Give Life a Chance

By LilNikX

222K 5.3K 3.9K

We all live for a purpose, however in light of traumatic events our purpose can become misguided our judgemen... More

Chapter 1 - The Caring Butterfly
Chapter 2 - The Hashira Meeting
Chapter 3 - Mount Kumotori
Chapter 4- The Teams Announced
Chapter 5 - Ripples in the Water
Chapter 6 - The Moon Sure is Beautiful Tonight
Chapter 7 - The First Mission.
Chapter 8 - The Proposal
Chapter 9 - The Fake Hashira and the Wounded Butterfly
Chapter 10 - The New Tsuguko
Chapter 11 - A New Friend
Chapter 12 - Dinner and a Show
Chapter 13 - The Ghost Town
Chapter 14 - Lucid Dreams
Chapter 15 - Growth
Chapter 16 - The Young Butterfly Finds her Wings
Chapter 17 - Connections
Chapter 18 - Remembrance
Chapter 19 - Please Come Back
Chapter 20 - Stay
Chapter 21 - A New Worker
Chapter 22 - The Return
Chapter 23 - The Flamboyant Pillar
Chapter 24 - The Corps Strongest Team
Chapter 25 - The Vengeful Matagi
Chapter 26 - A Pillar Crumbles
Chapter 27 - The Aftermath
Chapter 28 - Reunited
Chapter 29 - Progress
Chapter 30 - Role Reversal
Chapter 31 - The First Step
Chapter 32 - Whenever You Need Me
Chapter 33 - Collaboration
Chapter 34 - True Feelings
Chapter 35 - Mount Natagumo Part 1
Chapter 36 - Mount Natagumo Part 2
Chapter 37 - The Trial of Kamado Tanjiro and Tomioka Giyuu
Chapter 38 - The Old Giyuu
Chapter 39 - The Recovery Begins
Chapter 40 - The Butterfly Effect
Chapter 41 - Flame and Water
Chapter 42 - Departure
Chapter 43 - What Could Have Been
Chapter 44 - The Spiritual Core
Chapter 45 - The Perfect Dream
Chapter 46 - Enmu's Nightmare
Chapter 47 - The Human Spirit
Chapter 48 - Conflicting Feelings
Chapter 49 - Revelations
Chapter 50 - Confessions of a Damaged Heart
Chapter 51 - Reconciliation
Chapter 52 - The First 'Date'
Chapter 54 - Public Knowledge
Chapter 55 - The Next Step

Chapter 53 - A Flashy Friendship

4.4K 84 78
By LilNikX

Still in the Rehab Room


Shinobu and Giyuu separated, sporting similar deep red blushes. Tengen was practically jumping around in excitement while Aoi stood there completely shocked. Hinatsuru, Makio and Suma soon joined their husband and saw the two.

"A shirtless Giyuu-san, and a blushing Shinobu-san." Hinatsuru said, thinking out loud.

"THAT CAN ONLY MEAN ONE THING!" Makio cheered excitedly.

"You don't mean." Suma said nervously.


The five of them entered the room and Shinobu and Giyuu remained frozen in place. Both of their brains were attempting to process the situation unfolding around them.

"Am I allowed to hug you? Have your injuries healed enough yet?" Tengen asked Giyuu.

Giyuu looked around at everyone, noticing the looks on their face.

"I'll take that as a yes." Tengen said, picking Giyuu up in a hug.

"I am so proud of you my flamboyant apprentice; I knew you had it in you." Tengen said happily, putting Giyuu down.

"It's about time if you ask me. I thought you two would get together much sooner, though I guess the argument you had may have caused some roadblocks." Makio said, nudging Shinobu with her elbow.

"I'm happy for you Giyuu-san. You two will make a great couple." Hinatsuru said.

"I also was hoping you two would get together." Suma said.

"So when I walked in on you two last night. Giyuu, were you two really..." Aoi began to say.

"NO!" Giyuu quickly said.

"We were not doing anything inappropriate. She had just passed out. I swear." Giyuu said.

If it were possible Shinobu's face would've turned even more red.

"WHAT'S THIS!" Tengen yelled.

Giyuu turned and looked at Shinobu clearly panicked.

