The Sight Of Eternity With You

By WeaselB3e

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Harper Nonemacker has transferred as a third year into Hogwarts. The reason for the transfer? She's a Legilim... More

The First Day Nerves: Third Year Start
Complex Being you are
Halloween frights
Let's Try Quidditch or Trust
Christmas and Dragon Bites
Totally Not Flirting
End of the Year
Come on, Be Our Guest
Fourth Year Blitz
All Signs Point To
Mindless Self Indulgence
I was Afraid, I was....
Both Sides of The Story
A Little Faster
Check Yes, Harper
The Glorious Fates
This is Halloween
Set it Off
Lonely girl
The Edge
Calm Before The Storm
Under a Paper Moon
Why Worry (About the Sixth Year)
Tell Me Why
The Liars and Sneaks
Caught Up In You
About a Girl
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Five Minutes to Midnight
Future Hearts/ Old Scars
Tell Me I'm a Wreck
Take On The World
When The Chips Are Down
Come To Your Senses
Listen To Your Girl
The Fear of Falling
Hard Times
Harper Is For Lovers
Million Dollar Baby
Haunting Me
Skeptics and True Believers
Harper is our Queen
Give Me Your Hand
What You Make It
If You Could Be Anywhere
Electric Love
The Hideaway
Young And Menace
Here With Me
Hurts Like Hell
Till Forever Falls Apart
Love From the Other Side
Alone Together
The World Is Falling Apart
Does Salvation Come?
Heaven Help Us
The Loneliest
Grow As We Go
Don't Let The Light Go Out
Say You Love Me
Maybe You Saved Me
Dance With Me
Lucky Star
Stay The Night
(Don't) Surrender
Nothing Else Matters
Paper Rings
Be My Escape
Harper's Law
Which to Bury?
In My Head
Out of My Mind
Running Up That Hill
Favorite Place
Your Love Is My Drug
If Not For You
Love Song
Where I Belong
Marry You

Loose Cannon

60 1 0
By WeaselB3e

"You make a mess of my head when 
you tell me I'm defensive, can't help 
Keeping me in hell, we're spittin' words with no filter"

-Loose Cannon, Set It Off


Harper heaved a sigh as she slowly made her way through the train barrier, the train billowing smoke as it gave a ten minute warning. She turned to her mother who started fixing the collar of her jacket with a frown.

"Now, I know things are hard, you're growing up and your ability is a bit daunting. But please don't lose focus this year," Harper's mother pleaded as she continued to fluff up the denim collar.

"Couldn't we have just gone to Hogsmeade?" Harper muttered, she could feel her face flushing as she looked around.

"But I thought you liked the train?" Harper sighed, chewing on the inside of her cheek and nodding, "be good. And try to stay focused. If all works out....maybe we could move back to France? We couldn't return to your old school but...don't you miss the cottage, especially this summer?" At her mother's words, Harper dropped her gaze, the guilt of having them moved to London eating away at her. 

Without another word, Harper hurried onto the train and found an empty compartment, taking a seat and closing her eyes for a moment of peace. Snape had told her parents who were less than pleased with the information that Harper had indeed not been practicing as best as she could. This led to a long summer of occlumency lessons in hopes that her ability in defending her mind was the cure to stopping her ability all together.  This led to very little time for friends—which worked out considering the one friend she desperately wanted to see, possibly didn't want a word to do with her anymore.


Harper let out a puff of air from her lungs as Angelina dove into her midriff, holding the girl tightly.

"That's perfect, Ange. Hold her down while I pelt the living snot outta her-"

"You're not hurting my best friend!" Angelina said defensively. 

Harper opened her eyes to see an irate Fred glaring from the doorway, she wasn't sure but he looked like he'd gotten a few inches taller.

"You have a lotta nerve, Nonemacker. How dare-"

"Oi! I know! I got it all from your howlers already," Harper held up a hand getting to her feet, she cracked her neck and sighed. Waiting for the rest of the blow up.

"You could've trusted me sooner, writing a letter...are you mental?!" Fred's glare softened, pulling her into a tight hug which felt more like he was attempting to break her ribs than a friendly gesture.

"Well, your twin didn't leave me much to work with, did he?" Harper squeaked, Fred slightly lessened his hold.

