Alexandria Octavias

By SapphireRiddleSnape

4.3K 94 3

Alexandria Octavias life from her parents to her death. Follow along her life and live her pain, her joy, and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 15

101 2 0
By SapphireRiddleSnape

Alex woke up to a large white room. It had mirrors on the far side of the room, a couple of pieces of furniture, a couple work out contraptions, and a door. Alex got off the single white bed. She looked down to see she was wearing black sweatpants and a black sports bra, along with black sneakers. Alex walked the length of the room and found no escape. She tryed the door but it was locked. Alex gave a scream of frusteration. The door opened and a group of aurars walked in with their wands trained on her. The Minister was the last to enter. "Ah your finally awake!" He said cheerfully. Alex looked around the room and noticed the high ceiling. Alex looked back at him and glared. "You have done something to Mr. Calihan and he still hasn't awoken... Its been three days, Ms. Octavias." Alex noticed the concern on Fudge's body language. She smirked and backed away. "Well thats your problem." Alex spat. She backed up to a wall and put her hands behind her back as she leaned against the wall. Fudge gave a snicker. "Then I guess you won't be wanting this?" A ministry worker walked in holding a gold goblet. From the smell, Alex knew it was blood. "Thanks for the offer but I'm good." Alex spat. Fudge frowned. Alex laughed. "If you want me to be your lab rat then you will be very dissapointed."
Fudge glared at her. "Wake him up or you will be sent to Azkaband for murder." He threatened. Alex's compossure flickered. Calihan was brought in and his eyes were forced open. Alex sighed and met Calihan's distant gaze. "You are fine." Alex hissed. Calihan jumped up and was more alert. Alex leaned her head back tiredly. Calihan was handed his wand. He cleared his throat. "Ehem, yes. I need a tissue sample." He said moving toward her with his wand at the ready. Alex stood up and her fangs extended. "Come near me and a headache will be the least of your problems." She snarled. Alex stepped forward and held her ground. Calihan faultered. "Your deffinatly not like your mother." He commented. Alex snarled. "You have no right to speak about my mother!" She shouted. "Calihan... let her be for now." Fudge said. They all filed out of the room and locked the door behind them. Alex screamed and punched the wall. Alex was breathing heavily. She turned and looked around the room. Alex's mind was quickly constructing a plan. She strode over to the chair and picked it up then smashed it against the ground. She picked up a sharp piece of wood and walked over to the bed. Alex tore some of the sheet and wrapped it around the dull end and put it under her pillow. Alex laid back down on the bed and put her hand under the pillow, wrapped around the handle of her new weapon. She calmed her breathing amd retreated into her mind. Alex was still as her dreams flooded in.
Alex was walking around her little room and starting to feel like a pent up animal. Today was her birthday and she had been there for months. "Let me the fuck out, you fucking cock suckers!!" Alex screamed. She stood in front of the glass. "What do you fucking want with me?!" She shouted. The door opened and in came Minerva. Alex ran to her and wrapped her arms around the elderly women's waist. "Mum, get me out of here!" Alex sobbed. Minerva held the girl tightly. "Your ok, come on." Minerva led Alex out of the room and passed aurars. Her eyes landed on Snape and she passed out.

Alex was running around the forest one night when she stumbled upon Lupin turning. Alex walked up to him. "Professor?" She asked cautiously. "Alex get away from him!" Hermione shouted. Alex looked toward them and was knocked backwards. Alex landed on her back and transfigured. Alex got up amd growled. The werewolf turned on her. Alex swipped its muzzle with her claws. Alex gave a loud vicious meow as the werewolf growled. Alex moved to swipe at it but it knocked her back into a bolder. Alex turned back as it drew closer. Alex saw Snape shielding the trio. The werewolf snarled and bared its teeth. Alex pushed herself up on her elbows as she laid on her side. "Professor.... help me!" Alex plead as she looked back up at the looming werewolf. Snape didn't budge. Alex was bleeding heavily from the gash on her forehead. Alex went to move but it was practicly ontop of her. Alex raised an arm to shield herself as a claw came down. "SEVERUS!" Alex screamed. The werewolf was then tackled off of her but not before it imbeded its claws in her gut. Alex laid on the ground, bleeding heavily. Alex took in sharp breathes as she put a hand over her wound, trying to put pressure on it to slow the blood flow down. Alex laid her head down and gasped. Hermione ran to her and put her hand to Alex's mouth. Alex grabbed her wrist and sunk her fangs into Hermione's delicate flesh. Alex quickly fed and once she was full, Alex shoved Hermione away so she didn't drain the girl completely. Alex laid her head back down and croaked her thanks to the girl. Alex passed out.

Alex awoke to Poppy chatting quietly to Minerva. Alex sat up but cried out in pain. Poppy rushed over and tried to put a vial to Alex's lips but she smacked it out of the matron's hand causing it to smash against the floor. "Alex, you have to take these potions to ease the pain so-"

"Sod off!" Alex barked. Poppy was taken back. "Alex, take the potions." Minerva said soothingly as she drew closer. "Stay the bloody hell away from me and go attend your precious Potter!" Alex snapped. Minerva looked shocked, then worried, then stirn. "Alex, stop acting like a child and take the potions." Minerva snapped back. Alex sat up and got off the bed, ignoring and barrying the pain. "Lay back down." Minerva ordered her. "No!" Alex shouted at her. "Alexandria, get back into that bed this instant!" Minerva shouted back as she stood in front of Alex, blocking her path. Alex's fangs appeared as she bared them. "Get out of my way, you miserable old hag." Alex snarled. Minerva looked hurt. Alex stripped and put back on her bloody clothes. "Alex, I-"
"Shut the bloody hell up!!" Alex shreiked. Minerva took a step away. Alex grabbed her wand and shoved passed Minerva. The halls were crowded but people moved out of her way as she passed. Alex was swallowing the white hot seering pain. The trio then crossed her path. Alex was forced to stop. "Alex, how are you? Why are you-"

"Get out of my way, Potter." Alex snapped but he didn't move. "Alex, whats wrong?" He asked with confusion. "You have no right to demand to know my feelings. Isn't it bad enough that you are the bloody fucking boy-who-lived? The one that's safety is greater than everyone else?" Alex snarled. Harry was surprised. "I pleaded for my fucking life but you were more important! You were not in danger and I was still left to fucking die!" Alex shouted. People in the hall stopped and stared. Alex shoved past them and stormed off to her room.

Alex grabbed a purse as she put on a dark emerald dress. It was flowy and floor-length and off the shoulder. Alex put her hair into curls and slipped on silver flats. Alex put her wand in her purse, grabbed her broom, and turned to see Snape. Alex gave him an icy glare. "Potter is out there, Snape." Alex hissed. Snape just stood there. Alex rolled her eyes and walked past him. "Where are you going?" Snape demanded. "You left me to die, you lost the right for my where abouts." Alex snapped as she walked into a courtyard. Alex mounted her broom and took off before Snape could stop her.

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