Scarlet Flower

By deadofwritesx

20.1K 762 331

Hanabi × Hanzo More

Shattered Scarlet Flower :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #01 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #02 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #03 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #04 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #05 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #06 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #07 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #08 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #09 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #10 :
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷𝟷:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷𝟸:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷3:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷4:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷5:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷6:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷7:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷8:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷9:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟸0:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟸𝟷:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟸𝟸:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟸𝟹:
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟸𝟻:
Chapter #26:
Chapter #27:
Chapter #28:
Chapter #29:
Chapter #30:
Chapter #31:

ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟸𝟺:

563 24 11
By deadofwritesx

Hanabi scoffed in disbelief while watching Hayabusa and both Grandmasters talk about their wedding. Fortunately, she managed to escape towards Hayabusa yesterday but again she's being forced to be with him and desperately wants them to get closer.

' How annoying '

She also tried to escape to check up on Hanzo but her father always has someone following her which is also Hayabusa. She's anxious about it that she began to think that they might have known her relationship with Hanzo but also feel scared to figure their minds out. ' Perhaps, my father only wants to spend more time with me. Yes, right! ' she discusses inside her mind.

Her brow lift unconsciously and said " seriously? " unintendedly that made the men look in her direction. Hanabi's eyes widen realizing that she said her thoughts out loud. She blinked and swallowed hard " I mean the wedding, isn't it too rush? "

" I thought you like me, we're doing you a favor," Hayabusa said, lips in a straight line, totally bored but anxiousness is also apparent on his face.

Hanabi scoffed " aren't you being so full of yourself too much? Clarification, I liked you. Past tense "

Hayabusa simply shrugged his shoulder and get on his feet. He was about to take a step but a hand hold his wrist which made him stop and slowly set his confused eyes on her.

" Where are you going? " she asked.

Hayabusa's brows furrowed and looked at her hand holding his wrist " let go " he said in a monotone.
" I wanna go with you " her brow arched and her eyes were twitching, simply telling him 'take me with you or else?'

His crumpled brows deepened while looking at her desperate expression. He got some business to take care of and he's not sure if he'll let her come with him. He kinda feels uneasy cause knowing Hanabi she definitely ruins everything. Suddenly, the expression on Hanabi's face changed and was replaced with a wide grin. His brow arched while following her slender fingers intertwined with his as she get up on the floor.

" Grandmasters, please will you perhaps excuse us cause we got a date to enjoy too and we don't want to waste such a lovely occasion," Hanabi said, a sweet smile was drawn on her face while looking at both Grandmasters, secretly hoping to allow them to finally get out of the headquarter. On the other hand, the man beside her was too stunned to speak and not taking his eyes off her. Hanabi must have sensed it resulting in her meeting his gaze and arching her brow.

" Is that true Hayabusa? " the Scarlet Grandmaster asked, a wake-up call for Hayabusa to finally blink and shift his attention to the two most respected people in their village.

He clears his throat and pulled Hanabi's hand to bring her stand closer to him before nodding his head.

" so please do excuse us " he utters and hastily dragged Hanabi out of the headquarter, not minding how both Grandmasters will react to his rude action but they're going to marry each other soon anyway so he's actually unbothered.

As they reach the market, Hanabi instantly lets go of Hayabusa's hand which made the shadow ninja look at her but with an emotionless expression on his face. Well, nothing's new.

" Thanks... about earlier," she said, a lightly appreciated smile evident on her face before slowly turning into an excited exclaim.
" Bye, then " as she waves her hand and immediately run off from his sight having no intention to listen to his response.


Heavy pants escaped her lips while wiping her forehead which is currently full of sweat using the back of her hand. Her floral kimono was also crumpled with all the running she did before reaching her destination.

A smile slowly appeared on her face as she watches the crystal-clear water on the river. The hushed water on the river was non-verbally telling her that she finally got to escape from everyone's suspicious eyes and all she knows is that she can finally breathe fresh air without minding everyone and all she should worry about is Hanzo.

