Orphic Ὀρφικά

By ph3onix_daem0n

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(records of ragnarok x reader) A Long time ago a rumor was spread that a once celestial being had been sent t... More

Chapter 1: Seraph
Chapter 2: Meeting
Chapter 4: Hestia's Palace
Chapter 5: Meet the gods
Status: Updated
Chapter 6: Survival
Chapter 7: Ragnarok
Chapter 8: Meeting the contestants
Chapter 9: Training
Chapter 10: Preparations
Status: Update
Chapter 11: Fuck you, Zeus
Chapter 12: A date gone... right?
No one is dying... except that bitch
Chapter 14: Anxiety is a Pain in the ass
Chapter 15: Luci! Tell me your secrets.
Chapter 16: Ugh... boys...
Chapter 17:A 'Secret' meeting

Chapter 3: Olympus

6.7K 270 37
By ph3onix_daem0n

"I suggest you hold your breath while we are passing through the Bifrost," Brunhilde said as she looked down at a modern phone.

You looked down on the phone, confusion settling as you wondered how your life turned so suddenly. "You have phones?" you asked.

"Of course. Just because humans evolved, doesn't mean that we have to be left behind." Brunhilde closed her phone. Her arms crossed her chest as she looked up, tapping her foot on the grass impatiently.

"How will I know exactly when to hold my breath-" as you were talking you felt yourself becoming lightheaded. Right before your eyes, a series of colors started to appear.

Brunhilde turned her head to look at you. "Now. You should hold your breath now," she said, taking your hand in hers.

You took a deep breath, closing your nose with your fingers. Closing your eyes, you felt your stomach sink as a force pulled you up. You felt Brunhilde tighten her hold on your hand. Slowly opening your eyes, flashes of colors zoomed past your eyes.

As you descended higher in the Bifrost, you almost forgot to hold your breath as you saw galaxies passing by. Stars could be seen floating by, their bright lights shining the more you drew closer to the end. Just as you were marveling at a galaxy with flashy red lights, it ended. You stood on a golden bridge that followed up a pair of white marble stairs.

"Come, we need to inform the rest of the Valkyrie. There will be a council in a few days — where the gods will decide whether humans should thrive for the next thousand years or if they should perish," she informed you.

"So that's why you want me to come with you," you said as the two of you started climbing the stairs.

"Not quite. I believe that I could help retrieve your memories from your previous lives. With you knowing your pasts and retrieving your memories, you might be a valuable asset to my plan in helping humanity overcome its downfall," she told you.

"Why do you want to help humanity? If you don't mind me asking."

"The Valkyrie are not gods, as you know. We are demigods. This means that we have a higher tie to humanity than any of the gods. Except for a couple who have lived with humans for a while. If humans die, we might as well not exist." She finished talking, leaving silence between the two of you.

Soon you reached the top of the staircase, where a carriage was waiting for you. Two pure white horses were tied to the carriage. You marveled at how beautiful they were, their white coats glistening in the sun.

"This will take you to where we will meet the rest of my sisters," Brunhilde said as she opened the door for you.

"And you? Where will you be?" you asked as you stepped inside.

"I have my own transportation. Don't worry, I will be there by the time you arrive," she said, closing the door. "Have a nice flight."

"Flight?" you asked. The horses began at a slow pace, then they began running. The carriage shook a little as the horses gained speed the more they ran. You looked out the little window, seeing how trees were passing in a blur. "Who is driving?!" you exclaimed as you moved to look out.

Your eyes widened as you saw a cliff at the end of the trial. When you searched for the driver, you found nothing. I'm dying. I knew I shouldn't have trusted a random magical person, you thought.

The carriage drew closer to the edge. You closed your eyes as you felt the carriage fall. You expected to have hit the ground by now, but all you heard were the flapping of large wings. Opening one eye, then the other, you saw you were indeed in the air, but you were not falling. Instead, you were gliding through the clouds. Poking your head through the window again, your mouth went agape as you saw wings sprouting from the horses in front.

"You are pegasuses?!" you shouted in shock. The horses neighed at you, flying a little quicker. You sat back down. A smile starts to spread across your face. Maybe this isn't that bad.


Brunhilde watched as the carriage ran off the cliff. She turned around, hearing a faint scream as she walked to her next destination. Hestia's palace. The next conference was in due time and there needed to be arrangements to keep you safe from the other gods.

Carefully, she stepped into the portal, leading her to the front gates of the magnificent palace. She stood patiently by the gates before a golden voice box appeared.

"Name and business," the voice demanded.

