Overflowing Lights // lee hae...

By kara_axo

300 24 16

street racing au / lee haechan things changed for Kora when she moved to Gwantoneon, a racing metropolis. sh... More



44 2 1
By kara_axo

Watching crowds rush off the cart, I pushed my weight through the amount of tired and grumpy people. 

When finally boarding I found myself scanning every seat to find the best option. 

With people still slightly entering the cart I managed to seat myself next to a older gentleman and what I would assume to be his wife as they shared a news paper. 

For the morning I was surprised the public transport wasn't more packed. 

A few people filled seats, some still stood even with open spaces, and others waited by doors. 

I hadn't mastered the public transportation system at this point so I found myself paying extra attention to my surroundings. 

It was maybe ten something in the morning. 

Mainly parents with babies, kids on the there way to school, the elderly for their quest of the day, or simply people who worked later in the morning. 

Myself now fitting the last category. 

I was dreading it slightly. 

Mainly from my late night last night. 


Last night. 

I was still feeling quite confused and lost over Haechan and I. 

I wasn't really looking for a situation-ship, or hell.. even a relationship. 

Yet the thought of his touch had been circulating through my mind all morning. 

It made me wonder what he was thinking. 

"I really do appreciate you meeting me such short notice" Yongseung stated as we walked through his house. 

I was finally getting an actual good look around, other than just the entry and living room. 

"It wasn't much short notice" I reply with a slight shrug. 

"Well compared to most, this would be. Or last tutor you could say needed a weeks notice before her first visit" he explained. 

"A weeks notice??" I question with a concerned expression. 

Was there something I was supposed to be prepped for? 

"Yeah, these people are insane" he comments under his breath. 

"My dad and I think it's just a ploy they use to seem like their high status or something" he comments with a slight smile. 

Continuing to follow him through the halls of his house, I tried my best to not get too over whelmed. 

Heading down a hallway I saw a bedroom door covered in little posters, and sticky notes. 

Sticky notes? 

Getting closer to the door I noticed some of the notes had little drawings on them. 

Maybe notes from his parents. 

'Please read today, love you. - Papa'  ... one read.

It was sweet. 

"And this is Matthews room" Yongseung states as we stood in front of it. 

"Is this where I'll be tutoring him?" I question. 

"No, but I'm just showing. He tends to hide here if he doesn't feel like learning" Yongseung states which makes me chuckle. 

With Yongseung now changing direction we walked back where we came from. 

"I know I entitled the description to Shuhua as a tutoring job, but most of it is basically babysitting" he states, while trying to keep up with him. 

"She mentioned slightly" I reply. 

"Yeah, it's honestly not rocket science. It's mainly... patience" Yongseung says stopping to look back at me. 

"And listen I love my brother, but if he wasn't my brother... I'd probably leave him at a fire station" he adds, causing me to hold back my laughter. 

"I know, I know, it sounds horrible. But I promise it's because he's an annoying little kid" Yongseung says trying to defend his words. 

Turning a corner past the kitchen we entered an entry to another room that seemed like a sitting area. 

A door corridor led to a room where you could see a child laying on the floor. 

What the hell? 

"Is he okay?" I question as we get closer to the room.

The cat that I had seen through a window when I first saw the house for the first time was itting observing Matthew.

"Oh yeah he's fine, the weirdo just likes laying on the ground" Yongseung reassures.

"My parents prefer if we keep studying and learning in this room as it has the least amount of distractions" he says as Matthews laid unfazed, still not moving.

"But when you guys finish studying, you're more than welcome to the rest of the house and even going out to do something" he adds, he nodding lightly in response. 

"He's lying" Matthew suddenly stated, still laying on the floor. 

"Can you please get up and meet Kora?" Yongseung asked, unfazed by the previous comment. 

"Why? I've already met her" he stated rolling over to get up. 

The response making me look to Yongseung who seemed to be holding in some choice words. 

The child walked over with obvious annoyance in his steps as he stepped in front of me. 

"Are you my new sitter?" he questions as he looks up at me. 

"Yup" reply as he looks up at me. 

