Once upon a playboy ✓ (Spin-O...

By Sanju_sharma

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When did you go on a vacation? And where have you gone for a vacation? And for how many days you have been on... More

Story starts
What to do??
Will reading
Time for vacation
First week
Second week
His first painting
A new friend
Blissful days
How to meet again??
She is.....
Where is she?
Blind trust
The dreadful day
The bitter truth
The morning after
In a blink.....
Come with me
Back to Seattle
A new family
Our little moments
Michael's office
Date night
Lazy day
Breaking news
Her first step
Another breaking
A chaos
She left
Family time
Dear Michael
Dear Martin
I love you
I need to do
The interview
My woman is a ......
After effects
I'm back
Epilogue 2
Sebastian and Adrienne

Date night

149 19 143
By Sanju_sharma


All day I kept on pacing around the house, scolding myself. I know this is a huge mistake. A date with Michael? As enticing as it sounds, it is really a very very huge mistake.

That day when we came back from that camp I thought that would be the last day I would see or speak with him.

But when he actually knocked on my door yesterday, I was greeted with the greatest shock of my life.

He confirmed two things when he actually showed up at my door yesterday. One, he is actually looking forward to another moment with me and two, he still hasn’t got to know about my truths.

If he did, he wouldn’t have definitely taken a chance of another glance at me.

And now comes the million dollar question, why hasn’t he still got to know about my truths?

Because the last time I checked, when I was actually seen roaming with a person, he soon got to know about my truths but now it’s been hours and days but Michael is still not aware of them. Why?

2 years back I actually met a tourist at camp. He showed genuine interest in my paintings and we actually spent some quality time together at camp.

As soon as he was spotted with me, all my truths were spilled to him. I thought he would just walk away from me because he seemed kind but he hasn’t hesitated to take advantage of me.

Every time when I feel there are kind men, something has to happen like this. But still my heart won’t stop trusting men.

How can it stop when a marvellous person from the same Men clan has actually given birth to me.

How can it stop when a kind person from the same Men clan has actually saved me?

I sighed, since that incident I hadn’t exchanged even a glance with any of the local people nor the tourists.

But now with Michael, everything went ahead and I’m actually liking it.

One more thing why I hadn’t actually bothered to mingle with the local people is because I know that I will only end up hurting myself and I hate that.

Because in this whole world, I only have myself for me. Then why should I end up hurting myself?

But now the thought of hurting myself by interacting with Michael is not what actually hurting me, it’s the thought of hurting him. Yeah! In these few days he became so dear to me because I have never ever met a person like him.

That’s why I rejected his offer to stay with him and doing that has pained me but I made that choice for good.

Both for his good and also for my own good.

Now, he himself approached with a proposal of a date. How could I even reject him? And why can’t I reject him?

Oh!! There are many reasons.

One, I have never been to any date. Hell, no one asked me out on a date. Two, who in their right frame of mind will say no to Michael? Three, like every woman I too want to experience this. Don't I even deserve this? Four, Michael might not know my truth yet but he soon will know them.

Then I do need this last moment with him before he walks away from me, hating me.

I know, unlike the last man I exchanged a word, Michael won’t take advantage of me. I know that by the way he asked permission before claiming my lips.

My legs finally started hurting with the amount of pacing I did around the house.

So, I finally stopped in the living room and flopped on the couch.

I sighed. What has destiny held up for us? When I thought everything is over between us, why are we meeting again?

Suddenly I jumped in my place when I heard a knock. It’s definitely Michael because other than him no one will even step at my door.

Taking deep breaths I tried to calm myself down.

I slowly opened the door and there he is. The most handsome man I had ever laid my eyes on. Dressed up in his track pants and a t shirt, he is as usual sinfully handsome.

Isn't it a crime to look so handsome and rob women's hearts? If it is then he should have been sentenced for life.

"Hi again." His manly voice hit my ears sending a jolt through my body. Traitorous body. I scolded myself.

"Umm… I don't have any special dresses. So I dressed up for this." I blurted out.

Is that what you need to tell him right now, Mia??!! I mentally kicked myself.

I really don’t have any extraordinary dresses to impress him. So, I just stick to my usual jeans and top.

Taking a step towards me, he smiled. Damn! That gorgeous smile and his masculine scent made my core clench in desire.

Cupping my cheek with his right hand, he gently stroked his thumb against it, sending jolts of electricity through my body, “You don't need to impress me, little. I'm already impressed just by the way you are."

