Escape [Fruits Basket OC]

By par13ker

75.2K 2.4K 563

Hatori paused for a second finding his choice of words. "I understand you and Akito are still at odds..... do... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
The Beginning
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Your Highness
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
He's Different
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
The God is Here
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
You Saved Me
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
The Original Story
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 4

3.5K 107 17
By par13ker


   One the other side Audri slowed down and moved to a steady pace. She walked down the street sometimes looking behind in fear that they would follow her but to her luck, no one was. She lived not to far from the Sohma estate because of guidelines.

  Despite her being kicked out, she still had to keep a certain distance close enough to the estate. To figure that Shigure and Hatori were aware of her address and didn't visit was a relief on her end. But the consistent phone calls was something she would have preferred them not to do.

   On her way home, she knew that there was one place that she had to visit as the date made it clear. With a long sigh and as the beating in her chest subsided to a steady rhythm, she sent out to the graveyard. The air grew heavily as soon as she stepped foot into the area.

   She has been visiting the same graveyard since she was a 3rd year in Highschool but, failed to suppress the guilt and weight of dread every time she visited. Her footsteps grew heavy but she didn't wear that dread on her face as she stepped in front of the tomb stone.

   It had fresh flowers and she knew who they were from. In honesty, she was glad she missed the previous visitors as she didn't believe she would be able to look into their face without breaking down.

   Every time around the same year she grew ill. She was unaware if it was the overload of work she put on herself in attempt to distract the constant voices and reminders in her head. Or was it the fact that this was the only time of year that she felt as if the missing piece of her heart, was really gone forever.

  Any other time it would be easy to tell herself that he was still here and just doing business elsewhere. Never mind any of that, this year hit her harder than ever after hearing about Tohru. Another outsider being dragged into the mess. The hell she's been bound to for her entire life and that yet to come.

   "She's nice", Audrina whispered and sat directly in front of the grave. "Too nice....."

   It was like this every time. Sometimes her state would be worse but considering Hatori was the one to fix her, she was well in health. Better than in comparison to her last visit where she threw up on the way there.

    "I'm sorry", she chuckled to herself. "I didn't even tell you what happened....... And don't get mad...... I kinda, maybe, almost, sort-of spazzed out..... twice."

   After explaining everything that occurred in the span of two days, it was black outside. The stars served their purpose by displaying sprinkles of light that blended to form a spotlight on the grave that Audri still remained intent to stay at.

  She didn't want to leave because after the rush of anxiety, she felt at peace. He always had that influence in her.

   "I have a question for you....... And don't get mad.", she paused waiting for a response that she hoped every time would get something. "Would you be mad if I.....  forget it."

   Silence filled the air again and her heart picked up as if she was speaking to a sold out crowd. No, instead she sat infront of a grave, having a full blown conversation like someone was there... listening.

  Ignoring her last remark that had her nervous for the first time in a while, offered up everything else that happened the past year. Her promotion, how she started working out in response to panic attacks, and of course...

"I really miss you. Like a lot."


"I know I have no right to say that.... and it's not fair for everything to be like this"


  "Ok ok I'm sorry. That's not called for", she got up and sighed. Then she started off, the night not holding her back from knowing the lay out of the grave site. 

  "I love you by the way", she mumbled to herself  before taking off to her apartment.


   The dim light of the moon was another source of light that guided her up the stairs to her complex and when she entered, took a shower, and dozed off on the couch writing in her notebook. It was around 3:00 a.m by that time she knocked off, her owl spirit allowing her to stay up at darkly hours.

    While Audri was visiting the grave site, the Sohmas that remained shocked at her outburst were left to dwell and wonder if they would ever see her again like that.

  Kyo, Yuki, Tohru, and Haru stayed in the dining room, each crouched in front of the table. Momoji being the exception as he had his arms wrapped around Haru, resting his chin on his head.

  "Audri lives in the outside as well", he whispered and closed his eyes. They had a hint of sadness to them and Tohru took notice.

