-𝙡*πšŒπš” π™ΌπšŽπš›πšŒπš’- Robby...

By f0reverAlways

93.4K 1.9K 682

"My life was a long more boring until you came alone." ... More

-F*uck Mercy-
-Season Two-
-season 3-
-Season 4-
~Season 5~


1.5K 41 27
By f0reverAlways

After practice Robby ended up calling me asking if i wanted to come over and hang out for a bit and maybe stay over. I agreed and before heading over to his house i grabbed a beg full of all the necessary items. I knocked on the door and Robby opened it and smiled.

"I didnt think you would get here that fast." He said and smiled, letting me into his apartment.

I laugh slightly and place the bag down on the floor. "Well, i drive way faster than I should and i dont know if that is bad yet." I say shrugging as he laughs.

We both walk over to the couch and lay down. Robby turns the tv on and puts on stranger things. I look up at him and he gives me the what look. "I didnt think you would be the type to like stranger thing." He laughs at me and then kisses my forehead.

"It's a good show, I wont lie. I started watching it because Sadie Sink was hot." He says honestly, i nod.

"I agree, she is hot." He looks at me and laughs. "It's true. My bi ass would totally date her." He looks at me again shocked.

"You're bisexual?"


I was very open with it at this point. I knew when i was 8 and then came out when i was 10, had my first girl kiss at 14. My parents where very supportive over the whole coming out thing, tho i dont think that understood what it met.

he nodded and then started to talk again. "Well, i support you, and thank you for trusting me and coming out to me." I laugh at him.

I turn to watch the tv and Nacey then comes onto screen. "Get that bitch of the screen!" I scream.

Robby looks shocked. "What was that for? You dont like Nacey?" I shake my head.

"No, no, no. She sucks, i mean she is okay but she broke u with Steve and that wasn't right. anyways Steve could have done so much better. I think he should have just stayed single and then out of nowhere his girlfriend comes back or he comes out gay. That would make the show so much better." I explain as Robby only nods not sure what he should say.

I adjusted my head and i heard Robby wince in pain. "I'm sorry, is it still your shoulder." He shakes his head trying to pas it as nothing happened. "I know you are not telling me the truth. Does it still hurt?" I ask him again as i feel as it is my fault that he got into his condition.

He places a hand on my cheek and presses a kiss to me lips and i smile slightly. "Is nothing, it is just sore. Get some rest, okay? I know that you are going to karate tomorrow."

I nod and i started to fall asleep in his arms. In the middle of the night i start to feel Robby start to shift and get up. I dont think anything of it until i hear a grunt and pots and pans fall down on the floor.

Then some one turns the lights causing me to sit up. A woman then runs over to the man. "Oh, my god, Rick. Are you okay?" The girl asks. "Roddy, what is wrong with you?"

With that roll my eyes and walk up to Robby and wrap my arms around him as my eyes where still not adjusted to the light.

"What is wrong with me? What i wrong with you?" Robby says as he takes a breath trying to calm down. "You haven't been here in like three days, i thought it was some one trying to break into the apartment.

The older woman nodded. "Ok, ok, okay. I get it, but i just came here to grab a couple of things... um... uh, cause', uh, Rick is flying me to Cabo?" The other dude nods along.

Robby looks shocked. "With this guy? For how long? I mean, we have rent to pay, and i dont have a job anymore."

I looked at Robby. If money was a problem i would have offered him a job at my parents business. All he would have to do is sit there and tell people where to go.

"Don't worry about that, Robby, because rick says that he is paying this months rent, right?" She says as I looked at the dude shocked. I roll my eyes and not wanting to be apart of the conversation anymore i walk over to lay down on the couch again.

The time i hear the door close i feel arms wrapped around me again and a small im sorry. I say nothing and shift to give him a hug.

The next morning Robby and i have breakfast and we both leave for karate.

I was changing in the bathroom into my gi, when I came out I saw Bert, Hawk and Aisha in front of the two guys from yesterday. 

"What do you think? Shithead one and Shithead two ?" Hawk said rubbing his chin. 

"I was thinking more Mary-Kate and Asshat" Aisha said making Hawk laugh 

"Well, I'm Chris.." one of the guys tried to talk but Hawk stoped him 

"Did I say you could speak?" Hawk shouted at them. 

"Guys, look, they're just messing with you "Miguel said to them 

"Thanks man" Chris said to him 

"Besides everyone know your names are Assface and Douchebag" I said making everyone laugh 

"Dibs on Assface" said the guy I still don't now his name.  I saw my grandfather walk into the dojo.

"Who's that?" Hawk asked Miguel  "I don't know" Miguel said to him and them walked to him and started talking.

I almost want to say that he is my grandfather nut i dont. I dont think that would be very professional. I saw Sensei walking out of his office and talk with this man, he then came up to us and started the class. 

"Class, we have a visitor, this is Mr. Kreese" he said presenting the man beside him "He's just an observer, pretend like he's not even here, Mr. Diaz, warm them up. Y/n, you sitting this out, i got a call from you parents that you need to relax and take an easy after the tournament." 

I nod and walk off to the side and stand beside my grandfather and oldie.

Miguel walked in front of the class, he bowed to us and then started the warm up.  "Fighting positions, front kick, yuh!" He said and they did the front kick "Forward strike, yuh!" They did the strike "Side jab, yuh!" Everyone did a dab I was just confused and kinda embarrassed  at this. This is awful.

