old money || l.s mpreg

بواسطة lustforlouis

13.5K 508 132

The Styles and Tomlinsons have been rivals as long as history can remember, and Harry and Louis were careful... المزيد



1.6K 49 21
بواسطة lustforlouis

3 months ago

Harry was on his first target. He recently turned eighteen and for years his Dad had been training him to be prepared for this day. Now, it finally came. The Styles were a well known family, apart of a big crime organization, Des was the grandson of the first founder, the Lecrae Flavio Styles. And the family had gone on with the tradition, making their child apart of the family along side of them. They wanted to keep the organization going. Harry had been training since he was six years old, when he held his first gun. He never had the chance to think much of the things he was doing because he never went to school before. Since he was born, Anne and Des decided that he should be homeschooled, in case he ended up telling someone. And when he turned three and they noticed how much of a big mouth he had, they decided it was a definite yes to homeschooling. 

Styles had grown a liking to the stuff his family did. Although he didn't have an enjoyment in his father killing people who, he, at least he believed were innocent, he liked guns. He was an expert on them, and when his father had him chose one for the man he'd be assassinating in the following week, he happily chose a tracking point. 

Louis Tomlinson, his father was apart of Le Milieu, as of the rest of his family and ancestors, and so forth. Louis was the oldest out of his four sisters who had started to actually participate in dealings and racketeering. Mark had recently put him on a commission, an advanced one at that, which would cost a trip to Bogota. Louis was staying at a hotel for the time being, and he was currently standing by the bar table, sipping on a shot of liquor. "How long did you say you've been working here?" Louis asked the bartender. The black haired man, smiled, cleaning down a glass cup. "About two years. It's not my only job." Louis hummed. "For only two years experience, this is really good." 

The bartender chuckled. "I just poured the bottle into the glass."

"Then those are some wonderful pouring skills, mate." 

The door of the hotel slammed open, people hollering in Spanish following.

"Señor, ¿tiene pasaporte? si no tienes que irte." A boy with green eyes dressed in a black dress stood there, his eyes searching around until they landed on Louis. Louis stared back at him for a moment, hearing the officer question him again before he interrupted. "Él está conmigo, Esai." He said, walking towards the two. He grabbed the younger boy's elbow so it would look at least convincing before walking away, waving at the bartender who he still hasn't caught the name of. When Louis shut the door to his suite, the man was still smiling, leaning against the door. "My name's Harry." Louis laughed, taking his hand in his to shake. "Louis." 

Harry knew he wasn't supposed to talk to people during this, especially not spend the day with him, but he found himself intrigued by the blue eyed man. And it was a likely hood that this could be a trap, hell, his dad was known for having many enemies, this could be a potential one plotting his kill on him. But Harry couldn't really find himself to care, they were outside at a party, music was playing and there was a bunch of different people dancing. "Would you like to dance?" Louis asked. Harry shook his head, smiling dumbly. "I can't dance." 

Louis rolled his eyes. "It can't be that bad, come on." Harry bit his lip, accepting Louis' hand, the older man wrapping his arm around his waist, his hand on the small of his back. They moved further down to where the dancing bodies were and Louis used his free hand to move Harry's arms to his neck. "See, you're not that bad." Harry giggled, raising an eyebrow. "Not that bad?"

"Oh, you know I didn't mean it like that." Louis said. Harry rested his head on Louis' shoulder and as they continued to dance, the gradually people would start to leave until it was just the two of them in the rain. Harry looked up at Louis and felt attracted to the scruff on his chin and the way his hair lay flat on his forehead, and the fire in his eyes. It only took him a second of hesitation before he was leaning up to kiss him, their moves moving slowly against one another. Louis trailed his hands down until they reached to Harry's ass, giving it a light squeeze which caused the younger one to gasp. Louis started to back into a seat, falling down onto the chair so Harry could be seated in his lap, starting to grind against his hardened cock. Louis pulled away with a smirk, pressing a light slap to Harry's ass. "My room?" 

Harry nodded quickly. 

