The Owl House: Emperors and T...

By IsabellaAnne1803112

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Luz travels to the Boiling Isles after following a witch girl named Cerise. She meets Cerise's "family". Eda... More

Season One Theme Song
A Lying Witch and a Warden
Witches Before Wizards
I Was a Teenage Abomination
The Intruder
Hooty's Moving Hassle
Lost in Language
Once Upon a Swap
Something Ventured, Someone Framed
Escape of the Palisman
Sense and Insensitivity
Adventures in the Elements
The First Day
Really Small Problems
Understanding Willow
Wing It Like Witches
Agony of a Witch
Young Blood, Old Souls
Season Two Theme Song
Separate Tides
Escaping Expulsion
Echoes of the Past
Keeping Up A-fear-ances
Through the Looking Glass Ruins
Hunting Palismen
Eda's Requiem
Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door
The Blood Moon Ball
Eclipse Lake
Yesterday's Lie
You Will Know Fear
Follies at the Coven Day Parade
Elsewhere and Elsewhen
Any Sport in a Storm
Reaching Out
Them's the Breaks, Kid
Hollow Mind
Labyrinth Runners
Clouds on the Horizon
King's Tide
Thanks to Them
For the Future
Watching and Dreaming

Enchanting Grom Fright

654 19 6
By IsabellaAnne1803112

King was watching videos on Luz's phone while she was using a magnifying glass to look at a flower.

"Come on! Work this time." Luz replicates the plant glyph, activating it and gasping as a flower successfully grows, "Yes! Check it out, King! My glyph skills are blossoming!"

"You think that's impressive? Check this out! Two warriors battling to the death!" King exclaims as two cats meow on the phone. One prepares to pounce on the other, but falls on its back.

Luz looks at the open portal door, "Ah. I see we're getting enough Wi-Fi through the portal for cat videos."

"Senseless violence. Yes, attack! Death is your god!"

"I regret teaching you about the Internet."

"Hah! What possible regrets could come from the Internet? Oh! Did you know that the Earth is actually flat?" King asks.

"Yep, that's not right." Luz takes her phone back as it vibrates. She gets a text reading, "How's camp today, cariño? <3, Mamá.". She gulps as she starts typing "I", "I'm", and "It" before deleting them and sending a thumbs-up emoji, "Good enough."

"Ah, a severed hand!" King looks over her shoulder, "Perfect response."

Luz flops down on the couch and puts a pillow on her face, "Ugh! What am I supposed to say?" she sits up, ""Hey, Mom, not at camp actually! I'm in the demon realm learning to be a witch! Also, did you know demons and magic are real?" She. Will. End me."

"Nah, she'd be freaked out by our world anyway. So actually, by keeping the truth from her, you're doing her a favor!" King points out.

"Hm. The demon on my shoulder makes a good point."

"Always trust a shoulder demon!" King takes the phone from her.

Cerise walks down the stairs, the witch levitating her books as she holds some garment bags in her hands, "Luz, come on! We gotta get to school! There's a special occasion that I need to talk with you about!"

"Ooh! Garment bags!" Luz exclaims excitedly.

Hooty opens the door, "Hoot hoot, Luz! Time to fill up that darling little head of yours with..." he regurgitates a stack of books onto the ground, "Mm-mm! Delicious knowledge!"

Gus and Willow look in from the doorway.

"Please hurry!"

"The more I look at him, the more uncomfortable I get."

"Hoot hoot!"

"Hehe." Luz fingerguns them before kissing King's head, "Don't spend all day watching MewTube, 'kay?"

"I forge my own path!" King calls out to her as the two leave with their friends. On the phone screen, a fluffy black cat chases its tail, making him snicker, "What a dum-dum." his tail starts to wag and he tries to catch it but flops on the couch after a second, "Ugh. Who has the energy?"


The spider kindergarten teacher decorates the halls with streamers, "Coming through! Watch your heads!"

The halls were decked out with balloons made of abomination goop and other decorations as Cerise, Luz, Gus, and Willow enter.

"Something's different today. Did everyone get a haircut?" Luz asks.

"Oh yeah! I forgot you've never been here for the social event of the season." Willow says.

Welcome to your first-"

Suddenly, two masked health workers enter, rolling a stretcher and making siren noises that cut Gus off.

"Outta the way!"

