergency. If you find anything suspicious, just say Code Red and the whole team will be there within 10 seconds." Ae instructed. I looked at Ae who was busy giving orders to the guards. When the heck did he get everything arranged?

"I know I know.... Your precious will be completely safe. I will protect him with everything. Be assured.... Can we go now?" Can mocked. He was all irritated with the continuous commands and orders. "Yes... Take care of him and be back in an hour." Ae reminded.

Can rolled his eyes as he heard the same line being repeated for the nth time. "Pete, let's get going before my brother decides that one hour is already over." Can said while grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the place. I waved at Ae and I saw the guards following us. When we stepped out, I saw Tin outside besides the cars that were parked at the entrance.

"Do I need to come along?" Tin asked. "Come, it will be nice to have you around. Since Pete is going out, Ae won't mind allowing you to accompany us." Can replied. Tin than spoke through the microphone informing Ae that he was going along and looking at his face, it was clear that Ae had already agreed.

He then looked at Can and nodded his head in response. We got into the car and soon left for the mall. "So, what's the reason for going out? Are you already bored staying with boss?" Tin inquired. Looks like their thoughts are in sync because this was exactly the same question Can had asked me when I had called him. "No... But I want to buy something to surprise Ae." I replied.

I can see Tin scanning my face and then he looked at Can. Can gestured to him that I was pregnant and the next second he was about to scream but Can immediately covered his face. "Your microphone is still on. Don't spoil the fun." Can said. Tin understood the situation and then gestured that he will keep quiet and it was only then that Can let go off his hold.

"Hmmmm... We'll be there in 15 mins so you can shop freely." Tin informed. The ride was nice since Can and Tin kept talking about something or else but they made sure that they didn't give away any clue. How hard it would be for them to hide everything? Leaving under the same roof but still have to maintain so much distance. I feel sad for them.

We arrived at the mall and soon we were headed to the elevator. The bodyguards had already enveloped us and Can and Tin too were on either side. We headed straight to the clothes section where Can had planned to buy a t-shirt.

He talked to the salesperson who guided us to a different section that held clothes with different messages. He ushered us towards a rack that held the t-shirt with message 'you are going to be a dad.'

"Will this be fine?" Can inquired and I nodded happily. After that he asked the person to gift wrap it and then we planned of buying some sweets. Since it's our first baby, I wanted to celebrate with everyone. So, as soon as Ae will come to know, we will inform the rest. "Do you need anything else?" Can asked.

And my cravings chose the same time to kick in that very moment since I saw an ice-cream parlor right in front of us. "Ice-cream?" I said while looking at him. He seemed to have understood that I was craving because the next moment, we were walking in the direction of the ice-cream parlor.

We reached the parlor and Can walked in to place an order for a take away. Ae had already given deadline that we should be back in an hour so we couldn't afford to lose much time. "Are those bags heavy?" I asked Tin who was holding the shopping bags in his hands. "Few things are more heavy than this." He commented while looking in the direction of Can who gave him a glare. I giggled looking at their cute interaction. "So you seem to be used to lifting heavy stuff." I said and he just let out a laugh. "I can hear everything." Can warned from inside.

We were busy talking to each other when a guy appeared out of nowhere pointing his gun at me. I was left frozen in place seeing him approaching me, he was only few feet away and his gun was pointed at my belly. My hands flew immediately towards my belly as if trying to protect my little one from the harm. He is not even born and already he has enemies.

I took a step back trying to get away from the guy when I heard the sound of gunshots which began to resonate through the place. There were loud screaming and the scene was complete chaos as people began to run around trying to save their lives.

I was scared to death seeing the chaos and looked in the direction of the guards who were now lying on the ground after being shot by the people wearing black clothes and faces hidden behind masks. Tin dived in front of me protecting me while the guy began to approach us. His finger reached out for the trigger and I was sure that he was ready to pull it any time. Was this my fate? Is this how things were going to end?


