She's Kinda Hot ●○ Max Mayfie...

By batlover32

95.5K 2.2K 1K

Star Henderson. Dustin's adopted sister. She had been friends with the boys since she could remember. They pl... More

season² cast + covers -
2.2 Trick or Treat, Freak
2.3 The Pollywog
2.4 Will the Wise
2.5 Dig Dug
2.6 The Spy
2.8 The Mind Flayer
2.9 The Gate
season³ Cast × Playlist
3.1 Suzie, do you copy?
3.2 Mall Rats
3.3 The Case of The Missing Lifeguard
3.4 The Sauna Test
3.5 The Flayed
3.6 E Pluribus Unum
3.7 The Bite
3.8 The Battle of Starcourt
season⁴ cast | playlist
4.1 The Hellfire Club
4.2 Vecna's Curse
4.3 The Monster and the Superhero
4.4 Dear Billy
4.5 The Nina Project
4.7 The Massacre at Hawkins Lab
Volume 2 - Mixtape
4.8 Papa
4.9 The Piggyback
Bonus #1 The Letter

4.6 The Dive

1.4K 42 14
By batlover32

"Not be a wimp, but can I sit in the car for this visit?" Robin asked. " 'Cause this is gonna totally and royally suck."

It was the next day, and they were going to give Eddie some supplies and tell him what they had found the previous night.

"It'll be fine." Nancy dismissed.

"I just can't stand to see those dull eyes of Eddie's break again." Robin admitted, and Star hummed in agreement. "I really, really can't."

"At least he can drink himself into feeling better." Steve spoke up, lifting up a six pack as him and Dustin ate in the book.

"Did your mother ever teach not to speak with a full?" Star asked, twisting in her seat.

"Yup." Steve smiled at her, crunching loudly to annoy her.

"That's what my mum does." Max commented to Steve's original words, Star placed her hand on Max's at this.

"Why don't we give it a trial?" Robin suggested. "Hey, Eddie, good news first this time. We got you some Dustin approved junk food and the six pack you requested. Oh yeah, and we found Vecna. Only bad news is that he's in that other, darker, much scarier dimension, that we told you about and the gates closed, so we have no way of getting to him. Like he's entirely shut off to us, so basically you're screwed. And, no, I know you were already screwed, but now your like doubly, triply screwed."

"Maybe we don't have to put it that way, we could sound more, I don't know, optimistic?" Star retorted.

"How about, 'we're one step closer to finding Vecna.' That's what we say. That's what's important." Nancy explained.

"See, Robin? A positive spin can make all the difference." Steve commented, continuing to eat pringles.

"Uh-Huh." Robin muttered.

"Oh shit." Nancy stated.

The car approached the house, and Star could see reporters and police and a crowd. Star played with her rings, worried for her friend.

"Come on, this way." Nancy stated, leading them on the otherside of the news van to get a better listen.

"As many of you know," the chief said. "The Roane County line received a call a little after midnight... reporting a homicide here on the lake. Officer Callahan here and myself arrived first on the scene."

"We made our way to the shore of lover's lake, about ten yards from that house you see behind me." Chief explained. "It was there that we found the victim, an 18 year old senior from Hawkins High, Patrick Mckinney. His limbs... his body, it was disfigured, there was an eye witness on the scene..."

"We have also identified a person of interest." Chief stated, making Star bite her lip. "Eddie Munson. We encourage anyone with information to please come forward."

"Shit for brains." Star sighed.

"This is not good." Steve commented. "Really not good."

"I know you've got a lot of questions, and I'm going to answer as many as I can." Powell explained. "Two o'clock at town Hall, where anyone from Hawkins community is welcome. But right now, I've got some worl to do, and I appreciate your understanding."

"I miss you, Hopper." Star mumbled sadly.

"Dustin, Starshine? Can you hear me? Wheeler?" Star heard Eddie on the walkie. Dustin grabbed the walkie and turned around, away from the ears of the public.

"Eddie. Holy shit." Dustin whispered. "Are you okay?"

"Nah, man. Pretty... pretty Goddamn far from okay." Eddie admitted making Star's face fall at her friends despair.

"Where is he?" Robin questioned.

"Where are you, Eddie?" Star took the walkie.

"Skull rock, do you know it?" Eddie questioned.

"Uh, yeah. That's, um, near Cornwallis and-" Star muttered.