"Good luck" he commented under his breath as he walked away. 

The sound of Yongseung smacking his own hand against his face in annoyance was heard, and the response left me quiet for a second. 

Not because I found it disrespectful, but rather funny. 

But the sudden sound of keys jingling a door closing brought our attention. 

"That's my mom, how about you meet my mom" he suggests, diverting attention away from the current situation. 

Following him once again, we walked to the kitchen where I saw their moms familiar face. 

She looked a little scatter brained today as he set her purse on the counter. 

"Hey mom, Shuhua's friend Kora is here" Yongseung says getting his moms attention. 

Her slightly jumping from our sudden presence, I saw her expression soften. 

"Thank you so much for coming, have you met Matthew yet?" she questions, which I nod silently. 

"It was a meeting alright..." Yongseung replied after me. 

His response making her press her own temples. 

"What did he say this time?" she questioned. 

"Please tell me it wasn't, let's see how long you last" she adds quickly. 

"No, no, no... Just good luck" Yongseung says with a cheeky grin. 

His mom rolling her eyes in response. 

"I'm really sorry Kora, he can be quite snippy sometimes" she apologizes. 

"Oh-, my-.. No it's fine... The response was quite humorous" I reassure which she sighs deeply in response.

"Here, let's just take a tester run for today. We usually wouldn't normally need you for Saturdays, but rather weekdays" She explains. 

"He has his work books in there, and there's no obligations for anything to get completed today. But rather see how everything works today, and you guys can get a little comfortable with each other" she adds. 

"And just text me if you need anything, I'll just be studying in my room" Yongseung states with a reassuring smile. 

"So what do you usually do for fun?" I question. 

Matthew was laying on the ground again, but I instead opted for a seat on the couch. 

"Video games" he replied curtly. 

"Anything else?" I question. 

"Do you really care?" he questions back. 

"I'm asking aren't I?" I ask. 

"Does that mean you actually care?" he asks back. 


"Why do you think I don't?" I question. 

"Why should I think you do?" he questions back. 

"You're quite an eloquent child" I comment. 

"I know" he retorts, making me chuckle. 

Moving to the floor I decide to take a space a feet or two away from him, with us both now staring at the ceiling. 

"Isn't the floor straining on you head?" I question. 

"Eh, you get used to it" he shrugs. 

"Is this something we'll be doing often if I take this job?" I question. 

"What do you mean if you take the job?" Matthew asks. 

I could feel his stare on me, and sure enough when turning my head the child was lookng at me. 

"Well I mean... Taking this job is my choice, and if you don't want me to look after you then I won't" I explain. 

Matthew didn't reply, instead he stared back up at the wall.

"It's nothing against you" he suddenly comments. 

"What do you mean?" I ask. 

"I hate not having a choice" he replies. 

"Have you ever had a choice on who got to teach you?" I question. 

"Not really, not after the third tutor" he explains. 

"Shockers" I retort earning a giggle from him. 

"What if as your tutor I gave you options?" I ask. 

"What do you mean?" Matthew asks sitting up. 

"What if whatever you get done you'll get rewarded" I suggest. 

"What would the rewards be?" Matthew asks with raised brows. 

"I don't know? Any suggestions?" I ask while shrugging my shoulders.

"Can we do something like bowling?" Matthew asks. 

"If that's what you want to do, but you have to get your work done" I reply. 

"What if I don't?" he questions. 

"Then we don't go out" I explain. 

"That simple?" he asks, almost like I'm setting him up. 

"If I get permission from your mom, and you choose to me to teach you then yeah" I state. 

"And what would you do while I'm doing work books?" Matthew questions. 

That's a great question. 

"Do my own work, probably bring my laptop or something" I reply. 

"So we'd both be working?" he questions. 

"Would that make you feel better?" I ask. 

Matthew shyly nodding. 

"Then yeah sure" I agree. 

"So what's the negotiation for today?" Matthew suddenly asked. 


I like this kid. 

"See isn't this more comfortable?" I question. 

"I guess" Matthew replies as we stare at the sky. 

