The Sight Of Eternity With You

WeaselB3e द्वारा

3.7K 70 92

Harper Nonemacker has transferred as a third year into Hogwarts. The reason for the transfer? She's a Legilim... अधिक

The First Day Nerves: Third Year Start
Complex Being you are
Halloween frights
Let's Try Quidditch or Trust
Christmas and Dragon Bites
Totally Not Flirting
End of the Year
Come on, Be Our Guest
Fourth Year Blitz
All Signs Point To
Mindless Self Indulgence
I was Afraid, I was....
Both Sides of The Story
Loose Cannon
A Little Faster
Check Yes, Harper
The Glorious Fates
This is Halloween
Set it Off
Lonely girl
The Edge
Calm Before The Storm
Under a Paper Moon
Why Worry (About the Sixth Year)
Tell Me Why
The Liars and Sneaks
Caught Up In You
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Five Minutes to Midnight
Future Hearts/ Old Scars
Tell Me I'm a Wreck
Take On The World
When The Chips Are Down
Come To Your Senses
Listen To Your Girl
The Fear of Falling
Hard Times
Harper Is For Lovers
Million Dollar Baby
Haunting Me
Skeptics and True Believers
Harper is our Queen
Give Me Your Hand
What You Make It
If You Could Be Anywhere
Electric Love
The Hideaway
Young And Menace
Here With Me
Hurts Like Hell
Till Forever Falls Apart
Love From the Other Side
Alone Together
The World Is Falling Apart
Does Salvation Come?
Heaven Help Us
The Loneliest
Grow As We Go
Don't Let The Light Go Out
Say You Love Me
Maybe You Saved Me
Dance With Me
Lucky Star
Stay The Night
(Don't) Surrender
Nothing Else Matters
Paper Rings
Be My Escape
Harper's Law
Which to Bury?
In My Head
Out of My Mind
Running Up That Hill
Favorite Place
Your Love Is My Drug
If Not For You
Love Song
Where I Belong
Marry You

About a Girl

42 2 0
WeaselB3e द्वारा

"To be loved, to be loved
What more could you ask for?
To be loved, to be loved
Everyone wants
To be loved, to be loved
I'm not in love
I'm not gonna waste these words"
-About a girl, The Academy is...


George walked by the forbidden forest toward the area used for Care of Magical Creatures, scowling at the gilded carriages as he passed.

"Your face is going to stay like that if you continue," George groaned as he turned his head to see Marz coming up beside him. "Morning to you too."

"What do you want?" George scowled.

Marz shrugged, "I saw you and our little friend are getting pretty close recently."

"Just spit it out, I have class," George growled.

"Doesn't it scare you?"

"No, because I trust Harper," George looked at the blonde as she frowned, rolling her eyes.

"I trusted her as well, until everything happened with Marta."

"What exactly happened?" George sighed, knowing it would possibly be all lies.

"Ah ah ah, Harper should explain it."

"No," George stopped walking, he was about a head taller than the girl, he towered over her, folding his arms with a harsh glare. "You're going to tell me your version of events, so when Harper does feel comfortable enough to talk about it, I'll be able to know if you lied or not."

"So you don't trust her to tell you the truth?" Marz smirked.

"I don't trust you," George frowned, fixing his bag on his shoulder. "So I want to hear what you think you know."

"Alright alright," Marz sighed, fixing her caplet as she glared. "Most people believed Harper was very charismatic when they first met her: super friendly, and talkative. Except, her conversations always started with a topic that came out of nowhere, as if she were answering unspoken questions-which actually turned out to be true. It didn't seem odd at first, considering she is from a family of seers. But these were often very specific and pointed questions that we privately had but she brought them to light as effortlessly as breathing."

"That's not odd, you were-"

Marz held up a finger, "it happened again when Marta was having issues with her home. Harper asked Marta who knew about her parents and their high strung tendencies in the girl's schooling. No one. Not a soul brought it up, not a soul spoke about that topic, we weren't even talking about schooling at the time. Marta was simply thinking about how she couldn't fail or else."

"A lot of this is circumstantial-"

"When Marta started seeing Harper in her dreams, that's when the problems really arose." Marz continued, "that's when we started realizing Harper's little talent of being extremely charismatic, was not as charming as we thought."

