Sugar Rush

Par open_trash

144K 10.1K 2.3K

"You need money, i want a sugar baby. it's a win-win situation!" Plus

16 [M]
25 [M]
38 [M]
55 [M]
Bonus 1


2.4K 163 62
Par open_trash

The morning was beautiful. It was glistening yellow as I opened the windows to let the fresh air into the room. As you grow old, you really start appreciating nature. The breeze was a bit colder, given the weather. The clouds drifted slowly through the sky making it even more pleasant. I sighed and went to the kitchen. I took the cup of coffee prepared for me and started moving to the home office when the picture on the wall stopped me. It always does that to me. The photo was from Namjoon's graduation. I kissed his cheek out of nowhere, taking him off guard and Jungkook clicked a picture. That kid is good with lenses. My face automatically grew a smile as a familiar figure came behind and hugged me.

"What are you looking at?"

I sighed as I leaned back, "This photo is really fabulous. Even after three years, I can't help but stare at it."

Namjoon hummed, "My graduation."

"I love how you cried when I told you I won't be able to make it to the graduation," I smirked.

Namjoon scoffed, "I did not cry."

"Mhmm." I broke the hug and turned around, "I remember seeing tears in these eyes."

Namjoon rolled his eyes, "Well, some stupid meeting was clearly more important to you than me."

I laughed, "Wait, why are you still upset? I was literally there." I said, pointing at the photo.

I could see the embarrassment in Namjoon's eyes. He sighed, "Yeah. It was really a huge surprise. I still remember how Miso made it look like you were there for her. And then her face when you kissed me in front of everyone."

I chuckled, "Oh, you guys were such good friends. What happened to her?"

Namjoon rolled his eyes, "I don't know. I don't understand how we drifted apart."

Ah, he understood my sarcasm. I laughed with him. I am so glad to have him in my life. It is just perfect. I looked at the phone and gasped internally. Oh! I looked at Namjoon, "Hey, Joon-ah, let's skip work today. I want to take you to some places."

"Places?" Namjoon's eyes widened, "Pural?"

I nodded. I put the coffee on the table nearby and went near Namjoon, "We haven't had a decent date in a while. I haven't spoiled you rotten in a while."

Namjoon slowly came closer and pulled me against his sturdy chest. God, this man needs to stop working out. He leaned down a little, "Or... We can skip work and I can spoil you rotten." He licked the skin behind my ear, "In the bed." A little sigh left my mouth. Ugh, moving in with Namjoon was the best decision I ever made. Maybe I should just give in and let him rail me.


I need to get him out of the house. I stopped him from sucking my skin and pushed him a little, "Joon-ah..." He looked at me like a kicked puppy, "Let's go out now. We can always continue this in the night, right?"

He nodded, "Okay." There was a pout on his face. Why is he so cute? I raised on my toes and pecked his lips.

"Don't sulk like that, baby. I am sure you will love this."

He hummed. "Let's go, then."

The first stop was a mall. We were in casual clothes with masks on. I know how to make Namjoon happy. More clothes. My giant dork loves hoodies and sweatpants. He says they are comfortable. The store manager immediately recognized us and started giving Namjoon special treatment. After trying on a bunch of clothes, Namjoon finally settled on a black hoodie, jeans and white sweatpants. When we came out of the store, I knew what next he wanted.


There was a nice small restaurant near the mall. They make really good prawns. But today wasn't about us. So I just ordered Galbijjim for us.

"This smells so good," Namjoon commented before digging in. He moaned, "This is amazing."

"I am glad you liked it." I smiled.

Namjoon smiled so brightly that his eyes closed. "You know me so well."

I leaned back in the seat and crossed my hands in front of my chest as I saw him eat with a twinkling star in his eyes.

He looked at me, "Why aren't you eating?"

I shook my head, "Looking at you eat makes me full. Go on."

He narrowed his eyes and gave a plate full of food, "Come on eat up. You are already skinny."

"Skinny?" I scoffed, "Me?"

He waved his chopsticks at me, "Talk less, eat more."

I scoffed again in disbelief before I started eating. He is really turning bratty nowadays. I hummed as I took the first bite. This is really amazing. After we were done eating, I started driving without telling Namjoon where we were going. It was a surprise.

Namjoon sighed for the nth time, "At least give me a hint."

"Shhh." I put a finger on my lips, "Just enjoy the ride."

He looked out of the window for the rest of the ride. I know he is irritated because of the suspense. But soon this is going to change. His eyes sparkled when he saw a familiar neighbourhood. His eyes started wandering in curiosity. "Wow, this place has changed so much." As we passed several places, he commented on what had changed and what was still the same. Apparently, everything except an old udon place had changed. Namjoon noticed even a small change in the surroundings. I wonder how strong his memory is.