"You could use some sun" he sighed under his breath. 


He was right though. 

I hadn't really had much time to bask in the sun for a while. 

"I could say the same thing to you" I retort. 

"That's because of my mom, what's your excuse?" Matthew asks. 

You little shit. 

"More of a night person" I reply. 

"Are you like non-eternal?" he questions. 


"You mean nocturnal?" I ask. 

"Yeah that" he replies. 

"No, I'm just more productive at night" I explain. 

"What do you do at night?" Matthew questions. 



"I work in my mothers restaurant in Gwantoneon" I reply. 

"You live in Gwantoneon?" he asks, feeling his gaze on me. 

"Yup" I state. 

"My dads a sheriff there" Matthew casually states. 

Making my eyes widen. 

Excuse me? 

I'm seeing a reoccurring thing with Shuhua. 

"Really?" I question. 

"Yeah, he grew up there" he added. 

"What are you two up to?" Yongseung's voice suddenly called. 

Causing me to sit up, I looked to the porch to see him making his way over to us. 

"He finished a chapter in the work book, and he decided he wanted to rest. So I suggested we laid out in the sun" I explain. 

"You got him to finish a while chapter?" Yongseung asked with raised eyebrows. 

Taking a seat on the grass with us, he had a surprised expression. 

"He decided to do it on his own, and I promised we'd do something afterwards" I state. 

"I wanted to go bowling but Kora said we should start with something simple" Matthew added. 

"You'd take him bowling?" Yongseung asked. 

"Yeah, if he finished his work" I replied shrugging. 

Yongseung nodded in agreement which seemed to ease my thoughts on permissions in the future. 

"So you go to university with Shuhua, whatcha studying?" I ask Yongseung to strike up conversation. 

"Oh- well, it's not certain but just business as of right now" he replies. 

"You see yourself as a owner one day?" I question, regarding the discussion of business. 

"Eh- well I don't know. It's just something I could decide since a lot of my friends were pressuring me" Yongseung says a little hesitantly. 

Rubbing the back of his neck, the body language was showing some type of uncomfortable nature. 

"Pressuring you?" I question. 

"Oh yeah" he replies quickly. 

"Shuhua's told you about  the 217 area, it can be... intense at some points" he starts to explain. 

"Most of our families already try and map out our paths for our lives. Such as picking schools, teachers, extra-curricular activities, majors, and even spouses" he finishes. 

I could tell Matthew was beginning to grow bored of our conversation as he walked off to somewhere else in the yard. 

"So I'm guessing your parents picked a like in law enforcement then?" I ask. 

"Not exactly..." Yongseung ensures. 

"Would they like me to join the law enforcement? Of course!..."

"But is that what I want to do?...  As of a year ago,.. no"

"And luckily I have parents who let me decide my future, I can't say others are so fortunate" he explains with a shrug. 

"That's horrible..." I sigh. 

"Yep" Yongseung agrees with a returned sigh. 

"So law enforcement was my path, but during the senior year... It was like a wave timidness came over me" he states. 

"You seem pretty confident to me..." I comment, making him chuckle. 

"Well, that took some time... and a few mental break downs" he explained. 

"Mental breakdowns?" I questioned. 

"They're quite common amongst people in this area... or in the youth per say" Yongseung says simply, like it was quite believable. 

"Yet you could say that you're quite lucky to have someone pull you out of them" he comments. 

"Best friend, or parent do that for you?" I question. 

"Not really.. it was actually my best friends girlfriend" he says with a nervous chuckle. 

"Best friends girlfriend?" I question, my eyebrows furrowing. 

"Shuhua, she's the one that helped me" he states. 


Sanha is his best friend???

"Wait Sanha... Shuhua's Sanha is your best friend? As in Shuhua's ex?" I ask. 

"Yeah, yeah... I know it's quite a little messy right now" he says with wide eyes, referencing the break up. 

"Why was she the one to help you? And not Sanha or anyone else...?" I ask, growing intrigued. 

"Sanha... he tends to keep his thoughts toward himself most of the time, so I never really expected him to notice. And some of my closest friends did notice, and confront me... but I never admitted to it" he explained. 

