13 Reasons Why Hannah Baker L...

By espinosa1989

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What if Hannah Baker survived her attempt? What would that world look like? In this world, she survives her a... More

Chapter 1: October 9th, 2017
Chapter 2: The Tapes
Chapter 3: Paying The Price
Chapter 4: Sooner Or Later, The Truth Will Come Out!
Chapter 5: Free Solo
Chapter 6: Tape 9
Chapter 7: The Stop Sign
Chapter 8: Clay's Tape
Chapter 9: The Confrontation
Chapter 10: It Has To Get Better
Chapter 11: The Trial Begins & The 1st Polaroid
Chapter 12: The Hallucination
Chapter 13: Jessica's Testimony
Chapter 14: The 2nd Polaroid
Chapter 15: Hannah's Poems
Chapter 16: The Secret Relationship
Chapter 17: Clay Testifies
Chapter 18: The Tapes Are Out
Chapter 19: Porter's Testimony
Chapter 20: The Clubhouse
Chapter 21: Bryce & ChlΓΆe
Chapter 22: Awakening
Chapter 23: Confronting Monty
Chapter 24: The Verdict
Chapter 25: The Sentencing
Chapter 26: The Aftermath Of The Trial
Chapter 27: Spring Fling
Chapter 28: The New Girl
Chapter 29: The Disappearance of Bryce Walker
Chapter 30: Jessica's Speech
Chapter 31: The Truth About ChlΓΆe
Chapter 32: Student Body President Jessica Davis
Chapter 33: Bryce Walker Is Dead
Chapter 34: Tyler
Chapter 35: Tyler's Gun
Chapter 36: The Problem With Alex Standall
Chapter 37: The Funeral
Chapter 38: There Are A Number Of Problems With Clay Jensen
Chapter 39: Return of the Counselor
Chapter 40: The Problem With Justin
Chapter 41: Olivia Returns To Town Pt.1
Chapter 42: Olivia Returns To Town Pt.2
Chapter 43: What Does Charlie Know?
Chapter 44: I'm A Survivor
Chapter 45: Homecoming
Chapter 46: Let The Dead Bury The Dead
Chapter 47: It's Not Supposed To Be Easy For People Like Us
Chapter 48: SRO
Chapter 49: Sanderson University
Chapter 50: The Mysterious Caller
Chapter 52: The Legend of Burnham Woods
Chapter 53: Find Your Drink
Chapter 54: Is It A Drill? Part 1
Chapter 55: Is It A Drill? Part 2
Chapter 56: The Session
Chapter 57: Tyler's Deal
Chapter 58: Gordon Lightfoot
Chapter 59: The Walkout & The Riot
Chapter 60: Prom Part 1
Chapter 61: Prom Part 2
Chapter 62: The Finals Days Of Justin Foley
Chapter 63: Justin's Funeral
Chapter 64: The Return Of The Tapes
Chapter 65: Graduation
Chapter 66: Goodbye
Chapter 67: 20 Years Later
Chapter 68: The Reason Why I'm Still Going

Chapter 51: Love Is Love

39 1 0
By espinosa1989

As the dance goes on, Jessica has ditched Charlie for Diego as she begins slow dancing with him. As mostly everyone are dancing to a slow song, Clay & Ani take a break on the bleachers. Clay just looks at Ani who's slow dancing in front of him while he's sitting down on the bleachers resting.

Clay Jensen: You, uh... You look beautiful.

Ani Achola: Thank you. You look quite handsome.

Clay Jensen: You don't have to say that.

Clay gets up and joins Ani for a slow dance.

Clay Jensen: I look tired and messed up.

Ani Achola: You look just as handsome as the first day I met you.

Clay Jensen: I was tired and messed up that day too.

They slow dance as their head connect with each other as they both reach in for a kiss. Just as their lips touched, Clay's phone begins to vibrate. Clay takes out his phone as Ani just looks at it and then at him as Clay begins to panic as he answers the call.

Clay Jensen: Hello? Hello?

Distorted Voice: Having fun with your girlfriend? Kiss her one more time before it's too late.

The caller then hangs up as Ani checks on Clay as he begins to shakily breath.

Ani Achola: Clay, what's going on? Just tell me. Tell me, please.

Clay takes Ani behind the bleachers. Clay sets his phone on the bleachers as he just told Ani everything. Ani asks him why didn't he say any of the stuff that the caller had him do.

Clay Jensen: Because they told me not to say anything.

Ani Achola: OK, "they" who?

