After Solitude

By BabyGurl5119

730K 20.4K 3.2K

Have you ever felt the love and protection of three vampires? Zoey hasn't, she didn't even think it could've... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62

Chapter 8

16.9K 501 105
By BabyGurl5119

Zoey's POV

Run! Get out of here!

My feet carry me faster than what my brain is comprehending.

I keep looking over my shoulder, making sure they aren't about to kill me.

My heart bangs against my chest, my head fills with pressure, and my lungs refuse to breathe in.

Once I find the door, I pull as hard as I can, but it's not budging.

No, they locked me in here! They're going to kill me!

I slide down to the floor, accepting defeat.

I'm going to die before I've even lived.

Hot tears roll down my face as I shake on the floor. I don't know if it's the adrenaline making me shake, or the coldness of this marble floor.

I hear faint yelling coming from upstairs, but I can't make out any of the words.

"She's crying!" I hear Wyatt yell.

My eyes close, expecting them to just hurry up and finish the job.

"Doll." I hear Wyatt say from in front of me.

I refuse to give him the satisfaction of seeing my fear before he kills me.

"Zoey," I hear him sit next to me on the floor, "we're not going to hur-"

My body jolts away from him as his hand brushes against my back.

Before he can say anything else, I'm pushing and pulling on the door, trying with everything in me to get it to open.

Wyatt's hand grabs the fancy golden knob and the door opens with ease for him.

I don't take a second glance, I run.

I run far. Passing trees and fallen limbs, jumping over large logs and rocks.

As my legs begin to burn and my lungs give out on me, I collapse somewhere in the woods.

I've had to of been running for hours, it's now evening and the sun has set behind the trees.

All I can hear at first is my breathing being amplified in my ears, then the sound of crickets.

A lightning bug floats by me and lands on my arm, buzzing his butt to make it light up.

"Hey little guy, you're so pretty." I whisper to him.

Rustling of leaves brushing against each other pulls my eyes away from the lightning bug. It shakes for a moment but quickly stops as I continue to look at it.

Probably a bunny. I shrug it off as I pull my phone out of my pocket.

Only one bar is displayed on my screen, showing how bad my signal is.

After listening to Poppy's dial tone, she finally picks up.

"Poppy? Poppy, I need you to come get me." I wave my hand around for affect.

"Wha-? I can't- ear- yo." She cuts up on the other end.

"I said that I need you to come get me." I repeat.

"Zo- a- okay? I ca- stan- you." Poppy cuts out again.

I sigh and move around, thinking maybe if I'm moving, I'll hit a good spot, "Can you hear me now?"

Crackling exits the phone until it cuts out.

"Dang it!" I yell out.

Stupid phone.

The bushes rustle again, making my bones almost jump out of my body. A guttural growl escapes the greenery.

Taking a few steps back, I try to make my exit.

What I once thought was a harmless bunny, jumps out from the other side of the bush and stalks in my direction.

A grey, snarling beast stands on four legs before me. It's hair is wild but fluffy, teeth are white, but long.

"H-Hey pu-ppy." I hiccup.

My leg moves to continue stepping back, but the beast growls at my movements, freezing me in place.

Please don't eat me.

The beast stalks forward, sniffing my clothes.

"See, I'm not harm to you puppy. Please, don't hurt me." I reach out to pet it, to maybe show it I'm friendly.

It's teeth pops through every layer of skin on my arm as he chomps his jaws around it.

A high pitched scream litters the forest, causing the crickets to silence.

The beast thrashes my arm, throwing me to the dirt. Stinging pain filters through my arm.

He had to of hit bone.

Before I have time to process, the beast is thrown off of me. I hear a thud then a faint whimper as the rustling behind me gets even closer.

Poppy? Did you find me?

The beast yelps in pain as something cracks next to me.

"Zoey? Fuck! She's bleeding. Wyatt, get out of here!" I hear Jett's voice.

No! No. No, they're going to eat me.