"But you did to Shuhua?" I questioned. 

"I practically forced to" he said chuckling. 

"We were both class representatives, and before a big speech to the student body on our futures after high school... I choked you could say. But rather had a panic attack, and she was the only one around" 

"She talked me down, and in all honesty the after thought from the speech hit me harder. I was worried she'd spread my panic attack through the whole class, and I'd be seen as something less than I am"

"So when once again she was the only one around for the second panic attack, I explained my fear. She tried to reassure me that she wouldn't tell anyone, but it wasn't until she sat down and told her own story of weakness that I believed" Yongseung explained. 

"Is that why you guys are so close?" I question. 

"Yeah.. We had been mutual friends for years since we were kids, but even since last year she's the only one that I was able to open up to... well other than you now" he says. 

"You have a good friend with Shuhua, just remember to check up on her... she hides a lot" he adds. 

"I know" I reply with a sigh. 

"Any advice?" I ask. 

"Don't pressure it, she'll open up to you randomly" he says. 

"Oh- um, if she wants to sleep at your place... never say no" he adds suddenly. 

"We already crossed that bridge, don't worry" I say, making us both chuckle. 

"Can we go inside it's getting humid hot!" Matthew yelled from the porch. 

"Humid hot?" I question looking at Yongseung. 

"It's how he explains that it's getting hot before it rains" Yongseunf explains. 

"It's not going to rain, I checked the radar this morning!" I yell to Matthew. 

"Well you're wrong!" Matthew retorted before walking inside. 

Turning to Yongseung he was rolling his eyes as I was holding back laughter. 

"Please laugh at him, maybe it'll make him realize how much a brat he is!" Yongseung starts in a normal tone before yelling the rest of the sentence. 

Presumably making sure Matthew heard the brat part. 

I really hate that Matthew was right. 

But apart of me was right as well. 

One of the subways transfers got cancelled for an hour, so I had to wait until a new one arrived. 

So if the transfer never got cancelled I wouldn't beat the rain. 

The stop was approaching and I was dreading my walk in the rain. 

With the new cash from tutoring Matthew I planned on taking the bus, but the next stop wasn't until another three blocks. 


And with the rain pouring, I was also worried about the race tonight. 

Looking at the radar it seemed like it might be keeping up all night. 

With the cart coming to a slow stop, I was dreading the cold rain. 

Not to mention I was only wearing jeans, and shirt... dressed for a tutoring or babysitting job. 

I'll just run, and change into some warm clothes for the race.


As people gathered around the door as usual, I wanted to melt into the seat. 

But sufficing enough motivation I make my way with the crowd off the subway cart. 

The rain was practically pelting bullets of rain, making me run to quick shelter under an awning. 

People scrambled down the street and some even stood quite close under the awning. 

Deciding to rather wait I began jogging down out of the station, to find the closest bus stop. 

"Hato!" I suddenly heard a voice call. 

Only one person calls me that. 

Facing toward the voice I noticed Yuta rushing out of his car with an umbrella. 

"What are you doing here?" I yell as I run through the rain to get under the umbrella. 

Yuta looking down he still somehow managed to smile through the rain. 

"The race was cancelled for the night due to the rain, and Shuhua told me you were taking the subway from your new job!" he explained. 

"When did she tell you that?" I question. 

"We're all back at the apartment since the rain washed us all out" he said with an excited expression. 

"Kora!" I heard Shuhua yell as soon as I walked through the door of 127's apartment. 

Their complex was different from the Dreamies. 

More modern, bigger, and seemed a little nicer. 

That could also be because genuine adults live here. 

A couple of the guys were gathered in the kitchen, and some in the living room. 

I could only assume by the quick scan of the room the rest were in their rooms. 

Apart of the rest must have been Haechan. 

I couldn't see him anywhere. 

But I did notice Jaemin was present tonight. 

He was taking a sip from a drink next to Mark and Taeyong. 

"How was today?" Shuhua asked excitedly as she approached Yuta and I. 