Even before I could register what was happening, I was shoved aside along with Tin as Can jumped in front taking the bullet. He let out a loud scream as he crashed to the ground bleeding. "Tin, get Pete out of here and go. He needs to be safe... Now!!" Can ordered. I can see the gun man approaching Can and I looked on the other side as the other people too were approaching us. It was an ambush!! But who could have possibly done this?

I can see Tin's expression looking blank. He must be torn between saving his love and following the orders. His mind will be yelling at him to follow the order but his heart will not be ready to leave his love behind. "Tin!!! Hurry up!! Take Pete away!!" Can shouted trying to snap Tin out of his thoughts. The blood was slowly dripping out from the wound where the bullet has hit Can in the chest. He was groaning in pain as he tried to move and get on his feet. Tin grabbed my hand and pulled me but I was not ready to leave. I cannot leave Can behind. I cannot let anyone hurt my family. Then I remembered Ae's words.

I grabbed the microphone on Tin's collar and shouted, "Code Red!! Code Red!!" I didn't know how long it will take for the reinforcement to arrive but I can't let Can give up his life. I know how much it means to me to have a family. I am sure Ae would be devastated if something happens to Can and I don't want our little ones to lose it's uncle.

Within blink of an eye, the place was stormed by man in black all equipped with weapons. One team rushed towards us, shielding me while the other took care of the enemy. The third team rushed towards the Can. I was being taken away from the place. Tin was beside me watching the people take control of the situation and help Can. Since Can was second in command after Ae, his life too was precious for all and failing to protect him might even bring Ae's wrath on them.

I should have stayed home and tried something instead of coming out to plan a surprise. I didn't know my little idea might cost someone's life. I can hear the sound of gunshots as we walked away from the scene. It followed another round of loud screaming and more chaos erupted. We arrived at the basement where our cars were parked and I can see the paramedics all ready with their equipments.

Just in time, another car stopped in front of us and the door was kicked open and Ae stepped out holding a gun in his hand. His facial expression was dark, his jaws clenched, eyes burning in rage and nostrils flaring. He rushed forward and the first thing he did was to check me. "Are you hurt?" he inquired. "No... I am fine... but Can..." I couldn't continue the sentence. I was more than hurt recalling what happened inside the mall.

Ae turned his head in the direction of the guards who were approaching us. The next moment, his gaze landed on Can who was being carried towards the paramedics in hurry. "Can!! Can!!" Ae called while approaching his brother who was unconscious. The guards tried to hold Ae and calm him down trying to explain that Can was just fine and unconscious. Tin was beside Can, walking silently as he was being moved towards the paramedics vehicle.

Can was placed inside the vehicle where the medical team began their work. Without any word, Tin too followed inside and the doors of the vehicle were closed and it started to move. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I watched the vehicle go away. Right now, I could only pray to God to keep Can safe.

Ae returned back to me and pulled me into a hug. He buried his face into my neck and I knew that he was feeling hurt. He didn't say a word but just stood there. After a while, he composed himself and ordered everyone to get inside the car.

He pulled me towards his car and pushed me inside and the doors were closed soon after. He didn't say a word but held me close. Was this his way of expressing grief? I can understand. He is the head of the underworld gang and I know that he cannot show his weakness on his face.

We had reached halfway when Ae's cell phone started to buzz. He pulled it out and checked for the number. His facial expression changed and his eyebrows drew together and his jaws got clenched. He swiped the screen to answer the call and placed the cell phone against his ear. "Hello?" he answered in firm voice.

I didn't know what the person was speaking but Ae turned his head to look at me and he immediately pulled me against his chest. His grip around me tightened and I can feel his fingers digging into my skin. Now, I am sure that the person who is on the other side is surely threatening Ae.

"We didn't do it on purpose. He tried to hurt Pete in first place." Ae barked into the phone. I can see anger rising inside him as he listened to the other person. "If you dare to touch my family, I will shatter you to pieces." Ae threatened and disconnected the call. He threw the phone aside while trying to take in deep breathe to calm himself down. Who was this other person and why did he attack?

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