The Rhydonculous Race (Part O...

By PichuFan

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20 teams of 2 Pokémon venture across the newly discovered human world in the biggest race ever! The Rhydoncul... More

Twenty Terrific Teams
Let The Race Begin
Taking The Heat
A French Fiasco
Night Of The Living Dread
Getaway From Me
Downhill Dilemmas
A Shocking Return
Relationship Troubles
Christmas Time
Extra Sauce Please
Makeup Or Breakup
Canadian Catastrophe
Bugs And Betrayals
I Lava You
Trouble In Tokyo
Fire Emblem Zeroes
What's Not To Love?
Machu Pichu
An Alien Adventure
Say Cheese
Olympic Obstacles
A Race's End
(Total Drama Pokemon Season 3: The Next Generation, is out now!!!)

Semifinal On The Nile

110 8 29
By PichuFan

Rhydon: Last time on the Rhydonculous Race, the final five teams went off to Greece! And to nobody's surprise, the day was full of awesome Olympic themed challenges. The Atheltes felt right at home of course, and cruised through the challenges landing themselves in first place. (Sighs) Yup what surprise. The other teams suffered ups and downs through the challenges but in the end it was team Boyfriend and Girlfriend, Chespin and Chikorita, who came in last and were eliminated. That means we are down to the top four teams! It's time for this semi final leg to commence and find out who makes it to the finale right now... on the Rhydonculous Race! (Heavily smiles and winks at the camera)

(Theme Song)

Rhydon: Alright, Rhydon box time! Get to it!

Weavile: (grabs a tip) For the semi final leg you will be headed to Egypt.

Rhydon: (to the camera) Yes Egypt, a desert land located in north east Africa. I don't really need to tell you about it's highlights since I'm sure you know it, but I'll do a little anyways since it's my job. Egypt is most well known for its pyramids and famous pharaohs that ruled back in ancient times. Rumor has it their mummy's are buried in the pyramid with disastrous curses. Egypt is also home to the Nile river, the longest river in the world- (gets a call from producers) Wait what? What do you mean some sources say the Amazon river is longer? Huh... okay... (to the camera) Egypt is also home to the Nile river, the longest or second longest river in the world!

(The four teams all grab their tips and head off to the airport. They arrive and all make it onto a plane)

(On the plane; the Athletes sit up front with all the other teams in the back sitting near each other)

Vulpix: I still can't believe it! Top four guys! We should all seriously be proud!

Meowstic: I know, it's totally epic!

Buizel: Yeah I'm stoked to make it this far. I'm sure everyone at home isn't that shocked though (chuckles)

Oshawott: Buizel...

Sandshrew: You know you two really keep each other in check, which is why you have been such a great team this race!

Oshawott: (laughs) Thanks. Yeah I guess it's good I'm here to keep his cockiness in check and he's here to push me to my limits!

Buizel: Ha! Yeah you know it cous!

Shinx: You know I've been thinking... how awesome would it be if the six of us were in the finals together? That'd be so cool!

Vulpix: Agreed! The Athletes have to go already!

Sandshrew: Are you kidding? Those jerks deserved to go like day two!

Meowstic: (thinks to himself for a moment) You know what... if it's possible, maybe we could all team up this leg. You know, work together to get the Athletes out of here.

Vulpix: (face lights up) Oh I am so in on that!

(Team Confessional)
Sandshrew: So all of us don't like the Athletes that much is clear, but it's a little more personal for us.

Vulpix: That's right! Those two have been at Chikorita and Chespin's throats all season long, and not only are they our friends but they stood up for anyone the Athletes tried to pick on. Just because they were eliminated last leg doesn't mean the Athletes should think they've won the war just yet! You hear me Chikorita? We are going to make sure the Athletes don't come close to that million dollar prize!

Rhydon: (to the camera) And with that the teams are on their way. (Shows the plane flying) And before long they've landed in Egypt, time to find out what the first challenge is! Teams are already headed towards its destination!

(Outside the airport)

Machoke: (grabs a tip from the Rhydon box). Its an all in. Weave a boat and sail it down the Nile river until you see the next Rhydon box.

Shinx: Woah. Deja vu-y.

Meowstic: Yeah I feel like this challenge seems very familiar some how... Hmm oh well.