His words made my heart clench tight in an unknown emotion. 

Biting my lip and holding the door tight with my fist so as to control my shaking body, I just nodded.

"Let's go."

Closing the door behind me we moved towards his rental car and got settled in it. Drive to his house is short and silent.

I sat in the car feeling all nervous and then he opened my door. Now, there is no backing out. Once I stepped out he immediately grabbed my arm.
Interlinking our fingers, he walked me to the door.

“Little, remove your shoes.” He said suddenly.

“Huh?!” I stared up at him in confusion.

“Remove your shoes.” He said again.


“Just remove them. You’ll understand.”

Nodding suspiciously I removed my shoes and saw him doing the same. Doesn’t he like roaming with shoes in his house?

“Now, close your eyes.” He said.


“Close your eyes.”

“Michael, what have you planned?”

“Please Little, just close your eyes.” He whined and sighing, I obliged.

He then again grabbed my hand and interlinked our fingers. I then heard the sound of the door clicking.

“Step in.” He said.

I forwarded my right foot and placed it down. When I was expecting a hard floor, I was met with a soft floor.

What is it? Some kind of carpet?

“Come on.” Michael urged and I took another step.

Again a soft floor.

“Mi… Michael… What is this?”

“Can you feel them Little?” He whispered.

I then took a few more steps to feel them beneath my feet.

“Mi… Michael… are these petals?” Those words barely made their way out of my mouth. They really can’t be petals, right?

Instead of answering he chuckled, “Now, take a deep breath.”

I then exhaled in a rush and took a slow and deep breath. Another one and another one. Slowly, the soothing lavender scent filled my lungs and it felt so relaxing.

“Now, stretch your ears.” He whispered again.

It took a moment for me to concentrate and hear it. The relaxing slow music which is barely audible hit my ears and it felt so peaceful.

“Now let your entire body feel it.” I felt him leaving my hand and I stood there clueless still with my eyes closed.

A gust of wind passed through my body and the coldness it brought has not just made me shiver but also made me feel floating lightly.

I instantly felt his warmness near me, “How does it feel, Little?” He whispered.

I smiled, “Calm, relaxed, peaceful.”

“That’s what you made me feel all these days, Mia. Calm… relaxed…. Peaceful.” His words were a whisper near me and I smiled.

I don’t know why but my heart felt relieved.

Raising my head high into the air, I opened my eyes without him telling me to do so and I was met with his gorgeous blue babies. There is some kind of emotion in them. I couldn’t read them. What can it be? Is he feeling the same as me? Cherished. Cared.

He stood close to me but too far. I extended my hands forward and then placed his hands in mine. I tugged him a little and he took a step towards me. Coming close to me. Close enough that we are almost brushing each other. Almost.

I then trailed my hands up from his forearms to his muscled biceps slowly. Slowly that it felt torture to me even. Then from his biceps to his shoulders and then around his neck.

Wrapping my hands securely around his neck, I urged him to lean down a little. He then leaned his forehead against mine.

I raised my head a bit to let my lashes touch his long lashes. To let my nose rest against the tip of his nose. To let my breath caress his lips and his breath to caress mine. To let my lips almost, ALMOST touch his in a featherly touch.

“You're handsome. Dangerously. Sinfully. Handsome.” I whispered, stressing each word and each letter.

After one tortuous beat, he tightened his hands around me and pulled me towards him and my feet were barely touching the ground. He inclined his head to the left and claimed my lips in a hungry kiss and let him take control.

I completely drowned into him while I waited for the darkness and dirtiness to consume me but no.. nothing happened.

My mind is wide awake. My heart is wide awake. Both of them knew that Michael was sort of claiming me and they let him wilfully.

When he finally slowed down, he let my feet touch the soft floor properly and joined our foreheads.

“See, I’m again doing it wrong?” He said.

Narrowing my eyes, I looked at him.
“Kiss has to be towards the end of the date but again I did it before.”

Shaking my head, I chuckled.

He backed away from me, “Come on, let’s feed our tummies.”

He led me deep into the house and chanced a glance around. Almost the entire floor was covered in rose petals. The entire house was lit with the scented candles.

“Michael! I feel bad for the roses. They were getting hurt. You shouldn’t have done that.” I said while he guided me to the dining table.

“Trust me. They won’t mind the hurt.” Saying that he opened the chair for me and I flopped down. The little table was filled with dishes and I wonder if we won’t even eat half of them.

