In Silence (Book 2) || Loki X...

Oleh KatLovesFictionalMen

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This the the second book of the series. If you haven't read the first one....what are you still doing here?!?! Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1: Who are you?
Chapter 2: Where are you going?
Chapter 3: I am back
Chapter 4: Memories and Visions
Chapter 5: The mission
Chapter 6: Sokovia
Chapter 7: Back in action
Chapter 8: Make a choice
Chapter 9: S.H.I.E.L.D
Chapter 10: The final part of the plan
Chapter 11: The new base
Chapter 12: Date night
Chapter 13: Plan puppy
Chapter 14: And then you had a plan
Chapter 15: The new plan
Chapter 16: It's time
Chapter 17: And then the spell started
Chapter 18: An unexpected meetup
Chapter 19: A sudden turn of events
Chapter 20: Just you and me
Chapter 21: Back to the world of the living
Chapter 22: Please, wake up
Chapter 23: Almost
Chapter 25: Keep them safe
Chapter 26: An interesting phone call
Chapter 27: I'm coming
Chapter 28: Because I changed
Chapter 29: The final exam
Chapter 30: We need to talk
Chapter 31: The end of and era
Chapter 32: A big decision
Chapter 33: This is not a goodbye
Author's Note

Chapter 24: Better than okay

331 12 6
Oleh KatLovesFictionalMen

When you and Loki finally exited your room, it was already late evening. So, time does fly when you're having fun. And you definitely did have a lot of fun.

You walked down the hallway and got into the main area of the compound where everyone was waiting for you. They all looked extremely happy to see you. Natasha was the first one to stand up and hug you tight.

"Welcome back Y/n"." She said when she pulled away.

"Although you could've come a bit earlier." Steve complained and you laughed, turning to Loki. He was laughing too.

"Come on old man. The kid was busy. I am sure if you try hard enough you can remember how it is." Tony mocked him.

"Very funny Tony."

You all laughed and the squabble didn't continue. You and Loki sat on the sofa next to Wanda and Pietro. You gave a smile at both of them, which they returned.

"How are you feeling?" Wanda asked you as she took your hand in hers.

"I am actually feeling great."

"Really?" Pietro didn't seem one hundred percent convinced. As you looked around you realised how many worried eyes were actually on you.

"Guys, I am really fine." You chuckled. "I promise you."

"Well the thing is..." Bucky started but hesitated to finish his sentence.

"The thing is what?" You asked.

For a second no one spoke. You could feel that there was something that everyone wanted to say but were too scared to do so. And of course you couldn't just read their minds and get it over with. You had to do it the old fashioned way.

"Okay what is it?" You asked.

"Well the thing is that..." Tony started. "It wouldn't be the first time that you were saying that you are fine while you're not."


"We just want to make sure that everything is completely okay." Nat added.

"Even if you feel a bit off you can tell us." Steve joined.

"Guys I promise you, I am one hundred percent fine." You laughed. "I honestly have never felt better in my life. It's like a huge burden has been lifted off my shoulders. I still am very worried about Frey but other than that I feel excellent."

You weren't lying. You were truly feeling excellent. Somehow you knew that things were going to turn out okay in the end. For the first time in a long time you were hopeful and you wanted your family to know that.

"Okay." Tony finally said. "If you say that you are fine there is no reason for us not to believe you."

"Yeah." Steve sighed. "We are just a little worried, that's all."

"Especially after what happened during-" Pietro started but Wanda quickly cut him,planting her elbow in his side.

But it was too late. You had heard him loud and clear. And you knew exactly what he meant. You had felt that something had gone wrong during that spell and now your suspicions turned out to be correct.

"What?" You turned to everyone.

"Nothing." Tony said immediately.

You looked around the room. Everyone looked like they were hiding something. You didn't have your powers but you could still spot the liars. None of them were good at it. Except....

You immediately turned your head to look at Loki. He was a professional liar but he would never lie to you. You tried to look him in the eyes but his head was turned away from you.

Okay now this was serious.

"Tell me, what happened." You said. The tone of your voice told everyone that your patience was running out.

You then turned back at Loki. He was still avoiding eye contact. You placed your hand on his cheek and with a quick and a bit abrupt move your turned his head towards you.

"Tell. Me." You demanded.

"N-nothing happened...." His voice was low and he still wouldn't look you in the eye.

Loki had just lied to you. Very poorly but he still had done it. You immediateness let go of his face and turned your gaze to the rest of your family. They all had worried and guilty looks on their faces.

What had happened couldn't be good. You knew that they were hiding he truth in order not to upset you but you need to know. You had a right to know.

"I have to know."

"It was really nothing." Thor said.

"Yeah, just a small complication that was handled very quickly." Tony added.

You sighed and turned to Pietro and his sister. She was looking straight into your eyes with a scared look on her face while Pietro knew very well how much he had screwed up.

"What did she do?" You asked Wanda, taking her hands into yours.

"I-" She didn't know what to say. Her gaze was bouncing between you and the rest of the team.

"Hey." You snapped your fingers in front of her face to get her attention back on you. "Just look at me. I promise I will not be mad. I just want to know exactly what happened while I was in Limbo."

Wanda was now staring into your eyes. She was unsure. None of the others was speaking. They were expecting her to say nothing but at that point everyone knew that you were going to get your answers.