Clay Jensen: I don't fucking know.

Ani Achola: But you trust them more than me?

Clay Jensen: No, I don't trust them, Ani. That's fuck... That's crazy.

Ani Achola: OK, then, why didn't you tell me? How am I supposed to take care of it?

Clay Jensen: What if you can't take care of it? What if there's nothing you can do? And what if that's all we have? Or ever had? The fucking disaster, and then cleaning it up. What if there's no fixing it? What do we have then, you and me?

Ani Achola: What do you want, Clay?

Clay Jensen: I just want it to be over. I wanna live a stupid, boring life, and I wanna fucking sleep at night.

Ani Achola: I do too, OK?

Clay Jensen: So?

Clay's phone stars vibrating as he just looks at it.

Ani Achola: Don't answer. Just don't, Clay. Just let it be over, don't answer.

The cell phone continues to vibrate as Clay ignores Ani. Ani tries to stop him as he picks up his phone.

Clay Jensen: Hello?

Distorted Voice: Get the fuck out of there, now.

Ani shakes her head as she plead Clay not to do anything the caller says. Clay had no choice as he walks away leaving Ani all worried.

I arrive to the dance as I park my car in the parking lot. As I was making my way to the gym, I stop and see Justin getting dropped off by Coach Kerba. Justin starts making his way to the gym as he stops when he spots me.

Justin Foley: Hannah?

Hannah Baker: Hey, Justin.

Justin Foley: I thought you had a session with Dr. Ellman?

Hannah Baker: I did. I ended it early.

Justin Foley: So you can came here?

Hannah Baker: You're here as well.

Justin Foley: Yeah. Charlie texted me. Jess ditched him for Diego.

Hannah Baker: Diego? Is he serious?

Justin Foley: That's what he texted me. So, I'm here for Jessica. But why are you here?

Hannah Baker: Has Clay ever talked to you about me recently?

Justin Foley: Uh, no. Not really.

Hannah Baker: Can I ask you something, and be honest?

Justin Foley: Yeah, anything.

Hannah Baker: Do you think Clay loved me, or he thought he was in love with me?

Justin just gives me a confused look.

Justin Foley: Where is this coming from?

Hannah Baker: Dr. Ellman asked me that in our session. I think Clay said something about me in his session with Dr. Ellman.

Justin Foley: And you think that Clay still loves you?

Hannah Baker: Do you still love Jessica?

Justin doesn't say anything at first.

Justin Foley: (Exhales) Yes. Do you still love Clay?

Hannah Baker: Yes, I do.

Justin Foley: Even though he's with Ani now?

Hannah Baker: Yeah, I do.

Justin Foley: Then let's go in then.

Hannah Baker: Alright.

We both pay the fee and enter the gym. Wow, the gym looked amazing. We both begin to look around together hoping to find Clay & Jessica. Only for us to find a drunken Zach falling to the floor with girl as they just laugh it off. We go up to them to help them up.

Justin Foley: Hey, guys. I'm gonna grab you now, OK?

Justin helps the girl back up. The girl then begins making her way to the dance floor, and she's drunk too.

Hannah Baker: Are you good?

Girl: I'm OK. Come on!

Zach Dempsey: Ok, Coming!

Justin Foley: Dude, maybe you should sit this one out.

Zach Dempsey: What? What the fuck you talking about?

Zach takes out a bottle of what looks like whisky and takes a zip.

Hannah Baker: Zach, seriously, there are, like, 2 chaperones with their eyes on you right now.

Zach Dempsey: So what? Are they gonna bust me for having fun?

Justin Foley: Hey!

Justin tries to stop Zach.

Zach Dempsey: Don't fucking... Don't fucking touch me.

Justin Foley: Zach...

Zach Dempsey: You know, I think you should take care of your own shit. Your boy Clay is going a little crazy. Your girl's making out with Diego.

Hannah Baker: Seriously, Zach?

Justin Foley: Jess doesn't belong to me.

Zach Dempsey: Well, then she belongs to Diego.

That struck a nerve with Justin as both he & Zach head to the dance floor. I just continue looking around for Clay. I don't see Ani either.

Justin immediately finds Jessica as she's starting to get cozy with Diego. Justin goes up to them...

Justin Foley: Jess, what are you doing?

Jessica Davis: Excuse me.

Jessica tries to resume dancing with Diego as Justin stops her as some of the students look on.

Justin Foley: No, this is not a good idea!

Jessica Davis: Really? Is he not good for me?

Justin Foley: You know what I mean.