" I know you'll find me here " she whispered in the wind.

She temporarily closed her eyes and feel every movement and energy surrounding her. She can hear the squirrels jumping off the trees, the hushed flowing of the river, and the leaves dancing and falling through the whistling wind, and when she finally recognizes a dark aura, her lips instantly formed into a curve. She was about to open her eyes but a tight grip encircled her waist and she came flying in a fast phase towards the river. It was so fast that all she can do was close her eyes as her back hit the water and the following events made her heart skip a beat. A familiar soft thing touches her lips as his grasp on her waist tightened, pulling her closer to him and all she did was surrender to his drowning kisses.


"How did you find me? " Hanabi asked while watching the Akuma ninja take his upper cloth off before handing it to her she actually reaches and squeezes it before drying her hair using his cloth.

" I heard you "

They were currently sitting in a tree trunk while facing each other. They agreed to see the sunset before heading back to their respective residence.

Hanabi can't help but smile while brushing her hair using her fingers. It feels new for her to see him in front of her and look at her with mixed emotions visible in his eyes. His thick brows and seemingly drunk stares were stirring something inside her. His pale skin elevated pointed nose, and cherry lips felt so new to her that it takes her to stare at him for a few minutes before believing that he was actually finally in front of her.

" so, how are--- "
" Don't you miss me? " he cuts her. Hanabi blinked a few times before answering " o-, of course, I do " she badly wants to pinch herself for acting flustered in front of him.
" that's all I want to hear " he uttered, a light smile visible on his face.
" o- oh... " she stutters and simply bows her head, looking at her damp kimono.

She feels stupid for anticipating that he's going to say that he misses her too. She doesn't know what happened and what changes happened for them to feel awkward with each other. All she knows is that she's hurt and confused at the same time.

" Hanabi " she slowly lifts her head and looks at him with a straight face.
" yes? "
" look," he said while pointing his index finger to the now red-orange sky.

The sun finally set and it was too captivating for them to share an awkward atmosphere. She badly wants to ask how he was doing while she was away. She wants him to wrap his arms around her and cuddle while watching the scenery in front of them. But sadly, something feels off, and her heart sinks for an unknown reason. She finally got attached to him and seeing him acting so cold was a stab in her chest. Strange thoughts were pouring into her mind as that perhaps, she fell too soon and it turned him off because he might think that she was easy to get. She knows it's ridiculous to think of that but she just can't help it.

Twilight came and they didn't had even a decent conversation and it annoyed her. She was currently standing and looking at the river as the water reflects the bright moon in the sky while hugging herself. It was so cold and her damp kimono was adding to it. Why would he even throw her in the river in the first place? It was pissing her off now because she felt like freezing and slowly turning into an human ice on the spot.

Hanzo wasn't with her because he's collecting woods to make a fire. She still have his cloth resting on her shoulder and not even a single guilt hunted her for letting him walk in a dark and cold forest without a cloth.

" He's almost centuries years old now. I'm sure he can handle his self " she mumbled.

" right " a chuckled made her flinched and turned on her back. A fire was already lit.

" right " she repeats while arching her brow and looking seriously at his smirking face.

He put both his hands on his pocket and looked at her from head to toe. Hanabi feels a tingling sensation between her thighs on how perfect looking this man is in front of her but she managed to keep a straight face and arched her brow higher.

" turn around " he smirked.
" what? " her temple crinkled.
" turn around, Hanabi "

His voice seems have a manipulating magic on it that the female ninja indeed slowly turned her back on him. Hanzo chuckled silently as he started striding towards her while Hanabi is biting her lips for actually doing what he said. The strong, independent, uncontrolled woman era have finally come to an end everyone.

Hanabi can feel him already standing so close behind her that her heart began to go wild. She flinched when suddenly his hand carresed her hair and place it on her left shoulder. Her eyes unconsciously shut feeling his breathe touching her nape. Her body did another flinched when a soft thing touched her neck and began on leaving little kisses on it. All she can do was grasp the hem of her kimono while giving her best to stop the urging sounds to escaped her lips.

