United World (One piece Fanfi...

By lalapiece

205K 7.9K 3.9K

[Slow Romance] [One piece men various x female reader] The reader got to the one piece world. She will meet '... More

Chapter 1 - Guardian
Chapter 2 - Sabaody Archipelago
Chapter 3- Auction House
Chapter 4 - Punch
Chapter 5 - Reunion
Chapter 6 - Admiral
Chapter 7 - Imprisonment
Chapter 8 - Got released
Chapter 9 - Meet the Future Enemy
Chapter 10 - Finally got out
Chapter 11 - Joining the war
Chapter 12 - Fight the Marines
Chapter 13 - Even got Messier
Chapter 14 - Rescued
Chapter 15 - End of War
Chapter 16 - Recovering
Chapter 17 - Part ways
Chapter 18 - Unexpected Encounter
Chapter 19 - Flirty
Chapter 20 - Rumors
Chapter 21 - Farewell to the Red
Chapter 22 - Starving Pirates
Chapter 23 - Consciousness
Chapter 24 - Doing the Mission
Chapter 25 - A worried hawk
Chapter 26 - Reactions
Chapter 27- Timeskip
Chapter 28 - Officially Join
Chapter 29 - In the Deep Sea
Chapter 30 - It's a Kraken!
Chapter 31 - Fishman Island
Chapter 32 - A Fight Begins
Chapter 33 - Letters and Planning
Chapter 34 - One pirate king
Chapter 35 - The promise ship
Chapter 36 - Banquet and Friendship
Chapter 37 - Leaving the Island
Chapter 38 - Hot and Cold
Chapter 39 - Meeting the Surgeon
Chapter 40 - Damn Slimy
Chapter 42 - Snow Woman
Chapter 43 - Next island
Chapter 44 - Warlord's Call
Chapter 45 - Man stabber
Chapter 46 - Strings
Chapter 47 - Connected

Chapter 41 - Got Chase and Meet up

3.1K 125 129
By lalapiece

I'm really excited for the One piece film: RED!!

You guys, is there one piece fan fiction that you can recommend to me? Just comment hehe.

Hope you enjoy this update~!


We are still surrounded by the poison slime. No other way to past through these things. Right, these guys are not things, they are a piece of jelly shit that is slowly coming to us.

"We need to to something!!" I panicked hiding behind Zoro who is just staying calm but i know he is also thinking how we will be safe.

"You guys! I said that you take care of this things!!" Nami-Sanji scold.

"We tried but it didn't work." Zoro said picking his nose. I get away from him and stare at him in disgust. I stand beside Kinemon who is just observing and sitting.

"Exactly." Brook added, also pick his nose.

"Geez, Do you think i will fight using this body?!?! This body... this body must not..." Nami-Sanji muttered and eyes turning hearts.

"You don't want to give it back, don't you?" Zoro grunted.

Nami-Sanji stare at him. "Of course not!"

"Sanji, you are going to get trouble." I reminded him and he is just swooning over Nami's body. He is completely hopeless...

"Should we try to burn it?" Kinemon suggested, standing up. "I'm called Firefox Kinemon! My blade burn down the enemies. I shall make this creature burst in burst to make a way for us to pass!"

"I try to burn them but it didn't work because of the cold wind. How can you even do that?" I inquired and he just smile at me. He unsheathed his sword and he really slice the jellies and then it explode. I gawk at that because i just underestimate him. Then, he proceed to cut the flames and make a way for us.

"He cut the flames!" Zoro said in surprise.

"We can now pass! I  will come to rescue you, Momonosuke!" Kinemon sheathed his sword back. Momonosuke? It is his son or what?

"Eh?!?!!! What just happen?!" Brook yelped.

"My Firefox sword style burn enemies with flames! One of it's special techniques is to cut the flames apart! There is no fire i cannot cut! Now, please excuse me. I shall go to the laboratory to save my son, Momonosuke!" He start to walk but Zoro stop him and grin at him.