The workers surround a beast-keeping student with dark skin, blonde hair that covers his eyes, and big, pointy ears similar to a bat as Skara looks on.

"Come with us immediately! Your disease, it's advancing!" they help him onto the stretcher.

"Is there a cure, doc?" the bat boy asks.

"Only one...finding the perfect date to Grom!"

"If that's the cure...then, Skara, will you go to Grom with me?" he holds out a beating heart with "GROM?" written on it in red ink.

"Ahhhhh! Of course I will, or whatever!" Skara hugs him as the onlooking students and teachers cheer.

Luz gasps, "You guys have a version of prom on the Boiling Isles? I was kicked out of my last school dance for dressing like an otter." she strikes a pose, "But maybe here, I could be your Grom Queen!"

Willow exchanges a look as Gus cringes, "That's, uh, not something people usually sign up for."

"Yeah, Luz, being Grom Queen is not a good thing." Cerise told her as Amity enters from around the corner, looking down at a note she was carrying before unknowingly bumping into Luz. The two fall, Amity's books and the note falling to the ground.

"Watch it, nitwit! Oh. Hi, Luz..." she looks over at Cerise, Willow, and Gus, "and co. Sorry about that." she stands up.

"No problem, let me help you!" Luz helps Amity pick up her books and hands her the little pink note she dropped, " Here, your note." Amity quickly snatches it away, "Man, you got some quick grabbers."

"It's just, it's...private."

The speaker screeches on as everyone looks at it.

"I'm so nervous."

"Shh! This is it!"

"Attention Hexside students. This is your principal speaking."

"Oh, man, this is it!" Gus looks anxious.

"He's announcing who'll be this year's Grom royalty." Willow clasps her hands together as Amity looks on, concerned.

"This year, I have the privilege to bestow our highest Grom honor to...Amity Blight!" Principal Bump announces as Cerise, Luz, Willow, and Gus gasp, turning to Amity, who looked shocked, "Our Grom Queen!"

The other students gasp as well, "It's Amity!/Amity."

Amity looks noticeably uneasy.

"Whoo! Amity, get it, queen!" Luz holds her hand up for a high-five as Amity looks around and runs off, "Don't leave me hangin'!"

Willow puts a hand on her shoulder, "You might wanna give her some space. Being Grom Queen is a tough job. Even for Amity."

"Speaking of Grom, Willow, Gus, come with me. I need to make sure your Grom outfits fit."

"Those are what's in those garment bags?!" Luz asks.

"Yeah, I also have Edric's and Emira's per their request and they told me to do one for Amity too." Cerise explains, "I'll be back, Luz. You should see the gym!"


Students set up decorations in the gym while Principal Bump oversees, the Snaggleback hanging from the ceiling by a rope and spinning.

"Very good. Lower the streamers, fill the punch bowl, and, how's my disco ball?"

"Nauseous." Snaggleback answers.

"Great. Just keep it up for 36 more hours." Principal Bump leaves the gym.

Luz enters, looking excited, "Ah. My first school dance experience on the Boiling Isles. I can't wait to get overdressed, take awkward photos, push all the buttons-wait, what?" she spots a red button on a black and red pedestal with insect legs on the bottom, "Well, hello. Don't mind if I do." she cheekily pushes the button, the ground rumbling as the floor opens to an underground area that was connected by a ramp, "Woah!" two walks of weapons come up from the floor on either side of Luz, making her gasp, "Medieval torture seems like a strange theme for Grom, but hey-"

"They're not for decoration." Amity spoke up as she was sitting at the top of the bleachers. She then stands up and makes her way down, "This arena's where I'll make my debut as Grom Queen."

"Right. So, why don't you seem excited?" Luz asks.

Amity grabs a sword, "Because this isn't just some dance party." she looks down into the area, black goop rumbling and growling, "That's Grom. Short for Grometheus, the Fear-Bringer. It's a monster that lives under the school." she casts a spell that shows a tapestry about Grom's backstory, "Every year it tries to break out, and a student had to defeat it before it invades the town. Ever the optimist, Bump holds a party and calls it tradition. The worst thing is that Grom can read minds and shape-shift into your worst fear. And mine..." she looks at the blade of the sword, "is very embarrassing." she puts it back on the wall.

"If it worries you so much, then why don't you tell Principal Bump you want out of this death match biz?" Luz suggests before gasping, "Unless talking to Bump is your greatest fear."

