Chapter 48 - Conflicting Feelings

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With Shinobu Some Time Later.

Shinobu ran through the doors to the Butterfly Mansion, breathing heavily. She had run as quickly as she could from where she and Mitsuri were staying and the journey had taken a toll on her body.

She dropped to one knee as she struggled to catch her breath.

"Lady Kocho, are you okay?" A Kakushi asked.

"Where... are... they?" Shinobu asked through ragged breaths.

"They're both being treated as we speak, please take a rest." That Kakushi, clearly concerned for her.

"Which... rooms?" Shinobu asked.

"They're both in private suites, Lord Rengoku is in room 3 and Lord Tomioka is in room 5." The Kakushi answered.

Shinobu finally regained her breath and stood up. Taking another deep breath she began to walk.

"Where are you going, you need to rest, you're clearly exhausted and weren't you just on a mission?" The Kakushi asked.

"That is not your concern." Shinobu said, leaving the Kakushi.

Shinobu walked into her room and changed into another, clean uniform. She then made her way to one of the bathrooms and cleaned her hands and face. Looking at herself in the mirror she took another deep breath and composed herself.

Exiting the bathroom she made her way into one of the private suites and opened the door.

Inside the room were 2 medical team members and Aoi. Laying on the operating table was Giyuu.

They had removed his Haori and top half of his uniform.

"Aoi." Shinobu called out.

Aoi turned around and looked at Shinobu. Aoi's eyes were bloodshot and her eyelids were swollen, indicating that she had been crying. She clearly looked panicked.

"Aoi, you need to leave." Shinobu said.

"NO. I need to be here for him." Aoi argued.

"You need to go." Shinobu said.

"No, you can't make me." Aoi responded.

"You can't help him right now, I will work on him, but you need to go." Shinobu said.

"What are you talking about? I am an extremely qualified nurse and Lady of this household in your absence, now let me work." Aoi said, a couple of tears falling from her eyes.

Shinobu brought the girl into a hug and she broke down. She gripped Shinobu tightly and began to cry heavily.

"I know you are. But this is personal. I can't expect you to work knowing that he's like this." Shinobu said.

"Why... does... he keep... getting hurt." Aoi asked, still crying.

"He works hard, and this is what happens. But I promise he will be okay, now go. I will come and get you as soon as he is okay." Shinobu said.

"Thank... you." Aoi said.

The two separated and Aoi left the room.

Shinobu approached the operating table and saw the damage. She gulped when she saw the state of Giyuu's body.

There several large and concerning bruises across his body, the main one being in the middle of his chest. His arm was sickening. There was a clear break leaving his arm laying at a weird angle and severe bruising surrounding it.

"What are his injuries?" Shinobu asked.

"We only have early diagnosis, so we're not 100% sure. But from what we've observed he has severe bruising in multiple places across his body. The internal bleeding is quite bad and he sustained some fairly serious organ damage. As you can probably see his arm is broken, though thankfully it is a clean break. His chest wound is highly concerning, it appears as though the sternum is broken and it's placing some pressure on his heart." One of the medical team members explained.

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