
By heixoh

52.3K 1.5K 281

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3.5K 145 25
By heixoh

»»---->Saturday came quickly,
It hardly seemed like 3 whole days had went by.

You prepared for your 'date' (as he called it the last time you spoke) with Kartein. You decided to dress up a bit, even if it wasn't a real date.

You eagerly waited in the hotel's lobby, talking to the man who was there to check people in.

"Look who's all dressed up!" He said. "Going on a date with that guy who gave you a car?"

"Oh, no. He's only a friend." You told him. "And I'm not going on a date, just hanging out with an old friend."

"Mhmm, sure looks like it." He grinned, and you jokingly rolled your eyes.

"Trust me. It's only a friend." You explained.

"That's what I said about my husband 4 years ago, look where we are now!" He laughed, and you smiled, laughing a bit as well.

Kartein entered the hotel, wearing his usual light-colored suit. He waved at you.

You and him headed straight to the bar. Kartein wasn't much of a drinker, but decided to drink a little just for tonight.

"How's Korea?" He asked, a water in hand. He would start drinking later into the night.

"Not too bad. I've seen everyone I know, so far. Even Kayden, blegh." You acted disgusted, and stuck your tongue out making Kartein chuckle a bit.

"Kayden's a difficult one." He said, moving his index finger around the rim of his glass. "How's life back at home?"

"Not too bad, college is getting annoying." You told him, and he nodded in agreement.

"I bet. I'm lucky enough to earn money from my awakened abilities." He looked off for a bit, before looking at you again. "Any relationships?"

"You know me, Kartein. You really think I would be in one?" You smiled, although you were a bit sad.

"I mean, you're nice, strong, pretty, funny, all sorts of good qualities for a partner." He spoke, giving you a smile.

"I meant someone having enough confidence to ask out someone as perfect as me." You boasted.

"You need to stop talking to Kayden." He joked, making you laugh.


After you two got black-out drunk, you slept in until about 12pm. You were sleeping on the floor, because you and Kartein fought over the bed, and you ended up losing.

You had a really bad headache, which was the effects of too much alcohol.

You took some medicine to help ease your pain. You shook Kartein awake, him pushing you back in reply.

"My head..." He groaned, putting a hand onto his forehead.

"There's medicine on the counter." You informed him, as you took a sip of water.

You sat on the bed drinking your water, your headache slowly getting better.

"I must get going. That was fun, though." He smiled, putting his coat back on. He still held his head from the pain.

"It was! Let me know if you ever want to hang out again." You smiled back, waving him goodbye as he left.

You called Jiwoo, asking if you could come over to talk to Kayden again.

"Hey, Jiwoo!" You spoke first.

"Hello, Miss Y/N!" He excitedly replied.

"Please, don't call me Miss." You told him. "Anyway, I called you because I was wondering if I could come see Kayden again."

"Yeah, sure! I'm uh... Currently bedridden which isn't the best, but Kayden is in his human form which is great!" He was somehow optimistic on the situation.

"I heard about the attack and everything. I'm glad you seem to be doing a bit better. Kartein told me about it." You said, getting up from bed and hopping into your borrowed car.

"Oh, you know Mr. Kartein too?! That's so cool!" You could tell he was beaming with joy in-person.

"Yeah, we're good friends." You started the car. "I'm heading over right now, talk to you later!"

"Bye miss Y/N!" He hung up.

You sighed. Jiwoo had called you Miss yet again.

You drove until you reached where Jiwoo's home was.

You opened the door of the room, walking fast, and so you ran directly into Kayden.

"Woah there, Y/N." Kayden pushed you.

"I didn't mean to do that. Not my fault you are standing so close to the door." You crossed your arms.

"It's so if anyone weird walks in I can stop them." He crossed his arms too.

"Well, you didn't stop me, so you're obviously not doing your job." You retorted.

"You're so stupid." He sighed, putting his face into his hand.

"Jiwoo, how's everything going?" You walked over to the teen laying in bed.

