Boys Don't Cry

By ColonelMustard69

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Strong language, violence and contents some people might find upsetting. More

Boys Don't Cry
Chapter Two - Three years later.
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight - 2 Weeks Later.
Chapter nine - one week later
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter ninteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50

Chapter 49

11 0 0
By ColonelMustard69

A loud screaming wakes me up, and I fumble about in the darkness to switch on the light. In my sleepy state I hear my mother and father attempting to quiet three inconsolable babies. I wander through to the kids' room in my pyjamas, rubbing my eyes. The harsh light of their room throws me and I squint, letting my eyes adjust. My father, looks flustered, trying to feed the girls while my mother, who isn't allowed to lift anything heavy for another three weeks so her stitches heal, is feeding my quiet brother. They're still all so small, even after a month and a bit. I pick up Mia, who is the biggest out of the girls and I hold her in my arms, cradling her back and forth while feeding her a bottle of formula, after a minute or so the crying subsides.

"Thank you." My father whispers. I nod my head and concentrate on Mia, who is almost asleep. Cherishing the last few minutes of holding my sister, and after ten minutes, I kiss her on the forehead and then lay her back down, tucking her up. I turn to my parents who have put my brother and sister down.

"Thank you so much." My mother whispers. I kiss her on the cheek and wish her goodnight, before going back to bed.


I work hard to open my eyes and then I look at my phone, it's 8am. Staggering half asleep to the bathroom, my eyes adjust to the light and I get dressed in to comfortable clothes. Making my way downstairs, I meet with Amelia in the kitchen, who is making coffee.

"Let me do that." I tell her, making sure she sits down. She's reluctant to do so, but I push for her to follow my instructions. I finish the coffee and make us both a cup, before sitting down across from her. My mother looks exhausted, so I plan my day to make sure that she does as little as possible. We both finish our coffee and as if almost on cue, a high pitched crying comes from the baby monitor sitting on the kitchen worktop.

"I'll go see what the situation is." I assure her, seeing that she stays sitting down. I walk upstairs and in to the kids' room, where Ivy is crying. I pick her up, and cradle her in my arms, although her tearful screaming does not subside, I lie her on the padded changing mat, and begin to change her, and as I do, the crying stops. Once I'm done, I keep her in my arms until she's peacefully sleeping again. I cradle her for ten minutes and then place her back down, leaving her to sleep.

As I walk back through, my mother greets me with an apologetic smile and I wrap my arms around her and kiss her on the cheek. "Don't worry." I tell her. I make sure Amelia does as little moving as possible until my father gets home, and he helps me look after the triplets while my mother rests. As the kids are settled, my dad and I start to make dinner, cooking chicken and pasta.

"Thanks for all your help the past few weeks." My father says, only briefly taking his eyes off of the sizzling pan.

"It's fine, I don't mind at all." I say back, refusing to take my eyes off the peppers I'm slicing. I pick them up and put them in to the pan, letting them sizzle away. Massaging soap in to my hands, I them off under the hot tap, Then start to lay the table, ready for dinner. A strong vibration goes through my pocket and I take out my phone, the caller ID tells me is Jacob. So I answer it.

"You alright?" I ask him.

"Having a party tonight, if you fancy it?" He asks straight away. I consider it for a moment, and then I remember that my parents might need my help.

"Nah, man." I say honestly. "I don't think I can." Before I can say anymore my father is in front of me, trying to signal something to me. "Two seconds." I tell Jacob, and i put my hand over the speaker. "What are you doing?" I ask my father, who looks confused.

"If he's asking you to go out, then go out." He instructs me.

"I don't want to. I'd rather stay in." I admit.

"Are you crazy? No you wouldn't. Don't be scared to go out. You're allowed to be a kid, go have fun." He explains in a harsh whisper.

"Are you sure? I could stay and help you guys out." I suggest, but my father instantly shakes his head. I let out a sigh and then uncover the speakers.
"Okay, I'll be there." I say to my best friend. My dad smiles and nods, but I shoot him a glare. Hanging up from Jacob, I finish off dinner and plate it up.

"Y'know we really appreciate your help, but you have to be a kid too. Don't feel guilty about it." My father says, helping me. I nod a long, but I'm not enthusiastic. "But you better behave, ok?" He warns me. I smile and nod, before sitting down with my mother and father for dinner.


The loud music becomes louder and louder, and I'm soon squeezing past groups of people. A heavy amount of pressure pushes down on my shoulders and I bend forward, holding the weight.

"Hey, Dude!" Jacob shouts in my ear, I twist my body and throw him off.

"How you doing?" I ask him.