"Please help." He said desperately.

"Everyone please be quiet." Shinobu said sternly, silencing the room.

"I understand everyone has a lot of questions, but please, one at a time. This is all a little overwhelming so please... just calm down." Shinobu ordered.

"And Giyuu please put your shirt back on." Shinobu said.

Giyuu quickly scrambled and got dressed and the five others in the room had a small discussion amongst themselves.

"So... you two are dating right?" Makio asked.

"Yes, we are." Shinobu answered.

The group cheered in excitement and then Tengen stepped up to speak next.

"How long have you been dating for?" He asked.

"Since last night." Shinobu said.

"How adorable, new couples are always so cute." Hinatsuru said, earning nods of agreement from the rest of her family.

"So how did it happen?" Aoi asked.

Giyuu looked at Shinobu and she nodded at him.

"Last night I went to give Shinobu a gift. It was not my intention at that time to confess, I only wanted to leave the gift and return to my room. When I got there, I saw that Shinobu had just finished working on a new poison. We looked at each other and began to talk. From there we reconciled and apologised for everything that happened after our mission to Mount Natagumo. Once we had resolved our issues, I felt compelled to tell her how I felt and she told me that she returned those feelings." Giyuu started.

"That's when I passed out from fatigue and ended up falling on top of Giyuu. Due to his injuries he could not lift me off of him so that's when he called to you Aoi." Shinobu explained.

"After she woke up we spoke about our feelings some more and now we are dating." Giyuu said.

Shinobu grabbed his hand and squeezed a little, smiling at him.

Giyuu smiled back and the other five admired how cute the two were. Shinobu noticed they were distracted and mouthed the words 'thank you' to Giyuu.

Giyuu nodded back at her and the two turned back to face the group.

"This is indeed the best news I have heard in a long time, and we brought flowers thinking you were still injured." Tengen said.

Giyuu looked over and noticed that Suma was indeed holding a bouquet of flowers, each one varying in colour.

"I guess we can abandon those plans we made to get you two back together then." Makio said.

"What?" Giyuu asked.

"Oh nothing... just a joke, no need to worry." Tengen said nervously, sending a signal to his wives.

"I just can't believe you two are actually together." Aoi said, still recovering from the shock.

"I'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable." Giyuu said.

"What? Don't be ridiculous I've been rooting for this for a loooong time. Like seriously you've got no idea." Aoi said happily.

Giyuu smiled, happy that this wouldn't cause any awkwardness between the two.

"Not that I don't enjoy the interrogation but what brings you four to the estate?" Shinobu asked.

"Oh yes, I suppose we should explain." Tengen said.

"Shinobu-san, we're planning on undertaking a fairly dangerous mission. We use forms of poison on our kunai that's able to immobilize most demons we come into combat with, but this mission is much more serious." Hinatsuru explained.

"I see. So you would like to utilise something more potent." Shinobu said.

"Yes." Hinatsuru answered.

"I can't offer you anything as effective as my own. My blade is specifically designed with the injection of poisons in mind, but I'm sure I can help." Shinobu said.

"Thank you." Hinatsuru said.

"Aoi, you were curious about poisons the other night weren't you? Why don't you come with us?" Shinobu asked.

"There is no way you're all seriously talking about missions and stuff right now. We just found out these two are dating." Aoi said.

"And there will be plenty of time to interrogate and laugh at them for not getting together sooner after, but we should focus." Makio said.

"But..." Aoi said disappointedly.

"Why don't we all have dinner together tonight? You can ask as many questions as you'd like." Shinobu offered.


"I still cannot walk without assistance, and even with help I don't think my body can handle travel yet." Giyuu said.

"THEN I WILL PREPARE A FLAMBOYANT MEAL FOR US ALL HERE!" Tengen cheered, not even slightly phased by not getting his way initially.

"Very well then. Now let's go and see how I can help you all." Shinobu said.

Shinobu exited the room, being followed by the other women, leaving an excited Tengen and a now calm Giyuu.

"Even though I knew it would happen, I'm still so surprised." Tengen said happily.

"When I asked you if you'd ever loved anyone before, was that when you finally realised that you were desperately in love with Kocho?" Tengen asked.