Amity chuckles, "No, but that's a good idea. Thanks, Luz." she leaves the gym.


"Put down a tarp, I'm gonna puke!" Snaggleback shouts as Luz hurries out of the gym.


"We're home!" Luz sings as Eda lets out a noise of pain.

"Aunt Eda, King, I told you to wait until I got here!" Cerise rushes over to them.

Eda was wearing a brown tuxedo with King wearing a green apron as he was standing on a stack of books, "Careful with those pins."

"Why am I doing this? I don't even wear clothes!" King told her.

"Hey, sweet duds, Owl Lady! What's the haps?" Luz asks as she sits on Eda's nest.

"I'm chaperoning Grom tonight." Eda flips her hair, "So I have to look sharp."

"And Gus asked me to co-emcee the fight!" King holds up a poster of him and Gus standing back-to-back in sunglasses, the latter holding a microphone, "We're gonna turn this blood-bath into a fun-bath!"

"Ooh! Have they announced the victim yet?" Eda asks as Cerise helps her.

"It's Amity." Cerise explains.

"She's kinda freaking out though. I wish I could, like, take her place or something." Luz thinks to herself.

Eda and King start laughing.

"A great joke, Luz!"

"Ah, listen, kid. That's a noble sentiment, but Grom is a little above your pay-grade. You're a human. You're...fragile." Eda told her.

Luz, red with anger, gets up and marches towards Eda, "Hey! I've been learning lots of new spells like Cece! I could totally handle it."

"There's a horrifying spider in your hair." Eda smirks.

"Nope. I'm not as fragile as you think, Eda. And I can't be so easily fooled, either." Luz turns around, revealing there is in fact a horrifying spider in her hair. She slams the door as she leaves.

"Uh, maybe you were too hard on her." Cerise told her.

"She's saved you from multiple monsters, remember?" King reminds her.

"Facing Grom means facing your worst fear. And I don't think Luz knows what that means yet." Eda looks at herself in the mirror, pausing, "Do you think I could pull off red eyeshadow?"


"Girl, you can pull off anything! Up top!" King, Eda, and Cerise high-five, "We're style geniuses!"


Luz holds a branch as she tears through the brush, angry, ""Fragile". Eda doesn't know me! I-I'm brave! I'm a bad boy!" she suddenly hears a noise and yelps, "Ominous footsteps, creepy woods. This is no problem." she shakingly moves forward, "Luz chop! Aaaaaahhhhhh!" she lunges forward and unknowingly hits Amity, knocking her down into the mud.


Luz gasps as she pulls out a light glyph and activates it to see her, "Oh my gosh, Amity! I'm so sorry!" she tries to help her up, but she slips in the mud.

Amity sighs, "And here I thought this day...Oop!" Luz pulls her to standing as they stare at each other for a second, Amity sitting down on a tree stump, "...couldn't get any worse."

Luz looks around before plopping herself in the mud, "Did you talk to Bump? Was it as terrifying as you imagined?"

Amity sighs, "He said no. I'm Grom Queen, unless I can find a replacement. And who'd want to switch with me?" she curls in on herself.

Luz looks down before her face brightens, "I would."


Luz stands, "Amity Blight, I'll do it. I'll take your place and face Grom in the arena. I'll be your fearless champion!" the spider that was in her hair crawls onto her face. She screams and faceplants into the mud as Amity looked concerned, "Fearless...champion..."


Luz rummages through a chest of clothes, pulling out a black dress and an otter suit, "Hmmm...Hmm!"

"Luz! Edric, Emira, and Amity are coming over for your training and for their outfit fittings!" Cerise calls as she steps into the room.

"Hey!" Hannibal calls out as Luz receives a text, "Why can't I get a fancy outfit?"

Luz looks at it. "Mira! Visiting our fav after school snack spot!" A selfie of Camila holding a sandwhich outside of a store with a sign reading "Chimichurri Sandwhiches!" is shown. Another text reads, "Miss you BEBE! XO". Luz replies "😋". She frowns at her phone.

"I already made you a little bowtie, Hannibal." Cerise holds up the bowtie.

Hannibal gasps as she puts it on him, "I love it!"

Hooty enters, smooshing his face against Luz's, "Oh, Luz! You have a guest!"