"I'm not too bad, this party is well over due, though." He tells me. "How about my best friend? How you been?" He asks. I answer him honestly.

"I'm Great, man. Never been better." He smiles at my positive attitude and we walk about together and look for his girlfriend, Kaitlyn. We eventually find her and she's with another girl, Lucy. Who I've never met before. Her bright blue eyes glisten in the Small amount of light, and her small, slim body is wrapped up in warm clothes, ready for the cold weather. We introduce ourselves and get talking in a group, with a bonfire crackling in the background and the night falling around us.

"Do you come to a lot of Jacobs parties?" Lucy asks me running her hand through her long brown hair.

"Yeah, every single one." I tell her, smirking. She laughs lightly.

"Why don't you have a drink?" She pushes. I make some lame excuse about how I have to be up early the next day, and she buys it. But we talk a lot more throughout the night, and Jacob and Kaitlyn leave us too it for a while. She asks me about my family and I ask her about hers, the conversation starts awkwardly and boring, but I liven it up with interesting stories about what Jacob and I have done together. Like the time we robbed a drug dealers house and got away with it, and then the time we got fucked together and ended up in a field in the middle of summer. She's laughs at the latter one and it makes me more comfortable. It gets late and people soon start to leave, and Being responsible, I decide it's time for me to head home too. "Do you have to go home now?" Lucy groans, as Jacob, Kaitlyn and a few others stand in a crowd.

"Yeah, sorry." I say, smiling. I start to walk to the front door and Lucy comes too, trying to persuade me to stay. "Come with me if you're that Desperate." I joke with her, chuckling away to myself.

"Ok." She says seriously. I raise my eyebrow.

"Really?" She nods, and I consider how my parents would feel, I decide that as long as she's out the house early enough tomorrow then it won't matter. My phone tells me that it's 23:07. A bit later than I would have liked, but I leave and take Lucy with me. I remember that whatever my parents think, I'm following their instructions - and being a kid.

I close the front door and Oscar is on us like a guard dog, I manage to settle him and then I take Lucy upstairs to my bedroom, as quietly as I can. When we get in to the bedroom, i turn on the light and we both begin to strip. However, before I take any of my clothes off, there is a sharp knock on the door. I pick up all of Lucy's clothes and throw them in to the bathroom, as she runs in after them and hides. "Come in." I say, my father walks in and I pretend to take off my jacket. "You alright?" I ask him. "Sorry I'm a bit late." I say. Even though i didn't have a curfew. He shakes his head.

"It's ok, you're not. Are you ok? We are. Did you have fun?" I nod my head.

"Yeah, it was good. Are you guys ok?" I ask in return. He nods his head, I can tell he's studying me, to see if I've taken anything. When he's satisfied, we say goodnight and he leaves, much to our relief. When the coast is clear, Lucy emerges from the bathroom, naked. I begin to take off my clothes as well, and soon we are in bed on top of each other, wrapped in the warmth of the blankets.

The darkness of the winter morning, looms in my bedroom and I try to wake myself up. My phone tells me that it's 6:38 am. Lucy rolls over, and pushes her head in to my chest. My arms instinctively wrap around her, content.

"Should I go?" She asks. This startles me, because I had no idea she was awake. I shake my head before replying.

"Nah, just stay, I'll deal with it later." I say, falling back asleep. I wake up again at half past seven, feeling more refreshed. So does Lucy, who is awake five minutes later. I sit up and put on clothes, the same ones as last night. Once Lucy is dressed, I check to make sure there is no one around and then we walk briskly downstairs, and in to the foyer, my stomach churns as I open the front door, Lucy makes her way out and I slam the door behind her. I let out a sign of relief and walk in to the kitchen, where my dad is making breakfast and my mother is sitting reading a newspaper.

"Good morning!" He says enthusiastically. I smile back.

"Morning." I reply. He turns round, confused.

"Who was at the door?" He questions. I panic thinking of an excuse.

"What are you on about?" I mutter.

"The door. You slammed the door who was it?" He asks. Laughing at all the confusion.

"Oh, post man." I tell him. He nods.

"What did he have?" Amelia asks, looking at me with a smile.

"Ah, just rubbish." I say. Covering up. They leave it at that and seem satisfied. I eat breakfast and then I head upstairs to shower and change in to fresh clothes. When I come back downstairs, my father is now alone, cleaning up. I help by picking up dirty dishes and wipe the dining table, And my father sweeps the floor and loads the dishwasher. A strong short vibration ripples through my pocket and I sit myself on the kitchen counter, to read the message I've received. It was from Lucy.

Hey, I had a good night last night thanks xx

I read the message and smile to myself, thinking of a reply.

