Orphic Ὀρφικά

By ph3onix_daem0n

109K 4.5K 1.6K

(records of ragnarok x reader) A Long time ago a rumor was spread that a once celestial being had been sent t... More

Chapter 1: Seraph
Chapter 3: Olympus
Chapter 4: Hestia's Palace
Chapter 5: Meet the gods
Status: Updated
Chapter 6: Survival
Chapter 7: Ragnarok
Chapter 8: Meeting the contestants
Chapter 9: Training
Chapter 10: Preparations
Status: Update
Chapter 11: Fuck you, Zeus
Chapter 12: A date gone... right?
No one is dying... except that bitch
Chapter 14: Anxiety is a Pain in the ass
Chapter 15: Luci! Tell me your secrets.
Chapter 16: Ugh... boys...
Chapter 17:A 'Secret' meeting

Chapter 2: Meeting

7.6K 309 86
By ph3onix_daem0n

"No!" you shouted in the air as you looked at the time. You couldn't go to the café like you wanted to.

"Don't be so dramatic. I got you a coffee," your best friend, Cameron, said. Honestly, he was probably the only person who understood you in this awful place called college.

"You know me too well bub," you told him taking the coffee from him. "How was the date with Jordan?" you asked. Knowing him, he probably wouldn't stick with Jordan, the cupcake man.

"Ugh, he kept saying the stupidest things," Cameron groaned as the two of you walked into school. "He dropped his fork at the diner and guess what he said."

"Sowwy?" you questioned.

"Yes! Who talks like that? Honestly, it's one of my icks," he told you sighing. "How will we find our knights in shining armor in this world? There are so many people and yet we find the most annoying of them."

"I wouldn't say all the people we tried dating were bad," you said.

"Oh yeah? Name one that didn't give you the ick or was embarrassing," he told you, keeping a finger in the air.

Shit. "Lucy," you gave him a name.

"She was a drug addict, [Name]," he told you. The look he gave you said more than enough.

"Uhh, what about that guy you went to the school fair? Braiden? Brandon?"

"His name was Brad. Which was a red flag already just by his name. And no, he left me for another guy."

"Alright, what about this one. Jason, the guy from the tech shop." You were positive this time that he did not do something. When you were on a coffee date him, he seemed nice and sweet.

"He ghosted you for a month and we later found out he was in jail for robbery. Admit it [Name] we have the worst luck when it comes to dating." The two of you continued to walk into the school, passing a couple of freshmen.

You thought for a couple of seconds before coming to a conclusion. "Maybe we have bad luck in dating because we have high standards from reading all those fantasy books?"

The two of you looked at each other. "Nah!" you both said. Cameron scoffed as you both entered your history class.

Since you both shared a love for history and mythologies, the two of you became friends right away. You weren't really great with socializing but Cameron walked right up to you. He did most of the talking at first, but when you started to warm up to him, you finally broke out of your shell and showed your true colors.

You took out your laptop and opened the necessary tabs that you would need for notes. Cameron sat next to you before going onto his phone. The class was in complete chaos until the professor arrived.

"Alright, everyone! Settle down," the professor waited for everyone to calm down before continue speaking. "Today we will be discussing Greek Mythologies."

"Like Medusa?" a guy exclaimed from the back.

Professor Michaels smiled. "Yes, like Medusa. Speaking of Medusa. We all know the tragic story of how she had become a monster. Can anyone elaborate that for me?" he asked, looking around the classroom. He stopped, pointing at the guy who had shouted. "Could you explain her story to us?"

"Sure. Medusa was said to be a beautiful woman, but she got caught by Athena in her temple along with Poseidon. Athena got mad since it was huge disrespect towards her and had turned Medusa into the mythological monster we know today."

That's... the stupidest explanation I have ever heard, you thought as you looked at him. You felt Cameron looking at you through the side of your eye. Turning to him, you shook your head in disbelief.

"Is there something that you would like to say, miss [last name]?" you heard the professor ask.

"Uh, well. His statement was correct but it was completely off the real version," you said. The professor raised an eyebrow, nodding.

"If you wouldn't mind. Could you tell the real story behind Medusa?"

"Yes, professor. As he said, Medusa was one of the most beautiful women there was in Ancient Greek. She did love Poseidon, but she had sworn an oath of chastity in order to serve Athena in her temple. But Poseidon thought otherwise. It is said that he took her in the very temple she had sworn to serve. Now it was very disrespectful to Athena which led her to believe it was Medusa's fault since Poseidon left the scene. And she cursed Medusa with the famous snake hair. Not only was Medusa cursed, but her two other sisters were as well," you finished, earning an applause from the professor.