Diego Torres: Bro, maybe you should walk away.

Justin Foley: Bite your own dick off, bro.

Diego Torres: Wow, that's...

Jessica Davis: Justin, get out, OK? What gives you the right to walk in here like this?

Justin Foley: Why are you doing this? Why him?

Jessica Davis: Maybe I'm lonely. Do you have a cute comeback for that?

Justin doesn't have a comeback. Jessica then begins kissing Diego in front of Justin as he just walks away.

I've looked everywhere and there's no sight of Clay or Ani.

Tony Padilla: Everybody make some noise!

Tony & Tyler! Maybe they might've seen them. I go up to the booth and greet them.

Hannah Baker: Hey!

Tony Padilla: Hey! I thought you weren't coming?

Hannah Baker: Have any of you seen Clay or Ani?

Tyler Down: Not for the last 10 songs.

Tony Padilla: All right, you ready? Next track. Here you go.

Tony hand over his headsets to Tyler, but his phone begins to buzz as he takes it out.

Tyler Down: Oh, sorry, one second. Lemme...

Tyler checks who's calling him.

Tyler Down: Shit, I really gotta take this, I'm sorry. Can you take over?

Tyler goes to take his call.

Tyler Down: Yeah. OK. Shit, right now? Fuck, OK. Um... No. I'll be right there. Yeah. Bye.

Hannah Baker: So you haven't seen Clay or Ani?

Tony Padilla: I saw them earlier on the dance floor.

Tyler Down: Hey, I really gotta go take care of something real quick. But I'll be back, I think.

Tony Padilla: You think?

Tyler just quickly runs out on us, which was weird.

Hannah Baker: What was that all about?

Tony Padilla: He's been acting weird lately. Come on!

Hannah Baker: What?

Tony Padilla: We're following him.

Hannah Baker: What about the music?

Tony Padilla: It's on auto play. I've got the next 10 songs set up.

Me & Tony head outside looking for Tyler. When we get outside, we find Tyler getting in a truck... with Alex's dad.

Hannah Baker: What the hell?

Tony Padilla: Why is Standall picking him up?

Bill drives away as Tyler begins to get worried.

Tyler Down: Well, they keep asking me, checking on me. They don't trust me at all.

Bill Standall: Well, try to hold on, buddy. I mean, in time, they'll all know it's for the best. You do still want to help us, right, Tyler?

Tyler Down: I don't have a choice.

Bill Standall: You always have a choice.

Meanwhile, Clay heads down to the hallways near the locker rooms as the caller continues to torment him.

Distorted Voice: Pretty serious back there with your girl. Everything OK?

Clay Jensen: No, fuck you. I'm here. I did everything you asked. What now?

Distorted Voice: Now, we meet. I mean, you do want to meet, don't you?

Clay Jensen: What I want is Monty's phone.

Distorted Voice: In the showers. Come find me. And don't hang up.

Clay walks towards the locker room.

Distorted Voice: Keep coming. Don't be afraid... yet.

Clay enters the locker room.

Clay Jensen: Are you... Are you here?

Distorted Voice: All the way in. Now, imagine this. You're in the county lockup, accused of murder. You know what that's like, right? But this time, no one cares, and no one believes you. You're all alone.

Clay hears the sound of the showers running.

Distorted Voice: One day, you take a shower, you look down, you see blood running down the drain. Your own blood.

Clay Jensen: What the fuck?

Clay walked towards the shower and sees it sprayed in blood.

Distorted Voice: Everywhere. Before you even feel the knife.

Clay sees a shank lying on the floor of the showers.

Distorted Voice: Wonder what your last thoughts might be? I wonder what Monty's were.

Clay Jensen: I thought... I thought you said we were gonna meet.

Distorted Voice: Go to the football field, now. Don't hang around. Doesn't look good for you, Clay, at the scene of the crime.

The caller hangs up.

Clay Jensen: Shit.

Clay goes to the shower as they suddenly get turned on as blood comes running out as it cover Clay all over. The showers then stop as Clay realizes that he's not really covered in blood and it was all in his head. He is wet from the showers though as he sits on the floor as the blood from the wall gets soaked on his shirt. Clay picks up the shank and begins making his way to the football field. Ani has been searching for Clay but no luck. Instead, she find Alex & Winston making out in the hallway. Clay now arrives to the football field.

Clay Jensen: OK, I'm here. Where the fuck are you?

Distorted Voice: Easy, tiger. You're almost there. Meet me on the field. That's it. You're getting warmer. Warmer. I'm just ahead.