"Garrett, yeah." Steve interrupted, surprising them. "I know where that is."

"Hold tight. We're coming." Dustin assured him as they ran to Steve's car.


Now in the woods, Star groaned as she tripped up on a root. Max steadying her as she chuckled.

"Dude, I'm telling you, you're taking us the wrong way." Steve told him as they followed Dustin's compass.

"It's North. I'm positive, I checked the map." Dustin argued.

"You do realise Skull rock, is a super poppular make out spot right?" Steve questioned.

"Yeah? So?" Star asked, walking up beside them.

"Yeah, well, it wasn't popular until I made it popular." Steve explained. "All right? I practically invented it. We're heading in the wrong direction."

"Steve, where are you going?" Dustin asked as Steve went a different way to Dustin.

"Stop whining. Let's go. Trust me." Steve stated.

Star sighed and jogged backwards to Max, and started to walk with the girl. "Okay, so apparently we're going thus way now?" Max asked. "I swear to god, if they get us lost... hey. You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine, I'm just worried about all this." Star admitted. "It's just weird, and different from what we've encountered before."

"Yeah." Max muttered.

"But it's like why? What's this guys motive? I know it seems to link to PTSD, but still, it's like everyone Vecna targets people who have something in their lives thats-"

"Hurting them." Max finished and Star nodded. "Haunting them."

"Yeah, it's like these people that have died, I didn't know them so it was easier to turn away, I guess." Star said guiltily. "A-and I'm sorry for not being there for you properly, I'm sorry I didn't try harder."

"It's my fault." Max stated.

"No, no." Star shook her head.

"I disappeared." Max argued.

"You didn't, I just didn't do good enough to pull you out. To stop you from disappearing." Star sniffled. "Okay? But I see you, I always see you. You are my light, a-and I'm sorry for not being yours."

"You have been Star, I pushed you away." Max explained. "I didn't let you because I thought, and still think you deserve better."

"Max, I don't deserve better when I already have perfection right infront of me." Star blushed.

"I'm not perfect." Max chuckled and Star took her hand in hers.

"You are to me, Mad Max." Star teased.

"Well, twinkle toes, your perfect to me too." Max smiled softly, kissing her cheek.

"You're such a flirt." Star giggled.

"Only for you." Max winked. "Uh, there is one more thing..."

"Yeah?" Star asked, her eyes twinkling.

"Star, i- I still..." Max stuttered as they slowed down, looking into each others eyes. "I, uh... Star, I love you."

"What?" Star widened her eyes.

"I love you." Star smiled at her words, and blushed.

"I love you too." Star smiled softly.

"Boom!" She heard Steve exclaimed as he walked through some bushes. "Bada bing, bada boom. There she is, Henderson. Skull rock."

"Nicely done." Star praised.

"Thank you, in your stupid, cocky little face." Steve pointed at Dustin.

"Doesn't make sense." Dustin muttered.

"Yeah, yeah." Steve dismissed. "Even with it staring at you in the face, you can't admit it. You just can't admit that you're wrong, you butthead."

"Terrible insult." Star sighed.

"I concur." Eddie stated, jumping down from a rock, scaring Star. "You, Dustin Henderson, are a... total butthead."

"Jesus, we thought you were a goner." Dustin smiled, pulling him into a hug. Star then smiled, joining in.

"Yeah, me too, man. Me too." Eddie agreed, pulling away awkwardly.


"When I got to shore, I tried calling you guys, but, uh... " Eddie said, taking a sip from his flask.

Eddie crouched under the giant rocks, everyone standing around the boy- except for Dustin who was pacing. Star furrowed her eyebrows as she glanced at her brother in confusion.

"My walkie was busted, man." Eddie explained. "Drenched. So, uh, I did the thing that I do now, apparently. I ran." He chuckled.

"Do you know what time this was? The attack?" Nancy asked.

"Yeah, no... no, I know exactly what time it was. My walkie wasn't the only thing that got soaked." Eddie told them, taking off his watch to pass to Nancy.

"9:27." Nancy read.

"Same time our flashlights shattered." Star commented.

"Which means what exactly?" Steve questioned.

"That that surge of energy was Vecna attacking Patrick." Nancy responded.

"Well, we're one step closer." Robin sighed. "We know how Vecna attacks."

"And where he attacks from." Lucas added.

