The Warden | A For Honor Fanf...

By DeadLight63

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Three years have passed since Blackstone's fateful attack against the Viking stronghold of Svengard. In the f... More

On the Road
At Morrowgale
A Proposition
In the Caves
Decisive Duel
Great Hall Negotiations
The Fortress
The Next Step
The Company
Four on Watch
Outer Walls
Lords and Ladies
A Little Push
The Oath
A Legion Reborn
A Lurking Shadow
The Brink
An Offer
A Blessing
Present Echoes
First Contact
The Approaching Vanguard
Not So Easily Broken
Fault and Trust
What is Needed
Inner Conflicts
An Alliance
A Final Calm
One and All
On the Field
A Bard's Inspiration
The Shift
An Abdication
An Ascencion


101 6 0
By DeadLight63


It was like seeing an entirely different settlement when I finally arrived at Herongale. What once had been an open road now had wooden barricades lining the outskirts of the Hamlet, each side wrapping around to the east and west. A hastily constructed wall about chest high now surrounded the various buildings, with a number of men and women rushing around the now bustling streets with lumber and hastily made spears in hand. I applauded their efforts, but even a stand like this would not last against the Blackstone Legion. Herongale would need warriors for that, and unfortunately for them, I was the only one coming.

My arrival had not gone unnoticed. Deep in the tree line, a barely visible figure watched my every move, vanishing periodically into the trees, as if shifting in and out of reality. I had noticed the figure about an hour ago, but could tell from the frame that this was no Peacekeeper, certainly no member of Blackstone. It was likely a local Ranger, a community born protector gifted at surviving in the wilds, and experts in hit and run tactics. I hadn't seen or noticed any during my previous stay in Herongale, but with how alert the hamlet had become, it came as no surprise to see them so close to their fellows. As I came closer to the makeshift barricades, other villagers began to notice my approach, and began calling out to their companions.

I came to a halt as the villagers entered into what looked like a primitive battle position, utilizing the gaps in the barricades to keep sight of me, while others readied themselves with their spears. Before long, however, they began to realize I did not carry Blackstone's colors, and not long after, they seemed to relax. I suspect they even began to recognize me, though I could not be sure at the time. Despite their calm, I did not approach, allowing them to make the first move. Several minutes passed as they discussed amongst themselves, then sent one woman off into the hamlet. I did not have to wonder what this woman was doing for long, as she returned with two hooded rangers, clad in browns and dark greys.

The taller of the warriors on the right slowly removed their hood, revealing a bearded, bald headed man with skin I could only describe as chocolate in color. I recognized him immediately, Kharion, the elder's son, though I suppose he was the elder now. The second ranger did not remove their hood, but instead readied a longbow, nocking an arrow with a slow, graceful movement. At this range I did not doubt the Ranger's accuracy, I only hoped I would not provoke them.

"Welcome back, Warden. I see you have come alone this time. Where is your caravan?" Kharion asked. The question briefly reminded me of my breakdown in the forest, but I could not dwell on it, nor could I make mention of it. Instead, I gave the truth.

"I have ordered them to remain back in a stronghold, until injuries permit." Kharion did not seem to respond to my words at first, simply staring down at me from the gate. His companion still did not ready their weapon to fire, if nothing else, that was a good sign. Whispers seemed to permeate the air around us, I did my best to ignore them. Even still, the unease was easily felt, and even more easily seen among them.

"Then what brings you here, Warden?" Kharion asked. It was a pointless question, I suspect that both of us knew that. Still, it was better to fully acknowledge reasons than just infer them.

"I have word that Blackstone marches on your hamlet. I have come to offer my aid." I explained. The few armed townsfolk muttered and whispered around me, but Kharion and his ranger did not seem to respond. Though it was hard to tell from this distance, I swore I could see Kharion narrowing his eyes at me.

"And just how did you become aware of this information, Warden? We have suspected an attack for some time now, and yet here you are maybe a week later only just offering your aid? You'll forgive me if your timing seems suspect." His accusation was clear as day, and I could fully understand his misgivings. Even putting aside my former connection to Blackstone, which I suspect they had surmised, waiting so long to offer assistance could easily paint a convincing, if ultimately inaccurate, picture of my intentions.