"Well...." He laughed. "I'm pretty sure you can tell."

"Right, sorry." You laughed as well. "At least your humor is in tact."

"Haha.. True that." He smiled, reaching for the water on his nightstand.

You stayed for a little while, chatting about his school life, and your life back home. Kayden stayed silent, but he still listened in on the conversation.

"I'll order some food." You said, getting out your phone from your pocket. "What does everyone want?"

"Hmm," Jiwoo pondered for a moment. "Whatever you want to get."

You looked at Kayden. He raised an eyebrow.

"Getting something for me, too? What's gotten into you?" The man asked. You realized his arms were still crossed.

"Just being polite, that's all." You explained, ordering pizza for all of you. "No one here is lactose intolerant or allergic to gluten, right?"

Jiwoo and Kayden both shook their heads to signal no, and so you finished the purchase.

You suddenly got a call from your sibling back home. "I'm going to go outside for a moment." You said, stepping outside of the house.

"Mr. Kayden, why are you mean to Miss Y/N?" Jiwoo asked his mentor.

"Didn't she tell you to stop calling her Miss?" He asked, although it was rhetorical because he knew the answer was yes. "We've always had a Rocky relationship, since day 1. We're rivals, and that's how it's always been. I guess she's gotten nicer, but still."

"Hmm, alright. I guess that makes a little sense." Jiwoo spoke.

"Sorry guys." You walked back into the room. "My (sister/brother/sibling) wanted to know how I was doing."

"It's alright!" Jiwoo reassured you, grinning widely.

You sat down, tapping your foot as you waited for the pizza. You hummed a bit, in rhythm with your foot-tapping.

Kayden gave you a weird look, but you were used to it. Jiwoo didn't even glance over.

The doorbell rang, and both you and Kayden were about to get it.

"I'll get it." You told him, holding the door knob.

"No, I will." He put his hand over yours on the door knob.

"I paid for it." You opened the door, quickly shutting it behind you and going to the front door to retrieve your pizza.

The pizza woman waved, handing you the pizzas. You handed her the money, along with a tip.

As she left, you sighed at your bad decision. You weren't supposed to tip in Korea. She didn't refuse the tip though, so hopefully it made her happy.

You looked around the yard, taking in the fresh air. You walked around the corner, as you heard a noise.

There was a stray dog, which was odd. Usually only stray cats were around Jiwoo's house.

You pet the dog, giving it a slice of pizza. It ate it in one bite. It's ribs could be seen. It's fur was clumped with dirt, and extremely matted.

You felt bad for it. You decided to give it another piece of pizza.

"Feeding the strays, huh?" A man behind you spoke. You turned around, and faced a tall, muscular man with slight scarring on his face.

It was the same guy who helped you at the Union. You smiled.

"I can't help it. I feel bad. They probably never eat." You explained your feelings about the situation.

"I understand that. Y/N, right?" He asked, to which you nodded.

"Good, I've been looking for you." He whispered, to which you furrowed your eyebrows.

He covered your mouth, and grabbed you. Your eyes were covered as well, and so you couldn't see anything.

You kicked around, trying to free yourself from his grasp. You hit your head back into his face, making his nose bleed.

"All I want..." he huffed, trying to keep you from moving. "Is your force control."

You pushed him off, only for him to grab you again.

"Look. I don't want to resort to kidnapping. Just let me in on your secrets and I'll let you go." He held a knife close to your neck.

You bit down on his hand, and he dropped it. He covered your mouth, to prevent you from attacking him again.

Suddenly, his grip loosened, so you quit struggling. You looked behind you, Kayden held the man's battered body, looking down at him in disgust.

"What a creep." He dropped him. "Can't believe I saved two people in less than a week, guess I'm just too good."

You rolled your eyes. "Thank you, but why did you save me?"

"Can't have my rival getting kidnapped on me like that." He laughed. "If we're still rivals."

"I'd prefer to be friends."

He nodded. "Sounds good to me. Now, let's bring this guy to the Union and sort things out."

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