George glared, the holes in the story didn't line up, but he would have to wait to speak to Harper. "Of course you don't believe me and that's fine, but I'm warning you. She's too dangerous for her own good. The fact that none of the student body seem to know what she can do is astounding...but I'm sure if they do find out, there will be hell like there had been at home."

"I've seen that girl go through hell and high water, she's perfect in every way. I've watched that girl overcome her biggest fears, hell she was attacked by a werewolf last year and brushed it off like a ruddy joke. That girl is as harmless as a glow bug."

"'ll hurt when that pedestal crumbles," Marz giggled, her accent grating against George's nerves.

"I'm late for class," George glared, walking away from the girl.

When George got to class he saw Harper and Fred talking together, he gave a strained smile as he tried to rid Marz's words from his mind.

"I'm sorry she cornered you," Harper whispered in his ear. A shiver went down George's spine, turning his gaze to Harper, she stood biting her lower lip as she studied him. He suddenly was scared, a feeling of ice covered him. When George looked back at Harper, he saw a pained expression briefly cross her face.

Harper stepped away from him and frowned, clutching her necklace he had gotten years prior. Her face was set in a harsh glare before she walked away and stood beside Marcus.

"Oh no...what'd you do?" Fred whispered beside George.

"I...." George paused, come on Harpsichord....Harper turned on her heel, her expression was strained as she smiled at him before walking over to the unicorns they were working with during class. "I messed up," George whispered, his heart plummeted and collapsed on itself, he noticed Harper flinch and clutch her chest slightly. Harper brushed off Marcus who looked slightly concerned as he patted her arm.

I can often feel how you feel

George remembered her words as he slowly reached into his bag, getting ready for class. It felt like eternity as time passed, he needed to get Harper alone. When class ended, Harper stared George down, her knuckles white on the strap of her bag as he approached.

"I won't stand in your way if you plan to run," George gave a small smile.

"Yes well...." Harper sighed deeply, pulling on his robes and pulling him off to the side, Fred giving a small wave before letting the two have their space. "I saw her corner you on your way here."

George nodded, interlacing their hands together, "I'm sorry if you took my silence wrong. I was mulling over what she'd told me-not that I believe her! But...I do want to hear about your expulsion when you're ready, sweetheart." He took a step closer, Harper trembling slightly as she averted her gaze. "Only when you're ready."

"I just heard the turmoil and I...I don't know what made me say something, I realize now it would freak anyone out...just like it use to, but...I just thought you saw me watching," Harper gave a sad smile, her breathing hitching slightly as she shook her head.

"For once I wasn't paying attention to you, my sweet, I'm sorry," George chuckled slightly.

Harper shook her head slightly, leaning forward and pressing her lips to cheek, "that sounds like a rare event."

"Sure is, love," George chuckled, pushing small curl behind her ear, he pressed his lips to her forehead. "Alright then?"

"Alright," she breathed, wrapping her arms around his torso and giving a slight squeeze.


"Is everything alright, Harpsichord?" George asked, they were walking toward potions together. George noticed Harper beginning to look tired and her focus wasn't on classes either for the last week, he worried the Beauxbatons were continuing to harass her after Marz approached him. Her mind seemed to be elsewhere lately.



"Weasley," Harper mocked back. Giving a dramatic sigh as she looked at the dungeons for their class. "I'm a bit exhausted, nothing to worry about."

"You're sure?" George asked before they slowly entered the dimly lit room.

"Cross my heart," she waved her finger over her chest and smiled. The smile not reaching her eyes as George frowned.

"You'd tell me if something were wrong?" George prodded as they took their designated table.

"Yes! Stop harping on me about how I look. I'm just exhausted, between patrols, Snape keeping me late after potions to check my occlumency, and offering to help with the decorations for the ball. I might've stretched myself thin this week. So you don't have to keep harping on me."

"Harping on you...Harper?" He tried to make a bad pun, hoping to get her to smile.

Harper gave a deadly glare as she pulled out her potions book and lit her cauldron. "I'll go to the ball with someone else....I do have options."

"Hmmm not if the options are all dead," George gave a Cheshire grin, laughing as he flicked his wand between his fingers.

