13 Reasons Why Hannah Baker L...

By espinosa1989

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What if Hannah Baker survived her attempt? What would that world look like? In this world, she survives her a... More

Chapter 1: October 9th, 2017
Chapter 2: The Tapes
Chapter 3: Paying The Price
Chapter 4: Sooner Or Later, The Truth Will Come Out!
Chapter 5: Free Solo
Chapter 6: Tape 9
Chapter 7: The Stop Sign
Chapter 8: Clay's Tape
Chapter 9: The Confrontation
Chapter 10: It Has To Get Better
Chapter 11: The Trial Begins & The 1st Polaroid
Chapter 12: The Hallucination
Chapter 13: Jessica's Testimony
Chapter 14: The 2nd Polaroid
Chapter 15: Hannah's Poems
Chapter 16: The Secret Relationship
Chapter 17: Clay Testifies
Chapter 18: The Tapes Are Out
Chapter 19: Porter's Testimony
Chapter 20: The Clubhouse
Chapter 21: Bryce & Chlöe
Chapter 22: Awakening
Chapter 23: Confronting Monty
Chapter 24: The Verdict
Chapter 25: The Sentencing
Chapter 26: The Aftermath Of The Trial
Chapter 27: Spring Fling
Chapter 28: The New Girl
Chapter 29: The Disappearance of Bryce Walker
Chapter 30: Jessica's Speech
Chapter 31: The Truth About Chlöe
Chapter 32: Student Body President Jessica Davis
Chapter 33: Bryce Walker Is Dead
Chapter 34: Tyler
Chapter 35: Tyler's Gun
Chapter 36: The Problem With Alex Standall
Chapter 37: The Funeral
Chapter 38: There Are A Number Of Problems With Clay Jensen
Chapter 39: Return of the Counselor
Chapter 40: The Problem With Justin
Chapter 41: Olivia Returns To Town Pt.1
Chapter 42: Olivia Returns To Town Pt.2
Chapter 43: What Does Charlie Know?
Chapter 44: I'm A Survivor
Chapter 45: Homecoming
Chapter 46: Let The Dead Bury The Dead
Chapter 47: It's Not Supposed To Be Easy For People Like Us
Chapter 48: SRO
Chapter 49: Sanderson University
Chapter 50: The Mysterious Caller
Chapter 51: Love Is Love
Chapter 52: The Legend of Burnham Woods
Chapter 53: Find Your Drink
Chapter 54: Is It A Drill? Part 1
Chapter 56: The Session
Chapter 57: Tyler's Deal
Chapter 58: Gordon Lightfoot
Chapter 59: The Walkout & The Riot
Chapter 60: Prom Part 1
Chapter 61: Prom Part 2
Chapter 62: The Finals Days Of Justin Foley
Chapter 63: Justin's Funeral
Chapter 64: The Return Of The Tapes
Chapter 65: Graduation
Chapter 66: Goodbye
Chapter 67: 20 Years Later
Chapter 68: The Reason Why I'm Still Going

Chapter 55: Is It A Drill? Part 2

39 1 0
By espinosa1989

Tony has turned over the images of the guns that he found in Tyler's backpack to Dean Foundry.

Dean Foundry: And you found this in Tyler Down's bag?

Tony Padilla: Yes, sir. I thought, what if this is him, right?

Dean Foundry: No, it's good thinking. No, it's good you brought it to me. I'll certainly look into this.

Dean Foundry folds up the images and puts them inside his coat.

Tony Padilla: Are you going to do something, like, now, like something? Call someone?

Dean Foundry: Hush. I think it's best we handle it after the lockdown.

Tony Padilla: But what if there's something you can do now, and...

Dean Foundry: There's nothing to be done right now. We'll handle it.

Tony Padilla: How?

Dean Foundry: We'll handle it.

Tony Padilla: Fuck.

Dean Foundry: Thank you, Mr. Padilla. No, stay here. Gonna wait for the all-clear.

Dean Foundry makes Tony stay with him. At H.O., Jessica hears a thud and the window squeaking

Jessica Davis: Shit! Fuck. Fuck. Oh, shit, OK. Fuck.