"You didn't come here often?"

He shook his head, still looking out of the window, "It always brought back the sad memories, so I never came back here."

I parked the car in front of a house and got out. I ran to the other side and opened the door for Namjoon, "We have reached."

Namjoon stepped out of the car and looked at the house in front of us. I wished I knew what was going on inside his head. It was his childhood house after all. All those memories that were stored in the house, I hope he remembers most of them. He stepped a bit forward as he stared at the house intensely. "The house hasn't changed much..." his voice was barely above a whisper, but I heard him. "I wonder who lives here now."

"We can... If you want to." I said slowly.

He turned back, "What do you mean?"

I smiled and walked to him. "Hand." He gave me his hand. I slowly placed my fist on his palm. When I slowly opened the fist, his eyes went wide. He gasped when he saw the keys in his hand.


"It is yours." A light breath left his mouth as a tear fell on his cheek. I cupped his cheek and wiped the tear, "The house was always yours, baby. I am just giving it back to you."


I shrugged, "Well, your uncle was in a financial burnout, so I bought this house from him under your name. Wasn't that hard to make him sell it."

Namjoon turned to the house again. He looked around as if scanning for something. He turned to me again, "Can I really go in?"

I laughed a little, "Baby, this house is yours. You can do whatever you want."

Namjoon immediately moved to the gate and unlocked it with the keys. I slowly followed him behind. He quickly opened the door and ran in. "Namjoon!" I yelled at him as I ran after him too. He climbed the stairs and turned left to enter a room. When I reached the room, he was knocking at a wall. I didn't know what he was doing till I heard a hollow sound. Namjoon smiled slowly. He ripped the wallpaper off of the wall. I gasped when I saw a small hole in the wall. Namjoon turned to me.

"Do you have another set of keys?"

I blinked twice and then nodded slowly, "Yeah." I gave the keys to him. He went through the entire bunch and smiled when he found the key he was waiting for. He entered the small key into the hole and started turning it.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven." he counted as he turned the keys in the hole. The wall clicked and a huge door shifted from its place and slid to the left.

"What is this?" I walked near him. There was an entire cupboard filled with several files and boxes.

Namjoon turned to me, "Appa's secret place." He scanned the cupboard and took out a file. He cleaned the dust off of the file and gave it to me. I slowly opened the file and gasped. It was a file on me. I looked at him.

"Why are you showing me this?"

Namjoon smiled. He flipped the pages and then rejoiced, "I knew it was here." He showed me the file again.

I gasped, "Is this..."

He smiled, "You with your eomma. When I saw her for the first time, I knew I had seen her somewhere. I couldn't place her till today. You brought me here and I remembered that I saw her in appa's file."

I looked at it again. It was taken in a market from afar. But her face was very clear. It had been three years since I lost her. I looked at Namjoon, "Thank you so much. I can't express how happy I am right now." I looked at the photo again, "This-" I sighed, "I think this is the only photo of us together."

Namjoon hugged me and patted my head, "You did great, hyung. Please, don't feel guilty about it. I am sure she is happy now. Happier than she ever was."

I broke into tears after listening to what Namjoon said. The day, Tul told me that it was impossible for eomma to wake up now, broke me. All the hopes that I ever held were lost. As he suggested, I let her go. But I always feel guilty about not holding onto her. Maybe she would have woken up, maybe there would have been better technology.

I came out of my thoughts when I felt light lips on my forehead, "Don't think too much. You made the right decision, hyung. Don't overthink it." He kissed my cheek and then wiped the tears. I looked at the photo. "Let's frame it." He said. "Let's frame it and put it beside our picture from my graduation. The wall still looks empty."

I nodded quickly before gulping, "Let- let's do that." I looked at him, "Thank you so much, Namjoon. This is better than any of the things that I possess right now. This is the best. Thank you for giving it to me."

Namjoon hugged me tightly. I snuggled a little deeper. When I was calm enough, I opened my eyes and my sight fell on something familiar. "Wait." I broke the hug and went to the cupboard. "Is this you?" I asked, picking a small frame out of the cupboard.

Namjoon tried to get it away from me, "Yes, but give it back." He whined as he tried to take the frame back, covering me entirely in the process. Man, this guy needs to work out less.

"No!" I giggled and pushed the frame away from him. "You looked so cute back then." I looked at the frame and then at Namjoon, "What happened to you now?"

Namjoon gasped as if I offended him, "What do you mean?"

I just shrugged, "Well, you just became sexier."

I definitely saw a little blush on his ears and cheeks. Ah, he is such a baby. He took the frame from my hand, "Which version do you love more? The cuter one or the sexier one?" he said, holding the frame beside his face.

