Percy Jackson and The Lightni...

By gemmmfray

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We've all heard the hero's side of the story, but no one seems to care about the ones in the other side. We j... More

The Meeting of a Friend's Family {Chapter I}
The Making of a Better World {Chapter 2}
The New Arrival {Chapter 3}
The Transfiguration of Grace {Chapter 4}
Our Newest Camper {Chapter 5}
A Fight that Created Suspicion {Chapter 6}
Capture the Flag {Chapter 7}
A Quest Amidst a Storm {Chapter 8}
Sparring and Closer Relations {Chapter 9}
Climbing and Newspapers {Chapter 10}
Monsters In My Head {Chapter 11}
Gossip at the Table {Chapter 12}
All About Combat and War {Chapter 13}
Everyone Here is a Myth {Chapter 14}
The Explosion {Chapter 15}
Achievement: Trust Gained {Chapter 17}
New Update: Just a Lovely Water Park {Chapter 18}
Fight for Focus {Chapter 19}
The Days of Silence {Chapter 20}
Gold Influences Decisions {Chapter 21}
Another Dream of Danger {Chapter 22}
Plan 29 {Chapter 23}
An Ambivalent Dilemma {Chapter 24}
So Long, Farewell {Chapter 25}

The Secrets in the Forest {Chapter 16}

36 0 0
By gemmmfray

I stepped inside and was happy to see that no one else was in my cabin meaning I would be able to have time to think things over. I plopped down on my bed.

So what all has happened these last couple of weeks? I was recruited to become a spy for the titans, war has started brewing between Poseidon and Zeus, a child of the Big Three came to camp, Percy and Annabeth and Grover went on a quest to find Zeus's master bolt, Percy fought the furies, Medusa, and blew up the arch. Is that everything? And to think all of that happened in the past two weeks.

My mind wandered back to Luke and the news he had just showed me. I wondered what monster Percy had to fight that would end up blowing up the Arch. Wait a minute. How had Luke known which channels to go to in order to watch what was happening? And how had he known ahead of time what was happening at the Arch? Those reports were live. There was no logical way Luke could have known. Then again, when there are deities ruling over everything, what even is logic? But still. Who told him? I need to ask him that. And I forgot to ask what side he is siding with.

I stood up from my bed and walked out the door, hoping to find Luke and ask him my other questions. I paused beside Hestia's hearth, wondering if I would be bothering Luke. Then I remembered that Luke had told me to come to him anytime if I had questions. So I walked on. I knocked on the door of cabin eleven assuming that Luke was still there.

The door opened but it was Connor and Travis, not Luke.

"Hey Silena. Whatcha doing here?" Connor asked me.

"I'm looking for Luke. Have you seen him?"

The boys turned to each other and nodded. They looked back at me and started acting like the immature boys that they are. They began making faces like they were kissing an invisible person. Why did they have to act so childish? I mean sure, I was in love with Luke but I didn't need everyone knowing that. Least of all the Stoll boys.

"Guys stop! I am not in love with Luke. Can't I just talk to a guy without being in love with them?"

"Not when you are a child of the love goddess," Travis replied.

The boys kept trying to make fun of me but they were laughing too hard now to do anything.

I tried protesting, but Connor interjected between his laughing, "You are so obviously in love. You are blushing so bad right now." 

"What's going on over here?" Eugene Knight asked as he and his twin, Pierre, walked over toward us. Eugene and Pierre Knight are twin boys of Hermes. Although they are twins, they look nothing alike. Eugene looks more like Hermes while Pierre looks more like their Korean mother. You know, when I think about it, I never really see them around. Unlike the Stoll brothers, the Knight twins aren't really that famous around here.

"Ooh! Is it the? Y'know?" Pierre excitedly answered.

The Stolls smiled and looked from them to me.

"Oh, for your information Silena. It's obvious," Pierre said.

"Wait, you told them? The least you can do is keep it to yourself," I said to the Stolls.

"Oh, no, they told us," Travis answered.

"Hey, keep it down," Eugene reminded Travis.

I wondered what that meant but I really want to speak to Luke before curfew. "Guys, please. Do any of you know where Luke is?"

"Yeah, I do," Eugene said. "Pierre and I will take you to him."

"We will?" Pierre asked. Eugene nudged him. "Yes... we will take you to him."

I assumed that something was going on but I really wanted to speak with Luke.

"Follow us," Pierre said, pulling Eugene and walking away.

We started walking but I wasn't really paying attention in which direction we were going. I was staring at the ground so that I wouldn't make eye-contact with the boys and hopefully they wouldn't ask me any more questions or tease me anymore.

"So, Luke huh?" Eugene teased. I definitely just jinxed it.

"Hey, I-," I protested.

"Stop trying to deny it, Silena," Pierre said, "Ooo, I just realised, are we allowed to call you Silena or should we call you Counsellor Beauregard or something?"

"FYI, calling you Counselor Beauregard sounds weird. So, if you tell us we can't call you Silena, we would probably still will," Eugene informed.