  "Yea but as you can see we haven't seen her in a while. Sorry to drag you down in that hectic reunion.", Yuki took a sip of his tea.

  "Yea if you can call it that. She should of just stayed home.", Kyo scoffed. He faced the door hunched over.

   "I was hoping she would at least give us a chance. Kisa really wants to meet her." Haru chimed in and settled his elbow in the desk leaning his chin to rest on it.

Tohru was quiet up until Haru's quiet, "Wait she hasn't met the Kisa yet . How about Hiro?"

   He shook his head, "Audri is one year older than Shigure and as soon as she turned 19, she moved out. So Kisa and Hiro weren't even born yet."

   "Honestly, the closest one to her is Shigure, as you can't tell their relationship is almost as if they are a old married couple.", Yuki remarked.

  "Well despite everything I really like her and hope to see her again.", Tohru clapped her hand together. Being the optimistic person she is, she believed that Audri would come up again. And maybe, like the others she may want to get to know her better.

Outside his door, Shigure and Hatori stood to have a conversation themselves. "Akito knows", Hatori spoke and to that Shigure sighed.

  "Of course she does. And I presume she wanted a reunion with her before word got around.",  Shigure moved some of the hair that got in his face from the cool night wind.

   "Yea and she wanted to done tonight."

   "Oh well guess its time for me to visit.", he turned to slip his sandals on. The lack of hesitation in his voice made it clear he's been waiting for the right moment to go to her place. And this time he had a reason.

Hatori noticed how quick he was ready to leave his place. Let alone visit Audrina, "Maybe you should wait till tomorrow."

  Shigure paused and looked to the sky and sighed, "I guess you're right.........Then I'll be at her door tomorrow morning! A lovely surprise.", he lifted a finger and put on a snarky grin.

  Hatori sighed and shook his head. He walked past him to get Momji but before walking in the dining area, he paused, "Why don't I trust you with her.... Even after all these years.", he paused for a second finding his choice of words. "I understand you and Akito are still at odds..... don't reel her into it again."

   He didn't wait for a response and closed the door. Shigure looked over his shoulder it where he used to be. "I wish I could say no Doc....."


   The next morning came quicker than Audrina would have liked. Given she woke up to a knock on her door. She opted out to ignoring it but, it came again and again...... she groaned as she got up and stumbled a little. Her head and her body was still moderately weak. But enough that she felt over 90 times better.

  She didn't bother to look through the peep hole expecting it to be someone else. But once she opened the door, she was met with a 5'10, cloud-grey haired male that had a annoying grin.


   He didn't get the chance to say anything else as Audrina shut the door in his face. It didn't surprise her that he knew where she lived, but the visit was unexpect for they never bothered to show up. It was clear he was getting too comfortable.

   Her hair was a mess as she knocked out without covering it up. She didn't bother but to throw on a loose shirt and some shorts. Her figure was prominent despite the loose clothes. They didn't take away her curves or her long legs.

   With that she turned and tried ignoring his calls. And it worked, up until she heard the words that she dreaded for, "Akito wishes to see you"

   It was a moment before she opened the door again. And that was because she took a couple shots of whatever liquor she could find in her cabinet. No bother putting on a new set of   clothes because there was no one to impress.

  After so, she didn't say a word as she opened the door, and shut it to lock the door.

   Shigure watched as she walked to the stair case and smelt the faint scent of alcohol. He caught up to her and they took to the street. The only thing that she bothered doing was slicking back her hair that now resembled a puff on the nape of her neck.

  "Was alcohol really necessary", he teased and walked up beside her.

   She scoffed and nodded slightly. It was a silent walk that every time Shigure initiated a conversation, she turned him down like she normally does. Once at the estate, she honestly forgot where Akito stayed. So slowing down, she allowed Shigure to lead the way.

   She walked in behind him and saw her just sitting in the ground. The door on the other side was open and she just sat there. It was now or never. Audrina hasn't had a conversation with her in so long that she had to take in something to loosen up. And to that it did.