"I suppose not, if Ginny hadn't intervened there would've been several more letters," Fred chuckled.

"Still friends?" Harper asked, her heart going a mile a second, terrified of his reaction.

"Of course, I knew you were a fascinating person, Harps," Fred smiled.

Over his shoulder she noticed George putting his suitcase above his head in the compartment across from them. Fred pushed her into the aisle, causing her to slam into Cedric Diggory who gave a quick hello before hurrying off.

Harper closed the door behind her, locking it and closing the blinds with her wand as George stiffened slightly. Resting his hands on the luggage rack as he leaned forward slightly, frowning at his feet. Harper swore he grew a few inches as she studied him, a cold persona coming off him in waves.

"Nice time in Egypt?" Harper asked, her voice shaking slightly.

Stop being nervous

He totally hates me

Harper clenched her hands, shaking her head of any thoughts.

"It was fine," George kept his back to her, his tone distant and guarded. "Sort of cathartic being able to shove your little brother into a sarcophagus here or there. Thankfully Ginny behaved and couldn't hex me much."

"Ginny...was hexing you?" Harper sat on the bench behind him, gripping the edge so hard her knuckles were turning white.

"Oh she was ticked on the train ride home last year," George chuckled, turning his head slightly so Harper could see half of his face. He looked tired and guarded. "Surprised you didn't know."

"Must've gotten missed in Fred's many howlers or even Ginny's letters," Harper laughed, trying to make the compartment less tense.

George fell silent as he nodded, chewing on the inside of his cheek.

Her heart broke the longer the silence dragged, "George. Look-"

"Harper," she hated when he used her name, she reflexively flinched-it sounded foreign, like a curse when he used it-like she was in trouble. "I just want to know one thing: Have you ever gone into my mind?" His voice lowering, putting his hands in his pockets as he took a seat and faced her, stretching out his legs, his feet resting between her own in the small space between them.

"No, I've never gone into your mind."

"But you've heard my thoughts?"

"Yes....a few times. But with you...I do have to admit that I also feel your associated emotions when I hear your when you were terrified in the Shrieking Shack? I was too." Her fingers started to lose feeling the longer she clenched the seat, "I...erm...." its now or never, Harper. Do it. She nodded to herself slightly, working up the courage she needed for this conversation. "But in our first year? There were a few times where....where you were thinking of me and I saw myself through your eyes-like a flash of the moment. But nothing more than that! I swear!"

George nodded slowly, his expression apologetic as he chewed on his bottom lip. "I'm sorry for how I acted, I was just shocked and didn't know how to react...I was so distraught about Gin that..." George shook his head as the sentence hung in the air.

"So running away was the answer?" Harper frowned folding her arms, giving her hands a chance to regain their feeling.

"When the girl you fancy tells you this huge secret that's too much to comprehend...." he sighed, shrugging slightly, "I regret running away. I was a bit....I don't know. Scared? Stressed? Terrified about my sister? I can't give you a valid reason to how I was feeling during that conversation last term."

"The fancy?" Harper stuttered. The rest of the sentence didn't matter.

George laughed slightly, a smile trying to come through, his brown eyes sparked for a moment as he studied Harper, "come on, Harper."

"I don't like when you use my actual name..." Harper muttered, her face flushing slightly. 

George chuckled, "well I can't say Harpsichord when I don't know where we stand. But I feel the same about me."

"Not in your life, Weasley," Harper stammered, averting her gaze toward the window.

George grinned, "you were just telling me that you felt how I felt during that date, but it doesn't happen with any other person right? If that's the truth then yes...I'd say you feel the same." His foot tapping her shoe slightly.

"So it was a date?" Harper's eyes flashed as she grinned, feeling the sense of normalcy falling between them, however briefly.

"Not an official one," George snorted. "Gods I wouldn't want that to be our first official date."

"Would've been a horrid first date," Harper stammered, her face a brilliant red. 

George chuckled in response as the door started to rattle slightly, on the other side Harper could hear Joy yelling to be let in before being dragged across the aisle.

Harper felt her face flush slightly, "can we go back to being friends, George?"

"I never stopped being your friend, just needed some time to digest what you told me and your letter. Plus writing from Egypt was....difficult."