"My duty was to Miss Beuer first and foremost, I had to ensure her safety. As for how I learned of the attack, an unknown messenger confirmed the assault to me, though I know not their sender. I understand your distrust, but I swear to you I am here to help." I explained. The words were wholly truthful, and sincere, I only hoped Elder Kharion would agree with me. At his side, the ranger pulled back the bow, but a hand from Kharion brought them pause.

"Under most circumstances, I would not deem your words enough, Warden. Fortunately for you, these are not most circumstances." He said, pausing briefly to step forward. Around him, his people readied weapons, and the ranger pulled back their bow again. I took no offense to their actions, they were simply preparing to rush to their elder's defense. I would not make it necessary to do so. When Kharion was maybe five strides from me, he halted, staring directly at me. I made no move in response. Finally, he spoke again.

"We accept your aid at this time, but know this; any action you take we deem aggressive or subversive will be met with hostile force. You're skilled, Warden, but we will be the end of you should it become necessary." There was a promise in his tone, one I knew was as certain as the sun rising. Still, I was grateful he was willing to put his trust in me. I nodded in response, bowing my head just low enough to show respect to the elder.

"I thank you for your trust, I promise it is not misplaced." I replied. Kharion simply stared back at me, making no indication of his thoughts.

"I will be the judge of that, Warden. Follow me to the Great Hall, we will discuss further there." He replied before turning and motioning for me to follow, which I did. The tension in the air did not settle much, I could tell the men at arms were still cautious of me. Only the ranger seemed to relax, placing their arrow back in their quiver. The hamlet proper seemed more like a military outpost now, various men at arms seemed to patrol and keep watch over every building in the settlement, with any unarmed person carrying various supplies. It was all too easy to notice the eyes on me as I passed each resident, though their thoughts remained a mystery.

The Great Hall had not seen much modification since my last visit, save for the armed sentries now posted outside. When Kharion and I approached, they glanced at each other skeptically before one moved to open the doors. I was impressed with how quickly they sprang into action in Kharion's presence, the two of us did not even need to slow down for them to open the door fully, allowing us to walk in without a stride lost. If nothing else, Kharion clearly ran a very organized ship, and in such a seemingly short time as well. It was an admirable trait, and spoke well of Herongale's new leader.

Inside was perhaps where the most change was visible. What once had been a modest hall had been almost completely renovated, no longer were there a row of tables and narrow walkways. Instead I found racks on racks made of wood, though many of them seemed practically empty, with maybe one or two spears remaining on each. What few tables remained had been relocated to the elevated platform and placed around one another, forming a loose square in the platform's center. Sat at the tables appeared to be three more rangers, each observing what looked to be maps and making markings on them, at least until the doors slammed shut behind us.

Each of the rangers raised their heads to observe us, and I got a good look at each. The first in the center was older, possibly older than even Elder Zulan had been, and skin as dark to boot. Still he appeared as built and strong as any man half his age, well groomed white hair and a short beard gave him an unmistakable air of authority, he was likely the most deadly of those assembled. The two at his sides were younger, perhaps my age or younger, both women of lighter skin and hair cut short, one dirty blonde, the other a pitch black. The eldest stood up straight, placing his arms behind his back as he faced his elder.

"Elder Kharion, I see you have brought a guest with you." He said. The man's voice was not as deep as Zulan's, but close to it, sounding both respectful and inquisitive in the same breath. The other rangers did not speak, merely standing straight as we continued walking towards them.

"Indeed I have, Berrat." Kharion replied before turning his attention to the other rangers. "You two may make your leave, for now. I must discuss our matters with Berrat and the Warden." He ordered. The rangers seemed unhappy with his words, glancing at one another before the blonde haired one on the left turned a cautious eye towards me. Her mistrust did not last long, as she seemed to relax upon observing me and nodded at me, which I returned. This in turn seemed to calm the final ranger, who likewise relaxed before turning towards Kharion.

"As you wish, elder." She said, both rangers now bowing lightly. Kharion nodded at both, then watched as they carefully made their way past us. The black haired ranger and I shared a brief glance at one another as she passed, I think it was a shared look of respect, for I detected no malice in her eyes. When I turned away, I saw that Kharion had already made his way onto the platform, so I followed him up. The one called Berrat observed me carefully as I walked, arms still folded behind him. Having gotten closer, I realized now that a longbow leaned on the table beside him, with a sheathed shortsword and dagger on either side of his hip.