"You guys can talk in a minute, lets get Kora out of her wet clothes before she catches a cold" Yuta states, Shuhua nodding in response. 

As I followed Yuta past the kitchen exchanging quick greetings to everyone, before heading to a back hallway to a couple of rooms. 

"I share this room with Taeil, so it shouldn't be too messy" Yuta says as he swings open the second to last door in the hall. 

Yuta's and Taeil's room was quite simple. 

Beds, shelves, desks, and few cute decoration complimented the room. 

"Alright lets see..." Yuta says as he began searching through his closet. 

Grabbing a random black graphic tee, he then started searching through his drawers for some pants. 

"Do you want a pair of boxers, or rather go commando?" Yuta asks turning around to look at me. 

The cheeky grin he had on his face was enough to make me blush. 

"I-, I-..." I said, not able to form a complete sentence due the cold feeling from the rain and such a question. 

"It doesn't matter to me, it matters on what's comfortable to you" Yuta adds. 

Such a question still making me grow silent. 

"You know when I saw you again after Japan, I wasn't expecting us to be sharing underwear" I comment making Yuta smile. 

"How about some baggy  ones so if you get hot you can just wear the boxers" he suggests which I nod in agreement. 

"What about socks?" I question. 

"I don't think my socks will fit you" Yuta says with a blank expression. 

"Here one second" he adds quickly before leaving the room quickly. 

As I stood around practically shaking in my wet clothes I took the liberty to begin changing. 

I'll be quick. 

Taking off my shoes and socks, I made a pile for my cold soggy clothes. 

Practically having to tug the wet skinny jeans off my body I almost fell over. 

But the nice feeling of the warm boxers and sweatpants made it all worth it. 

Taking off my shirt, I opted for no bra as there was no point. 

The shirt seemed baggy enough to go almost to my knees, and my bra was soaked. 

But before I could grab my shirt quick enough Yuta entered the room. 

My instinct to immediately turn around as the door opened.

"Ooh Kora, you did not have to surprise me like this" I heard, his tone was full of playful energy.

"Don't worry my eyes are covered" he added.

"Oh shut up" I retort, quickly grabbing the shirt from the ground and putting it on.  

"You're right, it's not like it's anything I haven't seen" he mutters, just enough for me to turn around quickly. 

"We swore to never mention that" I say in a hushed tone. 

"You mean the great skinny dip of Osaka?" Yuta questioned in a teasing tone. 

Enough to make me smack him playfully.  

"You're lucky I was just tipsy and not drunk, you wanted to strip the whole hotel!" I retort, making us both start laughing. 

"Oh yeah, here you go" Yuta suddenly said as he handed me a hair of black socks. 

"I thought you said yours wouldn't fit me" I reply. 

"Yeah they wouldn't, so I grabbed a pair of Haechan's" he explained. 

"I'm not wearing Haechan's socks!" I exclaim quietly. 

"Why not?" Yuta asks with a confused expression. 

"I know he'll make a huge deal about me wearing them" I insist. 

I know he'd bitch about something and probably bring up how obsessed I am with him. 

"No he won't, the idiot isn't even here" Yuta replies. 

Making my expression immediately fall. 

"He's not here?" the question slipping out of my lips

 "No he left before the rain started... and why are you so curious?" Yuta questions with a smirk.

"I'm not curious" I reply. 

"Oh really?" he challenges me. 

"Don't worry, I can keep your lips company tonight" Yuta states, jokingly puckering his lips. 

"Shut up! I am not kissing him" I practically lie. 

The brotherly teasing was cute, but I couldn't lie about the fact I was a little disappointed. 

I'm always looking for these explanations or post reactions for him. 

Only to be met with dead ends. 

With us heading back to the rest of the group, I decided to try and keep my mind off of him. 

"So you actually got him to do the chapters?" Shuhua asked in shock. 

"I know the kid is supposed to be difficult, but both you and Yongseung were shocked" I reply with a slight chuckle. 

"The kid is known for making nanny's cry, so yes I'm surprised" she replied. 

