Overflowing Lights // lee hae...

By kara_axo

318 24 16

street racing au / lee haechan things changed for Kora when she moved to Gwantoneon, a racing metropolis. sh... More



32 3 5
By kara_axo

"So what do you think about this one?" Shuhua asked me as she held up a pair of black shoes. 

They were simple black buckled platformed heels, something a doll would wear. 

"They're cute, but are they ethical?" I ask back. 

"Boo, you're no fun" she replies while sticking her tongue out. 

Shuhua's and my shopping habits tend to be quite different. 

I never really make purchases on clothes unless they're from a thrift store, or its heavily discounted.

And even then, the item goes through a survey. 

Is this comfortable? 

Would I wear it often? 

Could I pair it with multiple outfits? 

Will it work with my busy schedule? 

How much will this dent my bills for this month? 

"Two different tax brackets honey" I say chuckling, which earned me an eye roll from Shuhua. 

Though I will say, it's not awkward. 

When Shuhua and I first started being friends during my first week, I practically protested to everything she tried to buy me. 

But now when she puts the explanation that anything she buys for me, it doesn't affect her but rather her parents... 

It kind of makes you feel a little more comfortable with her offers. 

That's being due to her parents being such assholes. 

"So any word from Sanha?" I asked, slightly changing the subject. 

Shuhua sighed lightly before placing the shoes down. 

"Just a few texts every now and then, to ask how I am, but overall nothing different from last week" she states. 

Last week... 

God, last week. 

I hate to admit it, but anytime I think about Shuhua's break up.. my mind just goes to Haechan. 

That could be because I'm stuck with these thoughts. 

We haven't spoken, or even seen each other since. 

"Also I've been meaning to talk about this with you, but I'm just worried you'll protest it too much" Shuhua suddenly says. 

Looking to her, she looked down to a different pair of shoes. 

"And what would that be?" I ask, cocking an eyebrow at her. 

"Well, do you remember Yongseung? The guy you picked up the notebook from?" she asks, making me furrow my eyebrows. 

"Basically, he asked if you'd be interested in a tutoring job" she states. 

"What?" I ask

Extremely confused is an understatement for this situation. 

"A tutor? For who?" I ask a different question. 

"His little brother Matthew" she answers. 

"This seems like quite a random offer" I reply. 

"Trust me, I was thinking the same thing" Shuhua says. 

"But he explained that you and Matthew seemed to get along when you came over. And they're desperate for some help" she reassures me. 

"A rich family is desperate for help? You're shitting me right?" I ask almost laughing. 

"Matthew tends to have some behavioral issues. To the point where the word in the neighborhood is starting to spread about it" Shuhua explains. 

"What word? That the kid is a difficult learner?" I ask, still quite confused. 

"Okay look... The 217 area is full of patriarchal fucks" Shuhua starts

Immediately taking me off guard by the vulgar language. 

"Word is starting to spread that Yongseung's mother can't parent properly due to Matthew's behavioral issues, as tutors tend to talk amongst the rich mothers. Yongseung's mother is an angel,  when Yongseung snuck me over to get away from my parents, she never told a soul" Shuhua explains. 

"It's just some basic tutoring for a child, and the rest is basically baby sitting as they're house keeper is limiting her hours due to retirement" she adds. 

"What would they pay?" I ask sighing lightly. 

My response easing Shuhua a bit. 

"They would mainly need you in the late mornings and mid afternoon, and they'd pay about three hundred a week, but if you work well with Matthew I wouldn't be surprised if they'd pay you more" Shuhua explains. 

Three hundred a week????


I could be making close to nine hundred a month. 

The offer almost made my knees buckle. 

But I was always taught to never show desperation in an offer. 

"And I didn't want this to come off that you're desperate for money in any way. You're just the only person who I trust enough for Yongseung" Shuhua states. 


But I'm not going to lie..

I am desperate. 

Shuhua's a good friend. 

 Looking at Shuhua it seemed like she was holding in her breath. 

"Okay, okay. Look, ...text Yongseung and let him know I'll stop by tomorrow to discuss the offer" I reply. 

My response making Shuhua shuffle herself over to me before wrapping me in a hug. 

"You're the best fucking person ever" she says as I'm practically suffering from her grip. 

"Yeah, yeah... but anyways I'll see you later tonight" I say as I caught a glimpse of the time across the store. 

Releasing her grip, Shuhua beamed a smile. 

"That's right! One of Taeyong's first commissions!" she says sending me a nudge. 