The roses. The candles. The dishes. He really took so much effort and I now feel bad for him.

“You shouldn’t have taken so much effort, Michael. This is too much.” I said, looking down at the table.

He placed his hand on mine that was resting on the table and squeezed it, “It’s nothing.” He said by my heart hasn’t accepted that it’s nothing. He might not know. It’s everything to me.

He sighed, “I was actually becoming so lazy here. So, to treat myself right, I made all these arrangements, not for you.”

I chuckled at this.

“Now, come on. Don’t let your tummy wait.” He said, filling my plate with the dishes. He filled it fully that it was almost threatening to spill ot’s contents.

Chuckling, we both dug into the food immediately while talking about the food.

For the first time I felt like my tummy was overfilled. It's been years since I had a content and happy meal.

Satisfying my tummy has always been on the last of my to do list and now I understood how much care I need to take about my tummy because who else will take care of it?

And also it felt so good to have a meal with an amazing company. The last time I had food with an amazing company was a cherishable memory and it was ages ago.

I remember that memory clearly because that was the last time I spent a day happily. That was the last time I spent with my family happily.

After that, everything collapsed right in front of my eyes and I just stood there silently.

“LIttle, want some wine?” My thoughts were broken by his voice and I looked at him. He has a wine bottle in his hand and he is actually forwarding it to me.

“No thanks. I don’t drink.” I hate drinking. It makes me lose my sense. Lose my control. I don’t want that to happen ever again.

Nodding, he placed the bottle back on the table and stood up and walked towards the music system. He then fiddled with the keys and another slow yet energetic song started playing.

I don't even know what song it is. I winced. My music knowledge is really really poor.

He then came back towards me. Placing his left hand behind his back.

Bowing a little, he forwarded his right hand towards me, "May I have the honour to dance with you, princess?"

He asked and I froze in my place. It hasn't taken me more than a second to pool up tears in my eyes.

My dad used to call me princess whenever he was overflowing with love towards me. In these past years I only wished to have my father back and hear him calling me princess. But how can that be possible??

"Little." He called me when he understood that I zoned out.

Swallowing my tears I placed my hand in his extended one. Helping me to stand up he gently pulled me into his arms.

Forgetting everything, I let myself once again drown into him.

Encircling his other arm around my waist, he took slow steps. I stared up into his blue eyes and let my legs have their own mind to sync with his steps.

I let everything around me fade away to get lost in his eyes. There are many unknown emotions being displayed in his eyes. But I couldn't even understand any of his emotions.

For the first time I wish I could read eyes.

I let my hands wrap around his neck and let both of his hands wrap around my waist. He pulled me close, so close that air too can't pass through us.

His hands slowly moved up my back and shivers ran through me. Grabbing a hold of my band he let my hair free from its ponytail and wrapped his fingers around its strands.

Securing his hand at the back of my head he slowly leaned down letting his warm breath fan over me. He leaned down even more and slowly pressed his lips against mine.

As I expected he hasn't let his lips explore mine. And me being an impatient person I let my lips explore his. Sucking on his lower lip I earned a groan from him which made my core clench in desire.

I let my fingers make their way into his hair and tugged hard at his strands resulting in another groan. God! Just his groans are enough for me to meet my climax.

He then crushed me towards him and my lips parted in a moan. He thrust his tongue inside my lips, tasting me.

Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours but we kept on exploring each other's lips.

Finally we parted when our lungs screamed for oxygen. Even then he hasn't let me go. He locked me in his arms and leaned his forehead on mine. For the first time I felt happy to be in a man's arms.

"Stay with me tonight." He said and my eyes snapped up to his.

"I don't have any intentions, Little. Just want to spend some quality time with you."

He said and I found the sincerity in his eyes which melted me.

"Just watch a movie with me. That's all I'm asking for." He said and I nodded without a second thought.

That's how I spent the rest of the night. On his couch, Cross legged, letting my head rest on his shoulder before sleep consumed me.


*Sigh* I wish someone has arranged a date like that to me.....


Pics source and credit : Google and Pinterest....

So, I'm back with another chapter. How is it?

Sorry for the longest chapter....

How are my Mike and Mia?

They are happy, right?

But will it stay like that?

Want to know?

What are you waiting? Buckle up guys... Story is going to turn interesting from next chapter....

Everything might start spilling out....

Don't forget to share your views. Follow me for updates...

Excuse me for the spelling and grammatical mistakes that went unnoticed by me while editing....


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