Superficial | [duncan X Trans...

By Codykiniies

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Unfinished w/no updates anymore, I'm sorry 💔 Start: May-6-22 #2 in totaldrama 8/17/22 #3 in Totaldramaisland... More

[1] welcome to camp♡
[2] Welcome to exhaustion</3
[3] Welcome to dodgeball ☹
[4] Welcome to mediocre talent😰
[5] Welcome to camping🐻
[6] Welcome to your worst nightmare😈
[7] Welcome to bony island ☠
[9] Welcome to cooking :D
[10] Welcome to some quality time :P
[11]Welcome to.. the chapter you've been waiting for.

[8] Welcome to Deerhood- 😦

2.7K 66 21
By Codykiniies

ep: Paintball deer hunter 

A/N when I use the term "fangirling" it's not in reference to gender or anything it's just the common term y'know. Clearing this up so no one feels invalidated, I am a trans male myself.

"eughh" your groaned and rolled around in your bed, unable to sleep.

Truthfully you had been unable to fall asleep and had just been laying in bed for the last three hours, to your right was Duncan's bed. He was fast asleep and mumbling about something in his sleep, you turned your face into your pillow and groaned some more. You couldn't get his face out of your head, more specifically his excited expression. His usual demeanor was stern and bad boyish but seeing his all happy and excited wasn't so bad either, you thought about how cute he was for a while. 

"Hey loser, what are you still doing up?" You looked up from your pillow to see Duncan looking at you. His tone was sweet and his voice was that of someone who had just woken up.

"Could ask you the same thing."  Duncan sat up and you did as well.

"All your moaning and groaning woke me up." he crossed his arms and sat with his legs criss crossed.

"Sorry." you looked down apologetically then awkwardly chuckled.

"Anything wrong?" You looked up at Duncan who was now looking away with his hand on the back of his neck.

"Oh? Do I since some genuine concern in your voice?" You smirked at Duncan as his expression when from slightly soft to kind of annoyed.

"Hey I was just trying to show some hospitality or whatever." You chuckled at Duncan and he just crossed his arms.

"But seriously, if you need anything I'm here. So i'm not the best with feelings and all but I still wanna try, for you-.. I-I mean since you're my friend and all!" Duncan made hand gestures and awkwardly stumbled over his words while speaking at a back and forth at a pace of fast and slow.

 "Thank you and don't worry about it, I was just having a hard time sleeping." You smiled at him and fidgeted with your fingers.

"Yeah I don't if I can help with that, Oh! What about all the squealing you seemed to be doing into your pillow." Duncan went over to you and sat on your bed beside you.

"OH! I was just uhm, excited about something." You chuckled and looked at Duncan, he was already looking at you which made you even more nervous. Had you really been squealing?

"Sounded like fangirling to me." Duncan went back to his snarky tone and placed his hand on your shoulder. "Someone have a crush?" he raised an eyebrow and was looking into your eyes.

"Yeah, you wish." You rolled you eyes and flicked Duncan on the head.

"Ow! What was that for?" He grumbled and put his hand on his head, you just smirked at him with your arms crossed.

 "No reason, now go to bed!" You grabbed Duncan's arm and slightly pushed him off your bed, he stumbled a bit before re-gaining his balance.

"Okay, rude. And i'm only awake cause of all your moaning and groaning! Duncan laid back down on his bed putting his arms under his pillow. "And you better be going to sleep as well, don't want to risk us losing the challenge cause you're tired or whatever." He closed his eyes and faced the opposite way of you as he slept.

You rolled your eyes and laid down as well, you pulled up your blanket and closed your eyes. Trying your best to actually fall asleep this time.


"I hope you're ready for the most challenging challenge yet, breakfast in three minutes at the campfire." Chis spoke on the intercom as you sat on your bed.

You team all walked to the campfire, everyone else was their already. Chris threw canned beans at everyone which he considered breakfast, then he started explained the challenge. The challenge was called "paintball deer hunt." Chris handed out the paintball guns he had to some members of each team, Geoff, Bridge, and Harold got one and were considered hunters. The rest of the team were deer, including you. The "deer" had to wear fake antlers and a tail, the game started so you went off with Duncan, DJ, Courtney, and Sadie into the woods

"At least we get a head start." Courtney said as she continued to walk with the rest of the team following behind her.

"I don't know about y'all, but I'm outta here." DJ spoke then turned and ran away on all fours, you guys just stared him confused and a bit shocked then you all just shrugged it off.

Sadie went off on her own and You,Courtney, and Duncan just stood there for a second, awkward tension throughout the air.

"So uhh, should we split up or?" You awkwardly chuckled and looked back and forth between Duncan and Courtney.

"I don't need Courtney slowing me down and you just... do whatever you want." Duncan was stern as he spoke about Court but his tone drifted to one you didn't understand whilst he spoke about you.

"Whatever Duncan, if anything you'd be the one slowing me down. Y/N you're welcome to come with me." Courtney smiled at you then looked Duncan up and down clearly annoyed.