"Yeah, Silena's fine," I looked around at the forest around me. "Wait. Where are we?"

"Can't tell you," they both said in unison.

"You just lead me here," I reminded them.

"Yeah, but you weren't looking at where we were going or anything. So, we'll probably just blindfold you on the way back," Pierre said.

"That's ridiculous."

"We're masters of ridiculous," Eugene said, "Ok, wait a sec, like I mean stay right there, don't move."

"It's been a second," Pierre joked.

"Haha, very funny. But seriously. Stay here. Make sure Silena doesn't figure out where we are or go away."

"Aye-aye, sir," Pierre said, saluting Eugene. Eugene saluted back. Pierre grabbed ahold of my arm, trying to prevent me from going anywhere. Why was this place so secretive? And where are we? And why haven't I seen this place before? I've been at camp almost as long as Annabeth and Luke and I've been all over everywhere. Well, at least that's what I had thought. What place at camp could be this secretive? I mean, I know the camp itself is secret to mortals but once you are inside it isn't a secret so why don't I know this place?

I stamped my foot and shook loose of Pierre's grasp but he put his hands over my eyes.

"Okay this is getting annoying. Let me go!" I didn't mean to but I guess I put charmspeak into my voice because he let go and apologised solemnly.

Eugene appeared out of the forest. "Okay Luke is ready to see you." He smiled, pulled out a blindfold and started walking towards me.

"No, no, no. You guys, this is weird. You really don't want to blindfold me." I used charmspeak and batted my eyelashes, putting my gifts to good use.

"Worth a shot," Eugene shrugged. "Just come with us. You are too deep into the forest to figure out where we are anyway."

I followed but I really didn't like being bossed around by eight-year-olds. It was like when Jade tried telling me what to do. I was five years older than her yet she still acted like she was in charge. Sometimes. She is usually a pretty good sister.

"Hey, Silena," I heard Luke say.

I looked up and saw him sitting on the grass, leaning up against a tree.

"Hey, Luke," I said.

"Thanks for bringing her here, guys. And good job keeping this place a secret. You can leave now."

The boys saluted (what is it with them and saluting?) and turned to walk back out of the forest.

"Adios," they said on usion.

"So, we literally just talked, and we will break curfew if we talk for too long, but what did you want to talk about?"

"No wait. Back up. First of all, where are we?" I asked.

"It's a secret," he said, smiling.

"How many secrets have you shared with me? Why can't I hear another one?"

"One day, Silena, maybe I will tell you where this place is, but not today."

I stamped my foot but he just laughed.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Okay, my first question is how did you know that the reporters would be reporting before they even did it? Those were live. So how did you know?" I asked.

"I have my sources," he said, still smiling.

"Who?" I demanded. I wasn't trying to get angry but I had had enough with people not telling me things and teasing me.

"Sit down, Silena," Luke said, patting the ground beside him.

I sat down beside him, taking breaths to calm myself down. "So, who?"

"So did I tell you how I found out about Kronos?"

I scanned my memory. There was so much Luke had told me yet so much he hadn't. "No, you haven't yet," I replied after a moment.

"My quest is when I first heard him. Well, after my quest."

"So I was right! Kronos did have something to do with your quest!" I exclaimed.

He looked at me like he didn't understand.

"When you first gave me the bracelet, I asked you if the whole Kronos thing had anything to do with why you had been so different since your quest. Then you got up and said we would talk about that another time," I explained.

"Oh yeah. Right. Well, yes, you were right, Silena. When I was out on my quest I felt things. I felt all the evil and I saw the monsters. They were getting stronger. The only reason the gods have stayed in power as long as they have is because of us demigods. When stupid Her-, I mean my father sent me on that quest, the best thing he could think up was to repeat what Hercules did. I didn't want to repeat anything. So, I didn't try as hard as I should have. The dragon gave me this awful scar. And when I got back, all I got was stupid pity." He paused.

I felt bad because I had shown him pity also. I had felt bad for him but I didn't go out of my way to talk to him. "The scar doesn't look very bad," I said quietly.

He stayed silent but I could tell his spirits had lifted if even a little bit.

"I wanted to tear Olympus down, but I waited. I started dreaming of Kronos and he just encouraged me to pursue my desire to destroy Olympus. I just had to wait a bit longer to help him rise and then he would help me."

We were silent for a minute. "So Kronos is who told you about the Arch?"

"Yeah, he did," he paused. "So that was your first question. What's your second one? We don't have much time until the harpies come out."

I looked up at the sky. I hadn't realised how dark it had become.

"Who are you siding with? In the war, I mean."

"No one," he replied.

"No one?"

"Well, my cabinmates will choose someone but the campers and Chiron don't realise what the war is for. When the gods are divided, Kronos will strike."

I processed what he just said. "So the rising is happening soon?"

"If everything goes to plan, yes. Towards the end of Percy's quest, something should happen that brings Kronos back."

