Chapter 24 - The Corps Strongest Team

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That Night with Tengen and Giyuu.

Giyuu wore the same outfit from the night before, although this time with a new shirt and pair of pants.

"Now, do you understand the plan completely?" Tengen asked.

"I do." Giyuu said awkwardly.

"You seem uncomfortable." Hinatsuru said.

"It's probably just his feelings for Shinobu-san getting in the way." Makio joked.

"Makio." Suma protested.

"I do not like acting like this." Giyuu admitted.

"It'll be fine Tomioka, just please relax." Tengen reassured him.

"We will be right behind you, believe in us." Hinatsuru said.

"Yeah, we're really good Shinobi. Plus, Tengen-sama is there." Makio said confidently.

"I don't know how much use I will be." Suma said nervously.

"GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF GIRL." Makio demanded.

"Just remember, use your breathing techniques to lessen the effects of the blood demon art. I have encountered something similar before and found that's the best way to stay in control." Tengen said.

"I will." Giyuu responded.

"Tomioka, it's time. I wish you good luck. Should anything go wrong, please use these." Tengen said, handing Giyuu a small pouch.

"What is this?" Giyuu asked.

"It's a pouch of the poison tipped kunai we use." Hinatsuru explained.

"I see." Giyuu replied.

"The poison isn't strong enough to eliminate most demons, but it can leave them stunned or even paralyse the weaker ones." Tengen said.

"Understood." Giyuu said, hiding the pouch under his clothes.

Giyuu left the place they were staying in and made his way towards the bar. He was being trailed by the Uzui family, but could hardly notice them, even with his enhanced senses.

They are very talented. Giyuu thought.

He made his way into the bar and was greeted by the front door worker. He sat in the same place as the night before and waited. 10 minutes later he heard Mai's voice as she entered the bar.

"Well, well, well. My mystery man indeed returns to me." She called out, Giyuu turned and saw her walk in slowly.

"Hello." Giyuu said.

"So, have you been waiting long?" Mai asked.

"No." Giyuu responded.

"Oh, are you in a bad mood tonight?" Mai asked wrapping her arms around him.

Giyuu knew what was coming and concentrated on his breathing. He noticed the scent but managed to maintain his mental state.

"No, I am just tired." Giyuu said.

"Oh, I see. Why don't we get started?" Mai asked. Giyuu nodded as an answer.

"Bartender, can we get two of something to wake up my friend here?" Mai asked.

"Of course." The bartender said, leaving to make the drinks.

"So, is your brother here tonight?" Mai asked.

"No." Giyuu replied.

"He is your brother, right? It's just the first night you were here you said you were looking for a friend." Mai asked.

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