She sees someone is trying to get inside through the window as she gets up and picks up a spray can & a stapler as the window opens and some enters. It was someone in a hoodie as Jessica immediately throws the stapler & the spray can at the individual.

Justin Foley: Hey, hold on! No gun!

The spray can hits him in the head as he takes off the hood from his head, revealing to be Justin who now has a cut on his head..

Justin Foley: (Gasps) Aah!

Jessica Davis: What the fuck?

Justin Foley: Hey.

Back at the rec room...

Alex Standall: That's my dad.

Charlie St. George: What?

Alex Standall: My dad. He's out in the hallway.

Charlie doesn't hear anything as Alex starts to freak out.

Charlie St. George: I don't... I don't think anyone's out there.

Alex Standall: No, I hear him.

Alex stands up as he makes his way out from the computer lab.

Charlie St. George: Alex. Stay down.

Alex Standall: Fuck, I hear him. No, that's my dad! He's right out there. Can't you hear him?

Dean Foundry: He needs to shut up.

Alex Standall: No, it's my dad.

Dean Foundry: You two, down, now.

Alex Standall: He's calling my name. He's out there.

Dean Foundry: Get down.

Alex Standall: I can hear him!

Girl: Tell him to get down.

Charlie St. Georg: Shit. Uh... Alex, it's the TBI. OK? You're not hearing your dad. It's your brain making you think you are. He's not there. It's the stress.

Alex Standall: No, I hear him.

Charlie St. George: Alex, it's not him, OK? It's your mind. Trust me.

Alex begins to calm down.

Alex Standall: Oh.

Charlie St. George: Come on. Come on. Let's go.

Charlie takes Alex back to the computer lab as they go hide under the desks. Back in Mrs. Bradley's classroom. Hannah is now hallucinating another version of herself. This time, it was her wearing the dress she wore at the Winter Formal sophomore year.

Hannah Baker: What the hell is this?

Hannah Baker (Winter Formal): What do you think?

Hannah Baker: Winter Formal?

Hannah Baker (Winter Formal): Yep. The night we danced with Clay.

Hannah Baker: Jumping around looking like idiots.

Hannah Baker (Winter Formal): Like complete idiots.

They both giggle at the memory.

Hannah Baker: And then we slow danced together.

Hannah Baker (Winter Formal): What are you doing?

Hannah Baker: What do you mean?

Hannah Baker (Winter Formal): Blaming yourself for everything that's happened.

Hannah Baker: Because it is my fault.

Hannah Baker (Winter Formal): It's your fault that Monty assaulted Tyler which caused him to almost shoot everyone at Spring Fling? Just like it was your fault that Alex shot himself and then killed Bryce? And then Jeff...

Hannah Baker: I was in that car when Sherri knocked down the sign, I left when I should've stayed!

Hannah Baker (Winter Formal): You were trying to do the right thing.

Hannah Baker: Jeff died.

Hannah Baker (Winter Formal): Not your fault. Sherri was the one driving.

Hannah Baker: But she was giving me a ride. Then Bryce & Jessica. I could've stopped it. Had I not made those tapes and tried to kill myself... (Sobbing) None of it wouldn't had happened. Bryce & Monty would still be alive. Tyler...

Hannah Baker (Winter Formal): That could've still happened. You've got to stop blaming yourself. And don't listen to those other Hannah's. Now, as for Clay...

More gunshots are heard.

Hannah Baker: Jesus!

Hannah Baker (Winter Formal): Clay is going to be alright.

Hannah Baker: (Sobbing) How would you know!? I don't even know where he is! What if he's...?

Hannah Baker (Winter Formal): Don't think like that. Clay is stronger. Think about everything he's done for you. He confronted everyone on the tapes and made them realize their wrong doing. He got Bryce's confession & took a beating for you. Of course he was dumb enough to post the tapes online but he did take down The Clubhouse. And let's not forget what he did for Tyler. There's a reason why you're in love with him.

Hannah Baker: Do I really love him or do I think I love him?

Hannah Baker (Winter Formal): No, you love him. You've always have.

She's... or should I say I'm right. I don't think I love Clay, I do love Clay. I'm in love with Clay Jensen.

The hallucinations of Bryce & Monty continue to torment Clay.

Bryce Walker: So you still don't care about anything, Clay? You still don't have any regrets? You're glad that I'm dead, and he got blamed.

