The Hound, The Imp, and The C...

By rissarosewrites

68.1K 1.5K 69

Where three broken people find solace in each other. Katarina stark is the eldest child of Catelyn and Ned s... More

King is coming
Nice to meet you Sandor
Fake smiles
Plenty of time for love
Perfect for him
Pisses Rainbows
The slap
The wall
Goodnight Jon
Tear myself apart
New family
No rooms?
Dear hope
Trial by combat
Thank you sandor
Sansa was the instigator
He saw Her
Cat and Dog
Bedding Ceremony
I do love you sandor
Come back to bed
Hated most
Come on Flower
~Part 2~
No place i'd rather be
I am safe
Stark Bitch
Hit me hard
A real Killer
King of the North
Red Wedding
Rabbit stew
The List
Make my head spin
Brienne of Tarth
Kill me
I'll save him
Let me take care of you
Love isnt love until...
Good job Flower
Its snowing
I love him
White walkers
Meeting the dragon queen
Remember me?
Is it over?
Im not done!
No snow
non leg leg?
Family means nothing
More exciting things
Sisters again
Not today
I got to try
Tell them Bran
Keep an eye on him
Kings landing
Hello Brother
Any wine?
Forgive him
Hail the king
To the wall

Butchers boy

792 16 0
By rissarosewrites

 'what the fuck is a lady like you doing with a beast like the hound?' one of Berics s men asked looking kitty up and down licking his lips. Kitty didn't answer though as she rode silently with sandor as Arya stared at her confused. Gendry the boy she was with kept stealing glances at her as well.

'Who is that?' gendry asked arya quietly.

'what did you say this ones name was? She looks familiar.' Thoros said

'her name is none of your concern.' Sandor spat.

'That's Katarina Stark.' Arya told them.

'Stark?' thoros smiled back at arya. 'your sister?'

'My sister.' She spat the word like venom as if Kitty had done something to her, kitty had never done anything but want her family to love her.

They stood around a fire, they were no longer prisoners but they still were not free to leave. Arya stood across the fire. Not wanting to be near the hound. She wanted him dead. Why couldnt she kill him. Cross a name off her list. But kitty stood close to him. His arms still bound but kitty knew he could snap the binds if need be. She looked around hesitantly at the men, fire worshipers.

They were in a cave, a cave, dark and cold and kitty clutched to her cane like a life line to stay upright. Sandor was still tied up and although they were being kind and gentle with kitty she didn't like this. They had survived too damn much to be killed by fire people.

"I don't like this,' kitty whispered to sandor.

'aye, don't worry kitten, I will get ya out of here.' Sandor told her 'You look like some swine herds,' Sandor told them

'Insulting them... that's the route you want to go?" kitty questioned incredulously.

'We are much more than that!' one of the fire worshiper said

'You are still swine herd,' Sandor told him 'you think carrying a crocked spear makes you a soldier?'

'No' Beric said stepping forward 'fighting in a war makes you a soldier.'

'Beric Domdarrian,' Sandor noted seeing a man with an eyepatch stepping forward 'you've seen better days.' Sandor told him

'and I won't see them again.' Beric confirmed

'Stark deserters Baratheon deserters you're not fighting in a war you're running from it.' Sandor told them

'Last I heard you were Joffrey's guard dog. I heard you are 1000 miles from home... which of us is running?' Beric countered.

'Untie these ropes and we'll find out.' Sandor told him 'what you're doing leading a mob of peasants-'

'Ned Stark ordered me to execute your brother.' Beric told him 'In King Roberts name.' kitty sucked in a pained breath at the mention of her father. She loved her father. She missed him dearly.

'Ned Stark is dead' Sandor reminded him 'king Robert is dead. My brother is alive.' Sandor spit into the dirt. 'You're fighting for ghosts.'

'That is what we are,' Beric agreed 'we are ghosts fighting in the dark waiting for you, you can't see us. But we see you. No matter whoes colors you weare. Lannister, Stark, Baratheon, you pray on the week the brotherhood without banners will hunt you down.' Beric informed Sandor.