"So now we just need to sneak into his lair in Upside-down and drive a stake through his heart." Max stated.

"If he even has a heart." Robin noted.

"A stake? Is he like a Vamp? Is he a Vampire?" Steve asked with wide eyes.

"It would be awesome if he was, however, I believe Max was speaking metaphorically." Star replied.

"A bullet should work on him, right?" Eddie questioned.

"I sat we chop his head off." Lucas stated.

"Yeah, I'd say all of the above, but we can't do any of that until we find a way back into the Upside-down." Nancy explained.

"We need El to get her powers back." Max added.

"Everything was way easier. We had this girl. She has superpowers." Steve told Eddie.

"Superpowers, yeah, you mentioned her." Eddie reminded him. "Hey, uh, Henderson's not, uh, cursed is he?"

"Cursed?" Steve questioned.

"No, no he's fine." Star stated.

"Mental? Absolutely." Steve remarked.

"Boom!" Dustin shouted loudly, making Star flinch. "Bada... bada... Boom." He said pointing at Steve. "I was right. Skull rock was North."

"Seriously? You're serious?" Steve questioned.

"Mm-hmm." Dustin nodded with a smile.

"This is skull rock, okay?" Steve exclaimed, gesturing towards it. "You're totally, absolutely, 100% wrong. Right now."

"Yes." Dustin stated, making Star run a hand over her face. "And no."

"Oh my god." Steve muttered in frustration

"This worked correctly when we left the Wheeler's. It was correct when we got in the car on Curley." Dustin explained. "But it started to slip the further east we went. Now its way off. When I was leading us here, I wasn't wrong. The compass was."

"So you're using faulty equipment. You're still wrong." Steve argued.

"Except it isn't faulty. Lucas, Star, do you remember what can affect a compass?" Dustin questioned.

"An electromagnetic field." They stated.

"Yep." Dustin stated.

"Sorry, I must have missed that class." Robin told him.

"In the presence of a stronger electromagnetic field, the needle will deflect towards that power." Dustin explained. "So, either there's a super big magnet around here, or..."

"There's s gate. This happened three years ago when we were looking for Will." Star added, crossing her arms.

"But we're nowhere near the lab." Nancy noted.

"But what if, somehow, there's another gate?" Dustin asked. "A gate that we don't know about. It'd have to be smaller. Way leas powerful."

"Snack-size gate." Robin stated.

"How? Why?" Steve questioned.

"No idea. All I know is that something is causing this disturbance, and the last time we've seen anything like it, it was a gate." Dustin explained. "And I hope it is because then we'd have a way to Vecna. And a shot at freeing Max from his curse."

"He may be strange, but hes a genius." Star smiled proudly.

"Where you going?" Steve questioned as he began to walk off. "Hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey. Eddie's still a wanted man. We can't just go for a hike in the woods."

"This steel capsule might be the key to saving both Max and Eddie." Dustin stated.

"What say you, Eddie the banished?" Star asked.

"I say you're asking me to follow you into Modor, which, if I'm totally straight with you, I think is a really bad idea." Eddie admitted. "But, uh, the shire... the shire is burning." Dustin began to jump excitedly as Star smiled widely, Eddie standing up. "So Mordor it is."

Eddie began to walk as Steve questioned what Mordor was, Star chuckling as Eddie had to run back for his stuff.


They followed Dustin through the woods, the sky now dark as they arrived back at lover's lake.

"Somethings happening." Dustin muttered rushing off.

"Dustin? Can you slow down? Dustin?" Eddie called out as Star wheezed.

"I'm gonna punch him." Star coughed, getting out her inhaler and taking in some air.

"I think we're getting close." Dustin stated, Eddie grabbing his shoulder before he could walk into the lake.

"Watch your step, big guy." Eddie said.

"Oh, man." Steve sighed. "You gotta be shitting me."

"Yeah." Star gulped.

"I thought these woods were familiar." Eddie admitted.

"Lover's lake." Robin stated.

"This is confounding." Dustin remarked.

"There's a gate in lover's lake?" Max questioned.

"Whenever the Demogorgon attacked, it always left an opening." Nancy informed them. "Maybe Vecna's the same way."

"Yeah, only one way to find out." Steve commented, making Star look at him in question.

Eddie revealed the boat he had used, pulling the tarp off. Steve and Eddie picked it up, Star watching in slight amusement as they dropped it into the water.