Weavile: Come on Machoke, let's get a move on.

Machoke: Um hello, you are the one with the claws. Go ahead and slash those reeds already.

Weavile: (scoffs) Just pull your weight Machoke. (Heads off to start plucking reeds).

Shinx: So... super duper team? How're we feeling?

Buizel: Okay first off let's not call is that, and second, (thinks for a moment) I don't know how could we work as a team for this?

Oshawott: (raises his hand) I think it will actually be easier if we work together. We can make a boat that fits all of us and have more space to work with. We can also each take a specialized role to go faster-

Meowstic: Alright sounds good, but let's hurry and get started because we are on a clock after all.

Sandshrew: Alright you guys pluck the reeds, then hand them over to Vulpix and I.

Vulpix: Trust us, we've got this.

(Team Confessinal)
Vulpix: Weaving is very similar to crocheting which I am an expert at! I mean hello? Fashion remember?

Sandshrew: For real, she can go lightning fast at it too. It's quite incredible actually.

Weavile: Ugh what are you doing? (Looks to see Machoke attempting to weave but it's very poorly done) There's no way this piece of junk is floating!

Machoke: Okay gods, chill out Weavile. What is with you today?

Weavile: Just we are so close to the end, we need to make sure we win. It'd be embarrassing to slip up now.

Machoke: (sighs) Yeah fair. Just keep yourself composed. Besides it's not like the other teams will-


Vulpix: (speed weaving) We'll make this part like this... and then curve it up over here and... Ta-da! (she finishes and turns around to reveal a big, simple, but lavish looking boat)

Buizel: Woah! Awesome job Vulpix!

Meowstic: Yeah that's absolutely incredible.

Vulpix: (smiles) Thanks. Now let's get going down the river.

Weavile: What? No fair! You can't work together that has to be cheating!

Sandshrew: (rolls eyes) Oh please. That's rich coming from you.

Machoke: Where's Rhydon? He won't allow this! RHYDON!?

Rhydon: (approaches) Sheesh no need to yell. What's this going on?

Weavile: (pointing) The six of them are colluding against Machoke and I and unjustly working together. This is NOT a super team challenge, I'm pretty sure the rules will go against this.

Rhydon: Hmm let me check the rules.... (opens up rule book for a second and then throws it in the river) Yeah I don't care what the rules say, this seems fair to me. Continue on super team, as long as you all complete the task here you are good.

Weavile: WHAT!? Are you kidding me?

Rhydon: (laughs) Oh Weavile, you and Machoke have done some pretty shady stuff before and not gotten punished despite significant evidence. Just think of this as a taste of your own medicine. Besides if you are as skilled as you brag about this shouldn't be a big deal for you. (Weavile and Machoke stand there angry as the other teams take off in their boat)

Buizel: Bye bye! Enjoy finishing in last!

Vulpix: Yeah, don't worry, we'll enjoy the finale for you!

(In Confessional)
Weavile: (just angrily screams)

Machoke: Hmm... (tries to put boat in the water but it sinks so he grabs it out). Nope, not gonna float yet. Come on Weavile let's finish this, we can't give up.

Weavile: Giving up is not even in my vocabulary! (Starts quickly finishing the boat) Alright there. It's practically a dingy raft but it'll do.

Machoke: Now to see if it floats... (it floats on the water) Yeah! Awesome!

Weavile: Now grab an oar and use those muscles to row fast! We are gonna overtake those morons! (They start sailing off)

(Somewhere further along the river; the other 3 teams are all rowing along)

Meowstic: Ugh how much longer do we have to row? This river is wayyy too long.

Sandshrew: You know, all things considered this is a pretty tame challenge. I would've expected SOME kind of additional obstacle by now.

Meowstic: Dude please tell me you didn't just jinx us-

Vulpix: (screaming) AGHH! What's that!? (Points to a creature in the water)

Buizel: Is that a crocodile? (Looks up ahead) Make that crocodiles... (Everyone just narrowly glances at Sandshrew)

Sandshrew: Yup... of course... Sorry guys.

Shinx: Hey look! It's Shawn Mendes! La-la-la-la-la- (Meowstic bops him on the head) Ow!

(In confessional)
Oshawott: Dealing with human world animals are so weird to me still. Like these creatures kinda resemble Totodile, but no they don't speak, they don't battle in a Pokémon fashion these things just chomp your head right off! (Holds head in his hands). Yeah... I'm so dead now...