"Uhm- I- I'm gonna go with Duncan, sorry Court." Being put on the spot was not something you were fond of but you honestly wanted to be with Duncan at the moment. Your guy's argument was still on your mind and you wanted to spend the most time with Duncan till you were certain you guy's were good.

"Fine." Courtney crossed her arms and you couldn't tell if she was annoyed by Duncan or that you chose him over her, she turned and walked the other way from you guys. Her grumbling easily able to be heard as she walked away.

"You comin?" Duncan had already started walking away from you and so you followed and caught up to him.

"Right, so what's the game plan?" You walked alongside Duncan thinking of somewhat of a decent plan to win.

"Game plan? You're not actually putting real effort into this are you?" Duncan cast an occasional glance your way.

"Well yeah, I want our team to win y'know?" You followed a bit behind Duncan and your gaze occasionally shifted between the ground and Duncan's hand.

His hand looked rough, you wondered how it would feel in yours. His rough hands against yours, able to feel every crease on your palm. You weren't gonna act on this since you didn't want him to think you were "playing" him again. Perhaps a couple more dates and just hanging with him would make you sure of your feelings for him. You wished you guys met under different, better circumstances than some stupid competition between everyone.

"Sayyy, why don't we find somewhere nice and just uh chill for a moment? I-if you want to." As he turned to you, your gaze drifted to his face and his dreamy blue eyes and the structure of his face and just how pretty he actually was.

"Oh? And where would that be?" Duncan's eyes were focused on yours, even when you looked somewhere else when you looked back he was still looking straight at you.

"Well that's why I said find somewhere." An awkward chuckle left your mouth as you decided to just grab his hand and drag him further into the woods.

"Whoa-slow down! where exactly are we going?" Duncan followed you, though he didn't exactly have a choice with your gripping his arm but he didn't seem to be resilient either.

"I have no idea." You kept going for a little while till you decided to stop at a small clearing, you caught your breath for a moment then laid down on the grass.

Duncan laid down as well,  his body beside yours. You looked to the side at him who was staring at the sky. You stared at him for a moment before he turned his head to you and smiled.

"Being here isn't.. so bad." His eyes went from yours down to your lips and back to your eyes.

"Yeah expect for having to do stupid challenges and trying not to get kicked off the island." You smiled at him then looked back up at the sky.

"I'll miss you." Duncan  looked at the sky as well and put one of his hands in the air as if he was feeling the sky.

"what?" You wondered what he meant it's not like you guys weren't going to be able to see each other, you thought at least.

"If one of us gets uhh, y'know? voted off or whatever." Duncan sat up and looked down at the grass beneath him, you sat up as well.

"Oh yeah, that. Well no need to get sappy it's not like we'll never see each other again." You patted him on the head. "And I'll miss you too." The thought of not seeing him again did invade your mind but you just brushed it off for the moment.

"Thanks." He looked away for a moment. "A-anyways, I gotta go take a piss." Duncan stood up before whispering "be right back" and going off somewhere behind a tree or bush, you weren't to keen on finding out the details.

You almost forgot you guys were doing a challenge at this moment till he actually got up and you realized he was still wearing the tail and such. You continued to wait for him for what feel like an hour before you actually got up and looked for him. While walking around you occasionally called out for Duncan, to no avail. You gave up on looking for him and just assumed the challenge was about over. As you walked back to the groups you kept an eye out just in case you saw Duncan but you didn't, until you got near where the group was. As you looked around the little forest left around you, you saw Duncan and Courtney and their antler hats were intertwined. First you thought why didn't they just take them off then you thought  about why they were intertwined like that, you could tell they were arguing so you just let them be and joined your group. You arrived before they did just as Chris ended some tangent he was on.

"Hey, where are Duncan and Courtney." Harold said just as the two of them approached still intertwined. Owen and Gwen made some remarks at the two of them, mostly at Duncan implying he got the girl or whatever.

"The girl can't keep her antlers off me." Duncan smirked at Courtney before getting hit where it hurts, Chris told Courtney to keep it easy, Geoff and bridge separated  them.

"Well since three of gophers members are dripping in paint." Lindsay turned around to reveal she was painted as well. "Make that four members and some of them aren't even deer, I think we have our winner." Chris turned toward you team and you guys cheered.

----A/N: me having to rewrite this part cuz it part of it got deleted :")

The moon made the water sparkle beneath your feet, you had taken off your shoes and set them beside you just to dip your toes in the water and relax for a bit. Due to the cool breeze and the top you had on which didn't cover your arms, the cold was a bit of a bother. While you sat on the dock footsteps approached behind you and so did Duncan, with a blanket in his hand which he dropped on top of you. You moved the blanket off of your head and wrapped it around you.

"Thank you." You smiled up at him just as he sat down beside you.

"No problem handsome." Duncan raised an eyebrow at you and smirked, in return you just rolled your eyes.