"Wait, your samurai sword style have caught my attention. I will help to save your son." Zoro suggested.

"You think we will just let you go? After going through of that? Don't worry we will help you save your son." I smile at him and look at the two which is Nami-Sanji and Brook who got stiffed because of your expression.

"You two will come right? Hmm?" I smile sweetly.

"Of course!! I will follow you, y-n swan!~/ Yohohoho! I will surely come with you guys!" Nami-Sanji and Brook said at the same time.


Now, we are running from the slime who become it's original size. We have been running away from it because we will surely be poison when it will reach us. I want to activate my flame wings but the cold weather is not in my side. They are also a huge candy like thing ahead and the some unknown people are running away from it.

"What the hell? There is a face being projected in the air!" I point out in the sky while we are still running. He seems to be some clown with that shit-grinning expression. I feel danger coming from him.

"Ah! You're right!" Brook added.

"Smileeeyyy!! I miss you! It's been a while!" The clown guy called out, then he started to talk with the slime who stop upon seeing the guy. Everyone  keep running away, there was some people ahead bit of us. We look back at Smiley and see it swallowed the candy and it was dissolving slowly inside of it.

"He is acting strangely since he eat the candy." Nami-Sanji informed.

"Maybe the taste of the candy is good." Brook laughed out.

"Let's just run! Even the people are running away! I have a bad feeling about the slime thing!" Kinemon said as we are still running.

"I could not agree more!!" Zoro added.

All of us stop to witness the Slime who screech loudly and the color of the slime become purple and it drip down on the snow, spreading a wave of purple gas.

"Don't tell me..." Nami - Sanji trail off, looking at the fast movement of the wall of smoke.

"I'M NOT GOING TO DEAL WITH THAT FUCKING THING!!" I sprint away leaving them. It looks like the shitty poison guy in impel down. Such a bad memories.

"OI! Wait for us!!" The four scream after me. The poison smoke is nearly on us. I don't want to look back because i'm not going to die here in this world, i still want to go back in my own world!

"It's going to catch up on us!!" Nami - Sanji screamed.

"Run at full speed!! If any of us gets caught. We will leave it!!" Zoro said. I even see the people with a sheep parts on their body got caught. They become unable to do. Nope, i'm not going to turn like that damn thing!!

All of us really try to run faster but the gas is still catching with us. Brook then informed that if we will not do something it will catch up with us soon.

"We are going to die!! It's closer to us!!" Brook panicked.

"DAMMIT!! THAT DAMN GAS IS GOING TO KILL US!!!" I cried out. Honestly i'm not really a runner but i don't want to die without having a first kiss or first boyfriend! (We need to secure priorities.💅🏻)

"RUN FASTER THAN THE WIND!!" Zoro shouted. We scream and summon our best speed to outrun the gas coming to us. I look down and see my legs cannot be seen because of fast running.

"DID WE GOT AWAY A LITTLE?!?" Kinemon asked loudly.



"HOLY SHIT!!" I shrieked. As i look back at the gas.


"I SEE UNKNOWN ANIMAL AHEAD!!" Brook point out.

"WHAT IS THAT?!?" Nami- Sanji questioned.

"That's a..." Me and Zoro muttered.

"...A DRAGON?!?!!" All of us concluded.

We stare at the thing ahead and see it was a Giant green dragon running ahead of us. If we catch up on that thing, we will go away faster from the gas. I thought.

"WE GOTTA HURRY AND CATCH THE DRAGON AND FLY AWAY!!" Zoro stated as he is a little ahead of us.

"I can't..." Nami - Sanji muttered.

"Sanji! Hang in there!!" Brook said in worry.

"... can't run anymore. Nami's swan heart and lungs are only so strong." Nami stated and he put his hand on Nami's chest. "Chest.. hurts.. Chest... CHEST!!!!" Then Sanji immediately run  faster than us. My mouth went gape on the situation. He catch up with the dragon because of his perverseness.