"Easy. I... I said easy, man." Steve groaned.

"Sorry, dude." Eddie apologised.

"Here you go." Steve said, offering Robin a hand.

Instead of taking it, Robin placed both hands on each of the boys heads, and stepped carefully onto the boat. "I'm just gonna do that." Robin muttered. "Thank you."

"Yeah, that works too." Steve said sarcastically. Eddie then stepped in, helping in Nancy. "Good, you got her."

"Wheeler." Eddie offered his hand, which she took.

"Thanks." Nancy smiled. Dustin then stepped forward but Eddie stopped him, placing a hand on the boys head.

"Hey, hey, hey. You trying to sink us?" Eddie questioned. "This thing holds three people tops, okay?"

"What about me? I bearly weigh a thing." Star suggested making Eddie chuckle.

"Sorry, Mini Henderson." He shrugged making her half, stepping back to Max.

"It's better this way, okay? You guys stay here with Max." Nancy instructed. "Keep an eye out for trouble."

"You keep an eye out." Dustin retorted, Nancy gave him a weird look. "It's my Goddamn theory."

"You heard Nance." Robin stated.

"Who put her in charge?" Dustin questioned.

"I did." Robin said snarkily.

"Who elected her?" Star asked Max.

"Good question." Max smiled at Star's thoughts.

"Compass." Nancy held out her hand. Dustin begrudgingly gave it to her, stepping back to Lucas, Max and Star.

"Hey, here you go." Steve threw the backpack to Dustin. He pushed the boat and hopped on.

"You said three!" Star scoffed.

"Sorry." Steve whispered falsely.

"Bedtime at nine, kiddos." Robin joked as they rowed away. The Hendersons stuck up their middle fingers. "Miss you already!"


After a minute or three, Star watched with squinted eyes as the boat came to a stop.

"Whoa, wait, wait. They're stopping. What are they stopping for?" Lucas questioned.

"Guys, what's going on?" Dustin asked over the walkie. "Come on, guys, talk to me. What's going on?"

"Uh, Dustin, your compass had gone from wonky to wonky with a capital 'aah'!" Robin remarked.

"Ugh. When did Steve get so hairy?" Lucas questioned.

"Right? I keep telling him he needs to tame that jungle, but he claims the ladies dig it." Dustin explained.

"Let me see." Max said, stepping forward and taking the binoculars. Max then stared at Steve, making Star tilt her head.

"I wanna see to, I'm bi, you know." Star grumbled, getting her binoculars, surprising the boys as they both stared at a top less Steve.

"He jumped in." Max stated, taking away her binoculars, handing them back to Lucas. "Were you looking at Steve?"

"Were you?" Star retorted cheekily. They both stared at each other, and just shrugged. "Love you."

"Love you." Max smiled kissing her cheek.

"Awwe." Dustin and Lucas gushed.

"Shut up." Max groaned, pulling Star into her side.

"You guys realise if there's a gate down there, it's technically a water gate." Dustin changed the subject. The three turned from him. "Watergate." He chuckled.

"Come on, Steve." Star muttered, seeing he had not come back up yet.

"Shit! Down." Lucas stated as they heard radio chatter and police.

"Dustin, you are a Goddamn, Einstein." Robin said and Dustin quickly turned off his walkie. "Steve-"

"Cops." Max stated.

"Shit, shit, shit." Dustin stated.

"We can't let 'em find Eddie." Lucas said.

"No, shit." Star retorted.

"Stay with me." Max instructed standing up. "Hey, officers! Over here! I found the killer! This way!"

Max began to run, the others had to jump up to follow her. Star groaning as she did. She hated running.

"Why do we keep running?" Star exclaimed. "You know I have asthma!"

They ran, Dustin tripping over after a minute. Star having to stop to use her pump, unable to as an officer got her.

"Shit. Dustin." Lucas muttered.

"Star." Max winced.

"Hey there." Powell greeted as Star gasped.

"I... need to... use... my... pump." Star gulped as she tried to get air into her lungs.

"Let her go for a moment." Powell nodded. Star quickly fumbled with it as they brought Lucas and Max over and quickly used it.

A/n so excited for volume two

It's so hard to rematch that Steve bit.

Does it pain anyone else as it pains me? Like the Max scene?

Jeez these season really gets your emotions going

Have a good day!

2853 words.

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