" I missed you " he mumbled roughly and encircled his arms on her waist making their body to touch that made her sigh in pleasure.
" s- stop "
" make me "

Hanabi bite her lower lip when his teeth bite her shoulder and began to lower her sleeves but stopped midway when it almost reach her chest.

" I missed you " he whispered and buried his face on her neck.
" can we just stay like this for a while? I really miss you that I badly want to ripped all your clothes and make love with you on this spot "

Hansbi can't help but grin while listening to him. He's just so cute and perhaps horny? But he said make love instead of fuck so she'll let it slide.

" is that so? " Hanzo simply nodded and tightened his hug around her.
" You were acting strange earlier so I thought maybe you lost interest on me "

Hanabi flinched once again feeling his lips on her nape giving it a quick kiss " What are you saying? That's not going to happen. I am so drown on you that I can't move my body to swim and ascend anymore " he whispered and the lady ninja simply chuckled feeling him pouting his lips.

And once again, she proves to herself that she's too vulnerable for him. No matter what he do she's still going to be with him and she'll never leave his side until all of her shattered.


Hanabi waves her hand while looking at Hanzo's retreating back. He insist to accompany her home but she refused and said she can handle herself and made him go first instead.

After making sure that he was finally out of her sight, she then began to stride back on the way to their village. She'll just going to make excuses once Hayabusa and the other asked her on her whereabouts.

As she thinks of it, she realized that she hadn't seen neither Sana or Mina, even Julian especially Kagura. She badly want to spend time with them just like before.

Hanabi only sigh as she hugs herself feeling the cold breeze slapping her skin.

" why is it so cold right now? " she whispered to herself while rubbing both her palms and putting both on her cheeks.

While continuing on her path she noticed a silhouette standing right in front of the tall and wide gate fence of their village. She narrows her eyes and based on its build and height she's certain that it was a man. While slowly approaching the man it gradually became clear and she could finally able to recognize him. She waves her hand and smiled but it also slowly fades seeing his serious expression while also striding towards her direction.

" Hayabusa, what are you doing here? " she asked when Hayabusa was finally standing in front of her. Her brow arched sensing that he doesn't have any intention to answer her question. Hanabi let out an irritated hissed and was about to walk passed him but his strong hand suddenly grip her wrist making her stop and groan in pain.

" let go of me " she gritted her teeth in annoyance and pulled her wrist out of his grip but he was way more stronger than her so she only rolled her eyes skyward and let him be.
" I'm warning you, let go "

She clearly saw his jaw tightened while his eyes were twitching and raging as they look through her soul. Hanabi swallowed the lump on her throat as she once again force her wrist out of his grip. Hanabi doesn't want to think that he followed her earlier and saw her with the Akuma ninja but what if he really did and witnessed all they did.

" Hanabi, you... you're not what I'm thinking you are. Are you? "

Hanabi grunt in pain as his grip tightened on her wrist while he was looking at her like he's going to kill her any moment if she says exactly what he was referring to.

" H- Hayabusa, you're hurting me " she rashly grab his hand and pull it away but everytime she put more strength his grip was also tightening each and every pressure that results for her wrist to bleed.

" answer me "

As her tears began to drop, pure white snowflakes also began to fall out the sky. As she pleads and cry, a strange voice also suddenly intered her mind. She began to feel numb and her heart was aching so much that it made her scream and squeeze her chest so hard that she wishes to just ripped it and grasp her heart out. Hayabusa might have noticed it and was finally back on his sanity and instantly let go of Hanabi's bleeding wrist.

" Hanabi! "

Hanabi only continued on squeezing and punching her chest as her cries get louder. She slowly lost all her strength and gradually fall on the ground but fortunately Hayabusa is with her and catches her body before it could even touch the ground.

" M- Mina, she's... she's calling me... S- she needs my help " she uttered before her sight slowly turned into black.


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