(Crocodiles surround the boat and start popping up and biting)

Oshawott: AGHH! (Drops his oar and falls to the center of the boat) Everybody watch out!

Shinx: Stand back I'll take care of them!

Meowstic: Shinx no! (Pushes him to the side) You keep Oshawott calm and just be safe.

Sandshrew: (smacking with his oar) Get away from our boat! Ugh!

Buizel: Take this! And that! (The crocodiles give up and swim away) Alright!

Sandshrew: And the boat seems to be in okay shape too, let's get going.

Vulpix: Not to be the bearer of bad news but... something even worse is coming! (The Athletes arrive behind their boat)

Weavile: Well well well, looks like we caught up.

Machoke: (laughing) Hah! Have a little gator trouble?

Meowstic: Even if we did, it's over now and we will cruise right on ahead. Good luck catching up in that sad excuse for a raft!

Weavile: (smirks) Oh how cockily spoken for someone who is about to be begging for mercy.

Meowstic: Uh, what exactly is that supposed to mea-

Weavile: MACHOKE NOW! (Machoke begins rowing as Weavile readies herself for a Night Slash attack and unleashes as they pass by, ripping apart the other teams boat and it begins to sink) AHAHAHA!!!

Machoke: See you at the chill zone! Or not. (Laughs as they head off)

Vulpix: AHHH! WE'RE SINKING! (Jumps into Sandshrews arms) Please don't let me get wet agh!

Sandshrew: Don't worry, I got you.

Shinx: What do we do? How do we patch this up?

Oshawott: We need to think fast... Hmm we could try to repair it.

Buizel: But cous we don't have any tools or any reeds near us to use to build.

Oshawott: Ah that's true...

Shinx: Huh? (Notices something) Wait, I don't think we are sinking anymore! Look! (Motions to the water no longer creeping into the boat)

Sandshrew: Huh? Well how can that be? (Looks over to see Meowstic with his ears raised, using his psychic powers to hold the two pieces of the boats together).

Meowstic: I can... only hold this... so long...

Shinx: Woo hoo! Nice going Meowstic!

Buizel: Don't worry, we'll hurry to the next Rhydon box, just hang in there a little more dude. (To the rest of the group). Come on let's go! PADDLE! PADDLE! PADDLE!

(Further down the Nile river, a finish line banner hangs over head and the Athletes approach)

Machoke: Oh yeah! First place all the way!

Weavile: Hmph, yes thanks to me. (She and Machoke get off of their raft and hit the Rhydon box). All-in. Head into the pyramid and find the tomb of the Pharaoh inside to find your golden carpeted destination.

Machoke: Awesome, so we just stroll on through the pyramid and claim our spot in the finale. Easy.

Weavile: Ugh are you daft Machoke? You do know how this types of things go right? You've seen the movies?

Machoke: Pffft that's a load of bologna. It's just for the movies. You really think it's like that in real life?

(The camera shot flips to the Athletes stepping on a trap and being swarmed by bats; back outside the pyramid, a little bit later)

Buizel: Alright! Made it!

Meowstic: (releases his psychic power) Ahhh. (Breathes a sight of relief) Finally... I can breathe easily again.

Vulpix: Thanks again Meowstic! That was amazing, you totally saved the day!

Meowstic: Heh thanks, just gotta use the strengths you've got you know?

Shinx: (gets a tip) Oh wow! We have to explore the pyramids and find the chill zone inside!

Oshawott: (gulps) Oh boy, something tells me this is gonna be extremely life threatening.

Shinx: (puts arm around Oshawott) Don't worry, we've got a super super team! We can handle anything!

Meowstic: Alright guys, follow me! (Leads the way in and grabs a lit torch) Ah this will come in handy. (The group begins walking through the halls) Now then nobody touch anything and stay on high alert.

Shinx: Oh my gosh look at this little dog statue! So cute! (Reaches out)

Meowstic: AGH! SHINX NO! (Shinx picks it up and triggers a booby trap of deadly scarab bugs raining down on them. Everyone begins screaming and Meowstic drops the torch in the chaos and the room goes black. Unbeknownst to the group, Shinx, Oshawott and Vulpix, closest to the wall, also fell through a trap door that was set off).