"It.... Helped." Giyuu admitted shyly.

Tengen put an arm around Giyuu and began to laugh.

"That's all I needed to know." Tengen said.

Giyuu smiled at Tengen and the two settled in a bit.

"There's actually something I wanted to talk to you about." Tengen said seriously.

Giyuu looked at the man and noticed the more serious look on his face.

"Of course. What would you like to talk about?" Giyuu asked.

"This mission. It's very dangerous." Tengen said.

"You will be fine, you're a very powerful swordsman." Giyuu said.

"It's not me I'm worried about." Tengen admitted.

"Oh... I see." Giyuu said knowingly.

"My wives accompany me on missions all the time. But this is different." Tengen said.

Giyuu immediately understood just how serious this situation was. Not many things in this world were certain, but one of those things was that Uzui Tengen would jovial and flashy at all times. But right now the Sound Hashira had a look of extreme worry on his face.

"Just what is this mission?" Giyuu asked.

"You know better than anyone that the upper moons have recently become a lot more active." Tengen said.

"Yes, it has become hard not to take notice of that." Giyuu said.

Tengen laughed slightly at the joke.

"There's an entertainment district, near the capital. There have been increased reports of disappearances in the area, but not normal ones. These people, they disappear without a trace. No trail, no discernible deaths, all we know is that they disappeared." Tengen explained.

"And you think an upper moon could potentially be orchestrating it?" Giyuu asked.

"Think about it. An entertainment district is a perfect place for a demon to take over. All the activity is at night and during the day the place is pretty much a ghost town. There's a constant supply of food, and due the area's reputation for illicit and immoral acts, police and government presence is very minimal." Tengen suggested.

"You're right. It makes perfect sense." Giyuu noted.

"A demon could live there for hundreds of years, laying completely undetected and feasting on as many people as they wish." Tengen said.

"So you're infiltrating it?" Giyuu asked.

"We are." Tengen answered.

"My wives will go in undercover and send me messages indicating the status of the area, any potential demon activity and suspicious people. When I feel I have enough information, I will infiltrate the district and eliminate the demon." Tengen explained.

"Your plan makes sense." Giyuu said.

"I know. It's just... what if something happens to them?" Tengen asked.

"They've shown themselves extremely capable." Giyuu said.

"I know they are. They're incredibly skilled and dedicated Kunoichi. But they're also my wives." Tengen worried.

"I love them so much, I can't help but worry about them. Usually it isn't a problem, they usually scout and I am on standby just in case. But this time, they'll be on their own, and I don't for how long." Tengen said.

"What..." Giyuu replied.

"The information we have is limited. I'm a Hashira, and as you can tell I tend to stand out, if I am there with them, it could put them in more danger." Tengen said.

"I see, so this has you more worried." Giyuu replied.

"Exactly. I'm also not sure how many demons could be in the area, or how strong they are. If there is in fact an upper moon, then I don't even know if I can slay it." Tengen admitted.

"If the demons there are formidable, then you will not be able to defeat them without your usual confidence." Giyuu said, causing Tengen to look at him.

"I cannot say with certainty what will happen. But from what I have seen while working with you all I am confident that you can overcome whatever comes your way. But if you doubt yourself or them, you won't be as effective as usual." Giyuu continued.

Tengen smiled and put a hand on Giyuu's shoulder.

"Thank you Giyuu. I think that's all I needed." Tengen said.

"I... didn't really say anything." Giyuu responded.

"I know. But for you, it was a lot and that's reassuring." Tengen said with a laugh.

"I don't understand." Giyuu said.

"You don't have to. Thank you, now... on to more important matters. You and Kocho." Tengen said, his usual demeanour returning.

Giyuu shrunk a little and Tengen laughed at his awkward friend.

"How are you feeling about it?" Tengen asked.

"I'm happy, obviously. I'm just nervous." Giyuu admitted.

"What are you nervous about?" Tengen asked.

"I have never dated before." Giyuu said.

"Really?" Tengen asked sarcastically.

"Yes, I didn't even know what love was like until a short time ago." Giyuu said.

"I was being sarcastic Giyuu." Tengen said.