"Excellent! And that is why so many women are getting tattoos of Medusa. As a sign that they did survive all the horrid things in the past. Now we won't go in-depth about that, but mister Smith," the professor called out to the guy behind you. "You could learn something when you actually pick up a book instead of a football."

Cameron snickered next to you. You two fist-pumped, before focusing on the lecture again.


"Alright, everyone! That is the end of the lesson. Remember to pay the fees for the trip we will be taking. And read pages twenty to thirty-two. Enjoy the rest of your day," he excused you all.

"Professor, what will the trip be about exactly?" asked one of your classmates.

"We'll be visiting a museum of ancient arts. Trust me, there will be pretty swords and interesting things to see," he added, chuckling at himself.

Cameron and you walked out. The two of you didn't live in the same dorm (unfortunately) but at least you had your hang-out spot. The famous Cupcake Café.

"I have to say, he seems like a nice guy," Cameron said out of the blue.

"Who? Our professor?" you asked.

"Yes, he made learning fun. That is a very difficult thing to do when it comes to me." You walked across the street, not bothering to look if any cars are coming your way.

"I agree. But I nearly had a heart attack when he called my name. I thought I did something wrong," you said, remembering when you explained the story of Medusa (without stuttering).

"It was impressive, but I can't wait for the trip. Who knows maybe we get to find a hot tourist?"

You walked into the café, sighing. "How about we try not to think of finding someone and enjoy the trip?" you asked.

"What's the fun in that?" Cameron asked, stepping up to the counter. "Hey there. Could we get two medium coffees with two sugars? Oh! And two chocolate muffins? Thanks!"

He walked away, leaving the barista to get our orders ready. The two of you sat in your usual spot. The furthest from all the tables, right next to the window.

"I'm mostly excited to look at the 'pretty swords'," you said, quoting what your professor had said. "Should we pay now or later, for the trip?" you asked, taking your phone out of your pocket.

"Let's do it now. Knowing you, you would forget it," Cameron said, chuckling. You looked up from your phone, ignoring the tik tok that you scrolled past.

"Forget what?" you asked.

Cameron stopped, staring at you. "Did you... did you seriously just forget what you said a couple of seconds ago?" You nodded confused. "[Name], we should pay for the trip. The history trip?"

Your eyes widened as you fumbled with your phone. "Shoot! How could I forget?" You opened your college's app searching for the trip.

"Because you are you. And I wouldn't have my boo any other way," Cameron said, smiling.

"Order for number 69!" you heard the barista call out. Cameron stood up, smiling like an idiot.

"I think the trip will be wonderful," he said before getting your order.

"This is going to be a long day," you said, putting your head on the table.


"[Name], look it's a cute guy!" Cameron whispered to you, shaking you by the shoulders. You slapped his hands off of your shoulders.

"I thought we were going to forget about dating?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.

"We did agree to that, but that doesn't mean we can't have a small peak," he told you, smirking. You sighed, walking away from him. Professor Michaels stood in front of the class as he peered down at a map of the museum. "Hey! Get back here." You heard Cameron call out to you.

Cameron jogged to your side as you waited for the professor. He hummed before nodding. Professor Michaels turned to the whole class, smiling. "It seems we are just in time for the Norse exhibit to be opening up. They will be cutting the ribbon in a couple of minutes, but in the meantime why don't we go inside and look at some of the stone statues from the 450 B.C?"

Everyone walked in first following Professor Michaels through the museum. When you arrived at the exhibit you decided to walk around, looking at the... details. Cameron snickered next to you, as the two of you looked at one of the statues.

"Hey, don't make fun of him. It's average size," you said, snickering as well.

"If you all don't mind, could you all quickly come over here," your heard your professor call to everyone. You walked over to him, wondering what he would say. "Now, I wanted to show you all this piece of art since some of you find all these statues amusing," he said, standing in front of a pure white statue of a man.

The pose of the man was unique, to say the least, He stood with his leg up on a rock, while his hands were placed on his hips, displaying his purple pickle in the wind.