(Elsewhere in the pyramid)

Machoke: Okay, so maybe you were right about this place being dangerous.

Weavile: Yeah this is most certainly dangerous. Especially when my partner here is as smart as a bag of rocks!

(In confessional)
Machoke: Ugh! Weavile needs to lay off the insults on my intelligence. I know I'm not the most smartest but she treats me like I'm two years old at times (holds up three fingers) Oop- (corrects it to two fingers)

Weavile: Ahh stop! (The two stop running at a ledge and a door shuts behind them) Oh just great! (Rolls eyes)

Machoke: Okay this gap is way to far to jump across, even for you. (Suddenly a small hole opens by their feet and venomous snakes start crawling out)

Weavile: What the- oh come on! (Tries to avoid the snakes) They really needed to make this harder?

Machoke: Ugh of course they do this. I actually thought they were ropes at first and was like oh great, something we can use, but nope.

Weavile: Machoke that's it! Use it like a rope! (Snatches a snake and hands it to him) See that bar on the ceiling? Aim to wrap the snake around it!

Machoke: Wha- me? You sure?

Weavile: Yes, you are the one with the strength to do it! And yes, I do trust you you know... When it comes down to it you always get the job done, that's why we are partners in crime.

Machoke: (smiles) Thanks Weavile, I know. (Twirls the snake and throws one end successfully hooking onto the ceiling and then he and Weavile swing across the pit) Woo hoo!

Weavile: Yes! Nice job! Now come on let's go! (They run off)

(Elsewhere in the pyramid)

Vulpix: (coughing) Oww, okay I think all the bugs are gone and dust has settled... (lights come on in the room) Oh good we can see too now.

Oshawott: Wait a second... where are the others? Buizel!?

Vulpix: Sandshrew!?

Shinx: Meowstic!?

Vulpix: Oh no, we must have gotten separated in the mayhem.

Shinx: (panicking a little) N-no! I can't do this without Meowstic! He's my best bud, he gives me a pair up stat boost- (Vulpix looks at him blankly). I mean he makes me feel more confident and better to be myself...

Oshawott: (looking scared) Yeah and Buizel and I have come so far on this journey together. What if something happens to him? Or me!?

Vulpix: Guys, guys, it's okay! (Holds her hands out) You two both are incredible! Look at you, you've made it to the top four of this competition and I know you both have lots to be proud of.

Shinx: Y-yeah but that's because Meowstic is such a great partner.

Oshawott: I'd never make it anywhere without Buizel...

Vulpix: Hey! Don't say that! Come on, you know that's not true. Sure, your best friend, or your cousin, are there for you and help you but you aren't nothing without them. You guys are you, sweet and considerate Oshawott and free and daring Shinx. (Oshawott hugs Vulpix and so does Shinx)

Shinx: Th-thanks Vulpix.

Oshawott: Yeah, and please know that you are awesome too. In fact, you're inspiring and kind Vulpix. (smiles)

(Elsewhere in the pyramid)

Sandshrew: (yelling) Vulpix!? Where are you!?

Meowstic: Shhh. I'm sure we'll find them, but we should keep quiet just in case.

Sandshrew: In case of what?

Buizel: Um, something like that maybe? (Points forward as a mummy emerges from a passage).

Meowstic: AHH! A mummy!? How does this make any sense!?

(In Confessional)
Meowstic: Mummies. Are. Not. Real.

Mewostic: (running away with Buizel and Sandshrew) I can't believe mummies are real! What are we gonna do?

Buizel: Let's stop running and kick his butt!

Meowstic: Wha- no way can we do that! Mummies are already dead, you can't expect to kill him again.

Sandshrew: And we are sure this is a real mummy HOW? (stops running) You know what, it doesn't matter. Lets just plow through him.

Buizel: (stops) Oh yeah let's do it. (Grabs Meowstic) Hang on!

(Sandshrew uses Rollout and Buizel uses Aqua Jet and they trample the mummy and head off but without noticing they head down different paths)

(In Confessional)
Sandshrew: Okay... maybe I need more practice with Rollout. Sometimes once I start, I can't bring myself to a stop...

(Elsewhere in the pyramid)

Weavile: Come on... golden treasure trove of a chill zone where are you!?