Clay Jensen: Leave me alone.

Monty de la Cruz: Last day of your life. No need to keep secrets. Are you sorry? Are you sorry for what you did?

Clay Jensen: Yes. Yes, I'm sorry.

Monty de la Cruz: Wow. (Chuckles)

Bryce Walker: I didn't think he'd actually admit it.

Monty de la Cruz: We got through to him.

Bryce Walker: It's too bad you won't live, but then again, who does?

Monty de la Cruz: (Snickers) Blade Runner. Nice.

Bryce Walker: Well, we only know it 'cause he does.

Clay just looks at both Bryce & Monty.

Clay Jensen: Am I going crazy?

They both snicker.

Bryce Walker: Asked and answered, no?

Monty de la Cruz: Going crazy? My boy, you done gone.

Clay stands up.

Clay Jensen: (Sighs) If there's someone that needs to be saved, I'm gonna try to save them. And if this is the day that I die, then I die standing up. Though I still think it's a fucking drill.

Clay leaves the robotic classroom as he begins to wonder off through the hallways. He looks for the gunman as he hears footsteps approaching. He sees the gunman running towards him holding a riffle. The gunman is wearing a jacket over a hoodie while wearing a hood on his face.

Clay Jensen: No, no, no! Don't shoot!

The gunman stops as they both walk to each other by the front entrance.

Clay Jensen: (Panicked) Um... Look, this... this doesn't have to go this way.

Hannah Baker: Was that Clay?

Hannah heard Clay from the classroom.

Hannah Baker (Winter Formal): What are you waiting for? Get him!

I open the door and peak out and see Clay in the hallways.

Clay Jensen: Whatever you've done... (Breathing Heavily) it can be OK. OK? Just... please don't shoot. Don't shoot. Please.

Who is he talking to? There's nobody there.

The gunman takes the hood off from his face revealing that the gunman is Clay Jensen as Clay is shocked.

Clay Jensen: I...

The gunman pulls the trigger and fires at Clay as he yells.

What is Clay doing? He's acting like someone is shooting him?

Hannah Baker: Clay?

Clay turns and sees me.

Principal Bolan: Clay! Clay Jensen! Hannah Baker!

Clay then turns to see Principal Bolan peaking out from the office as Clay realizes that he wasn't shot.

Principal Bolan: What the hell are you doing?

Hannah Baker: Clay, are you alright?

Principal Bolan: Both of you! Get in here! Get in here.

I grab Clay by his hand and drag him towards Bolan as we enter the school's office. Principal Bolan takes us to his office as he closes the door behind us as we sit on his couch while he takes a seat in front of us. Clay looks freaked out.

Principal Bolan: Get down.

Hannah Baker: What the hell, Clay?

Clay Jensen: Is this a drill?

Principal Bolan: What were you doin' in that hallway?

Clay Jensen: Is this a drill?

Hannah Baker: Clay, you need to calm down.

Principal Bolan: Did you hear the gunshots?

Clay Jensen: Yes!

I just nod at Principal Bolan.

Principal Bolan: You did. So, why did the both of you leave your classroom?

Hannah Baker: I heard Clay in the hallway. I was trying to get him to safety.

Clay Jensen: I thought it was a drill!

Principal Bolan: Goddamn it, Clay, Hannah. This is a hard lockdown. There were first responders on the scene with guns drawn. You thought that was a drill? Another rule that just didn't apply to you, so you thought you'd run around and be a pain in my ass?

Clay Jensen: No! Someone kept trying the door, and I thought someone might need help, and I didn't want to die sitting down!

Jesus, Clay. He must've been so scared. I put my hand on his shoulder as he breathes heavily.


We both jump as we turn around and we see a police officer in S.W.A.T. gear.

Principal Bolan: (Whispering, Pointing To The Officer) Yeah.

Hannah Baker: What the fuck?

Clay Jensen: Wait.

Principal Bolan: All right. Now listen to me. No. Look. It's OK. Clay, Hannah, you are not gonna die. You are not gonna die. The bullets were blanks.

The bullets were blanks? What the fuck?

Principal Bolan: The officers tried the doors. The alarms were to make sure that students and teachers followed protocol, and the only ones who didn't were the 2 of you.