"Right. Because the many howlers from Fred and few letters from Ginny and even Ron, were sent by imposters?" Harper frowned slightly, George averted his gaze and cleared his throat. "I know I wrote that it was alright not to contact me...but even my birthday? That felt low for you."

George looked at the ground briefly, frowning as he chewed on his bottom lip. "Harper...I'm sorry. And I'm going to make it up to you."

Harper gave a tight smile, looking over at the closed door, imagining how annoyed the girls might be that they were locked out.

"I do have some news to share with everyone..."

"Don't tell me you went and found yourself a bloke while I was gone," George frowned.

Harper laughed slightly, brushing her hair over her shoulder, "hmmm while that would be nice-"

The train suddenly stopped and Harper was rocked from her seat to the floor, George immediately helped her to her feet. Harper swung the compartment door open, seeing all other compartments open as students began popping their heads out. She stepped into the hall and saw her breath in front of her, she turned to see the compartment window slowly icing over.

"Everyone in your compartments now!" Harper shouted down the hallway.

"Now!" Harper ordered again as students continued to murmur down the compartment.

Throughout the train, Harper's order to shut the compartments was passed down through the students.


Harper grabbed George's arm and shoved both of them into the group compartment across the way.

"Ouch! My ribs!"

"That was my nose Fred!"

"Lee, move your arse!"

"Shut up all of you."

"Oi, Harper! Don't be so rud-"

"Shut. Up."

Harper stood at the door, her wand in her hand as she watched her breath come out in small wisps. They sat around the tight space in silence, Harper backed away from the door as it slowly began to ice over. Her energy slowly seeping into the floor as she held her wand in her hand. 

Joy was wordlessly trying to pull Harper back onto the bench with her, Harper remained standing as a big figure obscured the window pane. Slowly moving, with a rattling breath, Harper held her breath as they waited ten long silent minutes for the lights to flicker back on. 

"What was that?!" Alicia whispered. 

"A dementor?! On the train?!" Fred asked a bit incredulously. 

"Looking for Black maybe?" Harper whispered, turning to look at the haphazard positions her friends were in as they tried to situate themselves properly on the seats. 

"I'm surprised you didn't stay over there with George," Joy giggled, prodding Harper's side.

"Wicked way of taking charge, Harps," Angelina grinned.

" a prefect, it only seemed right," Harper shrugged, blushing slightly. 

"Whoa whoa whoa, a prefect?! No way in hell am I going to let you date my brother. No!" Fred said outraged. 

"Why would they make you a prefect?!" Lee snorted, making Harper blushed. 

"I don't really know, but it feels be trusted," Harper scowled at her feet. "Feels nice considering everything..."

"Considering everything? Like being friends with the twins you mean?" Lee echoed, raising an eyebrow. 

"You're right, H. It is like a sign of trust," Angelina smiled with a nod, Harper pursed her lips and looked at Lee with a heavy sigh. 

"Lee....there's something I have to explain to you," Lee's eyebrows shot up as he nodded, leaning back in his seat as everyone situated themselves in the compartment. 


"A word of caution: as the dementors are here to keep us safe, it would be wise not to wander at night." 

Harper looked up at Fred beside her who snorted slightly, she nudged his ribs and scowled. She wasn't sure how the group had felt when that dementor floated by their compartment, but she had felt nothing but dread.

Sooooooo abou-

Stop, Harper gripped her fork just as Joy's voice popped up. Just as quickly as it started, the thought ceased. Harper smiled to herself, picking at her chicken, the familiar pressure on her skull was somehow worse this year but instantly stopping Joy gave her a triumphant feeling.

"So you said Ginny-"

"Oh yes! You should've seen that shortie appear in the compartment and hex George," Angelina was laughing.

George's leg fell beside Harper's, the pressure disappearing instantly. Harper breathed a sigh of relief as she laughed. She hoped Snape's threat of making George be at her private lessons remained in the past as an empty threat. Barely making up with George made her feel better, she couldn't risk the fragility of their relationship.

"Oi," George warned, tucking into his own food.

"Wish I had seen it," Harper chuckled.

"Wouldn't you be able to-oomph!" Harper elbowed Fred in his ribs immediately, glaring daggers at him as he pouted and rubbed his side. "Sorry, sorry, jeez. Watch those daggers of yours, miss prefect."