'You have been reborn, is that it?' sandor questioned.

'I have been reborn in the light of the one true God,' Beric told him. 'As have we all as has any man who has seen what we have seen-'

'If you mean to murder me then get on with it.' Sandor told them

'I don't think telling them to kill you as a good idea.' Kitty whispered and Sandeo look back to her apologetically.

'You will die soon enough dog' Thoros told him 'but will not be murder it will be justice.'

'And the kind of fate that you deserved.'

'In Kings Landing they rape girls of seven and they kill babe still attached to their mothers breast.' A worshipers called out.

'I wasn't there I don't beat children.' Sandor spat.

'House Clegane was built upon dead children.' Thoros reminded him 'I saw them lay the prince and princess Regar on the iron throne.'

'do you take me for my brother? Is being a Clegane a crime?' Sandor questioned. Kitty certainly hoped not, considering she was a Clegane now as well.

'Murder is a crime.' they shouted

'I never touched the Targaryen babies. I never saw them, never smelled them, never held them, never heard them crying.' Sandor told them 'if you want to cut my throat get on with it but don't call me murderer to try and justify it.'

'You murdered Mika.' arya shouted 'the butchers boy my friend he was 12 years old and he was unarmed and you rode him down, you slung him over your horse like he was a deer!' arya shouted

'Aye he was a bleeder' Sandor remarked

'You do not deny killing the boy?' Beric asked incredulously.

'I was Joffreys sworn shield, the boy attacked the prince.' Sandor told him

'That's a lie!' Arya shouted 'I hit Joffrey, Mika just ran away.'

'Then I should've killed you.' Sandor told her 'it's not my place to question prince's.'

'You stand accused of murder,' Beric told him 'but no one knows the truth of the charge so it is not for us to judge you only the Lord of light can do that now.' Beric told him 'I sentence you to trial by combat.'

'So who will be?' Sandor asked 'find out if your fire god really loves you priest? Or are you not good with a sword in your hand. Or is a little girl the bravest one here?' sander questioned looking to arya.

'She might be.' Beric agreed 'but it is me you will fight.'

'You kill me, you win.' Sandor looked the man up and down. 'you go free.'

'Lord cast your light upon us' Thoros said into the fire

'Cast your light upon us!' the rest echoed.

'I don't like this.' Kitty whispered as sandor was untied and given a sword and shield.

'Don't worry flower. Everything will be just fine.' He kissed her cheek and she took a step back, arya glared at her still before turning her wicked gaze to sandor.

'Show us your truth.' Thoros said 'strike this man down if he is guilty and give strength to his sword if he is true Lord of light give us wisdom for the night is dark and full of tears.'

'For the night is dark and full of terrors.' They repeated. Sandor prepared himself as thoros cut Beric's hand with a blade before handing it over to him, with his Cut hand he ran his hand quickly along the blade setting in a flame.

'It's OK it's just a bit of fire' kitty told him nervously 'you can do this I believe in you.'

'Thank you flower' Sander said nervously as Beric got closer

Sandors confidence diminished as his shield caught fire, then his arm caught fire as he fought, kitty held her breath as sandor fought. But he kept going. slamming against him sort of insured flaming ball of steel coming at him.

Killing beric, sandor fell putting out the fire as kitty moved to him patting him down with her cloak. As Sandor took down beric, beric died in front of them, thoros ran to his side. He began chanting into the fire, over berics dead body.

'lord cast your light upon your servant bring him back from death and darkness his flame has been extinguished don't let him die!' thoros prayed over beric, beric lay dead on the ground.

'looks like their god likes me more than your butchers boy.' Sandor said clutching his arm.

'burn in hell!' arya yelled, gendry had to use all his strength to hold back arya, vengeance in her eyes.

'he will... but not today.' Beric was rising up from the ground. The blow sandor delivered should have been fatal. Should have killed him. Arya stopped pulling at Gendry, stopped trying to attack sandor. He looked to the man.  

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