In Silence (Book 2) || Loki X...

By KatLovesFictionalMen

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This the the second book of the series. If you haven't read the first one....what are you still doing here?!?! More

Chapter 1: Who are you?
Chapter 2: Where are you going?
Chapter 3: I am back
Chapter 4: Memories and Visions
Chapter 5: The mission
Chapter 6: Sokovia
Chapter 7: Back in action
Chapter 8: Make a choice
Chapter 9: S.H.I.E.L.D
Chapter 10: The final part of the plan
Chapter 11: The new base
Chapter 12: Date night
Chapter 13: Plan puppy
Chapter 14: And then you had a plan
Chapter 15: The new plan
Chapter 16: It's time
Chapter 17: And then the spell started
Chapter 18: An unexpected meetup
Chapter 19: A sudden turn of events
Chapter 20: Just you and me
Chapter 21: Back to the world of the living
Chapter 22: Please, wake up
Chapter 23: Almost
Chapter 24: Better than okay
Chapter 25: Keep them safe
Chapter 26: An interesting phone call
Chapter 28: Because I changed
Chapter 29: The final exam
Chapter 30: We need to talk
Chapter 31: The end of and era
Chapter 32: A big decision
Chapter 33: This is not a goodbye
Author's Note

Chapter 27: I'm coming

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By KatLovesFictionalMen

"Look I don't know what happened to you but you need to call me. It's been four days Y/n. I am really worried now."

That was about the tenth voicemail that Laura had left you. You had been listening to them for a while and she was only getting more worried. You had decided that the only way to talk to her was in person. It wouldn't be fair to have to explain everything to her over the phone. You weren't even sure if that was possible.

Once the message was done you looked back at your screen and press for the next one to start. This was from the day before. You put the phone on your ear.

"Okay Y/n now I am really freaking out. You seriously have twenty four hours to call me back or I will call the police."

Laura's words make you chuckle a bit. You know she wouldn't do that. She knew very well that you were not dead. She would never call the police for no reason. She was quite scared of them to be honest.

"You have to understand how worried I am darling." The message continued. "One day two strange men pick a fight in the cafe and then a few hours later you fly to New York for an unspecified reason?" Laura pauses for a second, as if she was thinking everything again. "Listen, I will understand if something is happening and you want to be alone but I just need to know that you are okay. Please just give me a quick call. Only five minutes, to hear your voice. To know that you are alive. Please Y/n."

Her voice was breaking as the voicemail ended. You almost wanted to cry as well. She was so worried about you. You had made her so worried. You needed to see her soon. But first you had to listen to her messages, make sure that she hadn't done something stupid.

You press on the last voicemail and put your phone on your ear. You can feel your hands slightly shaking. You hold your phone as tight as you can. This one was about twelve hours old.

"Okay your twenty four hours are up. Though, I will not call the police. What will I even tell them? That my friend booked a last minute ticket to New York and even though she said she would call me she never did and now, with no evidence, I believe that she has been murdered but two, very good looking, men?"

You laughed at her comments and let out a sigh of relief. You were happy that your friend did not do anything crazy. You knew that when Laura was worried she acted rationally but this time she really had thought about it.

"This is crazy." She continued mumbling and you were about to close the message and call her back when you heard the volume of her voice go up again. "The only thing left for me to do is come to New York and find you myself."

What? She was crazy!

"And before you say that I am crazy just listen to me. I -and I hope that you can forgive me for it- used the spare key that you had given me and got into your house."

She did what? That key was for emergencies ONLY.

"I know that the key was for emergencies only but this was an emergency too! So I got in and searched for anything that could help me find you. And then I saw your laptop laying on your bed. I know that I shouldn't have done that but I opened it. And with the help of your Google history I have a palace to start; the Avengers Tower."

Oh no. This was bad. This was really bad.

"I don't know what could you and a bunch of American super people have in common but I am going to figure it out Y/n, because I am very worried about you. Anyway I have no more time left. I will be taking the next flight to New York and I will be there tomorrow morning. I love you."

The message was cut. You heart was racing.You looked at the time on your phone. Laura was in New York! This was awful. This was soon. Of course you intended to go and explain everything but you hadn't yet figured out what you were going to tell her. You weren't sure that she could handle the truth but you didn't want to lie to her either.

You tried to calm yourself down but it clearly didn't work because in a matter of seconds Loki was next to you, holding you tight. Your phone was now in your back pocket and you were holding Loki's hands tightly.

"Darling what is it?" He asked worried.

"Laura. She came in New York."

"The girl that you worked with in London?" Tony was in the room as well and sounded almost as shocked as you when he heard you. "What is she doing here?"

"I wasn't answering my phone and she got very worried, so she decided to come." You told him. "What am I going to do? I haven't figured out what to tell her."

"How about the truth?" Loki suggested.

"Are you crazy?" You looked at him as if he had said the oddest thing you had ever heard. "I can't do that."

"Actually..." Tony stepped in. "I thing that Reindeer Games might have a point."