"I do not believe I've had the honor, Warden. I am Adewale Berrat, Ranger Captain of Herongale." He said, nodding as he introduced himself in a polite tone. I nodded back, pleased that he seemed trusting of me, at least for now.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Captain." I replied. Our conversation was cut short when Kharion leaned in and spoke.

"Berrat, what are the latest reports on Blackstone's movements?" He asked, looking towards the map before him. I likewise turned my attention towards it, seeing a rough depiction of Ashfeld, with a series of red exes drawn in various locations between Mount Ignis and Herongale, each closer than the last.

"According to Shephard and Adelaide, they ran into trouble with their horses and have been delayed. That said, their information is a day old, we cannot be certain they remain indisposed." Berrat explained, pointing towards the closest mark. Horses? Was Blackstone sending cavalry to attack this place? It was possible they were only using them as pack animals, but that seemed unlikely, considering their end goal.

"Do you have any indication as to their numbers?" I asked, looking up towards Berrat. He in turn looked at me, a serious expression written across his face.

"Not to the man, but my rangers have estimated well over one hundred warriors, possibly even two hundred. Traveling with them are dozens of horses." He explained. My heart sank as I took in that number, possibly two hundred Blackstone warriors? This was overkill, far beyond it for a settlement such as Herongale. Then again, I suspect that was the point behind this attack force. I dreaded my next question, but I had to know what I was fighting with.

"And how many many men stand with us?" Berrat leaned his head back, as though disappointed.

"Including myself and Kharion, I have twelve rangers ready and able to fight, though that's hardly a sizable battalion." He said. Off to a bad start, I thought. Kharion looked up to meet both of our gazes, and he seemed equally frustrated.

"Thanks to Blackstone's prior tributes, we are short on manpower. We have thirty men and women ready for combat, but aside from some light weapons training, they are unproven in battle." He admitted. I could scarcely breathe, and tried to wrap my head around the numbers I had just heard. Forty-two, forty-three if I was included, facing an army of two hundred, including a cavalry? Even if every warrior were a war hardened veteran, the odds were beyond mediocre for survival, let alone a victory. Against a small ranger force and ragtag men at arms, defeat was almost assured. What was I getting myself into...? I tried to force such thoughts out of my mind, now was not the time for despair.

"And what of the fort further to the east?" I inquired. Kharion gave me a puzzled look, while Berrat seemed to grow curious, tilling his head back again and narrowing his eyes slightly.

"What of it?" He asked. I breathed deep and leaned in towards the map. After retracing the path I had taken in my mind, I pointed at an approximation of where it was located, directing both men where to look.

"If we can get our forces properly situated inside, it will give us a more defensible position to fall back to. Blackstone is unfamiliar with these lands, and will be unable to give chase effectively. It'll take time, but with proper preparation, we can prepare a multi-layered defense that may just be the edge we need to survive the attack." I explained. Berrat stroked his chin thoughtfully as he considered my words, while Kharion seemed almost lost. After a time, he looked back at me.

"That would require even more time and resources than we can comfortably allot, Warden. Besides, we would be surrendering our home, I doubt Blackstone would leave it standing." He rebutted. I opened my mouth to speak, but Berrat spoke first.

"With all due respect, that's a far better prospect than surrendering our people, sir. As for time, another set of hands to coordinate could help speed up the process." He said, glancing at his elder. Kharion looked back, then sighed as he hung his head. I understood that he was struggling, this was far from an easy choice. With Herongale already fortified, I'm sure it was tempting to keep working with what he had. But if Herongale fell, there would be nowhere to fall back to. A second line was better than none at all, I only hoped he could see that. After a long pause, Kharion sighed again and looked up at me, a look of resolve written on his face as he nodded slowly.

"Very well. Let us make preparations then, shall we?" He said. I nodded as Berrat began to sport a small grin. It was a long shot, I knew that, in fact it almost certainly wouldn't work. But even a hint of uncertainty was precisely what we needed right now, with even the slightest chance of success. So with vigor in our hearts, we each looked down towards the map...

...And planned.

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