Harper looked down the table of Gryffindors, seeing Ginny sitting beside Percy a few students away. Over the summer, Ginny had sent a few letters to her, after last year it seemed Ginny certainly appreciated Harper's presence.

"Harpsichord?" Harper's heart fluttered at the name against her objections, she glanced over at George who leaned close to her ear, "after you bring the first years to the common room. Can we talk? Astronomy tower?"

"Why did you want to talk out here?" Harper called when she finally appeared in the astronomy tower. She'd finished bringing the excited first years to the common room, and hurriedly made her way there. 

George leaned against the railing, watching the candlelight streak through Harper's hair as she stood beside him, shimmering like starlight. His heart lifting as he studied her; she'd grown a few inches, her hair was curled in loose layered waves. Her body had more curves than he'd remembered. She'd gotten prettier during the summer. "I wanted to continue our conversation from the train."

" were accusing me of fancying you," her cheeks flushing as she turned her attention toward the silent grounds.

"I was stating a fact," George winked.

Harper rolled her eyes slightly, leaning on the railing. The stars twinkling brilliantly in the sky.

"A fact huh?"

George chuckled as he leaned closer toward her, smirking as her breathing hitched. "Harpsichord. You can't tell me you don't."

"You can't deny it either, George," Harper stuttered, pulling her hair to one side and playing with the edges, hoping to hide how red her face was turning.

George shrugged, "I wasn't planning on it. Not anymore."

Harper averted her gaze, clearing her throat as she pulled away slightly from George. Looking up at him with big eyes, the gold flecks swimming in light brown pools under the light. He felt himself smiling and absentmindedly leaning closer- completely mesmerized by her.

"You shouldn't say things like that," her voice was quiet.

"I know I was a prick, I really do want to make up for it," George lowered his voice.

"And telling me you fancy me...that's how you think you can make up for it?" Harper leaned on her hand, the way her eyelashes fluttered and the candlelight made her eyes smolder, George felt his heartbeat speed up.

"It's only the beginning of regaining your trust," George smiled. "I messed up, Harper. Immensely."

Harper shook her head slightly, "I forgive you, George. You talking to me is enough of an apology."

George frowned slightly, "there was going to be a whole fireworks show...." He sighed, "but if you say so."

"Fireworks?" Harper grinned, leaning forward on the railing, "I mean...if there's fireworks....I guess I don't forgive you entirely."

George chuckled slightly, stepping closer, leaving very little space between them. Harper's breathing hitched as they stared into each other's eyes. "I'll get them setup right away, Miss Nonemacker."

Harper grinned for a moment before she frowned, there was a conflict he stood watching closely in her eyes. 

The silence between them was deafening, it made George slightly uncomfortable. Harper shifted from foot to foot, chewing on the inside of her cheek.

"So where does that leave us?" Harper whispered, she swayed back and forth on her heels.

"Friends...unless you have a problem with that?"

"Friends?" Harper raised an eyebrow, confusion flickered across her face. 

"Was there some other title you were thinking?" George smirked, folding his arms across his chest as Harper stammered, her face turning instantly red. 

"You're on thin ice, Weasley," Harper scoffed, turning on her heel and walking away.

"You're cute when you're flustered, Nonemacker!" George called after her, making Harper stop in her tracks, George chuckled when he saw her face was as red as his hair—unable to think of a witty comeback.

"Where have you been?!" Joy jumped out from under Harper's covers, making the girl jump up into the air.

"Bloody hell, Joy!"

Joy pouted, "what're you thinking?! Leaving us all alone, we haven't even gotten to celebrate your badge! Or your birthday! Come on."

"I had to patrol a bit."

"You mean patrolling George's mouth!" Alicia giggled from her bed.

"I was not!"

"You two were both missing," Angelina smirked.

Harper's face flushed slightly, "alright yeah I was with George, but there was no kissing involved!" 

"Then are you two back to being friends?! Is today the day?!" Joy squealed.

"We just finished up our conversation from the train, but yeah...friends," Harper objected, getting changed for bed. She pulled her blankets back, Joy laid back on the pillows and folded her arms.

"I'm not leaving," Joy protested. Harper shook her head, shoving Joy over as she got into her bed beside her.

"You have to tell me about your summer," Joy turned on her side and tucked a pillow under her cheek as Harper looked up at the ceiling.


Hey. I love you for giving this story a chance.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart

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