Clay sees someone laying on the football field.

Distorted Voice: Ding, ding, ding. You found me.

The caller then hangs up.

Clay Jensen: Wait. Hello? Hello?

Clay begins making his way into the field and he can't believe who it was.

Clay Jensen: Oh, shit. Oh, God.

Monty de la Cruz: Help me.

It was Montgomery de la Cruz. Monty lies on the ground as Clay sees that he's been stabbed.

Clay Jensen: Oh, shit. OK. Uh... (Gasps) Oh, God. OK. Wait, let me see.

Clay gets on his knees and puts the shank down as he tries to stop the bleeding.

Clay Jensen: You gotta let me see, OK? Oh, shit. Oh, fuck! OK.

Monty de la Cruz: Oh, my God!

Clay Jensen: It's OK. You're gonna be OK. All right? HELP! SOMEBODY HELP! Oh, God!

Monty de la Cruz: I don't... I don't wanna die.

Clay Jensen: You're not gonna die, OK? It's gonna be OK. I need to go get help. Just put your hands here. Apply pressure!

Monty de la Cruz: Don't leave me alone.

Clay Jensen: Monty, OK.

Monty de la Cruz: I don't wanna... I don't wanna... I don't wanna... (Strained gasping)

Clay Jensen: I'm right here. OK?

Monty takes his last breath as Clay cannot belive that Monty didn't make it.

Clay Jensen: Monty? (Whimpers) Monty?

Clay looks at his hands and sees that it's covered with Monty's blood as he tries to wipe it off on his shirt.

Clay Jensen: (Whimpers) Oh, God! (Gasps) I'm sorry. (Sobs) I'm so sorry!

Bryce Walker: Wow.

Clay turns around and sees Bryce standing there wearing a black hoodie.

Bryce Walker: Who's the monster now? Am I right? (Chuckles, Snorts, Sighs) This does not look good for you, buddy. Wonder what Hannah would think if she saw you now? But what are you gonna do? Kill me now?

Clay turn back towards Monty's body, picks up the shank, turns around and points it at...

Diego Torres: Jesus, put the fucking knife down, psycho. It's over.

Diego. Bryce was gone as it was now Diego standing there wearing the same black hoodie he saw Bryce wearing. But Diego wasn't alone. He was joined by some of the football players. It was Diego who has been calling Clay this whole time.

Clay Jensen: No, what... What's over?

Diego Torres: Shit. (Laughs) Were you crying? Over that?

Diego points to where Monty's body is as Clay turns to see that it was nothing but a dummy. Once again, Clay's hallucinations got the best of him.

Diego Torres: (Chuckles) It's fucking fake, obviously, so chill the fuck out, and put the thing down.

Clay Jensen: No! Give me Monty's phone!

Diego Torres: You mean this?

Diego takes out the cell phone and dials Clay's phone as it begins vibrating.

Clay Jensen: (Breathing Heavily) Give it.

Diego Torres: This one? Or that one?

Diego points toward Luke Holliday as he reveals that he has the same phone with Monty's number on it. Then the rest of the football players reveal that they too have the same phone as they've been messing with Clay as well.

Clay Jensen: What the fuck?

Diego Torres: We own you. Anyone that freaks out like that at a fucking prank, that guy's hiding something. We know you know something, and this is just the beginning.

Diego and his boys begins to walk away as Clay also sees Bryce once again before he disappears. The blood that's covering Clay is fake as reality starts to fade in on him. Clay slowly make his way back to the dance while still holding on to the shank as he passes through the hallway and passes by Alex & Winston as they see him thinking he's covered in blood and holding a knife. Clay returns to the dance as everyone stops dancing and sees Clay entering covered in red while holding a knife. Everyone was shocked at the sight of Clay, especially for Jessica, Justin, Zach, & Ani.

Ani Achola: Clay? What the fuck happened?

Clay Jensen: I don't know.

Ani Achola: Jesus, Clay. You're right. I can't fix this.

What the fuck is going on? Why did everyone stop dancing?

Hannah Baker: What's going on?

Tony Padilla: I don't know. Let's find out.

We make our way to where everyone is looking at as Ani goes by past us as we see what everyone's is looking at.

Hannah Baker: Oh, my god!

I put my hand on my mouth as I see Clay standing there covered in red while holding a knife. Tony looks up and sees that the camera is recording everything. What the fuck is going on? I said it before and I'll say it again, Valentine's Day sucks!

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