"Frey took over your body and tried to kill us." Wanda finally said and you quickly let go of her.

The blood inside your body had frozen. You were speechless. There was no reaction that would be appropriate for this moment. You just stayed still, looking outside the huge window.

She had tried to kill them. Frey had tried to kill your family. How could she do that? You had believed in her, you believe there was hope. At least you wanted to believed it. You wanted to believe that she could be better.

Apparently you were wrong. You put your faith on the wrong person. Maybe Frey was incapable of change.

"What happened?" You asked, your eyes were now stuck on the floor.

"It happened quite suddenly." Loki said as he put his arm around you and pulled your closer to him. "She ambushed us and for a few moment we didn't know what to do."

"She didn't hurt anyone though." Wanda added. "Loki handled it just fine."

Then they told you the whole story. Everything that happened form the moment you got into Limbo until you woke up again.

They told you how Frey suddenly took over and tried to hurt Loki and Wanda. They told you how Thor locked the two of them inside the gym with her and then had a small fight with Tony about it.

Then Loki told you about his idea and how with Wanda's help he managed to put the handcuffs of Frey. After that everything went normally. Loki suspects that during her outburst Frey managed to secure the amount of magic that she now prosses.

You also told them about what happened to you in Limbo. You told them how at some point you couldn't feel Wanda and just knew that something was wrong. You also told them about Frey's arrival at limbo a bit after that.

You left out the part about Frigga. This was a story for another time, preferably one where you were alone with Thor and Loki.

Wanda kept apologizing for everything. You told her about a thousand times that it was not her fault but she still felt guilty. You tried convincing her otherwise but she wouldn't listen and kept apologizing.

"I have to be the one apologizing." You finally said.

"What for?" Thor asked.

"I should've known that would happen. I was suspecting that Frey was more awake than I had thought but I did nothing."

"Y/n you couldn't know." Nat tried to calm you down.

"I could! I mean, I had to." You said an let your head fall on your palms.

"Blaming yourself won't get your anywhere Y/n." Steve said.

"But I can't do any different. I believed in her."

"So what? We all have trusted the wrong people." Pietro spoke up.

"Yes but you know what? I still do. Deep down, I still believe that Frey is capable of change."

You didn't like admitting it, but it was true. Frey was your sister no matter what and you had to believe in her. She had been through so much and just needed someone to believe in her. And you needed to be that someone.

You knew very well that your family would not agree with you. You knew that they pretty much hated her for all the pain she had caused you but you simply couldn't hate her. Everything she did was a result of your mother's actions. You couldn't possibly blame her for something like that.

And even during the spell, what she did, you could excuse her. Because that was her one last try to stay in this body, the body that was supposed to be hers, according to that stupid prophecy.

"Don't do this to yourself kid." Tony said.

"She is my sister. The only one I've got. I have to believe in her."

"No you do not!" Thor objected but you just scoffed.

"You of all people should understand Thor. You never gave up on Loki and look where it got you both."

"Darling this is different." Loki tried to explain but you didn't let him.

"No it isn't. Frey has been through stuff. She got hurt. And I know you can not forgive her and on some level neither can I, but with time, I will."

No one spoke. They didn't know what to say. Deep down they knew you were right. They knew that Frey was your family. And family was important. You knew they were going to support you no matter what.

Besides Frey was not going to be freed. No matter how much you believed in her you weren't crazy enough to let her go. The whole team knew that. It was like an unspoken agreement. You were going to help her but never let her go. At least not until you were one hundred percent certain.

"Anyways." You finally broke the silence in the room. "This is no time for these. Today is a day of celebration."

"Yeah, she's right." Steve agreed with you.

"To be honest I feel a little tired." Clint said and you looked at him with a deadly look in your eyes.

"Barton you are acting worse that Capsicle over there. And he is actually old!" Tony managed to mock to people with just one phrase.

"Okay, so let's drink." You stood up and headed for the bar when Loki stopped you.

"Actually, darling, I don't think I would be a good idea for you to drink."

You looked disappointed. You really wanted a drink. But, you were not going to let that ruin your night.

"Well I'll have a coke then. But the rest of you are drinking."

No one had any objections on your new declaration. Most of them were party ready twenty four hours a day. But even the rest of them didn't mind. They all were so happy that you were back. They weren't going to deny you anything.

The rest of the night ended up being one of the best that you had had with your family. After a few drinks you decided to play some board games. You started of with some Jenga, and very early in the game you realised that Clint's skills were not just in archery.

After that you continued with Cluedo. For some reason that you never manage to understand Bucky and Steve were killing that game. At some point you thought that they were cheating but it was simply impossible. The game ended when Tony started calling Steve Sherlock on ice.

The night ended with a quick game of Monopoly. It was quick because it took Nat about half an hour to find out that Pietro was using his superspeed to steal money from the bank. After he was banned it took Thor about two seconds to turn the board around when he didn't manage to get out of jail for the third round in a raw.

When you all finally decided to call it a night and go to bed it was already four in the morning. No one was really tired but you all knew it was time for bed. Though no one really wanted to go. It was as if you all wanted that moment to last for ever.

But you knew, this was the first of many fun nights with your family.

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