"As I was saying, the reason why these statues appear white is from centuries of weathering have worn off most of the paint on them. The more buried objects were found to have more color and pigment in them than the ones we see today. Way back in the day, the Greeks, Romans, etcetera, didn't care if you were naked since they were extremely body positive. That is why you will see these statues either having clothing, exposing some parts of their body or they are completely naked," he said, turning to look at the statue. He coughed in his, hiding his smile in his hand. "I know this may seem funny, but it is a piece of art and history that we should cherish. Who knows if they might still be here in a hundred years?"

You hid your smile behind your hand, as you pretended to think of what the professor had said. Nodding your head you resisted the urge to laugh. Taking deep breaths, you calmed down before looking at Cameron. Cameron's eyes looked at you. His mouth started to twitch upwards. You felt yours follow. Oh no.

The two of you looked away from each other as you laughed in your hands, trying to muffle it the best you could. You heard a cough coming from next to you, only to see your professor shaking his head with a smile.

"Come along you two, we are going to see the opening of the Norse mythology exhibit. Maybe there it will take your minds off of these statues?" He walked away, out of the doorway towards where you presumed the exhibit was.

"We... we should go. I can't stay here," you said as you speed-walked out of the exhibit.

A crowd was gathered around in a semi-circle as they all gazed at the red ribbon that was hanging across the exhibit's doors. Slowly you could feel the excitement bubbling in your stomach. Cameron stood next to you, looking over the crowd.

"Hey," he called out to you, bumping his shoulder against yours. "Why is she staring at you?" he asked.

"What?" you looked around confused before your eye settled on a beautiful woman with midnight blue hair. Her piercing green eyes felt like they stared straight into your soul. You quickly averted your eyes from her shaking your head. "I have no idea who she is. And I don't feel like getting to know her," you said, continuing to watch the people buzz with excitement as the museum's curator took the scissors.

"Today marks the day that the new Norse Mythology exhibit will be opened and seen by everyone for many years to come!" he said, smiling as camera flashes almost blinded you. He cut the ribbon with a satisfying snip, stepping aside for everyone to pass through.

Cameron and you walked through the double doors, following your professor and class. The exhibit still smelled faintly of fresh paint, along with bright lights as they displayed all the artifacts. From old books to stone-carved paintings, you couldn't help but get excited by all the new artifacts. It's not every day you get to see ancient books that were written thousands of years ago.

You walked along with the isles, stopping slightly as you passed a certain spear. The wooden handle looked like it was wrapped in old cloth and string, but the tip still looked sharp. Almost as if it were preserved for over centuries. It was beautiful, nonetheless, the wood being carved and smoothed (except for some pieces being missing from old age) the cloth and rope dirty and shredded from countless battles, and the tip sharp and shining in the room's light. I wonder how long it took to make this? you thought, turning your full attention to the spear.

You searched the glass casing for a name. There didn't seem to be any name except for who it belonged to. Lagertha. That's a nice-

Your thoughts were cut off as another person stood next to you, examining it as well. Her blue hair flowing behind her as she stood still next to you. Why is there so much tension?


Brunhilde walked through the doors of the museum, her face showing no emotion. She was just here because the humans were opening up a new exhibit on Norse Mythology (which was her personal pantheon). It was always funny to her when the humans thought they had the right information. There were loads of mistakes that the humans made as the centuries went by, most of them being Egyptian and Greek.

It can't be that hard to tell the difference between Heracles and Hercules?

She walked through the exhibitions, passing the time as she waited for the ceremony to begin. As she was walking through the Greek exhibit, she felt her stomach twist and turn. She stopped in her tracks. That feeling only appeared when a strong entity was in the room.

Looking around, she didn't see anyone near that resembled remotely close to a deity. She kept walking, following her gut feeling around the exhibit. Whoever this deity was, was keeping their aura low and hidden. But why?

She entered the room full of marble statues, the feeling in her stomach growing larger. They have to be here somewhere? she thought as her eyes shifted through each person. Just as she was about to walk out of the room, her ears listened to the faint sounds of laughter coming from across the room.

She followed the sound before her eyes fell on two humans, their hand holding their mouths closed. Their shoulder was moving uncontrollably as they tried to keep their laughter down. She first examined the young man. Looking at him, she could tell there was nothing special. His aura just screamed human just by looking at him. She ignored him, moving on to the young woman.

Brunhilde's eyes widened as she looked at the woman. She was human nonetheless, but there was something. Something that screamed power.