"I got him!" He shouted from afar.

"WHAT KIND OF POWER THAT YOU JUST TAP INTO!!! Zoro barked with a shark teeth expression.

"THE POWER OF HIS DIRTY MIND!!" I answered for Sanji still amaze on what he just did. "Sanji-kun! Don't let go of that dragon, we will climb on it and make it fly!!" He just reply to 'Yes y-n swan~!'

We reach the dragon and we jump on it, it started to shake us violently but we hold still with it. Then we see Sanji- Nami and Usopp on the back of Brownbeard they are also running from the gas. Brook got fly off since he is holding on the Dragon's tail. On the right time, Usopp and Sanji - Nami got a hold of him.

The Dragon bit off the tail of Brownbeard causing him to run faster from the Poison Gas.


We manage to enter the Lab after Zoro and Kinemon team up to cut the metal door who just close. We see Luffy and the others, including Trafalgar Law, Smoker and Tashigi. I even see Law winking at me and smirking. I just rolled my eyes playfully. The Navy were not happy on our entrance.

"Screw you guys!! Are you trying to kill us all?!?!" The Marines complain on us, and they try to gather the pieces to seal the metal door since the poison gas is near on us. I sighed and use my powers to lift the pieces. The Marines stare at awe on the beautiful flame raising the cut metal door easily. They stare at the mysterious beauty using it's flame to lift the metal door. The people around stare also at awe, even Trafalgar Law is very proud on his *ahem* future girlfriend. (Law is already being head over the heels on the reader)

I seal the door successfully and feel my self getting exhausted since it's tiring to raise a giant and thick metal door. I feel hands holding my shoulder to steady me and i turn towards to see it was Zoro who is staring at me in worry gaze.

"Y-n, are you alright?" Surprisingly his tone is soft and i just feel my self nodding and cheeks in red. Is this what they called love? No, i'm becoming delusional!! Get your self together y-n!!

"W-Well yeah." I smile at him and distance a little from him.

Then, Usopp instructed Brook to check the situation outside since he can separate his soul from body. He then came back and said that outside is already a death place.

"If Y-n san didn't seal the door, we could be the same situation on the outside. Dying because of poison..... It terrifies me.." Brook conclude still his soul is not inside his bone body.

"YOU TERRIFY US TOO!" A bunch of Navy shouted.

"Okey." Zoro nod his head and looking ahead.

"It's not okey!!! We could have die because of you guys!!" Another bunch of Navy yelled at Zoro.

A noise of guns raise up and it was from the Navy who pointed their guns to us. "These guys are even more careless than we expected! Die now, Strawhat Pirates and you! Brown beard the pirate!"

"Now, we're cornered?! We have nowhere to run." Usopp stated.

"We don't need to run." Zoro grin sadistically.

"Let me burn them to death." I smirk looking at the Navy who blush upon noticing the beautiful woman who is staring at them. She is so gorgeous... The guys thought.

"They should not said that." Nami - Sanji commented.

"T-They know my n-name." Brown beard blushed.

Then, Sanji - Nami called out Law who is just above staring down on us. Sanji - Nami wants her body back and Nami - Sanji object that idea. Law got tired of their whines and decided to change them back. Nami beat up Sanji because she notice that her body is wearing different coat. I just shake my head on their situation.

I sit down because i want to conserve my strength when there will be a fight. Zoro also sit beside me. I put my head on his shoulder to rest a little bit. Damn it.. what is happening on my powers? When i use a powerful one i will go exhausted. I need to asked mirarin but i have not heard about her every since she last talk to me. I wonder if she is alright.

I feel Zoro make my head comfortable on his shoulder. I sighed contently because of his sweet gestures to me. I will really propose to Zoro if he will continue to be like this.