"Nanny's crying? Kora who the hell are you watching?" Taeyong asked picking up from our conversation. 

"Some family friend of Shuhua's, the kids chill though" I explain. 

"No he's not" Shuhua adds. 

"Lets put it this way, money is money" I explain, making them both nod in agreement. 

"Speaking of money, how was your first commission?" Taeyong suddenly asked. 

"Amazing" I reply making him form a reassuring smile. 

"Chaeyoung was cool as hell, and not to mention has a sick car" I add. 

"Yeah she's pretty cool, and I thought she'd be a great contact to have for in the future" Taeyong explained. 

"I wanna take a look at some of your commissions-" he started, but in mid sentence the lights suddenly shut of. 

The music coming to a halt, and the room coming to silence. 

The only thing that remained was the sight of lighting, followed by booms of thunder. 

"I'll get back to you about this" Taeyong stated, before turning on his phone flashlight. 

"Everyone stay here" he said before making his way to the apartment door. 

"Hope no ones afraid of the dark" Johnny stated somewhere in the room. 

"Shut up" Shuhua stated, making me chuckle. 

"Afraid of the boogey man?" Jaemin suddenly stated, sounding like he was right next to us. 

The sudden closeness was enough to make us both jump. 

"Jaemin I'm going to kill you" Shuhua said under her breath. 

"Gotta find me first" he whispered. 


Suddenly Shuhua was pondering slowly around the room to find Jaemin, and more than likely slap him. 

"Alright so it seems that power is off in the whole complex" Taeyong stated as he enterted back through the apartment. 

"So no movie night?" Jungwoo asked. 

"We have no clue when the power is coming back on, and supposedly there's even a flood alert throughout the city" Taeyong explained. 

Flood alert? 

"So it would probably be best that Kora and Shuhua stay the night" he added. 

Stay the night? 

"I wouldn't want to burden-" I started. 

"Nope you're staying" Yuta interrupted. 

Well there goes my decision. 

The dorms were so quiet night. 

Well with no power they were. 

We all stayed up for a while joking and talking, but slowly everyone dwindled to their rooms. 

Taeil and Yuta gave up their room. 

Taeil taking Haechan's bed due to his absence, and Yuta rooming in Marks room. 

Leaving me and Shuhua in a foreign quiet room. 

She was one of the first to pass out, making Jaemin take her bed before passing out on the living room couch. 

But I laid awake. 

Like I was waiting for something. 

Maybe for me to succumb to sleep, or just randomly wake up the next morning. 

I've always had a hard time falling asleep at night, whether its scatter brain or just an active mind; but tonight was no different. 

And it didn't help I was falling asleep in Yuta's bed. 

After laying awake for what felt like an hour, I grew bored. 

Getting up I headed for the bathroom. 

Stepping lightly on the wood floors, I closed the bathroom door lightly trying my best to lock it quietly. 

I didn't know what I was doing in here, especially since it was so dark. 

But the sudden buzz from my phone and the illuminated slight made me jump for a second. 

Could've been due to my dazed reflection in the bathroom mirror. 

Yasana: Are you okay? The storm is nasty and you've never been out this late. 

The text making me feel like a teenager out past my curfew. 

The feeling was new. 

As I never really experienced this. 

Me: staying the night at friends house due to storm. any issues with flood warning?

Sending the text it left me feeling weird. 

I never really had someone or parental figure to wonder about me in this nature. 

It was a simple text of worry, that she was sending late at night. 

But it felt a little comforting. 

But that comforting feeling soon washed away as the sound of the front door of the apartment opening was heard. 

Is that... 

I hated how I was thinking it was him. 

It has to be him. 

Actually what if it's not. 

Worse case scenario someone is breaking in. 

Through the front door? 

God my overthinking has gotten out of hand. 

The sound of footsteps passing the bathroom door, them seemed to have entered Haechan's room. 

It was him. 

With the sound of the door closing I thought of making a mad dash for Yuta's room. 

But the sudden sound of the door opening again halted that thought. 

With the footsteps now approaching the bathroom door, my pulse shot up. 