"I'd enjoy seeing you try murdering some of the blokes who asked me...." Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Harper's mouth twitching as she continued to egg him on. "Let's see...Cormac was the first.....a boy from Durmstang I don't remember his name, just really Finnigan and Thomas....oh! Nott and Zabini over in Slytherin surprisingly. Then we have-"

"Nonemacker, are you trying to get me to bite? Because I'm not taking the bait," George snorted.

Harper leaned forward, smirking, "you know. I think he was friends with Krum. You know...Viktor Krum. The Bulgaria seeker. And I know exactly who Krum is going would be the best double date."

"I'm not buying it," George rolled his eyes, he shifted nervously in his seat.

"Uh huh," Harper grinned, laughing as she sat up straight and pulled her ingredients closer. "You know, with a crystal ball you can see different futures. I wonder if I can see who I'd look better dancing with...."

"Alright that's enough, ha ha, very funny, I know that's not exactly true," George frowned taking out his own supplies.

Harper chuckled, pinching his cheek as Fred appeared.

"Are we ridiculing George?" Fred asked excitedly.

"He threatened to murder people on my behalf."

"Well....I suppose that's....cute?" Angelina added as she situated herself. "Is it because you found out Harper had about ten people ask her to the ball?"

"Ten?! Bloody hell, Ange! You lot promised to interfere if blokes started appearing!" Angelina held up her hands, not wanting any part of it.

"It happened on my patrols," Harper muttered, a big grin on her face, twirling her quill between her fingers. "Anytime Diggory or Celeste found someone out past curfew....they made them a deal that they had to ask me to the ball in the most ridiculous ways possible right then and there, and we wouldn't give them detentions."

"I really don't like how much you're smiling," George said deadpan expression.

Harper laughed, shrugging as she flipped her hair over her shoulder, "it was funny!"

George scowled, clicking his tongue as Harper continued giggling. He felt Harper tap his knee with her foot, he rolled his eyes as he glanced up, her expression was apologetic as she mouthed sorry.

"I suppose I can't get mad at people with good taste," George winked. Fred and Angelina made gagging noises as Harper's cheeks flushed before she walked off to get more ingredients for the day's potion.

"I really regret trying to set them up sometimes," Fred muttered to Angelina who nodded in agreement.


Harper jumped on the couch beside Fred who sat writing a charms essay before a warm fire. A childish grin on her face as she looked up at him from her upside down position.



"How come you haven't paid up on your promise from last year?" Harper looked at her manicured nails, her smile widening.

"What promi.....oh...." He looked at Harper with wide eyes, "you see. I think that's completely invalid now, Harps. So if you please, I have essays to write."

"I'll write them all," Harper offered, her grin widening to the point her eyes were just brown specks, flashing excitedly. Fred stammered—looking like a deer in the headlights.

"Harper....I erm...I don't-you see-"

"You swore," Harper frowned, "I didn't know there was an expiration to it."

Fred leaned his head back on the couch and sighed dramatically, running his fingers through his hair and nodded. "You're really going to make me do this?"

"Well, I need a dress for the ball...." Harper mumbled, "unless I write home and get one sent over. But....I sort of want to pick something special, ya know?"

"Is there a way out of this?" She shook her head, Fred sighed heavily, "you tell a soul....I will enact a vengeance so cruel, your French friends won't be the worse of your nightmares anymore."

Harper grinned righting herself on the couch to pull Fred into a tight hug, "thank you, Freddie!"

In the morning, a very excited Harper and a begrudgingly distraught Fred ventured to Hogsmeade. It was too early for the rest of the group to be awake, so it made for low suspicions. Harper was practically skipping up the trail as Fred hung his head, pulling his hat low over his ears as they turned scarlet.

"I swear, one hour," Fred muttered.

"You're the one who promised this, Freddie! And I promise not to take forever," she smiled, bumping his arm as she laughed.

Fred rolled his eyes slightly, shaking his head at the excitement that was pouring off Harper in waves. He'd complain more about the predicament, but he did promise her last year, and Harper was so happy it sort of rubbed off on him. Thinking about it, he couldn't remember ever seeing her this carefree before, it made his anguish at agreeing slowly diminish.

The dress shop in Hogsmeade was a storage of silk tafata, chiffons, lace, and beaded corsets everywhere and in every color. Huge skirts, slim fitted skirts, ruffles, and more greeted them, Fred gave a horrified look around the shop. Harper quickly ran through the shop, pulling out multiple dresses she wanted to try and see Fred try on.

