To my beloved, Terry

Par itsbibearsunny

11.8K 1K 448

'til the next blooming of maple trees, my love. Your beloved, Ben 14 March 1798-1 Plus

Your beloved, Ben
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 23

233 27 6
Par itsbibearsunny

Taehyun finished taking his afternoon nap. It occurred once more, Beomgyu was lying lifeless in his dream for nth time. He couldn't be more bothered, anxious and afraid because it felt like Beomgyu was actually slipping away from him as he tend to be paranoid.

He's always been present for the older yet it seems like he keeps getting further. Taehyun know for a fact that he shouldn't be overthinking. Sure, there's something more than just a friendly affection both of them has but was he at the position to feel bad about Beomgyu hanging out more often to that Terry guy? His feelings are valid however it doesn't fit right for him to confront Beomgyu about this jealousy.

“Hey dude, mind if I need a hand on this one?” Felix, his assistant worker shouted. Taehyun stood up wanting to ignore whatever shits that's been giving him a hard time these past few days.

Beomgyu having breakdowns in the middle of night. Beomgyu's mood swings. Beomgyu's constant outburst of him overanalyzing things but despite all of this things, the older looked beautiful. He loves it when Beomgyu interrupt his nights, loves it when he gets all shy and embarrass after being quiet for a couple of hours, and love it when he gets all worked up and paranoid when he doesn't pay him the amount of attention he needed. Everything about Beomgyu is a mess and lovely at the same.

“Is this from old pops?” Taehyun asked noticing the car Felix was fixing.

“Yup, he dropped by asking for you but you were shit dead snoring. It's testing my patience though.” The boy remarked.

“When was it?” Taehyun gestured him to move away so he could take a look. The old man's car will soon be a regular to his shop to because of it's condition. It's probably one of the ancient vehicles around the area.

“An hour ago. Anyways, I'll leave that to you since Frank will be fetching his baby in thirty now.” Taehyun gave him a nod as he stood up to grab some of his tools.

It took him another thirty minutes to find what's actually wrong. The car's having poor alignment likely due to its lifespan but Taehyun thinks he can still figured it out. He'll personally advice the older to prevent accidents. As of now, he's glad that he gets to work up into something just so he'll stop thinking about some beautiful brown haired boy.

After an hour or so, the old man dropped by to get his car just in time. Taehyun was giving the vehicle a quick wash when he sees the older man popping out behind the car.

“Afternoon pops.” Taehyun recognize.

“Afternoon to you too young man. I see that you gave my baby a bath. Is she good?” He asked, hands in his pocket as he stepped closer to where Taehyun was holding a hose.

“You can drive him home now. She's really old pops I'd like to say it's time for you to get a new baby 'cause you know unfortunate things might happen.” Taehyun said turning the pipe off and gave the older a serious advise.

“I know. It's just hard to let her go. My wife loves this so much. It was a gift from her when we celebrated our fifth anniversary.” The old man replied, smiling tightly as he caress the car.

“I see. She's still fine though. You don't drive much anyways.” Taehyun replied starting to wipe the water off.

“Thanks folk. Dropped the stake already.” He respond whilst Taehyun gave him a nod.

“How is that Beomgyu friend of you doing? He hadn't visited my lawn ever since.” The older asked that halted Taehyun a bit but was unnoticed.

“He's doing great just busy with university.” Taehyun replies curious as to why was the older asking.

“I see. My boy Terry must be too because he had not been dropped by.” He replies.

“Didn't know you had a grandson living in here pops.” Taehyun stated wanting to have a bit of information.

“Oh, he lives with his mom before and recently just often visits me. He's quite a stubborn kid always doing whatever he likes.” The old looked for a stall to sat down that didn't left unnoticed by the younger so he handled him a plastic chair.

“Thank you. He's a bit spoiled so most of the time he gets what's he wants courtesy of his mom who never got married again unlike his father.” He continues.

“How's your relationship with Beomgyu going so far?” He then questioned that made Taehyun chuckled a bit.

“Yeah, not verbally confronted but we're good. He's special.” Taehyun replied, not embarrass about admitting his admiration for Beomgyu.

“Nice to hear. You both reminds me of someone I knew but haven't met from the past. Hopefully you got his hand this time.” The older the stated.

“Do I look that old pops? Should I be offended?” Taehyun chuckled obviously hiding a blush.

“Never said that but you do know how much I says often that you were like a reincarnation of an old family folk.” The man chuckled, he knew of course.

He knew about Ben and Terry's tragic love story and Taehyun looked like he got out of from the past easily. This time, hopefully he gets to see the two lovers reconnect before he sleeps off forever. It was an honor for him to relive that story until the promise will be fulfilled. He was distressed when he found out that none of his grandchildren paid attention to it but he's unaware that it was the universe doings, that he'll be witnessing it this time.

”It's done pops.” Taehyun declared whilst the man smiled wider seeing that he's loving baby was glistening clean.

“Drop by my house will you? I've got something to show you.” The older said before he finally sets off driving his newly furnished car slowly. Taehyun took in mind the older's request before he starts cleaning the place.

The following hours was a nothing unusual other than Taehyun entertaining costumers and fixing minor broken cars that dropped by. 'Twas four in the afternoon when a familiar SUV gets his attention. Waiting for what's going to happen, Taehyun observed everything until a girl stepped out of it.