With the person grabbing the door knob they shook it lightly to realize it was actually locked. 

Which was met with an annoyed sigh. 

It was him. 


Oh my god it's him.  

A light knock on the door made me want to jump out of my skin. 

"Who's ever in the bathroom please hurry up, I need to change" Haechan's voice spoke in a low tone. 

Like he wasn't trying to wake anyone. 

Maybe it's so dark he won't see it's me. 

He'll just think I'm a random person. 

Unlocking the door lightly and opening it slowly, I could barely make out Haechan's figure. 

I knew it was him though.

The smell of his strong cologne, and an after burn of cigarette smoke was reassurance enough. 

But before I could even walk out the doorway, his arm was quick to stand in the way. 

"Who's here?" he suddenly asked. 

The question made me freeze. 

Does he know it's me? 

There's no way, it's too dark. 

"Kora?" he suddenly asked. 


"Uh-" was all I mustered out. 

"What-, what the hell are you doing here?" he asked in a low tone. 

"Taeyong told me and Shuhua that we had to stay the night due to the flood warning" I explained. 

With him right in front of me, my eyes were beginning to adjust to his figure in the darkness. 

Now able to make eye contact it seemed like he was trying to find mine. 

"Wait, you've been here all night?" he questioned.

He sounded genuinely confused. 

"Yeah, Yuta picked me up from the subway station after work" I reply. 

"Work-? Okay wait, where's the power?" Haechan asked trying to understand everything. 

"It went out around eleven, and hasn't returned" after finishing my sentence a slight droplet of water hit my arm. 

I assumed coming from Haechan. 

"Are you soaked from the rain?" I question, me even asking made him chuckle. 

"Man nothing get's past you" he retorts as he grabbed my hand and placed it on his lower abdomen to feel his shirt. 

It was light he dunked it in a bucket of water. 

"You need to change, you're going to catch a cold" I reply, taking my hand away from his. 

"I would love to, but you're in my way" he replied. 

"Move your arm idiot" I retort. 

"What if I need help changing?" Haechan asked, his tone laced in a joking manner. 

"Then I'm sure Yeji would have no issue helping you" I reply before ducking under his arm to walk away. 

My response leaving me adrenaline as it practically escaped my lips. 

Did I mean to say that? 


But did it feel good to? 

Fuck yes. 

The sound of the door closing made me wonder what he was feeling. 

I could've made my way back to Yuta's bedroom and that could've been the end of it. 

But instead I found myself sitting in front the windows to look out the apartment. 

From floor to ceiling I had a view of the city. 

Although my eyes stayed fixated out, my thoughts were in. 

Wondering if Haechan would look for me out here. 

Would he return to his room for the night? 

What if he goes looking for me in Yuta's room and I'm not there. 

All the scenarios making me go mad. 

Until the sound of the bathroom door opening again. 

The sound that made me anticipate what was going to happen next. 

Footsteps lightly approaching on the hardwood, I could tell at least someone was approaching me. 

I kept my eyes fixated on the buildings, but in my peripheral I could see Haechan taking a seat next to me. 

"What do you mean Yuta picked you up from the subway station after work?" Haechan questioned. 

"I think its pretty explainable in your sentence" I retort. 

"No dumbass, I'm referencing towards the word work" Haechan states, I could feel his eyes rolling. 

"Oh yeah, I got a job" I reply. 

"Where? And why?" he questions. 

"Someone's nosy tonight..." I state, turning to look at  Haechan it seems his eyes were already fixated on me. 

"What we can't ask about updates in our lives?" he questions. 

Like you weren't grinding against me the other night, but yeah definitely lets talk about my new job... 

"I thought we were going for arch nemesis or enemies vibes" I reply, making Haechan chuckle lightly. 

"Do enemies grind on each at the club?" he questions. 

I'm happy the lighting is still off as he can't tell how hard I'm blushing. 

"I guess that's an exception" I shrug. 

"The club is the exception, or am I the exception?" Haechan questions. 

His tone always found a way to sound playful. 

"Depends.. how do you see it?" I question back. 

I matched his tone, enough to earn a smirk from him. 