Hannah Baker: They... they pounded at the doors.

Principal Bolan: Those were their instructions.

Clay Jensen: The bullets were blanks?

Hannah Baker: Blanks?

Principal Bolan: Simulated gunfire to make sure the students will be able to recognize it.

Hannah Baker: Wait... so it was a fucking drill?

Principal Bolan: Well, if it wasn't, you'd be dead.

Bolan had a point there, but still... this is fucked up! A fucking drill? I'm pretty sure everyone thought this was real. Bolan gets up from his seat and goes to the door.

Principal Bolan: (Sighs) Wait here.

He opens the door and leaves. We're just sitting there as we're just trying to calm down. I hold on to Clay's hand as he turns to look at me as we both had tears in our eyes.

Hannah Baker: It's going to be okay. We're going to be okay.

Clay just nods at me as we just sit there.

Back at H.O., Jessica & Justin just sit on the ground as he tends to his wound that he got from the stapler that she threw at him.

Justin Foley: Jess, that was a fuckin' stapler.

Jessica Davis: If I had a gun, I would have shot you.

Justin Foley: You want to shoot me, don't you? Deep down, you always have.

Jessica Davis: Oh, my God. Justin, you came out of a window during a lockdown. Who does that?

Justin Foley: I... (Sighs) I was... We were hiding in the locker room, and I was just thinking, what if this is the last day of our life, you know? And then I realized...

Justin gets closer to Jessica.

Justin Foley: If this is the last day of my life, I want to spend it with you.

Jessica just stares at Justin, feeling the same way.

Justin Foley: OK, uh... I guess I'll just... I'll just go back, OK?

Jessica Davis: Oh, my God, shut the fuck up.

Jessica goes for and kisses Justin as he kisses her back. Suddenly, the PA beeps.

Principal Bolan: This lockdown is all clear. I repeat. This lockdown is all clear. An announcement will be made shortly to provide staff and students...

Everyone was relieved that it was over. In the girls' room, Estella steps out of the stall.

Estella de la Cruz: Tyler, it's over. Tyler?

Tyler is traumatized from the drill as he just sits inside the stall. In the rec room, everyone gets back up including Alex & Charlie in the computer lab.

Alex Standall: Yeah, that happened to me before, last year early on, but... it hadn't happened in a while.

Charlie St. George: That was the stress.

Alex Standall: Yeah, how did you know, like, what it was?

Charlie St. George: Uh, I, um.. I googled TBIs a while back, just to, you know, uh... know what they entailed. Like, what you were going through.

Alex Standall: Oh, yeah. Um... Yeah, you know, I'm a freak, so...

Charlie St. George: No. No, no, no.

Charlie takes the moment to kiss Alex, much to his surprise.

Alex Standall: That... was surprising.

Charlie St. George: Surprising good or surprising bad? (Chuckles)

Alex kisses Charlie back as Tony walks in on them.

Tony Padilla: Well, you 2 recovered.

Alex Standall: Kind of.

Tony smiles and chuckles.

Charlie St. George: What?

Tony Padilla: (Sighs) Well, I shoulda seen that comin'.

Alex Standall: Wait, what did Foundry say?

Tony Padilla: He, uh, said he was gonna look into it, and then he said he heard from the office that this was just a fucking drill.

Charlie St. George: OK, so if the cops bring him in again, what is that gonna mean for us?

The 3 of them now realize that they may have fucked things up for Tyler. In the yearbook room, Zach & Winston both get up begin to recover from the gummy bears.

Zach Dempsey: Hey, listen. What I said earlier, about what happened with Bryce. I was super out of it.

Winston Williams: And even though you didn't kill Bryce that night, you don't want to be known as the guy who beat the shit out of him before he died, right?

Zach Dempsey: Yeah. Exactly.

Winston Williams: Don't worry. I can keep a secret.

Zach Dempsey: Thanks, man. Sure.

Winston Williams: Except, here's the thing. If you know for a fact you didn't kill Bryce, then you must know who did, right?

Zach begins to get worried that he may have fucked over his friends.

Clay gets up from the couch and goes up to the door.

Hannah Baker: Clay, what are you doing?