"Brunhilde, I am here to discuss important matters with Lady Hestia," she answered. After a moment of silence, the gates opened smoothly.

She walked up to the front doors. not long before they were pulled open by two servants. On the other side of the double doors, Hestia stood, a calm smile on her face. She spread her arms wide.

"Welcome, Brunhilde! It has been long since you last visited," she greeted her. Brunhilde knelt on one knee, showing her respect.

"Thank you for seeing me, Lady Hestia. I have some important news and would like to ask for a favor," Brunhilde spoke, getting straight to business.

"You may rise," Hestia said, standing before turning around and walking down the hall.

Brunhilde followed her through the long hallways, passing doors decorated with gold, shells, and the most expensive jewels she has ever seen. They ended their walk, stopping by a simple door with red oak wood. Hestia walked through the door before sitting on a chair, relaxing as she beckoned Brunhilde to sit down as well. Brunhilde sat on a comfy chair, the warmth from all around her, calming her nerves just a little bit.

Now it was time for her to propose her offer. And hopefully, it will get excepted otherwise she might as well kiss her chances of keeping you away from the other gods' goodbye. The only thing separating them was the polished maple desk in front of her.

"What is it that you wanted to discuss with me?" Hestia asked, breaking the silence.

"As you know the new oracle, that was born a couple of full moons ago, has predicted the next Valhalla Council," Brunhilde said, wording her sentence carefully.

"Yes, I am aware."

Brunhilde took a deep breath. "The favor that I ask of you, is to help me give a place to a human that I believe could help us."

Hestia looked at Brunhilde, not saying a word. "Is that so? And why should I help you keep a human in my palace walls?"

"This human could be the key to my plan in helping humanity survive for the next thousand years. She has proven to be a special one that has lived many lives."

Hestia quirked one eyebrow up, interest swimming in her eyes. "You mean to tell me this human has lived more than one life? Reincarnation?" she asked, suddenly interested in this human.

"Yes, her name is [Name] [last name]," Brunhilde said, noticing how Hestia's eyes widened just a little.

"[Name]?" Hestia asked, shocked. That name sounded familiar, almost as if she knew who this human is. Maybe she heard of someone named [Name] somewhere in history.

Brunhilde nodded. "I hope that when we can stay here until I know that the beginning of my plan has been put into motion, until then, I would like for us to stay here."

Hestia sat in silence, contemplating her decision. After a few seconds, she slowly nodded her head. "Alright, I will grant you permission to bring the human here. But she will have to stay clear of the west wing for a while. The Norse gods will be staying there until the council is finished. I'll make sure to let my servants know."

Brunhilde felt a weight lift off her shoulders as she listened to Hestia speak. Now that you will be safe from the others, she could rest just a bit before she plays a major card in her plan. Brunhilde stood up, bowing her head. "Thank you for listening to me. I will be bringing the human as soon as possible."

"Be sure to tell her about this agreement. She will not go to the west wing, correct?"

Brunhilde nodded. "Of course. She may be a human, but she knows when to not step her boundaries with the gods."



"Lord Zeus! Lord Zeus!" A servant called out to the king of gods.

"Yes, yes. What is it you want?" a rough voice said, waving a hand in the air.

"My apologies, but the Oracle has another prophecy that needs to be heard by you, your greatness," the servant spoke quickly, his voice urgent.

Zeus sighed as he stood from his bed. "Well, lead the way," he beckoned the servant.

Walking quickly through the doors, the servant lead the king of gods through hallways until they reached a particular room. As they neared, green smoke could be seen pouring through the cracks of the door. It seems that the prophecy was indeed important.

The servant pulled the door open, bowing before standing up. "I have brought Lord Zeus, as requested."

"Thank you. You may go now," a feminine voice said.

The servant bowed his head before leaving the room, closing the door behind him. "What is it that this Oracle wants now?" Zeus asked annoyed.

"I'm sorry for the sudden call, Lord Zeus, but she specifically said that you should be here to hear it," Hermes said, a calm smile on his face.

"Well, let's get on with this," Zeus said, eager to get back to his room.

A woman sat on a stool in the middle of the room, her head rolling from side to side before stopping in the middle. Her head perked up as her eyes opened, revealing glowing green eyes.

"A human pure and angelic"

"Returning back to God's soil"

"A plan that was set in stone"

"Shall not be foiled"

"Her presence brings life and death"

"But those who know her"

"Souls will be coiled."

The Oracle finished, her eyes rolling in the back of her head. The silence was left in the room as everyone looked at each other.