"Kid she is your friend. I think she deserves to know the truth." Tony was now looking into your eyes and smiling. He had that reassuring smile that you loved so much.

You closed your eyes and sighed. Maybe he was right. You were sure she would get it. Laura was a very open-minded person. For sure she would be okay with her friend, who she knew for three and a half years, to actually be an Asgardian which ans part of a team full of people with super powers. Who wouldn't be okay with that?

Before you could think of it any better your phone buzzed again. Laura's name poped on the screen. Another voicemail. You didn't even need to hear it to knew that she was here. Laura had finally landed in New York. You tap on it and put the phone on your ear again.

"Hey, I just landed. I really don't know why I keep leaving you these messages you're obviously not listening to them. Though I hope you do. I just need to know that you are okay. Anyways I'm taking a cab now -which by the way are called taxis here- and heading for the tower. According to Google maps I will be there in about ten to fifteen minutes. I really hope I find you alive there, so then I can kill you myself."

The message ends and you close your phone. You lift your head and look at Tony and Loki. Tony looks a bit anxious but Loki appears more calm. You sighed and put your phone on your pocket again.

"She'll be here in ten to fifteen minutes. I'll go change and wait for her." You turned around, about to go to your room when Tony stopped you.

"Um kid?"


"Where exactly is she coming?"

"Here. The Tow-" You freeze when you realize what Tony is talking about. "Shit."

"We're not in the Tower anymore kid." He points out the obvious.

"Shit, shit, shit." The compound was at least half an hour away from the Tower and that was only if you were lucky.

If Laura got to the Tower and found out that it was shuttered and closed for good she would definitely freak out. You had to call her but she would probably worry even more if you told her that you couldn't meet her.

"Can you teleport us there?" You suddenly turned to Loki and asked him.

"It is a bit far but I can try."

"Loki you either can or not." You said a bit abruptly. You didn't like the way the words came out of your mouth. "I'm sorry." You said.

"It's okay darling. I know that you were stressed." Loki said calmly. "Get ready and I will take us there."

"Thank you." You hugged him quickly and then ran to your room.

In a matter of a few minutes you are completely ready and head over to the main entrance where Loki was waiting for you. He was no longer wearing his pajamas, instead he was in a nice black suit. He always dressed a bit too formal for everywhere you went but you weren't really complaining.

You weren't complaining at all actually...

You smiled at your handsome prince and took his hand in yours.

"Thank you for doing that." You told him.

"It's not a problem, darling." He smiled and gave you a sweet kiss on the forehead.

The he looked into your eyes with his 'are you ready?' look. You nodded confidently and held on to him. You closed your eyes and thought of the Tower and Laura. Of course you knew that you didn't need to do anything to teleport there but you still did so.

A few seconds later you felt your stomach drop and for a moment it felt as if you were falling into nothingness. You didn't open your eyes. You wouldn't dare to. You kept them shut until you finally felt like your feet were touching the ground.

"We're here darling." You heard Loki's voice inside your ear.

You opened your eyes and you were standing in the lobby of the Avengers Tower. The place was almost fully abandoned. You really couldn't believe it. A week or so ago this was place full of people, just like you had left it three years ago. But now, it was almost empty.

It felt like a chapter of your life was over. In a way you knew it was but you really didn't want to. There was still a part of you that wanted to go back in time, three and a half years ago when your life felt more...normal.

"Okay, so." You said and clapped your hands. "Let's get outside. I bet Laura is already there."

You walked outside of the building and Loki followed you. Once you passed through the doors you saw Laura standing on the sidewalk. She was looking anxiously at her phone. You started walking towards her and you smile grew a little bigger.

The moment she saw you she gasped loudly and ran to you. Before you had any time to react Laura was hugging you tight. For a second you felt like she wanted to suffocate you as a punishment for worrying her so much. Though she was would right. You should've called earlier, you shouldn't make her worry like that.

The hug probably lasted way longer than it should have but you didn't care. Laura had been your rock through everything that you went through in London and you had missed her dearly the past few weeks. Only the smell of her made you feel safer, as much ridiculous as that sounded.

When you finally pulled away you saw some tears on the corners of Laura's eyes. They weren't exactly sad tears though. Maybe more like tears of relief. You knew how worried she has been the past week and now she knew that you were okay.

"Hi..." You said with a smile. You really were happy to see her.

"Hi?!" She shouted, not very happily. "Is that all you have to say to me? Hi?! What the hell?"

"Okay I know. I know. What I did was bad. I acted very inconsiderate. I am really sorry."

You tried to calm her down. You took her hands into yours. You were looking inside her eyes, trying to reassure her, make sure that she knew that everything was okay now.

Sort of.

You still had a lot of explaining to do and you still didn't know how. It would be a lot for Laura to take in. You were worried of how she was going to react. You didn't even know where to start. You had so much to tell her and your time seemed limited.

You took a few deep breaths, trying to put your thoughts in place. Trying to figure out one very hard conversation. Laura was your best friend and you didn't want to ruin that. You didn't want her to look at you differently.

"Shall we get some coffee?" You finally said and she agreed immediately.

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