"Oh." Giyuu said embarrassedly.

"What is it exactly that has you nervous? It can't just be that you've never been in a relationship before." Tengen said.

"It's just... She's her, and I'm me." Giyuu said.

"I will only ever say this once, so listen well." Tengen interrupted.

Giyuu looked at the man and nodded, giving him his full attention.

"If I ever hear you speak like that again, I will tear up your Haori." Tengen warned.

"What?" Giyuu asked, clearly agitated.

"I'm exaggerating, don't worry I wouldn't actually do it." Tengen admitted.

Giyuu calmed down but was still confused by what Tengen actually meant.

"I mean, I do not ever want to hear you talk down on yourself again." Tengen said.

"Oh, I get it." Giyuu replied.

"Now explain what you're thinking without putting yourself down as much." Tengen ordered.

"It's just. She's such an incredible person. She runs this place, helps people, inspires them to be better even if it means she has no time for herself." Giyuu started.

"Yes, she is truly admirable." Tengen agreed.

"She was always nice to me, even when I was not easy to get along with." Giyuu added.

"You're not exactly easy to get along with these days either." Tengen joked.

"She takes care of everyone, she's unselfish, smart, kind, caring, dedicated, hardworking, and a lot of other things as well." Giyuu said.

"You know how I know you truly love her?" Tengen asked

"How?" Giyuu asked.

"You didn't mention her appearance once." Tengen noted.

"What do you mean?" Giyuu asked.

"Well, clearly, you're different. But the first thing most men say about the woman they love is that they're beautiful. But you, you went on entire tangent purely based on her personality." Tengen explained.

"That's another thing, she's so beautiful and graceful. She's perfect. But I'm just... well... me." Giyuu said.

"I don't know if anyone has ever told you this, but you are a very attractive man." Tengen said.

"Really?" Giyuu asked.

"Stand up and come with me." Tengen said.

"I may need help." Giyuu admitted.

Tengen helped Giyuu up and walked him into a separate room, sitting him down in front of a mirror.

"Tell me, what do you see?" Tengen asked.

"Myself." Giyuu answered.

Tengen facepalmed as he realised he would have to explain himself.

"Well, yes obviously. Though as a man of flamboyance I'll tell you what I see." Tengen said.

"You have almost perfect skin. Like seriously, not a blemish or scar in sight, if my skin wasn't also perfect, I might even be jealous." Tengen joked.

"I... never thought about that." Giyuu said.

"You have incredibly clear and piercing blue eyes, truly a flashy colour. You're also in great physical shape, even if your body is a bit... broken at the moment." Tengen said with a small laugh.

"And your hair, it may be messy and unruly but it has great volume and you clearly take good care of it, it's quite healthy." Tengen explained.

"Wow." Giyuu said, unsure of how to respond to all of these compliments.

"Is your look a bit basic and unflamboyant? Sure. But you are nevertheless an attractive man." Tengen said.

"...Thank you." Giyuu said.

"Oh it's no problem at all. Besides if you ever want to do something about your lack of flashiness, I am more than happy to take you on a shopping spree. We can get jewellery, new clothes, we can cut your hair. It will be great." Tengen said excitedly.

"I... would like that." Giyuu admitted.

Tengen gasped in excitement.

"You mean it?" Tengen asked.

"I didn't mind the outfit you made me wear last time, it was... nice." Giyuu said.

"YOU REALLY MEAN IT! WHAT A FLAMBOYANT DAY! Plus I'm sure Kocho would love to see you in some nice clothes. I even heard she kept that picture of you in the suit you wore on our mission." Tengen said happily, causing Giyuu to go red again.

"MHM!" A voice called out.

The two men looked to the side and noticed a flushed faced Shinobu and the three smiling wives of Uzui Tengen.

"Oh... hello Kocho..." Tengen said slightly nervously.

"Look at you two getting along so well, I'm so happy to see that." Shinobu said, a smile on her face, though one that sent shivers down Giyuu and Tengen's spines.

"We're done. Shinobu-san gave us new poisons to dip our blades in." Makio said.

"That is great, we should really be going then." Tengen said nervously, shuffling out of the room.