Luz tries to hit him as he retreats, "Hooty! No touching!" she then hears the door opening, "Amity!"

Amity enters the room, picking feathers out of her hair, "If that bird-tube ever talks to me again, I'm going to destroy it. You ready to train, Luz?"

Luz picks up the black dress and otter suit from earlier, "Which should I wear to Grom? This one says, "witch with a dark side." But this one says, "I'm an otter...with a dark side.""

"Luz, you need to take this seriously. If you can't defeat Grom, everyone on the island will have to live out their worst nightmare." Amity explains.

Hooty enters, smooshing against Amity as she scrunches her face, "You wanna hear my worst nightmare?"


Amity paces in front of Cerise, Luz, Emira, and Edric while Hooty was now wearing an eyepatch and bandages, "Grom will transform into your darkest fears. What are you afraid of, Luz?"

Luz thinks to herself.

Edric turns to Emira, "Wanna say our greatest fears? On three. One, two...being alone forever!"

"Being stuck with you forever."

Edric groans.

"In preparation, I've made a list!" Luz pulls a list from her pocket and holds it out to Amity. She grabs it and reads it. Edric and Emira read it and chuckle as they each draw a spell circle. A huge version of Luz's phone appears, the screen showing a guy tipping a white fedora, and a message bubble that says "M'LADY". She yelps, "Jerks online who wanna debate!" a cat with a human face appears, "AH!"

"Luz, help me! Help!"

"Human souls trapped in cat bodies!"

"I don't want to be this."

A carton of milk appears, floating in the air and pouring milk into a glass in Luz's hand, "No! I'm lactose intolerant!"

"Not enough." Amity walks up to her as the illusions vanish, "The reason I can't face Grom—it goes deeper than things that just gross me out." she pokes her, "What's your real fear, Luz?"

Luz looks up at the window into Eda's room, "My real that Eda thinks I'm too fragile to do this! And if she's right, I'll never be a real witch!"

Edric and Emira look at each other and draw a conjoined spell circle as a giant illusion of Eda rises from the ground and flips her hair.

She looks at Luz, "You're inadequate." she draws a spell circle that puts Luz in a high chair with a bib that says "weak baby".

Eda looks at herself in the mirror, now wearing a yellow bowtie, "Me-ow. Still got it."


Eda exits the house, the yellow bowtie in her hand as Emira and Edric look proud, Cerise and Amity looking nervous as Luz wailed like a baby, "I get it. Ditch the yellow." she gasps as she looks up at the illusion of herself, who smiles down at her, "Is that supposed to be me? Dang, I look great." she chuckles, "Wait a sec. You're training to be Grom Queen!"

"So what if I am?" Luz falls and yelps as the high chair and bib disappear.

Eda walks up to her, "You think training will help against Grom? Luz, you always go overboard and Cerise and I end up bailing you out. Now, what's the fun in watching a kid get eaten by a monster if it's my kid?"

"Well, maybe you'll have fun watching me defeat Grom!" Luz karate-chops the cat and it disappears, making her grin proudly as Eda looks worried.

Amity puts a hand on Luz's shoulder, "Luz, I don't think you're ready, but we're literally out of time."

"I'll take it!"

The two smile at each other.

"And speaking of Grom, before the three of you go, I need to give you your Grom outfits." Cerise smiles.

"Sure thing!" Edric blushes.

Emira clears her throat, nudging him as the blush on his face grows.

"A-And maybe, you'd like to go to Grom..." Edric looks at Cerise as she tilts her head in curiosity, "With me and Em!"

Emira groans as she facepalms.

Cerise smiles, "Of course, Ed."


Snaggleback hangs from the ceiling, "Arms so tired."

Rockabilly-style music plays as couples dance awkwardly on the dance floor. Willow dons corsages onto some of the guests as Eda waits nervously on the side, looking at her watch.

"Why so twitchy, witchy?" King walks over to her, "Trying to remember if I've ever seen you this worried before."

"Well, of course I'm worried! I'm gonna have to save Luz from a nightmare monster! Ugh, so much for Mama's fun night out."

Cerise steps into the gym, wearing a lake foam green dress with her hair in a bun as witches around her gasp in awe. She sits down near Edric and Emira, "Hey, guys!"

"Cece! Wow! You look stunning!" Emira compliments.

"Absolutely beautiful." Edric adds.

