celestial paradox

By feariteriu

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A boy stood tall, his eyes twinkling with promise as he said, "Let the sky fall, we'll face it all together."... More

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Chapter one: your best american girl
Chapter two: brooklyn visions academy
Chapter three: sweet
Chapter four: deep blue
Chapter Five: I won't run
Chapter Six: climbing walls?
Chapter Seven: you're supposed to be dead...
Chapter Eight: It's called freefall
Chapter Nine: never leave you lonely
Chapter Ten: I promise
Chapter Eleven: all the things she said
Chapter Twelve: so tonight that I may see
Chapter Thirteen: I didn't know
Chapter fifthteen: I guess that was goodbye
Chapter sixteen: fear is not my future
chapter seventeen: wish me luck
Chapter eighteen: collide with the sky
chapter nineteen: doomsday
chapter twenty: a date with destiny
chapter twenty one: journey to the past
chapter twenty-two: spiderman always get's up
chapter twenty-three: always and forever

Chapter fourteen: skyfall

1.6K 62 31
By feariteriu


MILES ACTIONS HAVE YOUR JAW TO THE FLOOR. Who was this boy and what did he do with your Miles Morales Everyone seemed to think the same, staring at the back of his head in aimless wonder. Could it be you, was this all it took for him to take charge...

You being in danger. Who would have thought?

Wherever this newfound confidence came from you weren't going to complain, it was rare when Miles got a sudden boost of confidence and when it happened nothing could get in his way.

So as you look down at him, in the clutches of the villain you both face. You let some of the panic leave your body because you know he's going to get you back

And right as he takes another threatening step forward there's a crash and now there are three new people added to the equation. They walk in as if they owned the place, no fucks were given as you look at their villainous faces.

"You messed up big time, kid. Very sloppy." One of them says. He's tall and gray. From his head to his toes his skin and hair. He seemed to be the most normal one out of the three intruders.

You can't help but feel less threatened as the words spill out his thin chapped lips. The man was built like a lanky Tumblr sexy man with no powers evident, how else were you supposed to take him? Seriously? That had to be a joke.

One of them say something in Spanish but you only catch a few words, thanks to Miles. Those words being 'look' and 'spiders' you were going to touch up on that later.

"Let me guess. You're scorpion. Well, we're the Spider gang." You knew he said those words because he felt threatened but the wave of cringe came and there was nothing you could do about it.

"Would you mind taking this outside?" Aunt May then speaks up, making a valid point. Her poor house was about to get recked the least they could do was fight out in the open and not her house.

"We don't pick the ballroom, we just dance." And the next thing you know chaos breaks out. Everyone finds their respective opponent fighting them despite May's wishes.

Olivia drops you once she gets punched in the face. You smile with glee. But you take one step forward. One step forward and you're grabbed by the waist, again, flying through the air like a helpless doll in a child's hand. Olivia takes you out the doors and drops you in the arms of, "Holy shit." Aaron. He looks down at your hooded face unable to recognize you. He places you down and you stand there confused.

"I- Uh." For the first time, you don't know what to say. Do you tell him who you are? Could you still trust this man? Or do you keep quiet and wait for someone to come get you?

All those options seemed to end with your death.

It just had to be you, huh?

You look around you to see where you were and see that you're on top of another house, away from all the conflict.

The prowler then used cuffs on your hands and you wish you took the chance when you had one to do something. You hated feeling weak, powerless, disposable like a burden. You despised waiting for prince charming to say the day. You were not princess peach.

This feeling was something you wished to never feel again.

Your thoughts stop when you feel an arm around your waist and the air on your face. And another roof is what you land on. You open your eyes to see that you're on May's house again.


It was at that moment that he dropped you down to the ground.

You see Miles tense up, he made an attempt to move but a feeling washed over every spider in the room.

You could tell Miles was affected by it the most because he shakily looked out the window covered in curtains to see a looming shadow passing by. He was flickering between opaques, turning invisible, seconds at a time.

A loud crash echoed through the room as a large figure burst into the window landing square in front of Miles. The Prowler. Peter crouched into the corner of the wall, "I got this!" He jumped at the Prowler as Miles stared at them fighting in complete horror.

You turned your head, just in time to see Miles pick up the goober and Peter launching the Prowler through the wall.

"You gotta go, man." Is the last thing Peter says before Miles makes a break for it.

That's when everyone began to take the fight outside. You grunted as Scorpion leaped into the air, using his pointy 'legs' to step on Gwen. You ran across the top of the roof, propelling yourself in the air hoping that Miles would catch you, he did.

Landing in his arms he looks down at you horrified. "What the fuck is wrong with you??" He had a point, what were you thinking? Of that's right, you weren't. You give him a light shrug and drop out of his arms. "I knew you would catch me." And you stand in front of him.

There was no point in jumping off the roof because you found yourself back on it by a harsh pull, a yelp leaves your lips as you're soaring through the air and landing in front of the Prowler, again.

He looks down at Miles, "If you want your girl you better come get her." He comes upon you until Miles appears before him, answering his call, "Stop!" He shouts, but Prowler grabs him by the neck.

"Nowhere left to run for you and your girlfriend," Prowler said and he raises his right hand, making the claws come out. That's when Miles pulls up his mask to show who he was. "Miles?" Prowler asked, confused. "Uncle Aaron," Miles whispers to him and Aaron removes his mask as he looks at his nephew in shock.

Then he looks over at you, and it's as if he can finally see clearly. Everything clicks, and the last puzzle pieces fitted. "Is that..?" He started to ask and Miles gives a slight nod to him. His head dipped in sorrow. "Oh, no, no, no, no, no," Aaron mutters in despair. "Please, Uncle Aaron," Miles whispers, pleadingly.