"That's such an interesting prophecy, no?" Aphrodite said her usual sadistic smile on her face. "A human in the heavens? That should not be allowed nor possible."

Shiva nodded, stretching his four arms. "We would know if there was. Their mere, pathetic presence would be enough to send a signal to us. Not to mention Heimdall would have told us."

"Hmm," Zeus hummed. He stroked his grey beard before he started chuckling. "I don't know about you all, but maybe this Oracle is broken. There can't be any human on 'God's soil', it would be impossible. They would simply turn to dust."

"Forgive me for intruding, but what is this about a prophecy," the gods heard a voice say from behind them. Zeus turned around, meeting face to face with Odin.

"Ah, Odin. Old friend," Zeus said, spreading his arms in the air. He proceeded to hug Odin. Odin stood there looking at the other gods while Zeus was laughing. "It's been too long."

"It's only been millennia," Odin said, removing himself from Zeus's hold. "We were making our way to Hestia's palace for the Valhalla Council, but Loki heard from a servant about a prophecy being spoken here. I just had to come and see for myself."

"It's nothing to worry about-" Zeus started before being cut off.

"It seems a human has entered these holy grounds. And it seems that they will create some ruckus while being here," Shiva filled Odin in, ignoring the glare Zeus was sending him.

Odin's eyebrows twitched for a second before it was gone. "A human?" he asked, making sure he heard it correctly.

"Yes, the Oracle said. 'A human pure and angelic, returning back to God's soil.' Has Heimdall contacted you by any chance?" Aphrodite spoke up.

Odin thought about it for a second before shaking his head. "No, he has not. How could a human be here?" he asked.

Hermes shrugged his shoulders. "We don't know."

Zeus waved his arms in the air, stopping their conversation. "Well do not need to fret. Whatever plan was mentioned would not be strong enough to overpower us, the gods. The Valhalla Council will continue to proceed. I will escort you outside, so you may continue with your journey," Zeus said, smiling.

Odin watched Zeus. "Very well."


"Hello there! You must be [Name]! It's so nice to meet you," a tiny girl said, she stood in front of the carriage, smiling widely.

"It's nice to meet you...?"

"My name is Göll. I am sure Brunhilde has told you of us?"

You looked at her, nodding slowly. "Uh... sure. The 13 Valkyrie, right?"

"Yes! My other sisters are currently on missions, but they do formally apologize for not being here," she told you, leading you inside the huge mansion.

"Do you all live here?" you asked, looking at the marble décor decorated with gold and all kinds of jewels.

Göll nodded her head. "Yip! It has been empty for a while. But I was told to inform you that we will be moving temporarily to Lady Hestia's Palace," she informed you.

"Lady Hestia? Do you address all the gods with titles like that?" you asked. The last you wanted was a god or goddess offended. You weren't quite fond of turning into a dolphin.

"Yes, we do. There are a few rules though that I should tell you before we depart for Lady Hestia's Palace." You nodded your head, waiting for her to continue. "Good, so as you know, you should address them as Lord or Lady unless stated otherwise. Don't speak unless you are spoken to. The gods believe that because you are human that you should be treated as someone lower than them. So make sure not to just say your opinion on things, they can find it quite offensive." Wow, they kinda sound like dicks. "And lastly be careful with who you speak to. Some gods and goddesses have high tempers while others are calmer. You should be more warry of Poseidon if you ever do cross paths."

Your eyebrows furrowed as you listened. "I understand all that, but why Poseidon?" you asked.

"He hates humans. He sees humans as the lowest of low. So if you ever do cross paths, look down and walk away. We wouldn't want you to come back in pieces. Most important of all, you are forbidden to go into the west wing when we arrive."


Göll stopped in front of a door, lights could be seen poking through underneath the door. "Because the Norse gods will also be staying there for the time being. The Valhalla Council is the most important event that happens every thousand years. It is when humans get judged if they may live for another thousand years or if they should perish. This year though..." she trailed off, leaving you on edge. "This year humans don't have a chance. The gods have grown tired of how humans have lived for the past hundred years. That is when our plan goes into action."

"What's the plan?" you asked.

Göll reached for the bronze doorknob, opening the door. You were nearly blinded by the light that was emitting through the room.

"Brunhilde will explain everything to you. Come. We need to pass through the portal," she told you, pointing to the glowing... thing in front of the two of you.


"Yes, let's go," she walked up to the portal in the room, looking back at you before she entered it.

You looked at the portal hesitant. Taking a deep breath, you entered.

"You can open your eyes, [Name]," you heard Brunhilde say. You slowly opened one eye, then the other.