"One dress, one!" Fred protested, the store clerks stood behind the counter trying not to laugh while Harper loaded Fred's arms with dresses.

"For you, yes," Harper grinned. She pulled the fullest, puffiest, biggest looking dress she could find with an evil smirk. It was bright pink with a beaded bodice and a skirt that was so full it looked like you needed to step sideways through a doorway to enter a room. "Just one as promised."

Fred looked at the dress in utter disgust as Harper smirked, "Nonemacker. No."

"Weasley. Yes!" She looked around for any tiaras, grinning when she saw the small stand and held up a ruby red encrusted tiara set in gold. Holding it up to Fred, he looked revolted and ready to destroy the story at a moment's notice.

"What will make you stop?" Fred pleaded, Harper walking up and putting the tiara on top of his head-uncontrollably giggling.

"The longer you protest, the longer we're here and more people will show up!"

Fred gave a strangled yell of frustration before walking over to the changing room with the pink monster. Harper held her sides as she laughed, gathering a few more dresses for herself.

"Do I have to come out?!" Fred's voice called from the changing area, Harper couldn't contain herself as she pulled out Collin's camera she asked to borrow and ran over to the curtained area.

"Yes! Just two seconds! With the tiara on!"

As expected, Fred entered the mirrored area sideways from the changing rooms, glaring at Harper as she clicked the camera a few times. The dress had magically altered itself to fit his body, his biceps bulged underneath the pink poofs as he continued scowling.

"Oooooh this is wonderful! Don't you feel like a fairy princess?" Harper cackled, snorting into her hands as she doubled over.

"Yes," his tone was anything but ecstatic as he looked anywhere but at her. "Show those to anyone and you will suffer, Nonemacker."

"Calm down, Freddie! I promise," she was giggling uncontrollably. The clerks were hiding their laughs as they watched the school boy give a withering stare to his friend. "While you were changing I did pick out my dress, so get changed and we can leave."

"Really?!" Fred asked almost too excited to get this nightmare over with.

"Yep! But oh Freddie just one more, please?!" Harper begged, getting on her knees and shaking her hands in front of her, "just one more!"

"Will it make this nightmare end quicker?" He growled, blowing his fringe out of his eyes.

"Absolutely," Harper grinned, crossing her heart as she tossed another dress at Fred.

"I really thought you'd forgotten about this promise," he huffed behind the curtain.

"You should've prevented George from asking me to the ball, I was only reminded when I realized I needed something to wear."

"Rotten bastard," she heard him grumble.

Harper smiled to herself, humming as she waited for Fred to emerge-rocking on her heels as she stood with her new dress.

"Thanks for the outing, Freddie," Harper smiled when they were sat in the three broomsticks. She traced her nail around the rim of her Butterbeer with a thoughtful smile.

"Yeah, well....tell a soul and you'll regret it," he grumbled, a small smile on his face before downing his drink. "The things I've done for you, Nonemacker....I'm either the older brother, good friend, or boyfriend, not sure which at times," He chuckled.

Harper gave a grin, feeling giddy as her drink left a warm sensation in her stomach.

"I'm glad we're friends."

Fred gave a small smile, sighing as he tilted his glass toward her, "me too, miss prefect."

"I can't wait to frame this," Harper giggled, twirling the camera around the table. Fred gave a glare before he started laughing to himself, shaking his head.

"You and's much more nauseating this time around, think you'll last the school year?" Fred asked, leaning his chin on his palm and looking around at the other students that were slowly beginning to fill the pub.

"Oh well...I-I-I don't know," Harper stuttered, "we haven't made things official....I hope we do...but maybe it's better we don't? I don't know...I'm just happy with where we are, considering the situation...."

Fred was quiet for a moment as he nodded his head, "you look pretty together whenever you're around each other nowadays....and I haven't seen any other blokes pull out all the stops like he's been plotting just to ask a girl to a silly dance."

"Right," her voice was soft and reflective.

"You've already learned you have one hell of a support system, and you're not the same people. Especially you, Harps. It could work."

She looked at her cup and nodded slightly, chewing on her bottom lip, "I hope it does," her voice was quiet.

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