“Hi, I'd like to have my oil change.” The girl asked when he sees Felix but right after her head shifted and saw Taehyun. Her eyes widen in surprise.

“Taehyun? Oh my God, It's really you.” She skipped eagerly in front of the younger.

“Melissa, Hi. Long time no see. Didn't know you came back already.” Taehyun replied albeit being surprise.

“I just landed last night. How are you? Do you wanna hang out later?” The girl asked in slightly teasing tone.

“Maybe next time. Anything else I could give service to?” He declined that made the girl chuckled.

“Yeah, could you get my car oil change? Been a while since I used my baby.” She replied biting his lower lip after.

Taehyun mumbled an 'okay' before excusing himself to get the stuff ready. Melissa— she wasn't the last girl Taehyun had hooked up but he she was longest. When she left for a university in Australia, Taehyun never had other flings with the same span as her. It wasn't something romantic, more of like an escape for the both of them so he doesn't really have to worry about the girl. They talked while Taehyun did his job. She hasn't changed. Still talkative, loud and flirt most of the time.

“Got anyone wrap around your fingers?” She asked wiggling her brows.

“Not yet but pretty sure sooner this year.” He replies giggling at the thought of Beomgyu— the pretty sure one.

“Seriously!? With that smoking look you have. Not to mention how sexy you get in there— you know what I mean.” She said loudly following a roar of laughter that had Felix head turned around. That, that bluntness will soon get her in trouble. Taehyun thought shaking his head unbelievably.

“It'll be done in a few minutes...” Taehyun said not being able to finish the sentence when he spotted Beomgyu hands in pocket in the back of his old friend.

“Hey, how's your day?” Instead he asked, walking pass by the girl who lifted a brow at the sudden change of attention.

“Good. How's you?” Beomgyu replied not without taking a glance on the girl that Taehyun was conversing with.

He couldn't help but get irritated at the way the girl gave him a look. Beomgyu doesn't like judging, typically not assuming either but he could tell how the girl gave him a funny look from head down to his toe.

“Great. I'm almost done. This will take a minute and then we'll drive home or go out for dinner. How's that sound?” He asked stepping closer to have a clear view of how beautiful the boy looked.

“Okay.” Beomgyu replied before he went to sit at not too far from the car so he could still see whatever it is happening.

It's not very odd for him to watch Taehyun do his job but he looked pissed today. Not liking how the girl keeps on flirting with Taehyun and the younger doesn't even bother stopping her. After she left, who begged Taehyun almost twenty minutes to drop by his flat they also decided to drive home. Taehyun entrusted Felix to close the shop since he  noticed Beomgyu doesn't look like in the mood to wait.

The car was awfully silent. Although Taehyun insisted for a conversation, Beomgyu wasn't just feeling it. For some reason, he wanted Taehyun to explain something and it was frustrating too much that he didn't notice how it was affecting the mood.

“Do you wanna come inside first?” Taehyun offered when they both stepped out of his car.

“No thanks. I'm a bit tired.” Beomgyu replied not looking up to him.

“Oh okay. Rest well then.” Taehyun says anxious that Beomgyu was starting to ignore him again.

“Yeah, see you arou—”

“You're ignoring me again. What is it?” He asked before Beomgyu could even finished.

“I'm not Taehyun. I'm just tried so I'll jus—”

“See? You cannot even looked at me in the eyes. Gyu what did I do?” On cue, Beomgyu raised up his head to witness Taehyun's soft gaze.

“I-It's not like that. Terry and I had to finish—”

“It's Terry again.” Taehyun blurted out that irked something in Beomgyu. It's not like they're doing something behind him. Beomgyu just have to ask him a favor.

“What do you mean by that? Are you telling me that I'm up to something with him? Are you serious? He's doing me a favor Taehyun and excuse me, it looks like you have somewhere to go tonight.” Beomgyu replied clearly irritated and was about turn against him but wasn't successful.

“Hey, hey it's not like that. Listen, I'm sorry I didn't mean to sound like that. It's just— stop ignoring me. I don't know what to do when you act like this. You'll suddenly just won't tell me if something is wrong and proceeds on not communicating when we both are okay. It's tiring—”

“Well, I'm sorry if I'm such a burden to you. Don't worry I won't be messing with you anymore.” Beomgyu out of anger cuts Taehyun off, harshly pulling his wrist out of Taehyun's hold.

”No, no, Gyu please listen. Baby, you're not burden—”

“I'm tired.” Beomgyu once again interrupted leaving Taehyun unheard once more. Out of frustration, Taehyun kicked his car stopping the urge to punch something. If he shoul have just be patient enough and let Beomgyu have his rest, wait until he opens up then things wouldn't probably be out of hands. Now, Beomgyu's angry.

Beomgyu was in no difference to what Taehyun just felt. He was a brat. He regret lashing out to the guy just because what? He feels insecure over that girl. He wasn't purposely ignoring Taehyun he just restraining himself to not be dependent but it turns out that Taehyun misunderstood everything. Cursed him and his cowardness.

When he entered his room, his lips quivered as tears streamed down immediately thinking of how stupid he is. Taehyun probably felt really upset at him and he blames nothing but himself to the point were he wanted to be hurt physically like how much deserves it.

I don't want us to be like this. He whispered between his sobs wanting to apologize.

Continuer la Lecture

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