"Oh. I thought it would feel different," you said, looking around. It was gorgeous. The garden in front of the Palace seemed well taken care of, the Palace walls even looked like they were polished. To say the least, you started to feel more comfortable here. Except that you could die by a literal god, it seemed nice and peaceful here.

"Welcome, human," you heard a voice say. You looked towards the palace gates, seeing a stunning woman standing in front of the palace. "We have been waiting for you. I have heard quite a lot about you from Brunhilde."

You looked at Brunhilde, frozen from seeing Hestia. Brunhilde looked at you. Her eyes urged you to introduce yourself before she would do it for you.

"Um, it's nice to meet you, Lady Hestia," you started, bowing your head down. "Thank you for having me stay here."

Hestia seemed to study your movements and the way you talked. For a second you thought you saw interest flash in her eyes. "Hmm," she hummed, walking towards you. You swallowed a lump in your throat feeling nervousness crash into you. She walked around you, looking you up and down. "You seem..." she started speaking.

You waited for her to continue, but all she did was stop right in front of you before she smiled gently. "You seem like a nice human. Follow me," she said, waving a hand towards you.

You stood there, frozen. Brunhilde pushed you towards her, shaking you out of your state of nervousness. You walked alongside Hestia until you reached the front doors. They opened as Hestia stepped foot onto the last step.

"I will show, miss..." Hestia trailed off.

"[Name]," you quickly said.

"I will lead, miss [Name], to her room. Please show the Valkyrie to their room," she said. Two people appeared by Brunhilde and Göll's side. They led them the opposite way as you followed Hestia.

"So, miss [Name], are you aware of the rules around here?" you heard Hestia ask you.

You nodded. "Yes, Lady Hestia. I am not aloud to go to the west wing," you said, recalling your quick learning session with Göll.

"I have to say, you are very polite and well mannered," Hestia told you.

"Thank you?"

"Not a lot of humans are as you. They can be foul at times, but I have learned that some of them can truly be great," she told you.

You nodded along, trying to think of what to say. "Yes, that is what trauma can do to you." Your eyes widened when you realized what you said.

You waited for something, anything. After a couple of seconds, you heard giggling. Breathing a sigh of relief, you smiled.

"You are funny too? I think I might make you a servant of the hearth," she told you.

"Excuse me?" you asked nervously.

"Don't worry. I won't. Unfortunately, you have a part in the big plan that Brunhilde has," she told you reassuringly.

"This plan. If I may," you said, looking at her. She nodded for you to continue. "What is it really about? I keep hearing about it from Göll and Brunhilde."

"Ah, yes. I am sure you know of the Valhalla Council?" she asked. "It seems that Brunhilde wants to implement Ragnarok."

Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "She wants Valhalla to fall?"

"No, it is a rule in a book that us gods, made. It was meant as a joke at first, but it seems she will be using that rule as a way to give humanity one last chance at survival," she told you. "And you apparently play a part in it."

You kept quiet the rest of the way to your room. How would you play a part in a plan that could save humanity? Were you going to have to fight? Play games with gods?

This was all stressful.

"Do not worry too much about the topic. I suggest you get a good night's rest. It would be a shame to see you all tired on your first day here in my palace," she said, stopping by a huge double door. It was decorated with the crescent of a moon in the middle, silver swirls around the rim of the door.

"This looks like a door for a god," you said, admiring the design.

"It was, but we recently moved all the god's rooms away from this side of the palace. Just to make sure that you don't end up having an unexpected meeting with one of them," she said, looking at the door. "Have a peaceful night, miss [Name]."

"It's fine if you call me [Name], Lady Hestia," you said. Did it sound too demanding?

"Very well. Good night," she said as she walked away.

"Good night, Lady Hestia," you said before entering your room.

The room was dark except for the moonlight shining through the curtains. The walls — painted a dark shade of grey — were in a way comforting. Stars were painted on the ceiling, showing different constellations (almost as if you were standing outside). Your bed was a queen size, the sheets were a midnight blue as well as the pillows.

You smiled as you ran up to your bed and jumped. It felt like you were on clouds as you landed on them. You sighed before standing up and looking in the closet. It was huge inside. There were different types of clothes, all in dark shades of black, grey, and blue. You chose the most comfortable pair of pajamas, quickly getting changed. The softness of the pants brushed lightly against your legs as well as your upper body. You could get used to this... if you were to stay here that is.

Climbing into your bed, you snuggled in the fluffy blankets, closing your eyes. You still need to discuss with Brunhilde about this plan, but that was a problem for tomorrow.

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