The two young people were interrupted by an older human who seemed just as amused as they are. He seemed to have said something to the two of them before the three of them walked in the direction of the Norse Mythology exhibit. Brunhilde followed close behind, taking a spot far from them but just enough space to keep an eye on the young woman.

Who are you? she thought as she continued to stare at you. It seemed she was caught by the man but she didn't bother to look away once your eyes locked onto hers. Soon the curator cut the ribbon in half, letting everyone know that the exhibit is open. She followed you passing everything until she saw you stopping by a spear. A spear she knew belonged to a strong woman she once had met long, long ago. You seemed mesmerized by it as you examined it closely.

Brunhilde decided this could be the only chance to get you alone. So she quickly moved towards you, dodging two little kids in the process. She stood still next to you seeing how your body tensed when she was close.

"Hello. It seems you find this artifact fascinating. Do you know the history behind it?" she said, starting the conversation once she realized you were not going to talk first.

"Oh, yes. It looks... nice in an old way? Sorry, but who are you?" Brunhilde turned her head to look at you.

"I'm a... historian of ancient mythologies," she said, lying through her teeth. "This spear belonged to Lagertha. She was part of a largely female group of warriors who had helped Ragnar Lothbrok to avenge his grandfather's death. She was strong in battle and was one of the main causes why they had one, which is why Ragnar was infatuated with her after the battle was won. But she didn't accept his marriage and put a bear and dog in front of her house to keep him away," she said, almost smiling as she remembered how they had late-night talks and would go hunting together.


You looked at her nodding slowly. "Almost sounds like you personally knew her. Y'know sometimes I feel like I had past lives where I was once a warrior. Fighting off people for my country, but I usually only feel it in my dreams. They always feel real to me," you said, not noticing how her eyes widened.

"Dreams?" she asked.

"Mhm," you hummed. "Like I once had this crazy dream that I was a guy and I had to fight countless people otherwise I would be trialed for treason. Yeah, that was not fun," you said, recalling how everyone in the dream had looked at you with so much disgust.

"You have dreams about past lives?" she asked quickly.

"Uh, I never said that. Only that I dream weird things sometimes." You were starting to think there might be something wrong with her the more you spent time.

"[Name]?" she asked, her voice just above a whisper.

You stood still, looking up at her. "How do... how do you know my name?" you asked, freaked out.

"Oh my gods, it's you," she said, her voice still soft. "But your memory is still not back. You seem old enough to fully remember it, yet you do not know a thing."

"What the fuck?" you said confused. "Listen, I don't know who you are and why you are just suddenly talking to me, but I think I should leave."

You wanted to walk past her, but she grabbed your forearm pulling you back in front of her. "You don't remember me? You don't remember the life we had? This life?" she asked, pointing her chin to the glass case with the spear.

"Listen, I have no idea what you are talking about, nor do I care about this life that I am living," you told her. What was her problem?

"It's me, Brunhilde. The woman you used to go hunting with. Fighting with," she said, looking you dead in the eyes.

"Brunhilde? As in the Valkyrie?"

"Yes. Do you not remember?" she asked again.

You stood still, feeling yourself growing dizzier. "Hold on there, crazy lady," you told her.

Shaking your head, you tried to get rid of the dizziness but it just seemed to get worse. Soon you felt like you were thrown in the back of your mind. A blurry vision of two women walking in a forest. You walked towards them, before recognizing one. Brunhilde?

"What the fuck?" you said, looking with wide eyes at the two as they conversed in a conversation.

The woman next to Brunhilde looked young with a spear strapped to her back. She seemed strong with long brown hair tied up. They looked happy as they continued to talk. As you were about to run after them, you were pulled out.

Brunhilde was still looking at you as the dizziness faded. "What the hell was that?" you asked her.

"What do you mean?" she asked. "Did you... did you see something?"

"It was you, with another woman. Um, long brown hair. A spear. That spear," you pointed to the artifact in the glass case." was on her back."

"It seems I may have unlocked a memory." Brunhilde let go of your arm, giving you space.

"What is this with me having memory loss? Are you... are you telling me that, that was one of my memories." Brunhilde nodded. "Am I. I mean, was I Lagertha?" you asked.

Brunhilde nodded again. "I suggest you come with me. We have much to discuss, especially with the gods growing restless with humanity."

"I think I might pass out," you said.

"Please don't, I need to fill in some grey areas. I suggest you tell your friend that you will be gone for a long time."

"And if I don't want to?" you asked.

"Then you might as well let humanity die alone, without a fighting chance."

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