𝚂 𝚒 𝚡

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»»----> You've now been in Korea for three weeks. You really didn't feel like leaving, but you already bought a ticket for your departure.

You spent the last couple of days getting closer with friends- even Kayden.

After an enormous amount of effort by Jiyoung, she was able to plan a party for you before you left. She made sure to plan a time that everyone could make it to the party.

She kept it a secret from you, and she made sure to tell the others to keep quiet too. They all agreed to try their best.

The party was today, and so she was busy decorating and getting everything prepared.

You, meanwhile, were feeding strays with Jiwoo, both dogs and cats. The same dog from before happen to be next to his house yet again.

"Is it okay if I take him in to bathe him?" You asked Jiwoo, gesturing towards the dog.

"Of course!" He smiled, and so you led the dog into Jiwoo's bathroom. You put him into the bath, and let the water run.

You scrubbed the dog with shampoo, making sure to scrub well to get all of the grime off of him. He panted, and you smiled.

You dried the dog off, and he shook, getting water everywhere. You got him a bowl of water and some food, and let him stay inside. Meanwhile, you cleaned up the water he got all over the place.

You went back outside, and Jiwoo was still feeding and playing with the strays. You crouched down, petting a gray kitten.

"Y'know, I think I might keep the dog." You told him, still petting the kitten.

He held one of the cats close to him. "He seems friendly. Such a shame he wasn't given the best life. "

"That's why I'm taking him back home with me. He looks really young, too. He'll probably grow a bit more." You said, petting another cat.

"Yeah, make sure you send me lots of pictures once you get him back home!" He put down the cat he was holding, and filled some food bowls.

"Will do." You stood up and made your way back into his house. You pet the dog, putting him onto your lap as you sat down on the sofa.

You looked outside, watching the clouds move. The dog in your lap leaned on you, falling asleep. You carefully moved off of the sofa, as to not wake your new dog.

You went into the other room where Kayden was. He was in his cat form, a pile of treat wrappers next to him. You rolled your eyes at his gluttony.

"I told you to lay off the treats." You threw away the wrappers.

"I'm a grown man, Y/N." He crosses his paws at you.

"A cat, actually. And I'm just saying, it would be better for you to lose a few pounds." You shrugged, sitting on the bed with him.

He continued eating cat treats. "I hate to admit it, but I'll miss you." He confessed.

"Aww, thanks." You Pat him on the head. "I guess I'll miss you too."

"You better." He threatened. "Or else."

"Your cat form isn't exactly something that you can take serious." You replied, looking down at his cat form.

"Your human form isn't exactly something that you can take serious." He mocked you, a grin on his face.

"Wow, you probably won't see me for years, and you're still being mean to me." You sighed. "What a shame, I though we were friends."

Kayden was silent. You sat there for a moment, before deciding on getting up and calling your friends about the possibility of spending time together before you left.

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