"Fuck!" Harry moaned, pushing his body back onto Louis', trying to meet his thrusts. They had done at least three rounds by now, but nothing could satisfy how amazing it felt to have Louis' cock in him. "Oh my god, that's it." He whined when he felt Louis hit into his spot. Louis tightened his hold on Harry's hips, starting to plummet his hips faster, their skin clapping loudly in the room. Harry came on the sheets, his body arms already giving up on him. He fell on the bed, and clenched around Louis' cock which is all he took for him to finally come, releasing into the condom.

The next time Harry woke up he was blinded by the hot sun on his eyes. He squinted, sitting up slowly in the bed only to realize he was naked. Still in a sleep daze, he yawned, blinking his eyes multiple times to try and get them used to the bright contrast of the room. He wrapped the blanket tighter around his waist when he heard the door open and close, in coming the view of the same chestnut haired lad from yesterday. "Oh, hi." He greeted, clearing his throat. Louis smiled, holding a tray in his hands. "Morning, princess." Harry pouted, scooting back onto the headboard for better support. "'M not a princess." 

Louis took off the cup of orange juice on the tray, placing it on the dresser beside the bed and placed the tray on Harry's lap. "I was looking for some pancakes but apparently they ate it all so, french toast will have to do." Louis said. Harry picked up the bread, "I like poptarts." He muttered, taking a bite of the food. Louis chuckled, taking a seat on the bed. "What, you've never heard of french toast?" Harry scoffs, wiping the crumbs that were already coating his cheeks. "Course I've heard of it. My grandma cooks it every time she visits. I just prefer poptarts over this." He explained, mouth full of the food. 

"Well you'll have to make use of what we have, princess." 

Harry grumbled. "I'm not a princess." 

His phone rang from where it was on the ground, the caller ID reading Papa. Louis picked up the cell, offering it to Harry who took it quickly. "Um... this is probably gonna be private so.." 

"Yeah, of course." Louis said, leaving the room. Harry sighed and accepted the call, "Hi."

"Don't hi me, ragazzo, why weren't you answering your cell yesterday? Did you get Ronaldo?" 

"Um... no, Papà. I'm going to search for him today, don't worry." 

"That's not enough, figlio. I had you do this because I thought you would be capable, but si--"

"No,  Papà! I've got it, promettere. I just... couldn't get in and I know where Ronaldo is, Papà. You don't have to worry." 

He heard Des sigh. "Arlight, you better not mess this up."

"Promise. I won't."

"Okay, ti amo."

Harry grinned. "Ti amo. Bye." He put the phone back onto the dresser, returning to his food. Louis comes out the bathroom shortly after. "You speak Italian?" He asked. Harry smiles teasingly, taking a bite from his eggs. "Eavesdropping, are we?"

"Can't really ignore it when you sound that hot speaking Italian." Louis said. Harry blushed, biting his bottom lip. "You think I sound hot?" 

"Course I do." Louis said, leaning forward so their lips were a few centimeters apart. He lifts Harry's chin up and the boy looks down at his lips before their meeting together in a dirty kiss. Harry moans, gripping onto Louis' shirt until he finds himself pulling it up. Already naked and open from last night, Louis adds a finger for good measure before pushing in, earing a gasp from Harry. "Fuck, fuck me harder." The younger demanded. 

And Louis did.

The next few days were amazing for Harry, although he was sad to leave the older man, when he got back home he got thousandths of congratulations when it was heard that Ronaldo Garcia was killed. Desmond called for a celebration, his mother organizing a dinner for everybody to attend to. Harry was beaming with happiness by all of the praise. The night of the dinner he dressed himself in another one of his signature black dresses, matching fishnets and heels. Their maid, Ginevra, helped him down the steps and offered to show him the foods she had cooked, but Harry told her he'd like to see it as a surprise. The woman just laughed and he thanked her kindly, giving her a quick hug. Ginevra had been working for the Styles for as long as he could remember, he recalls baking cookies with her after undergoing a punishment from his father and she'd make them to cheer him up. Or after accidentally wounding himself with a pistol and she'd assist him.

Anne was the first to see him, smiling widely. "Ah, mio figlio." Harry let her pull him into a hug, tucking his face into her shoulder. "Go on and get into the car. It's starting soon." Harry nodded and left outside where their limo was, rubbing his hands together excitedly. He loved to ride in limos, it made him feel luxurious. He thought about riding Louis in a limo, too bad he wouldn't be seeing him again. Anne and Des got into the car shortly after and Desmond leaned back into the seat, checking his golden watch. "Do you have something to do, Desmond?" Anne asked. The man shook his head, wearing a grim expression. 