"Flirting with me now pretty boy?" You held the blanket tighter around you, you didn't mind his subtle flirting sometimes but it did confuse you at others.

"Not at all, not  at  all..."  Duncan slid closer next you and put his hand on your thigh, just resting it there. You could feel his fingers occasionally move around.

"Are- Are you not cold at all?" You looked at him and he looked at you.

"I'm just fine, I'm not the one here with no sleeves after all." He chuckled a short time before leaning into your ear and whispering to you; "Though I wouldn't mind being in that blanket with you.

His sudden movement startled you a little, though you forgot about it fast as he had just whispered something that really caught you attention.

"I-well um- I uhh-" You could feel your face becoming red and hot, You also knew Duncan noticed and was probably very pleased by this. "Stop being such and idiot!" You pushed Duncan away lightly and raised your voice just a tad.

"How am I the idiot? Stupid." Duncan chuckled at you then flicked you on the head.

"Hey! Well how am I stupid! Idiot!" You  crossed your arms and furrowed your brow, your legs now cris crossed.

"Wouldn't you like to know." He stood up, dragging his hand slowly across your thigh as he did. Though a small action that only lasted about two seconds a shiver went down you spine and the touch of his hand, his fingers trailing off your thigh had still lingered.

"Oh and you better come inside, Don't want you to catch a cold before we get to win this whole game." Duncan's voice echoed from behind you, without turning you could tell he was already off the dock.

Taking his advice you stood up and turned to walk towards your cabin, Duncan already almost at the door, with his back turned toward you. Though he waited till you caught up to him and when he got the cabin door, he opened it for you and so you walked inside. After muttering a small thank you, you noticed that the blanket he gave you had been from his bed so you put it back down for him.

"Goodnight." You muttered as you went back to your bed and got under the covers and laid looking up at the bottom of the top bunk.

"Night." Duncan did his usual thing of taking his shirt off then put his hands behind his head before drifting to sleep.


After managing to get what felt like 2 hours of sleep you laid in your bed, awake. Your thoughts had been drifting, drifting to not so positive things. All you could think about was Duncan and home, you were still scared Duncan lacked trust and secretly was just playing you for 'revenge' or something like that. While being homesick was not helping, you hoped it was just all in your head. You tended to get caught up in your thoughts at night. Letting out a sigh you sat up in bed and just stared down at your hand while fiddling with your fingers. Your team was counting on your for these challenges so you need all the rest you could but it was hard tonight, you laid back down and tried your best to fall asleep but you just couldn't. Knowing it was hopeless you got out of bed and walked outside, just on the porch of the cabin. The night sky looked especially beautiful today, a full moon shining down on the world and stars scattered about it. Just looking at it was calming to you.

"Beautiful, I know." 

You jumped from the sudden voice coming from behind you. You quickly spun around to see Duncan there, of course he was there you thought. It seemed you could never get a moment of peace with him about.

"Didn't know I could scare you so easily." Duncan chuckled then walked and stood beside you, the color of his hair seemingly lighting up in the night sky, to a degree.

"Can't get a moment of peace when your around, can I?" Though you actually didn't mind, it was nice not being alone to enjoy a beautiful scenery such as the night sky.

"Definitely not." Duncan rested his arms on the porch railing in front of you guys. "That smile on your face is telling me you don't mind." He moved has hand closer to yours which was also on the porch railing.

"Well it is nice to share a beautiful night like this one with someone." You felt the edge of his hand against yours, choosing to ignore this you just stared at the moon.

"Maybe a special someone?" Duncan slid his body closer to you, his gaze burrowing into you.

You turned to look at him and he caressed your face with the hand he previously had on the railing, his other hand resting beside him like he didn't know where to put it. As you looked into his eyes he leaned in closer, his lips just an inch from yours but before he could get closer you backed away. The hand previously on your face draped by his side and he had a disappointed almost confused look on his face.

"Look i-" 

"It's fine, sorry." Before you could respond he had gone back inside. 

Well there goes hope of a good nights sleep, you knew the anxiety wouldn't let you get a wink of sleep tonight. You just hoped Duncan would forget about what had just happened, things seemed to just be getting awkwarder between you guys. You went back inside and laid in your bed, Duncan was turned on his side  as he laid in his bed. You closed your eyes and tried to fall asleep.


A/N: this was supposed to be read over and published on the tenth now look at me. 

so here be why no uploads 

1. I had to through getting a new therapist and getting meds ( for my depression, L ) 2. Went to friends house  3. I do have a life 4. Got sick ( still am )5. On my frkn period 6. Bday is soon (30th) 7. School ( these aren't in order it be the summer for me )8. On my hot guy shit 9. taking care of da baby bro ( he's the cutest toddler ever you can't disagree. )10. Follow my insta ( CodyKiniies ) 11. sub to the yt(CodyKookies), I don't upload but I'm getting a pc for my bday so I got something to use for the kinda content I would like to make 12. Spending time with the fam yayaya 

how would u feel if I wrote a yandereish story not rleated to any franchise or anything?

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