Machoke: Ugh this is getting really gruesome, it's too hot in here.

Weavile: Ah look! Over there! A small path I bet it's a shortcut.

Machoke: I don't know it looks awfully small...

Weavile: (starts squeezing her way through the path) Oh come on Machoke hurry it up.

Machoke: Weavile I seriously don't think I'm gonna fit-

Weavile: I SAID HURRY UP!! (A "Thud" is heard) What the? (Turns to see Machoke) See I told you you'd make it-

Machoke: OH SHIT IM STUCK!!! Get me out get me out get me out!

Weavile: Ugh! As usual I'm being slowed down by someone else... just get yourself through already!

Machoke: (angry) I CANT! IM STUCK! (Takes a deep breath) You know what Weavile, you never treat me with any respect and I'm sick of it. I don't get it. You insult me constantly, so you clearly can't like me that much, so why put up with me?

Weavile: I... I...

Machoke: Come on, just spit it out.

Weavile: (sighs) I'm sorry Machoke. I DO appreciate you. You just are so good at putting up with someone like me I forget that I might be hurting the one person who I trust in all this.

Machoke: Heh Weavile... I guess I do know how to take punches like a champ. And give em too!

Weavile: Just we are so close to winning this, I get caught up in that and nothing matters but winning.

Machoke: Hey I want to win at all costs too!

Weavile: Alright then, let's get you unstuck. (Pushes Machoke back out the entrance) There. Now come on, we'll find another way.

(Elsewhere in the pyramid)

Oshawott: Hang on a second everyone... (He, Shinx and Vulpix come to a stop) Look ahead!

Shinx: It's an empty hallway, what's so suspicious?

Oshawott: I dunno... there's a lot of holes in these walls for some reason.

Shinx: You know what, sometimes you gotta just take a chance and see what happens! (Shinx charges forward and arrows start shooting from the sides which Shinx narrowly dodges and runs back to the start)

Vulpix: Oh my gosh, Shinx are you okay? That was dangerous!

Shinx: I'm a-okay. Besides, now we know what the deal is.

Vulpix: I think you must have stepped on a plate that triggered the arrows. But how do we get across? (looks to Oshawott) You see something Oshawott?

Oshawott: Yeah I was looking at the tiles on the floor, they all have four triangles as a pattern except a few have only three on them.

Shinx: Hey yeah you're right! I think the ones with three must be the safe ones.

Vulpix: Awesome job Oshawott, now we should find a way to test our theory just to be sure- (Shinx cheers, hopping from tile to tile)

Shinx: Come on guys let's go! (Vulpix and Oshawott both chuckle and follow Shinx out of the chamber) Alright we did it!

Oshawott: Thanks Vulpix.

Vulpix: For what?

Oshawott: For inspiring us and keeping us going. If it wasn't for you I'd for sure still be waiting in that other room curled up like a ball.

Vulpix: That was nothing, you are the real hero for- (a loading rumbling is heard) Hang on do you hear something?

Shinx: GUYS RUN! (Points at a boulder coming towards them) It's the Indiana Jones boulder cliche! (They begin to run and Vulpix trips) No!

Vulpix: AHHH! (The boulder, much smaller than they thought, screeches to a halt right in front of her as she screams).

Sandshrew: (uncurls himself from his boulder -like rollout) Oh my gosh Vulpix! Are you okay?

Vulpix: What the- Sandshrew! (They hug)

Shinx: Wow that boulder seemed a lot bigger before with its shadow... huh.

Sandshrew: I got separated from Meowstic and Buizel.

Oshawott: Oh no!

Sandshrew: Let's get moving, we can find them. (The group heads off)

(Elsewhere in the pyramid)

Meowstic: Ugh great, I still can't believe we lost Sandshrew in that kerfuffle.

Buizel: It's okay- kerfuffle? Really? I'm sorry how old are you? (Laughs a little)

Mewostic: What? It's a word!

Buizel: I'm messing with ya dude, all good. (Suddenly stops) Look! Is that what I think it is?

Meowstic: Through that chamber! It's the chill zone!