Harry raised an eyebrow at his tensed behavior before shaking his head also. They got to the mansion reserved for their party only, Des greeting all the other guests who Harry assumed were colleagues or people apart of a different crime family. He didn't know many of the people here, personally, but he did know Niall, who he was searching for currently. He smiled happily when he did spot him standing around the hundreds of other bodies. "Ni!" The Irish man mirrored Harry, encircling his arms around his waist. "Hey, H! Congrats!" Harry giggled, thanking him quietly. "How did it go?" 

Harry hummed around a glass of wine. "It was good. Actually pretty easy, his guards lack terrible defense skills if they are meant to be protecting somebody so important to the Columbian government." He commented. Niall laughed, taking a seat down at a nearby table. They chatted for awhile while they got served food, and Harry made a mental reminder to thank Ginevra and make sure he compliments her on the food. Des clicks on a wine glass with a fork and Harry immediately grumbles, hiding his face in his hands. "Attention, everyone. My name is Des Styles, as most of you know me. Today we are celebrating the success of my son, Harry. And I'd like to speak of how proud I am of my son, which is why we are all gathered here tonight. So, Harry, could you please stand so everybody can see you, figilio." 

Harry blushed, but slowly stood up, rolling his eyes when he heard his mother loudly cheering. "His first assassination and it was a lovely success! Give a round of applause!" The crowd of people began to cheer loudly, which only deepened the blush on Harry's cheeks. Just then a scream followed by multiple gunshots were heard and Harry's eyes widened, seeing Des quickly run off the stage and dig in his pocket. Harry muttered a shit and ducked down the table as glass began to fly everywhere. He pulled out a hand gun from his heels and smiled when Niall handed him a Beretta. "My favorite." He said with a wink. Niall chuckled, patting his shoulder before they got up on their knees and started to shoot. 

Harry shot with both guns while Niall worked with one, the two swapping eventually, Harry of course kept the Beretta. "I think I see him." Harry mumbled, catching site of a man dressed in a suit. He probably snuck in. God, security here sucked. "Go get him." Niall encouraged, patting his back. Harry smiled, "You stay safe." 

"You know I can protect myself, and I've survived bullets to my sternum. I'll be alright." Harry crouched down and ran behind tables to follow the man with his eyes, avoiding the bullets and glass flying around. He slid onto the ground and started to shoot, his eyes widening when the man easily dodged it. He sat up quickly as the man went to shoot at him, easily blocking it. He got a shot at the man's chest but nothing happened. Bullet proof vest. Fucking hell. 

When he went behind a table again to reload his gun, he heard  something roll towards him. He looked down and gasped when he saw a grenade. He quickly got up muttering a "shit" as he ran while still attempting to reload the gun. The grenade exploded, making him fall onto his hands and knees, he tried to hold his breath as the gas filled the air until a body hit on top of him, pushing him further to the ground. He spun around, wrapping his legs around the slim waist of the person, pressing them against their back and throwing a blow to their cheek. They grabbed his wrist and Harry quickly elbowed them, twisting their finger. "FUCK!" The person flipped Harry over again, throwing a blow at his face, and Harry groaned, lifting his knee up to their stomach. He got on top of them once again, going to throw another punch until he recognized the familiar face. "L-Louis?" 

Louis paused, blinking a few times. "What the hell?" 

"What're you doing here?" 

"What do you mean what am I doing here?" 

"You're Louis Tomlinson, aren't you?" He asked, his shoulders slumping. Louis gripped onto Harry's waist, staring at the small cuts on his face. "I guess.." 

"What do you mean you guess?" 

"Listen, we don't have that much time to chat. There's literally a gun fight going on."

"My Papà hates your dad!" Harry shouted. Louis rolled his eyes, "Whatever, Harry, we don't have time to discuss this." The younger man gasped loudly. "Oh my god, we fucked! That's terrible -- I fucked my Dad's rivals son!" 

"Harry!" Louis yelled. "We do not have time to talk about this. I'm going to throw another grenade to distract anyone from seeing us and you'll leave, alright?" 

"Like hell I can! My parents and best friend are out there!" He said. "You're an assassin, you shouldn't be caring about others." 