I wanted to ask what that something was but I knew Luke was being vague for a reason so I didn't. We sat in silence until I started hearing the sounds of monsters in the forest.

"We should probably get back to our cabins before the harpies come out," I said. I was in no mood to be eaten.

I heard the scream of a harpy and obviously Luke heard it too.

"Yeah we should go. NOW!" Luke said jumping up and pulling me along with him.

He pulled me along but suddenly we jolted to a stop as a harpy flew out in front of us.

"Ooo, tonight we will have a feast!" She said in her raspy voice.

Luke pulled out his sword and got into a fighting stance. I started to put my hand on my dagger but stopped. I didn't want to kill her. I put my hand on Luke's arm. I tried to tell him with my expression that I got this but I wasn't sure he understood.

"Umm, Ms Harpy-" I tried to say.

"My name isn't Harpy you idiot!" she said, interrupting me. "I am Seraphina!"

"Right. Sorry. Ms Seraphina, you really don't want to eat us," I said, trying to put charmspeak in my voice.

"And why wouldn't I? You look like tasty morsels," she said, licking her lips.

"Well," I began, stepping forward. Luke grabbed my arm, but I shook loose of his hand. "You want to save your appetite for one of the meatier monsters in the woods, don't you?"

"Of course not! They would gobble me up. You can't hurt me."

"Do you see this sword?" Luke said, sticking out his sword towards her.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever."

"Luke..." I muttered to him. He seemed to take a hint and put his sword down away from her. "You wouldn't want to eat me, Ms Seraphina. I have no meat on me."

"She really doesn't," Luke put in, pulling my arm up to show her.

"Ah. She may not but you do, young man." Seraphina screamed, calling to her sisters that there was food to be eaten.

"We have to get out of here," I whispered to Luke. "Charmspeak isn't working."

Normally, my charmspeak works very well but I guess being so afraid tampered with the magic.

I saw him start looking around, maybe trying to find an exit. In a few moments we would be overrun with harpies who wanted to eat us. My fighting skills weren't very good, and Luke wouldn't be able to fight all of them. Then I had a thought.

I screamed.

"What?!" Seraphina said, obviously startled. Luke looked at me questionly also.

"That! Behind you!" She fell for it. She turned around and I pulled Luke away.

"Which way?" I whispered urgently.

"Follow me," he said, pulling me.

I heard the harpy scream and we ran faster. I was out of breath but Luke looked like he was taking a leisurely stroll. He wasn't out of breath at all.

"Come on!" Luke said urgently. "We have to get away."

I stopped. I couldn't go anymore. "Sorry. Keep going. I'll catch up," I told him, panting.

"No, come on. You can do it." He grabbed my wrist where my bracelet was and pulled it out from under my ribbon.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

He didn't answer but kept messing with the charm.

"You can do it," he repeated as he let go of the bracelet.

I tucked the bracelet back under my ribbon, puzzled at why he was messing with it.

"Okay. Let's go." I said as I heard the harpies's screams getting closer. So I tried to speed up. Surprisingly, it wasn't too hard. I guess the adrenaline kicked in. We reached the cabins and stopped to catch our breaths. 

Then, without thinking, I hugged him. I was so happy to be away from the harpies that I wasn't thinking about what I was doing. I was hardly aware of how Luke might be feeling about it until I realised that I was hugging him. I guess I hadn't realised at first but it just suddenly hit me that I was hugging him. I pulled away quickly, blushing badly. I was too embarrassed to say anything else so I just muttered sorry and ran back to my cabin.

"Where have you been? We were so worried! We thought the harpies had gotten you for sure," my siblings exclaimed as I walked in the door.

"I'm fine," I said, attempting to reassure them. It didn't seem to work very well.

"We heard the scream of the harpies,"Jade said in a quiet voice. "Were they chasing you?"

"No, they weren't," I said, not wanting to worry her. "I heard them also but they must have found a creature in the woods to eat so they were excited."

"Really?" She asked me.

"Well, I guess that must be why. I can't think of any other reason."

She didn't answer but I was hoping she wouldn't think too much about it.

"Okay, everyone. I trust you are all ready for bed?" I said this in a serious tone since I didn't feel like waiting for them to do their various skin routines.

"Yes, we are all ready," Lexi, another one of my sisters, answered.

We started heading to our sides of the cabin but Drew dramatically stopped in front of all the girls.

"You know what isn't fair, Silena?" She asked me, but she didn't give me time to answer. "The fact that you don't do anything to keep your skin nice yet you look nice anyway."

I processed that as I continued walking toward my bed. "I guess Aphrodite just decided to do that. It's not my fault."

"Whatever," she said grumpily.

"Oh don't let your face look upset!" Valentina exclaimed. "You will get worry lines!"

I wanted to laugh but I didn't think it would be appropriate. "Good night, everyone."

They all murmured their good nights and the room went quiet.


**author's note**

oo i actually got another question. do u guys have siblings? i dont, but jade has 3, so yeaa. fun fact: my mom almost adopted someone

- Gem

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