"Prowler? What are you waitin' for? Finish it." Kingpin ordered as he sat in the car outside of the house, watching the whole thing unfold. Aaron looks over his shoulder then back to Miles. And it's like time stopped. What was he doing?

Chasing around two kids. Two kids who were his nephew and niece. Aaron couldn't wrap his head around it. Was he so blinded with power that he couldn't see the two people he started doing this for in the first place, the two people he wanted to protect were the ones he was trying to kill.

The man looks down at his hand that tightly holds his nephew's neck. One look in his eyes, one look. That's all it takes for him to lower the mask on Mliles's face. He then let him go, gently dropping him to the ground the man backs away from him in shame and disgust.

But that was his one mistake.

At that moment, a loud gunshot goes off and Aaron falls backward and lands next to you. Miles runs over to Aaron and then looks over to see that it was Kingpin that shot him. Kingpin was about to shoot Miles when Peter comes up and sends his foot into his face. "Get out of here!" Miles looks over at you. "What about you?" Miles asked, concerned, and Peter makes his way up to the roof.

Kingpin drives off like the coward he is once he sees the job is done.

You grab the boy's hands and manage to give him a fake smile, the grief still hanging low in your eyes, "Don't worry about me, just go!" Miles looks at you with something you can't read in his eyes, an emotion you have yet to uncover, to understand.

Giving you a small nod the boy kisses you on the cheek which seems to linger for far too long, his hand finds your face. "I'll come back for you." Your head leans into his warm hand, "I know, you always do."

Miles nods and lets go of your hand. Miles slowly pulls away from your embrace. The boy looks down at his uncle his heart clinches as he grabs the man. Miles shoots a web and swings away just as the cops come in.

Peter watches Miles leave then looks down at you. "You okay kid?"

"Y-Yeah. Why wouldn't I be..?" You gently whispered, afraid to speak, afraid to move. You feel Peter's hand on your shoulder and you flinch. Your eyes met his, and he looks, "It's okay." He's sympathetically speaking to you.

As soon as Miles was out of sight you felt your shoulders fall. Your resolve broke and you stopped being strong for him, you let go as your eyes met Peters once more. "He's D-Dead-" He shushes you before you can say the words. "Come on let's go inside," Peter whispered as he picks you up and then takes you back inside to May, who showed him the spare room for you.

Placing you down on the bed he then sits down next to you and it's like a dam breaks. Peter pulls you into his side and lets you let go for the first time in hours.

"I got you, kid, I got you."

Your sobs of agony are all he hears for hours to come.

. . .

Bile stung at my throat as my stomach tied itself in a million tiny knots. Silence consumed the small space of May's living room, so thick that I worried it would seep into my lungs and suffocate me. A part of me wished that it actually would suffocate me, knowing that death would certainly be easier than dealing with the situation at hand.

My mind was reeling, struggling to actually grasp any of the information that Peter had just relayed to me. It had come out as little more than a blur of words; multiverse, string theory, multiple Peter's, villains from another world. All of those things as complicated and confusing as they are, were somehow easier to understand than the very last thing he said, his voice just barely a whisper.

Aaron is dead.

I forced myself to look up from the floor, my gaze immediately meeting Peter's, then shifting to Gwen. Neither of them seemed to know what to do, how to even begin clawing through the tension engulfing us. I was just as lost as they were.

And when I finally allowed my eyes to drift toward Peter again I felt my heart drop into my stomach.

A sharp copper taste flooded my mouth as I dug my teeth into my bottom lip, an attempt at fighting against my own emotions as they began to bubble to the surface. Now wasn't the time to panic. It wasn't the time to grieve. I knew better than to let myself fall apart. Peter refused to let his stoic mask falter, refused to show us the true depth of what had broken inside him, but we could still see that the moment any of us allowed ourselves to crumble, Miles would come tumbling down alongside us.

"What do you need me to do?"

◌︎ ◌︎ ◌︎

Miles places Aaron down in an alleyway, and a few coughs leave his lips, "Miles." Aaron groans. Miles shakes his head telling the man not to waste his breath. "Uncle Aaron." He said, tearfully, carefully. And he can't meet his eyes to ashamed of himself, "This is my fault." He whispers eyes finally locking with his.

Aaron shuts down the claws that had his hands in cased and pulls his hand out taking Miles's. "No, Miles. I'm sorry. I wanted you to look up to me. I let you down, man. I let you down." He said as Miles takes his hand and holds it.

"You're the best of all of us, Miles. You're on your way. Just keep going... just keep going." Aaron said as Miles's eyes filled with tears and just like that, Aaron lets out his last breath.

And Miles sits there shocked, he's paralyzed. He looked down at the man, his tears blurring his vision as he realizes, he was gone.

Miles places his hands on his head and he can't stop the harsh sobs that break through his chest. They force their way out and there's nothing he can do to stop them because this is real, and his uncle is dead.

Things can't get any worse, he thought. But they do.

"Hands up! Put your arms up. Now!" A voice shouts and Miles knew that voice, how could he not? It was the one person he was dreading all day.

Miles complies, he raised his hands as his dad shouts. "Turn around." At him, and so Miles starts to turn but just then as he turns Miles is no longer visible. The boy's father jumps in terror at his disappearance.

"Hey! Hey!" He shouts, but it isn't long till the man looks down to see his brother's limp body. "Aaron?" He says confused. "Aaron, no. No!" His dad cries as he kneels to his brother. How was he here? Aaron said he was out of town.

How was he here?

None of that mattered. Davis raises his hand to the radio on his shoulder. "All units. I want an APB on a new Spider-Man." l

He orders while Miles, still invisible, watches from above.


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