"Thanks." Cerise smiles, "You two look amazing too!"

The lights dim.

"Ladies, gentlemen, and assorted demons!" Gus, now on stage, speaks into a microphone, "It's almost time for our main Grom event. Please, please, take a seat, and be aware that the first three rows are designated splash zones."

One guest, wearing a raincoat and opening an umbrella, sits in the front row as the students cheer.

Eda and King sit towards the back.

"Wow, Gus is really good at this. They're hanging on his every word!" King comments.

"I see we've got Principal Bump in the house! Now, sir, I hope you won't throw us in detention because, uh, we're going to raise the roof."

The spotlight goes into Principal Bump, who makes a raising-the-roof motion with his hands and smiles as the students cheer.

"Whoo, I, uh, hope my material's up to snuff. Whoah!" King drops his cards and falls into a whoopie cushion, "What do you think will go better with the youths, close-up magic or impressions?"

Eda grabs him by the collar, holding him up, "Oh, King. Teenagers are brutal. They'll boo anyone, and that kind of public humiliation can stick with you for life."


Amity steps out of the gym in her dress and looks down at the note she had that morning, smoothing it out with her thumb. She quickly pockets the note when she hears approaching footsteps.

"I'm not sure if it's nerves or if I accidentally drank some milk, but something's making my stomach squirm." Luz wore a combination of a tux with a tutu, her hair combed back.

"Uh, you look nice. Strange, but...nice." Amity puts her hand on Luz's shoulders, "And, thank you, Luz. Honestly, I'm kind of amazed with how fearless you are. You've done things I could never do."

"Hah! Yeah right! You goin' soft on me, Blight?"

Amity laughs, "In your dreams."

The two stare at each other.

"Now, introducing our Grom Queen. You know her, you love've at least heard of her." Gus spoke into his microphone, "Luz, the Human!"

The students cheer as the spotlight goes on Luz, who looks back at Amity and gives her a thumbs up before walking forward.

"Wish me luck!"

Amity frowns to herself, "Luck."

The pedestal with the red button skitters onto the stage, Gus pressing it as the  floor opens to reveal the Grom arena. Skara and her date, who were about to lean in for a kiss, rip off their formal clothing to reveal their Grom jerseys.


"Yes, Grom!"

The weapon racks rise up on either side of Luz. She picks up a flail and places an ice glyph on it to make it flow as she ventures into the arena, Grom rising, "There you are, Gromarama. Not too scary."

Grom turns into the human souls trapped in cat bodies, "Luz, help me. I'm a man. Make me human again."

"Ugh, so weird." Luz swings her flail to gain momentum and slams it to the ground, a pillar of ice rising and rocketing out the cats as the students cheer.

"And there she goes, folks! Using that characteristic human magic to keep Grom at bay! And now, to hand things over to my co-emcee: King!" Gus hands King the microphone.

"Hel-LO, Hexside! So..." King drops his cards and the microphone feedback screeches as he tugs at his collar, "Oh, oh gosh. Um...whoo. Wow, these lights are warm. Observe! Luz, is um...she's down there, all right. And, uh, yes she is! There she goes! Folks, she's battling the thing, and uh..."

The crowd begins to boo.

"Bring back the funny kid!"

"You will clap for me!" King demands, "Please?" he throws down the microphone and runs offstage, wailing.

"King!" Gus goes after him.

Luz fights against the illusion of the online jerks, "You're not coming from a place of intellectual honesty, so debating you would be pointless!" she slams an ice glyph down, which creates a sharp shard of ice that pierces the illusion and makes it disappear. The students cheer once more.

"Whoo!" Cerise cheers.

"Luz has lasted surprisingly long. But what form will Grom take next?" Principal Bump wonders.

"Let's finish this! Human-style!"

Grom rises behind Luz, towering over her as it appears as an illusion of cursed Eda with glowing eyes. In the stands, Eda groans and hides in her hair. The illusion reaches out to Luz's head and makes her eyes glow before it morphs into the portal door.

"Huh?" Luz looks at it in confusion before looking shocked as the door opens, a familiar person stepping out.


"Mom! What are you doing here?"

"Luz, what is this terrible place? Espérate un momento, this isn't camp. Have you been here, all these weeks?" Camila gasps, "And is that a weapon?"

"Ah!" Luz drops the flail, "I can explain!"