Buizel: I guess we should go there and wait for the others? They'll make it right? And as long as the Athletes-

Weavile: (appears behind him) Don't find the chill zone you'll all be safe? (Starts laughing with Machoke)

Machoke: See ya suckers! (They run into the chamber)

Buizel: After them! We gotta stop them somehow! (They follow the Athletes in and suddenly the chamber doors shut, including the door to the chill zone)

Weavile: WHAT!? NO!

Machoke: (punching the door) Come on and open up you stupid door!

Buizel: Darn it, I can't believe we are trapped in here and with you guys of all people!

Machoke: Come on, let's work together to find a way out. A temporary truce yeah?

Meowstic: Funny you say that, and no, I don't think we will be helping you. You see, why would we help escape when that would give you guys the win as Buizel and I both are without our teammate?

Machoke: Wait, you two aren't a team? I thought you were Cousins? (Meowstic gives him a deadpan stare)

Meowstic: The longer we take to escape the better the chances are that the others find the chill zone, making it come down to a final push at the very end. In that scenario, at least there is a chance for you guys to go home.

Wevaile: Ugh! You are so damn petty you know that? Let the Fashion Designers go home!

Meowstic: First of all, we all made a pact to get rid of you Athletes, and second, since Oshawott and Shinx are gone it would still be a three way scramble for the finish. The only difference is Vulpix and Sandshrew are safe and not you and Machoke.

(In Confessional)
Meowstic: Boom! Totally destroyed them with tactical logic.

Buizel: Hey Meowstic... I think we should maybe work with them.

Meowstic: What!? Why!? (Buizel motions to water filling the chamber) Oh for the love of Arceus-

Buizel: I mean I'm a water type so I'll be fine but... yeah. We might wanna find a way out.

(In Confessional)
Weavile: Hmph fine I'll work with those losers for now. But besides, Machoke and I will obviously be safe. It's a run to the chill zone and we are by FAR faster than they are.

(In the chamber with the chill zone)

Rhydon: (on the phone) Yeah, they are all stuck in there it's great. You can hear them yelling at each other listen (a feint scream from Weavile is heard) haha yeah.

Sandshrew: Oh my gosh guys look! It's the chill zone!

Oshwaott: I don't see any signs of a trap...

Vulpix: Shall we do the Shinx maneuver? (They all chuckle and then blindly run as fast as they can until they reach Rhydon)

Shinx: Wow, what do ya know, there really wasn't a really a trap there.

Rhydon: Wow, congrats on making it to the chill zone. You know the drill, gotta step on the carpet.

Oshawott: What about Buizel and Meowstic?

Rhydon: Oh them? Yeah they are just beyond that door over there along with the Athletes.

Shinx: What!? Really? (Screaming) MEOWSTIC HIIII!!!

Rhydon: (covering his ears) Ow. Yeah no he's not gonna hear you in there, you'll just have to sit tight.

Oshawott: Vulpix. Sandshrew. What are you two waiting for? You two can finish.

Vulpix: We promised we'd finish this together. I'd feel so guilty just claiming a spot in the finale.

Shinx: Well you have nothing to lose by doing that. Besides we are all sitting ducks waiting for the others. At least we have all this treasure and ancient junk as a consolation prize. (Motions around him)

Rhydon: Yeah you can't take any of that. 

Oshawott: Plus the Athletes are likely to pull something and push their way to the chill zone before Buizel or Meowstic anyways.

Sandshrew: Sorry but no, we will finish this together. Besides, I think I may have an idea. (Starts whispering to the others)

(Inside the flooding chamber)

Machoke: I can't believe I'm gonna die on tv. Oh well, at least I'll leave behind a nice corpse.

Weavile: Machoke don't give up. Keep looking for something, anything!

Meowstic: Weavile, did you find anything?

Weavile: Does it look like I found anything? (Pauses) No Meowstic, I've found nothing.

Buizel: I'm gonna look underwater again. (Dives underwater and takes a look around. Notices a key hole on the floor and swims back up). Guys there's a key hole down there!!

Machoke: What? But there's no damn key in here!

Weavile: Well there has to be, they wouldn't just give us no chance at escaping!

Buizel: Crud, the water is rising fast... I'm so sorry I don't know what to do.

Machoke: There never was a key in here it's obvious. The room had like nothing in it besides what, torches?

Meowstic: Torches... (looks around at the torches) Torches that's it! That one over there, look it's bottom is oddly shaped, I bet it fits in the keyhole!