"Miguel what are you doing?" I whispered to him 

"What the hell was that?" Sensei asked angry 

"We were just messing around, we have 11 and a half months until the next All Valley" Miguel said to sensei 

"Yeah, besides, we already know how to kick ass" Hawk said laughing 

"Shut up" I whispered to him harsh 

"Oh yeah, really, huh? So, you know everything, there's nothing left to learn, huh?" Sensei looked disappointed, and then Aisha started laughing "What's so funny miss Robinson?" 

"I'm sorry, Sensei, you just wouldn't understand" she said still laughing

"Try me" Sensei said 

"It's a snake-do" she said laughing again , Ok am I stupid?, cause I don't get it.  I also feel very embarrassed foe even standing hear. My grandfather looks like he wants to die or kill some one. They are normally the same expressions.

"What's a snake-do?" Sensei asked and everyone started making snake noises and moving there hands like a snake.  I'm cringing so bad right now, I closed my eyes waiting for Sensei to explode. 

"QUIET!!!" There it is "5 am tomorrow morning, corner of Fulton and Raymer, you don't show, and you're off the team, class dismissed" he said and then walked to his office. 

"Good job Asshats" i said before walking away to change.

As i walk out of the change room oldie pulls me into his office. "Kreese is your grandfather, right? Because the whole time that i have known him, he would have yelled at me and you for takeing that break." He asks. I nod slowly.

"He is and he taught me almost everything i know. One of his other friends taught me as well." He nods.


Next morning I woke at 4 am and got there at 5 o clock, then Sensei made us mix cement.  I was adding the water, Miguel was mixing and Hawk was adding the cement. 

"Don't add too much water, you wanna make it nice and thick" he said to me and Mitch 

"Sensei why are we mixing cement?" Miguel asked him out of breath, it was a sunny morning 

"No questions, keep stirring" that's all Sensei said.  We were still mixing the cement when we heard a truck come to us, a freaking cement swiller truck. 

"Oh shit!!" I yelled, as i look over.   We were all standing in front of Sensei and the truck. 

"You think winning the All Valley Gives you the right to goof off? Well I got news for you, winning one championship don't mean squat, a true champion never stops training, you gotta keep moving forward,or else you could get stuck exactly where you are, it's like the cement in this truck, if that drum doesn't start turning the cement inside will harden and get stuck, is that what you want to happen to you?" He said to all of us 

"No sensei!!!" We all said 

"Good, then climb up, get inside and make it spin" Sensei said, I was about to walk but Miguel and Hawk grabbed both my arms to stop me as i rolled my eyes. Great friend arrest. 

"Sensei, we're sorry for messing around" Aisha said trying to apologize 

"We learned our lesson" Hawk said still not letting go of my arm  Sensei didn't care and took the latter off it's place to let us climb it 

"Get in" he said again 

"Sensei, this seems dangerous, I mean  , the fumes alone..." Miguel started making roll my eyes, but he got interrupted 

"Quiet!!" Kreese said "This man led you to the mountaintop, and you question him?" Kreese asked us standing in front of us "Look at you, look at all of you, I can't believe this pathetic pack of pussies competed in the All Valley, and let alone won, it's an absolute miracle" this old man aka my grandfather is making me angry "And who's responsible for that miracle? Johnny Lawrence" he said pointing at Sensei "The best student in the history of Cobra Kai, MY student" he emphasized my.

I knew that was a lie i was his favourite but i want telling any one anything.  

"You were Sensei's Sensei?" Hawk asked him 

"You better believe it, kid" Kreese answered him " and I tell you I've never trained a tougher student in my whole life, so if you know what's good for you, you better listen to every goddamn word he says"  I step up and looked at him.

I finally rip away from my friends and walk over to the cement truck. "Y/n no" my grandfather calls out.

"Why tho? I am fine."

"Doctors orders." He says as i roll my eyes once again and go sit on the side of the cement truck. He d he even know abut my doctors orders.

"Don't just stand there, wanna get stuck?, move" Sensei said to them .  They started walking while trying to push the wall for it to start moving but it was really slippery.  "Let's go, guys!, move it" I could hear Sensei screaming as i stared off into space.

"Come on, all of you, go" Miguel said to us, they tried again but it was to slippery and hard to move. 

"Como on, Ashley, don't just stand there!" Hawk said to Mitch.  In that moment the drum started to move, so they kept walking, and pushing even harder, in one moment Chris and Miguel even fell, they helped them up, and keep pushing again, they did it. 

When we were done Sensei started hosing us down with water, to try and take the cement off of us.  "You should all be proud of yourself, I know I'm proud, your parents would be proud, too, if your told them what we did here today, which we won't" he said to us "you push forward like champions, never stopping, never being satisfied, never giving up, and if you keep pushing and keep moving forward, you're gonna go to places you never even dreamed of" he said and then smiled to us

I change before getting back into my car.

As im driving i get a phone call from an old friend. "Hey, im driving to town, what karate place you go to again." I laugh at the girl on the other end.

"Cobra Kai" i say smirking "i got that apartment all set for you, your mom and your brother."

"Great, see you Y/n/n"

"See you soon, Tory"


Sorry for not posting for like ever.
My mental heath is getting better so I should be updating some more
And did you all see the news
New season coming out in September!!!

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