The illusion of Camila morphs into Grom as it towers over Luz, "Mija, have you been lying to me?!" it growls as Luz stares, terrified.

Gus walks over to King, sitting down next to him, "What's going on, little dude?"

"Nothing! Leave me be!" King lays down.

"The thing is, you're sitting in my personal chit-chat zone, which means you gotta talk."

"Well if that's the rule..." King sits up, "Oh, how can this be? I get stage fright! Me! The King of Demons!"

"Well, sometimes, you just have to-"

"I know, I know. Imagine everyone in their underwear."

Gus blushes, "Gross! Why would you do that?"

"I dunno. I always do that." King shrugs, chuckling, "I am a little weirdo."

"No, King. Sometimes you just have to face your fear, like Luz is doing right now."

Luz slides into the hallway, startled as Cerise runs after her, "I can't do it! I can't face my fear!"

"Luz, come back!"

Grom chases after them, "Why are you running, Luz?"

"Grom has escaped!" Principal Bump exclaims as the students panic.

"He escaped! Oh no! Grom escaped. What are we gonna do?"

Gus stares at the microphone Principal Bump was holding, "King, now's your chance."

King grabs the microphone as the students chatter, "Gimme!" he spoke to himself, "King of Demons, you got this." he speaks to the crowd, "Well, folks, looks like our show literally just took off!" the crowd looks at them in confusion, "Weh?"

"You gotta pander." Gus explains.

"Uh, took off just like your local sports team would take off when they're about to make a goal?" King says nervously as the students cheer.

"Yeah, sports team! Sports team! Oh, yeah! I love our team!"

"Yeah, that's right, so let's follow them and see what happens next!" King exclaims as Gus takes him into his arms, leading out the crowd.

Amity and Eda run out of the gym, nodding to each other in determination.


"I don't wanna be Grom Queen anymore! I give up the throne!" Luz shouts as she stops short off a cliff, making her yell.

"Luz! It's okay! Don't worry about Grom! Focus on me!" Cerise told her before Grom emerges.

"Why can't you face me, Luz? Why can't you face your own mother?"

"You're not really my mom!" Luz turns away.

"How could you say that, cariño?! You're breaking my heart!"

Eda rides in on her staff, "Spicy toss!" she hits Grom with a fireball and lands, "Hands off my human, you misshapen excuse for a monster!"

Grom roars in response.

"Eda! You're right! I'm not ready!"

"That's okay, I got this one." Eda starts casting a spell before she hears a noise, making her stop, "Huh?"

Amity jumps out from the trees, putting herself between Luz and Grom, "Stay away from her!"

"Amity!" Cerise exclaims as Grom growls and reaches out an inky arm towards Amity, lifting her high above the ground.

"I'm sorry, Luz. I should have fought my own battle." Amity told her as Grom's eyes glow blue, "I-" she cuts herself off as her eyes glow.

"Amity! No, your fear!" Luz exclaims as Cerise covers her mouth.

Grom grows, turning more and more blob-like. Finally, it shrinks and morphs into a humanoid body.

"Who is that?" Luz asks.

Amity's eyes stop glowing as Grom takes the pink note from her pocket and rips it in half, letting it fall to the ground. Amity closes her eyes, embarrassed as she clutches her dress. Grom slinks away as Amity picks up one half of the note from the ground and holds it to her heart. Luz picks up the other, unfurls it, and reads it.

Luz gasps, "You were afraid of getting rejected. Amity, it's okay. What if I went to Grom with you instead?" she holds her hand out to her.

Amity puts the note away and reaches for Luz's hand, "Really?"

"That's what friends do."

Amity smiles before looking sternly to Grom, who rises and towers above the two, roaring menacingly from huge jaws, "Well, then, if that's settled, may I have this dance?" Amity holds her hand out to Luz, who grins and takes it. They come close to dance, the moon shining brightly behind them as they start. Luz spins Amity, and Amity casts a spell with her feet, forming a giant abomination below them. They rise up on it as Luz fans out her plant glyph cards. Amity dips Luz, and she slaps a glyph onto the abomination. They jump off, and the abomination goes into Grom's mouth. Green light moves within it, and then plants start to bloom through it. Luz lands, then catches Amity, spinning her around several times before putting her on her feet. As they finish, holding hands and looking at each other, Grom explodes behind them as a giant tree is in its place, the last remnants of Grom slinking off. Luz and Amity look up as a tiara appears on both of their heads, the two smiling at each other.