I acted like I was thinking, "Hmm... I like the sexier one more. The cuter Namjoon thought I looked like an uncle."

Namjoon laughed loudly, "For me, you are still an uncle. Should I start calling you ahjussi instead of hyung?"

"Aish!" I hit the back of his head lightly, "You little bitch!"

Namjoon snickered, "Oh, don't put too much effort, ahjussi. You are old."

I kicked him playfully, "Asshole!"

Namjoon giggled, "Okay, come on, I will show you my room." He took my hand and started going out of the room. I still can't get used to his huge hands almost covering my entire hand. The room was on the ground floor. It was just a normal room for a kid. It was painted blue and white and the bed was cute too. Most of the things in the room were Pokemon themed.

"Do you still like Pokemon?" I asked, looking at the various things in the room.

Namjoon nodded, "I do."

"Noted." I smiled and looked around.

"What do you mean noted?" Namjoon whined.

I just shrugged, "Nothing." I turned to another small toy, "Oh, what's this?" I asked to change the subject. We went through all his childhood things one by one. I really loved the way he explained every tiny detail of all of the things. When I looked at the watch, it was already evening. "Joon-ah, let's go to eat. We can move here whenever you want to."

Namjoon nodded, "Can we renovate the house before moving in?"

Oh, I thought he wanted the house to be the exact same when we move in. "Sure. I will draw up a plan for you, then."

Namjoon gave a huge smile flashing his dimples. One day, I am going to get lost in those dimples. He pecked on my cheek, "Thank you. For everything."

"Why did you turn so sweet suddenly?" I turned back before he could see the blush on my face.

"Aww..." He came running behind me, "Are you shy? Did hyung get flustered?"

"Shut up, Namjoon." I retorted back. But he was right. I got flustered by the affection he was giving me.

Namjoon hugged me from behind, "Let's eat at that udon place. You will love it."

The udon place was really amazing. Namjoon told the stories of when he and his parents went there to eat out many times. We chatted and laughed as we ate the udon. I need to bring Yoongi and Hoseok here. They will love this place. Namjoon looked happier than ever and I was glad that I bought that place. I was also glad that he didn't get offended that I bought it for him. We both know he is well capable of buying it himself, but a little gift can't hurt anyone. When we were done, Namjoon suggested we go home and I agreed. It was time to go home.

As soon as Namjoon opened the door, a gust of cold air hit us hard, "Did you leave the aircon on?" He entered the house and gasped. The living room was decorated with soft blue and white lights and balloons. The floor was covered with bluebells and white rose petals. His speed of walking slowed down as he absorbed the surroundings and then he turned back, "Hyung?"

"Do you like it?" I hope he did. I really hope he likes it because if not, I don't know what to do.

Namjoon nodded slowly, "I love this." He turned to the little table in front of him and tilted his head, "What is this?" I closed my eyes as he read it out loud, "Will you fuck me hard and rough?"

My eyes went wide. What the fuck? I went closer to the table and saw that it was really written what Namjoon just said out loud. I groaned, "I am going to kill Hoseok!" That fucker. Way to ruin the mood.

I was really angry till I heard the little giggles from Namjoon. "What was he supposed to write?"

I sighed and controlled my anger. Killing Hoseok can wait. I turned to Namjoon and took his hands in mine, "Namjoon-ah, You have a very huge effect on me. You changed me so much. And all of it is for the best. From the day you entered my life, every day is like the best day of my life. You are the anchor to this," I pointed at my mind, "Wandering thing. You make me calm and serene. Joon-ah, I don't know what I will do without you. Every moment with you is like a Sugarrush." Namjoon gasped when I knelt in front of him, "Namjoon-ah, will you marry me? Please marry me..."

Namjoon's eyes were already teary. A single drop fell from his eye and landed on my hand. "Yes." His voice was wet and squeaky. "I will marry you. Fuck. Yes. Of course!"

I laughed a little and took out the ring box that sat in my pocket all day. I took a golden band and slipped it on his finger. He took the silver band and slipped it into mine. I raised on my toes and pecked his lips, "Let's grow old together."

Namjoon nodded. "Yeah, let's do that." He sighed and wrapped his hands around my waist. "Also, yes."

I looked at him with wide eyes, "For what?"

He smirked and looked at the table. I rolled my eyes. This little shit. But who am I to complain? I looked at him with challenging eyes, "Why don't you show me instead of just talking?" I was hoping he would attack me immediately but he placed his lips on mine softly. It was enough to take away my breath. The kiss was just perfect with all the setting and decor in the room. I smiled at the kiss and replied to the kiss with the same softness.

I am glad it is Namjoon.

I am glad we are together.

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