Law came in view and standing in like a big metal container. He is frowning at your direction since you are leaning on the Pirate Hunter. I'm gonna deal with you later, y-n.

"I have something to say to everyone here so listen to me!" He stated. "As of now, the laboratory is completely surrounded by the poisonous gas, but there is safe route that we can pass that was not expose by the gas, it's towards to the sea. This laboratory is connected multiple connected towers. Right now, we are in the tower A, if we pass through the gate, we will be in central of tower B. If we get through it, then there is tower R. Inside there is a giant door label R-66. That is the entrance to go out to the sea. I don't have any interest to be a mass murder, but you have only two hours. If you stay longer on this lab, i cannot guarantee that you will survive." After that, Law walk away not after glaring at your direction. The Marines complained on what he just said.

Smoker step forward and look at his men. " G-5! There are children who were kidnapped two years ago in this laboratory. Retrieve them and head forward to the R-66 door. If he is right, you will find a harbor there. Steal a ship and let's escape from Punk Hazard!!" The G-5 marines yelled in happy.

I stand up and thank Zoro for letting me lean on him. He just smile and pat my head.

"Everyone, let's split up and look for the children and take them to the passage!!" Nami ordered and we agree on it. "Zoro! You cannot go on your own!" I chuckle on that and Zoro frown at me after he complain to Nami. I just give him a peace sign.


Meanwhile in one of the tower, Caesar the 'stupid' clown with two of 'Joker' subordinate. Virgo and Monet~

"Shirorororo! The Strawhats, The G-5 and Trafalgar Law sacrifice their selves for me!!" Caesar said in Victory as he stare at the projector.

"What about the Flame Maiden?" Virgo asked as he is leaning on the wall.

"She better be alive, Caesar. Or else you will face his wrath. He just call me to bring Flame maiden to him safely." Monet inform.

"W-What do you mean?" Caesar shuttered as he is having a bad feeling.

"My Master took interest on Flame Maiden and he want the girl all by himself. Virgo is here to bring her to him after he got the information that Ms. Y-n and Red haired Shanks broke up." Monet said. (Looks like Doflamingo will make his move.)


I'm fighting with the Marines now since they are trying to stop us and i don't know why even we are trying to help them. Usopp then informed that Caesar have beatedn Luffy once when they fight and Zoro was not very happy about it as he call Luffy who is running at the top.

"Oi Luffy!! Get your self together! This is just the beggining of the New World." The first mate yelled.

"Zoro's right, Luffy!! Go get that clown and beat him up if he will refuse to be kidnap!" I continued.

"Yeah Sorry! I won't drop my guard again!" Luffy answered and then he started to swing around to get away. He kick a bunch of Gas suit men from getting on his way and he beat it using his weird technique called UFO.  Law and Smoker went after Luffy to find their opponents.

A lot of things happen, Zoro, Me, Brook and Kinemon have to deal to push forward to exit the tower, Tashigi and Zoro clashing swords, alarms ringing due to the doors of the other towers closing, the poison gas entering the Tower A.

Some marines were not lucky to survive, they throw their captain to save her and they sacrifices their selves for Tashigi who try to return to them. We use Brownbeards to be our escapes ride and he is not happy on that. The dragon who were with us got violent and started to attack us. It even tried to eat Brook but he was spit out since he have no flesh for the dragon to eat and he was offended on that. He and Kinemon fight the green dragon. Sanji is not with us not he got separated from us.

We got away and we caught sight of Chopper who is on it's giant form on the hall, trying to stop the children to get more violent. He started to shrink though and the kids pass through him. We jump and get the poor reindeer.

This is so much disaster...

Chapter 41 is out!! Sorry it's a short chapter. I like to inform you guys that i cannot update frequently since my opening of class is coming soon. Hope you guys understand. 😔

But maybe tomorrow i will update my two other books since it's been a long time since it was updated.

So, good night and see you on the next chapter✨.

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