"It is always great to see you two, I wish you the best of luck in your relationship, goodbye now." Tengen said, leaving the rest of the group and exiting the house.

"I wonder where he needed to go in such a rush." Shinobu said, the scary smile still on her face.

"We should probably go after him. Thank you for the help Shinobu-san. I'm sure this new poison will help a lot." Hinatsuru said.

"I'm super happy for you guys by the way. Like I totally knew it would happen, but still, congratulations." Makio said.

"I'm glad you found love Tomioka-san; we were all supporting you." Suma added.

"Well, he almost messed it up but I couldn't just leave him on his own. Look at that face, he looks like a lost puppy." Shinobu joked.

The women all laughed and Giyuu smiled.

"So, I would recommend leaving your weapons in the poison overnight to get a proper coating, but in a pinch, you can just dip them and throw." Shinobu explained.

"Thank you, now we're going to go chase after our husband that you just scared off. We'll see" Hinatsuru said with a laugh.

"Goodbye ladies, I wish you the best of luck on your mission." Shinobu said.

"Goodbye, I hope you all return safely." Giyuu said from inside the room.

With the Uzui family all gone Shinobu and Giyuu were once again left alone. A small silence set in as the two processed what just happened.

"I thought he was supposed to make us a meal tonight. Why would he leave in such a hurry?" Shinobu said, with her terrifying smile.

"I'm not sure." Giyuu responded, scared of angering her more.

"Oh well, I suppose we will manage." Shinobu said.

"S, now that he knows, everyone will eventually find out." Shinobu said.

"You're right." Giyuu agreed.

"I should go send the message to Mitsuri, if she finds out from someone else before me, she may freak out." Shinobu said.

"That is probably a good idea." Giyuu responded.

"Do you need help getting back to your room? I have to go help Aoi with some work as well but I'll come talk to you later." Shinobu said.

"No, I'll be fine. Enjoy your day." Giyuu said.

"Giyuu, we live in the same house, I will see you again today." Shinobu with a laugh.

"Oh... yeah." Giyuu said, slightly embarrassed.

"Don't worry, the thought was nice and you are definitely getting better at talking." Shinobu reassured him.

Giyuu nodded and Shinobu turned to leave.

"Wait... Shinobu." Giyuu said.

"Yes Giyuu?" Shinobu asked.

"Did you... really keep that picture of me?" Giyuu asked shyly.

Shinobu's face immediately turned red.

"I... have to go." Shinobu said, disappearing from the area.

What does that mean? Giyuu thought.

Giyuu sat for a couple of minutes then got up and walked back to his room. Thoughts of the conversation he'd had with Tengen floated through his mind as he continued to absent-mindedly walked.

He cares so much for his wives, it is very admirable. Giyuu thought.

At one point in time, Giyuu had thought of Uzui Tengen as a one dimensional, over the top, loud man. But the more he spoke to him the more he realised he was quite the profound person. His deeper thoughts and philosophies about the world and people were very interesting and even inspiring.

He remembered the speech Tengen had once given him about not letting demons take away their sense of self and individuality.

Maybe it is time I start dressing a little different. Maybe Shinobu would like that as well. Giyuu thought.

He arrived at his room and slid the door open. To his surprise the room was not empty.

"Hello Tomioka-san, I hope your recovery is going well." Tanjiro said, greeting him happily.

"Tanjiro?" Giyuu asked.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have waited in your room, you must be tired after your rehabilitation training." Tanjiro said.

"No, it's fine." Giyuu said.

"I know the last time we spoke you didn't seem very happy, but Aoi told me the good news so I thought I would come say congratulations." Tanjiro said happily.

"She what?" Giyuu asked.

"She told me about you and Shinobu-san dating, congratulations." Tanjiro said with a smile.

As promised my friends, new chapter. Hope you all enjoy and hopefully I will have one more chapter out by the start of next week.

Also I've been getting a few questions about my next story so I'll do a quick little response for everyone. So, I will not start another story until this one is finished, however I have already planned the storyline for the next one. It is another GiyuShino story, but obviously it'll be different to this one. It will most likely come out before the end of the year but yeah like I said I'm fully committed to finishing this story first so yeah.

Love you all, see you next time.

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