"You're an assassin you shouldn't be caring about others." Harry mocked. "Oh quit being such a bitch, go! Why are you even still in my lap?" Harry rolled his eyes, climbing off him as he watched Louis pull out the grenade. "You know you like it anyways." Louis threw the grenade off across the room and Harry got up, throwing Louis a wink before running off. 

He ran to find Niall, still covering his mouth, not really caring if he could potentially get shot or not, he was set on finding his friend. He spotted the Irish shooting at some guy, who apparently wasn't letting up, so Harry directed his to his head and shot, perfectly hitting the man's temple, blood spraying. Niall looked over at him, smiling widely. "Great shot." Harry laughed, swinging an arm around Niall's shoulder as he twirled the gun in his fingers before tucking on into his pocket, the other safely in his hands. They left the building without any other wounds, spotting the limo and Anne and Des waiting out. "Did you get hurt." Anne asked instantly when they got in the car. 

Harry bit his bottom lip, examining his arms and torso. "Ah, got hit in my side." He mumbled. Anne grabbed him by the cheeks, checking his around his face. "Looks like a few scratches too." She commented. Harry smiled. "Yeah, I almost got hit by a grenade, Mamma." Anne gasped loudly, making Des roll his eyes. "Harry, quit scaring your mother." 

"I didn't," Harry denied. "I just said I almost got hit by a grenade." 

"That is not funny." Anne scolded. 

He added, "Twice." 

When they got back to the house  Anne instructed for Ginevra to help clean Harry up. Harry sat on the bed in their recovery room, the woman currently cleaning down his gunshot wound. "How was it?" She asked. "What, the fight?" Ginevra nodded. "Ah, it was good. I think I outdid it on the physical fighting. Guess the jujutsu paid off." Ginevra laughed, wrapping a bandage around Harry's waist. She taped it together before pulling out a bottle of pills from the bottom cabinet and a bottled water from her cart. "These are painkillers. Take them twice everyday, you only need one. I'll let you know when to stop." Harry nodded, accepting the pill and water. After swallowing the pill and taking a sip of the water he smiled. "Thanks, Gine. Also, the food was very good." 

Ginevra grinned. "I am glad you thought so." 

The next time Harry saw Louis, it was a planned get together to talk about what had happened the other night. Harry honestly didn't see the point in doing it, but, only because he wanted to see Louis again did he accept. He waited inside the small coffee shop down on East Street, nibbling on his nails as he stared blankly into a distance. The blue eyed man's kept outfit grasped his attention, and he trailed his eyes up his body before it landed on his face. "What're you all dressed up for?" 

"I've got a meeting later." Louis answered shortly.

Harry hummed, sipping on his tea. "So." 

"I didn't know that you were Des' son." 

"I didn't know you were Mark's." 

Louis sighed, leaning back into his chair. "This whole thing is incredibly unprofessional. So, I'd like to apologize on my behalf--" 

"You're apologizing for deciding to stick your dick in me?" 

Louis groaned, muttering incoherent words to himself, fed up with the younger man's attitude. "You were not this fucking prissy when we first met." Harry rolled his eyes. "What? I am prissy because I'm being honest?" 

"You're not being honest, you're being fucking annoying." 

"Your face is fucking annoying." Harry retorted. 

"Listen, I came here just to explain the whole 'attack' thing at your party." Harry hummed around his mug. "I'm waiting." He said. Louis shook his head, unbelievable. "We came down there because my dad wanted to send yours a warning. I shouldn't even be telling you this, but maybe this'll show you a way that I actually care." Harry pursed his lips. "How do I know you aren't lying?" 

"Would I be lying if I said I really want to kiss you right now, and everyday, which is the only reason I'm even here, sharing business to you that I shouldn't be." 

"You wanna kiss me again?" Harry repeated shyly. 

"Yeah. My dad came over there to threaten Des. He told me to go after you, so I did. I only realized it was you from the hotel until you were on top of me." Harry bit his bottom lip, blushing lightly. "I shouldn't even be feeling this way." He muttered. 

"It doesn't matter," Louis insisted. "We can keep it a secret. Just you and me, and we can do all the kissing, all the cuddling, and all the loving you want." 

It sounded convincing. So Harry accepted. 

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