  She felt a little bold, either it was the alcohol or the built up rage that pressured her to walk up to the dresser that sat against the wall and sat atop of it. "What do you want"

  Akito didn't bother to turn but she did feel the presence of someone else in the room. "Shigure leave us"

   He glanced at Audri and then back at Akito. Both now staring at each other. The air got heavy and he didn't think twice to turn and walk out the door. Of course, he made sure to stay close in case things go awry. Which he knew would.

  While the door was open, all the light were out. The room didn't  contain anything but the dresser and a small table. The entirety of the room still smelt  like blood and tears that Audrina spaced out a little. The image of Yuki curled up in the corner of the room flashed in her brain. The view of Amrin.

   The weight of revenge that played through her mind when glancing at the other side of the room to the wall. His heat still prickled her skin. Nothing about this room gave memories that she didn't wish to have erased.

   It was a moment before either said anything. The white noise of water splaishinf into a bigger body of water filled the air. It was humid from the outside air. "How dare you return", the silence was sliced with her sharp words. Nothing behind that phrase meant she was glad for Audri's return. She had wished to get rid of her.

  Have nothing to do with her until she was forced to be in her presence once the time came.

"I wasn't adamant about seeing your face either.", Audri replied and stared her down. No sign of fear laced her voice or demeanor. And that instantly got her raging. Akito's blood heated.

  "This is why nobody likes you", she started. She slowly lifted herself , covered in the black kimono, her pupils were dialated the closer she got to Audri. To that she scoffed. She hasn't been in this room since she turned 19. And the same old tricks were being used to try and manipulate her or tear her down.

  "Really? I thought it was because of my quick wits, gorgeous smile, and ability to stand my own.", she rose her hands in confliction. It was out of her nature to talk in such a childish way but....... If she was going to leave this room without a scratch she would half to stoop down to her level. The playing fields were even now and even though that equilibrium, Akito still felt that intimidation. After all these years, Audri sat atop the dresser, no hint of change in her expression either.

    Akito stood right before Audri now and matched her height. The slim figure and crazy eyes did trigger a memory that flashed through Audrina's mind. Same position, same room..... different person. However, it was that that caused a vulnerable opening which  was used immediately.

   "It's a shame really, the only person who ever acknowledged you for something more than a toy....... took their own life. Figures."

   Audri's eyes widened and just like that, the wall she built up of the past 9 years, cracked. The wall along with the thousands of precautions to prevent a dent, were obscured by the thought of him. She didn't want to think about the cause of death. She tricked herself that it wasn't suicide..... it wasn't.

   "Care to explain to me why that is relevant....", her tone darkened. In fact it rose a little, "Your looking for the same girl who used to ask for your forgiveness. Mind you Akito, I haven't thought of you in 9 years, in fact the only reminder that you were still alive was when I thought about the curse. But guess what!", Audri stood up and towered over her, "I'm not that same girl, so these little tricks are not going to work on me."

   That's when Akito snapped, she didn't give no warning before she had slapped Audri across the face. It stung, and left a tingle feeling that resulted in a slightly pinkish mark. "I ALWAYS KNEW YOU WERE SCREWED UP! HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!"

   The uproar was ignored by Audrina as she continued to stare at her as if Akito was not spewing hate words or continuing to beat on her.

  That was something out her range because as much as she hated it, it was out of her zone to do anything other than spit a couple of combacts.

  The beating subsided but, upon hearing the commotion, Shigure along with Hatori, had already opened the door to the room. Audrina was thankful for their distraction as Akito turned to them.

"GET OUT!", she screamed.

   And of course the one person who it wasn't intended for, she had pushed herself from the dresser, head hanging low. She walked up to that where Shigure and Hatori stood moving between them as the cries continued. It was to an extent that Shigure had to step in and hold her back as Audrina walked out. But of course she couldn't leave without a goodbye on both ends.


"Nice seeing you too Akito"

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