Wevaile: I'm on it! (Swims over and grabs the torch and pulls it out) Buizel here! (Tosses it to him as the water reaches the top and everyone holds their breath. Buizel swims down and twists the key a few times but it eventually works. The water begins to drain and the doors open)

Machoke: (gasping for air) We. Lived. Phew.

Meowstic: Good job Buizel, you saved our butts there.

Buizel: Heh, no problem, you are welcome. (Smiles)

Meowstic: Wait... the doors are open...

Weavile: Yea and just to make sure we are safe. (Freezes the water around Buizel and Meowstic, trapping them) Ahahaha!

Buziel: No fair! You'd be dead if it weren't for us!

Machoke: Yeah well you'd be in the competition still if it weren't for us, but oh well, see ya! (He and Weavile race out the door)

Sandshrew: NOW!!!

Weavile: What the? (Oshawott unleashes a hydro pump on Machoke and Shinx uses Wild Charge on Weavile, pushing them back into where Sandshrew is waiting with an open coffin and they shut it on them).

Sandshrew: Go go go! This won't hold them for long!

Shinx: What? Where are they?

Meowstic: (yelling) Shinx! We are stuck in ice in here!

Vulpix: Ice? I'm on it! (Runs over to them)

Weavile: (from inside the coffin) UGH LET US OUT!!!

Sandshrew: Ah- Guys help me hold it down! (Oshawott and Shinx run over and help sit on the coffin)

Buziel: Wow, you guys really formed a rescue party huh?

Vulpix: Oh please, no way are any of us ever losing to the cheating Athletes again. (Uses Flamethrower to melt the ice). Now RUNN!!!

Rhydon: Oh my goodness this might just be the closest race for first and elimination at the same time I've EVER seen! (Vulpix, Buizel and Meowstic reach the chill zone)

Sandshrew:  Okay make a run for it in three... two...

Machoke: ONE! (Bursts out of the coffin breaking it into pieces and Sandshrew, Oshawott and Shinx are sent flying and land on the chill zone)

Oshawott: Oww. That's leaving a mark.

Rhydon: WOW! I do not know who hit the carpet first and frankly, I do not care. ATHLETES, YOU ARE THE LAST TO ARRIVE AND HAVE BEEN CUT FROM THE COMPETITION!!!

Weavile: ... What!? AGHHHH (starting screaming but eventually turns to crying)

Vulpix: Guys we did it! The Athletes finally are gone!

Meowstic: I'm still in shock at the past five minutes it's been a fever dream. (Turns to the others) Thanks for the assist at the end.

Sandshrew: Of course, each and every one of us here would have done the same for any of the others. That's what makes us different than the Athletes. We are sincere.

Oshawott: Yeah, well said Sandshrew

Buziel: I still can't believe you held yourself together so well Cous. Proud of ya.

Shinx: Meowstic I'm glad you are okay. (Pauses) And we are going to the finale ahhhh!!

Rhydon: Yes, yes you all are. Well, not all of you (looks at the Athletes again)

(Athletes elimination montage)

Weavile: That fact that we are going home right before the finals... I am beyond devastated.

Machoke: Come on Weavile, we dominated this race and should be proud of it.

Weavile: What does it matter if we only unfairly lost at the end! Can you believe this show allows such blatant cheating? Ridiculous!

Machoke: Umm... (pauses for a bit) Anyways, look at it like this. Weavile you and I are the best team and we could only be beat once the others all ganged up on that.

Weavile: You're... you're right. (Gets happier) We are still the champs we just got ganged up on. They recognized our superiority and felt the need to gang up on us.

Machoke: Yeah exactly! And they should feel threatened by us.

Weavile: (smirks) They better HOPE they never come face to face with us in a contest again. (The two walk off evilly laughing)

(End Montage)

Rhydon: With that we are finally onto the finale folks. Which team will win the million dollar prize? The Fashion Designers? The Cousins? The Gamers? Only one way to find our, tune in next time on The Rhydonculous Race!

*authors note: YES I UPDATED IT AGAIN! I WILL FINISH THIS EVENTUALLY! The new season of total drama inspired me to get back into things.
Thank you SO MUCH to everyone that has stuck around through this. I've taken like too many years to write these last few chapters but thanks for sticking around and supporting the series. Thank you all a billon.

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