"So..." Luz trials off, "Who did you wanna ask out?"

Amity blushes, "Oh, it''s not important." she pulls the note-piece from her pocket and tosses it aside.

Cerise catches it as she held the other half in her hand. She unfurls the smaller piece and gasps softly.

King runs to the side of the girls, "And there you have it, folks. A happy ending for this year's Grom. Let's give a big hand to our Grom Queens, Luz and Amity!"

Luz flashes a toothy smile as Amity blushes awkwardly. The students pop out of the bushes and run toward them, cheering. They parade the girls, holding them up while Luz puts a hand on Amity's shoulder.

"That's my girl!" Cerise cheers as Eda claps.

"You did it, buddy!" Gus exclaims to King.

"Of course I did it! I'm the King of Demons and I've never had stage fright in my life!" the students hold King up as well, "They love me!"

Luz and Amity laugh, smiling warmly at each other.


Eda, King, Cerise, and Luz arrive home.

"Whoo! Watch out for this, human! Oh, you did good, kid." Eda cheers.

"Thanks, but...I'm gonna go to bed." Luz tosses the tiara to the ground as she leaves, Cerise following after her in worry.

King picks it up and places it on his head, "Now I am king and queen! Best of both things!"

Luz enters her room with a sigh, opening the window and sitting on the windowsill while looking out, "In the end, I couldn't actually face my mom. Maybe I am fragile."

"Everyone is fragile in their own way, Luz." Cerise pats her shoulder.

Luz's phone vibrates. She turns it on to see two texts. "How was your day? ❤, Mamá!" and "Miss you mija 🤗", "Hmm." she types a duck emoji before erasing it as Cerise gives her a look. She then types out, "Miss you too, Mami.". She sends it before she continues typing.

"I won't lie. Today was kinda hard. And I don't always feel like I'm supposed to be here."

Willow and Gus poke some remnants of. For Willow, a ladybug pops out and makes her jump back. For Gus, a clown pokes out and makes him run away.

"But when things get tough, my friends help me out."

Amity sits in her window, looking out of it as she opens a memory box, putting her tiara in it before closing it. She closes her eyes and leans against the window frame.

"I think you'd like them."

Eda snores on the couch as King jumps up and lays on her stomach to fall asleep. She wakes up, smiles, puts a hand on his back and closes her eyes again.

"Te extraño también, Mami. One day, I'll tell you all about this."

The wind howls, blowing clouds away from the moon as Luz looks out on the sea and smiles. She receives another text from her mom.

"can't wait! P.S. love receiving your letters!"

"Aw. That's a cute way of saying "text"." Luz puts her phone down.


Camila smiles at her phone before turning it off and putting it on her nightstand, next to a pile of actual letters, seemingly written by Luz. She then turns and goes to sleep.


Cerise was about to take her hair down when she heard something being thrown at her window. She sighs and shakes her head with a smile as she walks over and opens it, "Get up here, Goldie."

The Golden Guard flies up to her, "Hi-" he cuts himself off as he looks at her attire, "Woah..."

Cerise smiles, "Oh, yeah. In case you're wondering, I just got back from Grom."

"Oh, that would explain the dress."

"So, why are you here so late?" Cerise walks away as she starts to take her hair down.

"Well, I haven't seen you in a while so I thought that I should come here to thank you for the book and to see how things are doing at Hexside."

"Well, what did you think of it?"

"The book? It was...okay."

"It was so okay that you drew yourself with Cerismeralda?" Cerise blushes lightly as she holds up the said drawing.

The Golden Guard turned red underneath his mask as she started giggling.


Cat and the pufferfish student pose awkwardly, trying not to touch. Skara and her date push them out of the way, the two wearing their Grom jerseys. Boscha, Bo, and Selene pose and make silly faces before looking angry at Mattholomule for photobombing them. Cerise and Luz pose in their Grom outfits, the latter looking over and dragging the others in. Now Luz had her arm around a blushing Amity, Willow was throwing peace signs next to Cerise and Gus was posing with his microphone behind them. Cerise was in the middle with a happy smile on her face.

The Snaggleback hangs from the gym ceiling, holding an album, "Wow. What a night. Now, can someone let me down?" the lights shut off, "Anyone...?"

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