"What's her name?" A voice asks. I look up to see my dad, he's smiling at me. He sits himself on the kitchen counter across from me.

"What?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"What's her name?" He asks again. My father throws a damp cloth in the air and catches it. "Y'know, the girl that's just text you." I laugh this off, and try to change the subject. I shake my head.

"It was just a joke someone sent me." I lie.

"Go on then, tell me it." He instructs, bracing himself.

"Nah it was crap." I say. My father shakes his head again.

"What a lot of shit." My father laughs. "Did you meet her last night?" He asks, carrying the subject on. I give in and nod, getting embarrassed. "I knew it!" He says laughing even harder. I laugh too, but I'm still embarrassed and I blush bright red. "Don't worry about it, Man." I look up at him and laugh again. "What's her name? Is she pretty?" My father interrogates. I nod again and reply.

"Her name is Lucy. She's so fit." I say, not making eye contact.

"Don't worry." My father says. "Your secret is safe with me." He whispers and winks just as my mother walks in to the room, to prepare baby bottles.

"Good night last night?" My mother asks, smiling at me. I nod and smile.

"Yeah, it was alright." She kisses me on the cheek.

"Good. I'm glad you had fun." My mum says, walking out the room with three bottles, my father and I follow her, and I help feed the babies. It only takes about twenty minutes, and then they are asleep again. Then we all sit in the lounge, having a rest before the kids wake up. "Tell me more about your night." My mother suggests, smiling at me from the couch her and my father are sitting on. He has his arm sitting around her in a casual position.

"It was alright. There was a couple of new people there." I give away. She smirks and continues asking questions.

"So you made new friends?" she asks, happy for me. I smile and nod. Then my phone goes again. I take it out my pocket and look at the message. Again, it's from Lucy.

I wanna see you today x

I look at the message and contemplate her intentions. In a quick panic I text back arrangements for us to meet and I quickly sit up. Realising I'll have to make a purchase.

"Can I go out later?" I ask my parents. They both nod and smile, and my father winks, guessing my plans.
"Can I go out for a bit now?" I ask my parents. I look at my father specifically, hoping he says yes. "I'll be back in an hour." I tell them backing up my case.

"Where will you be going?" My mother asks, seeming tired.

"Uh, shops." I say, telling the truth. My parents look at each other and then me.

"What for?" My father asks intrusively. I shoot him a look and bite my lip. Then I let out a sigh.

"Just... Something." I say. Not wanting to tell them. My mother looks at me, and raises her eyebrow. Then she looks at my dad, I take this chance while I can, and shoot my father a look while she isn't focused on me. He clicks and nods his head.

"Ah, right ok. Yeah, sure. You need money?" I shake my head and thank them as I walk out, running as fast as I can't to the shops and stopping in the third aisle. I look through all the painkillers and moisturisers, before my eyes stop at a packet of regular condoms. Paying the cashier and leaving, I run home again, in just about half an hour. I walk through the door and I am ambushed by my mother and Oscar.

"That was quick." My mother tells me. I nod and smile.

"Uh, yeah. It didn't take as long as I thought." I feel the condoms in my pocket, and smile nervously again.

"Buy anything nice?" She smiles back. I shake my head. She flashes a quick smile again and I squeeze past her and upstairs. I hide them in my nightstand and strip off my clothes. Then I walk in to the bathroom and turn on the shower. The hot water runs off of my now healthy body, and i take my time. When the time comes, I come out of the shower and wrap myself in a large, red towel, and I brush my teeth. Then I walk through to my room, and look in my wardrobe, my eyes come across a red checked shirt, and dark blue, slim fit jeans, and I lay them on my bed. I walk over to my chest of drawers and take the tall can of deodorant, spraying it generously. Then I get dressed, I put on my red trainers to match my shirt, and pick up a random bottle of aftershave, being careful that I don't spray too much. I run my hand through my hair, and then I prepare to go back downstairs. Before i do so, I walk over to my nightstand and pick up my wallet, I open the drawer and take out the box of condoms, then I slip two in my wallet before putting it in my back pocket. With another glance in the mirror, I walk out of my bedroom door and downstairs, meeting my mother in the hallway.

"Dressing to impress?" She asks me smiling and letting out a chuckle. I feel my face go red, but I try to avoid her eyes by looking down. I attempt to walk past her, but she stops me, and brushes out a crease in my shirt. Her finger presses lightly on my chin, forcing me to look up. She smiles as i do. "You are one handsome man." She says. "She's very lucky." I smile this time.

"Thank you." I whisper. She shakes her head, but says nothing, only kissing me on the cheek. Then she wraps her arms around me and hugs me. I reciprocate it.

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