Chapter 55 - The Next Step

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1 Month Later

Giyu awoke to the sound of small feet shuffling and marching across the floorboards of the Butterfly Mansion. Sitting up from his bed and rubbing his eyes he noticed three small figures approaching him.

The curtains in his room were flung open and the light assaulted his waking eyes temporarily blinding him.

Giyuu winced in pain and shielded his face from the light.

"GOOD MORNING GIYUU-SAN!" A girl yelled out.

"It is time for your breakfast and medicine." Another girl said.

Giyuu's eyes finally adjusted to the light and he was greeted by the energetic faces of Sumi, Kiyo and Naho.

"We made you breakfast." Sumi said.

"Where is Shinobu?" Giyuu asked.

"There was a meeting to discuss what happened on your mission, now that you're not at high risk anymore Shinobu-sama decided it was okay for her to attend." Kiyo answered.

"Had they not already had a meeting?" Giyuu asked.

"No. With you and Rengoku-san both out of action it would have been a pretty lonely meeting." Naho said.

Oyakata-sama must have had a reason for waiting this long. Giyuu thought.

"So would you like your breakfast?" Sumi asked.

"Medicine first." Giyuu said.

"Right, here you go." Naho said, handing Giyuu a cup of medicine.

Giyuu quickly drank the medicine and began to eat his breakfast. It felt weird to him, this was the first time in a while he was not eating breakfast with Shinobu and it felt... lonely. The usually stone face water pillar looked even more off, which was noticed by the girls.

"Are you okay Giyuu-san?" Kiyo asked.

Giyuu looked up from his breakfast and looked at the girl.

"I am fine." Giyuu said.

"You just look a little... I don't know... different." Naho said.

"Yeah, is your breakfast not good? We can cook you another one." Kiyo suggested.

"No it's good, I am okay." Giyuu said.

"I believe there's something else wrong with Giyuu right now girls." A fourth voice called out.

Giyuu looked over to the source and saw Aoi walk through the door.

"What is it?" Sumi asked.

"I believe he is suffering from a rare and untreatable condition known as... love sickness." Aoi announced.

"Love sickness?" Kiyo asked.

"Exactly. It's a condition that affects all of its victims differently, but from what I can tell poor Giyuu here misses Shinobu-sama so much that eating breakfast does not feel right without her." Aoi said.

"WOW." The girls said in unison.

The look on Giyuu's face was exactly what Aoi was looking for so the girl sprang into action.

"Note the look on his face girls. When Shinobu-sama is around you never see his face that sad anymore." Aoi explained.

"What are you talking about?" Giyuu asked.

"He clearly knows what I'm talking about and him asking these silly questions is a deflection tactic. The only reason that he would use a tactic that obvious was if I had figured him out completely." Aoi said confidently.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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