I try to scramble away until my back hits a rock. I look behind me and realize, it is in fact, not a rock. It's a bloody Nik, with pitch black eyes and a bright red ring where his iris' usually are.

"Zoey, let us help you. You're bleeding and in shock." Nik backs away, giving me my much needed space.

My head begins to spin as sweat pours from my forehead.

"No! You're going to eat me!" I yell with tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Baby," Jett says, "don't you think we would've already started munching down on you if that were the case?"

That would make sense...

"You're trying to trick me!" I yelp as a burn settles in my broken skin and cool drops of blood drip off.

"Will you give me a chance to prove we're not tricking you? Please, love, let us help." Nik begs.

Nik begging is something I don't think he's used to in the slightest.

Before I can answer, Nik takes out an object that he slips on his finger.

I watch as he cuts into his hand with the small sharp object he slipped on his finger. Dark reddish brown liquid pools in the palm of his hand as he lays it over my mangled arm.


Scooting my butt against the dirt, Jett's hand stops my back.

"Stay still, baby. Watch." He says softly.

Realizing there is no way out of this, I do as I'm told.

Nik rubs his dark blood over my deep wound, the pain begins to become less and less as short bursts on time go on.

"What's happening?" I ask, baffled at the loss of pain.

"He's healing you. We can heal wounds on humans, but not things like cancer or dementia. Nik's blood will work the fastest since he's an original."

"What does that mean?" I ask, intrigued.

"He was born a vampire, Wyatt and I were converted. Nik is one of the last, if not the last of his kind." Jett explains.

Nik removes his hand from my once wounded arm, leaving nothing but a dark pink scar in it's place.

"The scar will go away, it's only because it's still traumatized by that asshole." Nik seethes.

I cringe at his choice of words and the way he grit them out.

I look back to where the beast lays, noticing it's jaw ripped from it's face and heart laying next to it's carcass.

"That is a wolf. He looks to be a beta of some sort, the second most powerful of it's pack." Jett says.

"Didn't seem too powerful to me." Nik adds, wiping the cut on his hand on his pants.

"Why did you rip it's heart out?" I ask, confused on why the poor beasts heart is laying cold on the dirt.

Poor beast, he just tried to kill me.

"It's not a normal wolf, baby. He was a werewolf, human and wolf. They transform into these things on occasion." Jett says.

Like on a full moon, like the movies have said.

My eyes dodge the trees to look at the moon.


"They can do it when they want, it's not only on a full moon." Jett chuckles.

I turn away from the beast, wishing I didn't know it probably had a family.

"Let's get her back to the house, Wyatt is probably going bonkers." Nik suggests as he looks at me, secretly asking for permission.

After giving him a nod, they lead me back to their mansion.

Sticks and dry leaves crunch under us as the song of crickets start to sing again.

"How did you guys know where to find me?" I ask both of them.

"Security notified us about someone trespassing on our property, we ignored it at first, thinking it was just you. But then we heard you scream. So we came as fast as we could." Nik explains as I notice his eyes returning to it's normal icy blue.

"And why did you tell Wyatt to leave?" My eyes shift to Jett.

He bites the inside of his lip, "he can't control himself around blood yet."

"Oh." Is all I say as we walk back to the mansion.

The sun has gone down even more, causing the night to become darker. Happy I'm not alone.

As soon as we walk inside the mansion, Wyatt runs to me and scoops me off of the ground into a tight hug.

"You're okay." He sighs.

"I'm okay." I repeat for him.

Was he really that worried about me? I ask myself as I notice his disheveled hair that looks like he's been running his hands through it.

"I assume you have an array of questions. How about I go pick up dinner and we can answer them." Jett suggests.

My stomach agrees to the offer of food, making them laugh and shoo him off. 

Thank you all for reading! Please remember to vote, comment, and follow!

I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, I might go back eventually and try to make it even better.

If y'all want special content regarding my books, follow my Instagram! Link in my bio.

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