"I see you as the exception" he replies, not even missing a beat. 

Like he wanted me to ask the question. 

"Then I guess you're my exception" I state. 

Haechan being pleased from my statement. 

Moving is hand to fix a piece of hair behind my ear, my pulse was racing. 

Its moments like these that make me feel a certain way about Haechan. 

Where he looks at me so delicately, like he's seeing me closely for the first time. 

While their are other times he looks at me with detest, and vexation.

"I hate the effect you have over me sometimes" I whisper. 

"I tend to have that effect" Haechan whispers back. 

His reaction making me hit his arm lightly. 

A smile forming on his face, was enough for me to react. 

His face soon closing the distance, our lips reattached after what felt like forever. 

Moving my hands like last time, along his jaw as he pulled me closer. 

So close putting pressure on my shoulders, I knew he was hinting at me to lay down. 

The wood floors felt hard against my skull, but Haechan was quick to distract me with his lips again. 

Keeping his body propped in-between my legs, my heart was doing flips. 

His lips following my lips to my jaw and down to my neck. 

With him out of my view, it was like I as taking this all in for the first time. 

I'm really making out with Haechan on the floor in their apartment. 

His slight nibbles against my nips were enough to encapsulate myself in him. 

Pulling away from my neck, he hovered inches away from my face just looking at me. 

A sound of footsteps suddenly perking our attention.

Coming from an hallway on the opposite side of the apartment, I was quick to push Haechan off of me. 

Both of us scrambled quietly against the flood, taking cover behind the couch that Jaemin was sleeping on. 

Through the dark I made out a figure walking out to the kitchen. 

Turning to Haechan he held a finger against his lips like he was trying to remind me to stay quiet. 

Yeah no shit Sherlock. 

The person moving again to grab something from the pantry before retreating to their room again. 

The dark being our friend in this instance. 

Looking in front of us now Jaemin seemed deep in sleep. 

Haechan taking the time to poke his face. 

My quick reaction to grab his hand. 

"Watch" he whispered. 

Poking under his nose Jaemin began to stir in his sleep. 

"Quit it, what if he wakes up" I whisper. 

"Then we'll make a man dash" Haechan whispers back. 

"Huh-" Jaemin suddenly groaned in his sleep. 

My heart dropping to my stomach by the sudden sound. 

Grabbing Haechan's hand, I quietly led him to the hallway we ad originally saw each other in. 

"Go to bed, you're just going to cause trouble" I whisper. 

"That's real rich coming from you" he retorts. 

"I'm going to bed, you should as well" I say trying to focus on his features in the dark lighting again. 

Grabbing my chin to pull me into another kiss, I practically melted into him. 

Placing my hand against the side of his neck. 

His hands snaking around my waist to pull me even closer, I knew I was in trouble. 

Pulling away lightly, I could still feel Haechan's eyes on me. 

"Goodnight" I reply. 

His eyes were still fixated, but not saying anything. 

Kissing the side of the cheek, I walked for Yuta's room and closed the door. 

I heard Haechan's footsteps leave as I got into bed, meaning it was a good indicator for the night was over. 

But when the footsteps came approaching again, goose bumps fled my body. 

Through the lighting allowed from the window, I was able to watch Haechan open the door and enter the room. 

"My bed is taken" Haechan whispered as he tiptoed his way to where I was laying down. 

"So" I whisper. 

"What do you mean so, scoot over" he whispered. 

"Are you kidding me? Share the bed with Taeil" I whisper shouted. 

"I see how it is" Haechan whispered. 

Feeling his body turn away, I was quick to grab his hand. 

I didn't even have to look at him, but I knew he was smiling. 

Scooting over until my back was against the wall, Haechan took up most of the room in the twin bed. 

His body shuffled for a built until he pulled me closer for an embrace. 

It felt quite overwhelming at first. 

My head against his chest, and his arms suffocating my body. 

Yet slightly comforting. 

"No go to bed Kora before you cause more trouble" Haechan whispered. 


 Adjusting myself in his grip, I free an arm to wrap it around him. 

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