Clay just ignores me and opens the door and steps out. I follow him out as he now goes to the door that leads to the hallway as he opens it and steps out as I follow him out once again.

Principal Bolan: Fantastic job.

S.R.O. Officer: Thanks.

Principal Bolan: Thank you very much.

S.R.O. Officer: Thank you, sir.

We see Bolan talking with the police officers.

Principal Bolan: Gentlemen, thank you for your expertise, for your training. You made a big difference today.

Hannah Baker: (Whispering) What's going on here, Clay?

Clay Jensen: What the fuck?

Hannah Baker: Clay?

Principal Bolan and the S.R.O.'s turn to see us.

Clay Jensen: What the actual fuck are you thinking?

Principal Bolan: Clay, Hannah, would you take a seat in my office, please?

Clay Jensen: No! We will not take a seat in your office! You think that this is the way to make us safe?

Hannah Baker: Clay, calm down.

I try to take his hand, but he just shakes me off.

Clay Jensen: No! He needs to hear this! You know what would make me feel safe? Not having to go to a school with metal detectors or video cameras or armed fucking guards!

Everybody is coming out of their classrooms making their way towards us.

Principal Bolan: (Stammers) There's still class, folks. OK? Bell has not rung.

Clay Jensen: No, you're killing us! You are killing us! Don't you get that? You made a drill with gunshots and hammered down the door to prepare us for what? What it feels like to be hunted? To practice getting ready to die, to make us feel afraid for our lives? We already know how that feels! You're scaring us to death! Every day! Every day! Every day!

Hannah Baker: Clay, please.

S.R.O. Guard: Calm down, son.

The S.R.O. officer tries to calm him down but he just brushes him off. I'm really worried about him now.

Clay Jensen: I am not your goddamn son! Get the fuck away from me! We are children! We're kids! We should be living our fucking lives instead of practicing how to cheat death, because you know what? Everybody fucking dies! Everybody dies! So, please, please let us live!

Principal Bolan: We are trying to keep you alive. That's what every minute of this drill has been about.

Hannah Baker: Clay, please. Just listen to him.

Clay Jensen: No! It was about you checking a fucking box, a regulation, a law, whatever the fuck, because you know what? You know what? We're not safe.

S.R.O. Guard: That's enough.

The guard puts a hand on Clay's shoulder but he moves it off.

Clay Jensen: Hey, fuck you, "that's enough." Who are you? Who are you to say it's enough? Who are you?

Clay starts pushing the guard and now they're tasseling around.

Hannah Baker: Clay! Stop!

Clay then reaches into the guard's belt and grabs his gun. Oh, my god!

Clay Jensen: Am I safer now? Huh? I've got your gun! I've got your gun! Am I safer?

I take a couple of steps back as I end up in a corner. I just watch in horror Clay pointing a gun up.

Principal Bolan: Please.

Clay Jensen: Look at me, I'm armed. Should I give this to a teacher so they can save their fucking class?

Principal Bolan: Clay, please. Put the gun down. We'll go to my office, and we will talk this over, OK? Come on.

Clay just stops and breathes heavily as he's looking at right side of the hallway.

Clay sees Tyler standing there with a blanket covering him with Estella right behind him.

Clay Jensen: Tyler... What happened to us? What did you do? What did you do?

Tyler Down: I didn't do anything.

Clay now turns to look at Hannah as he sees her with fear in her eyes as she is sitting down in the corner by the office door with tears running down on her face.

Clay Jensen: Oh, shit. Hannah...

Hannah Baker: Please.

Clay sobs quietly as he puts his arm with the gun down.

Principal Bolan: OK. OK.

Then a guard just tackles down Clay holding on to his arms.

Principal Bolan: No!

Hannah Baker: NOOOOOO!

Hannah gets back up and tries to intervene but the guards hold her back as they drags her to where Jessica & Justin are at as they grab hold of her.


Principal Bolan: No...

Another guard then knocks Clay out by hitting him in the head with his botan while Hannah & everyone else watches hopelessly.

Clay. What happened to you? Why? Paramedics arrive to strap Clay on a stretcher with his wrists and ankles wrapped in safety restraints as Clay begins struggling with it. Jessica just hold on to me. I just cry on her shoulder as we all watch hopelessly as the roll Clay away.

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