"Yep, and I'm only slightly freaking out" I reply. 

"No, no, no, you're amazing Kora. Remember that" Shuhua says giving me one last hug. 

As I exited the building I watched Shuhua through the window. 

Her bright expression that she sent me as I walked away, had now faded into a slight frown as she browsed shoes. 

I knew she was still hurting. 

And I knew even better that she was hiding it. 

After three transfer trains apart of me was beginning to dread Taeyong's commission offer. 

I could driven and maybe spared thirty minutes, but the train was cheaper. 

And the views were a little more worth it. 

What began as the city scape of Gwantoneon, transformed into a seaside city of Damyon. 


Getting off the train, my legs screamed of discomfort as they fell asleep along the ride. 

But the city was gorgeous, in its own way of course. 

Gwantoneon had the bright neon lights, and a white noise of people that filled it's essence. 

Damyon on the other hand had the blue skies, nature, and white noise of a little trolley train that ran through out the city. 

Checking the messages through the clients info on my phone, I was beginning to feel a little nervous. 

Who was the client? 

The most information I had was some business cards with a name and contact info. 

But out of all the business cards, this one stuck out. 

The card only had a first name, and a singular number. 


Inputting the directions on my phone, I walked next to shops occasionally glancing in my peripheral. 

The city was a true beauty. 

Turning down my final road, I had to pause to take it all in. 

With perfect timing I watched the small trolley pass by, making me wish I would've had my camera with me. 

"Kora, right?" I suddenly heard a voice call.

A girl sat on a ledge that edged some bushes, as she looked at me. 

"Chaeyoung?" I asked.

 Feeling as if we were two strangers from the internet meeting for the first time. 

Looking past her, down a side street my eyes almost popped out of skull. 

Nestled in an alley between a boutique and pet shop, a white 2022 Porsche sat. 

"I know, she's gorgeous" Chaeyoung says with a smile. 

"Gorgeous, of course. But more impressive" I state. 

"They aren't even on the market I though?" I question. 

With Chaeyoung getting up from her seat, she walked me over to the vehicle. 

"They aren't. But when you help design of the car, you tend to get some priority" she states with a slight chuckle. 


She straight up designed the newest Porsche?

"I notice a spoiler, I'm going to guess it's not all for show" I mention, looking to Chaeyoung. 

"What makes you think that?" she questions, almost like she was testing me. 

"Most buyer upon looks will opt out for spoiler, as they want the sleek design. But other who know spoilers are not for cosmetic, would opt for it" I answer. 

"Oh, and not to mention... You know Taeyong" I say with a slight shrug. 

Chaeyoung slightly chuckle as she adjusted her hair. 

"Taeyong told me you'd know your stuff" she commented. 

"A car like this could definitely make some noise in Gwantoneon" I state as I snap a few photos.

With the car sitting in front of my original view of the water, I took my time getting good shots. 

"No doubt about it, but then again I love it here too much" Chaeyoung replies. 

"You ever been to Damyon before?" she asked. 

Snapping a few shots from the side, I looked away and to Chaeyoung and shook my head. 

"Nope, but it's gorgeous.  Yet considering I just moved to Gwantoneon, i tend to hold some bias" I reply. 

"Give it time hun" she chuckled, making me feel a little weird from the pet name. 

It was hard enough that this was commission from Taeyong, but the fact that she was pretty made it more nerve wrecking. 

"You lived in Gwantoneon for a while?" I asked. 

"A while? More than a decade" she corrected. 

"I used to make quite a name for myself back during my street racing days" Chaeyoung added. 

"What was your reason for leaving?" I asked. 

"Time... New racers were coming, and I wanted to do more" she explained. 

"And more is out here?" I question, almost feeling nosey. 

"God no, more is still in Gwantoneon. But peace is here" Chaeyoung says. 

I could feel her eyes on me with every shot I took. 

"I mean you're a street race photographer correct?" Chaeyoung asks me. 

"Yeah, basically" I reply. 

"Are you going to school for anything?" she questions. 

Never mind the thought about me being nosey. 

"School isn't really for me" I reply. 

"How old are you?" Chaeyoung questions me. 

The sentence causing me to turn and look at her. 

She was leaning against a electric poll with her arms crossed. 

"Twenty - one" I reply, once again feeling nervous. 

"What about you?" I question, still looking at her. 

"Twenty- three" she replies, rolling her eyes with a smile. 

"Anyways.. don't limit yourself. Expand this photography stuff" she adds. 

"I feel like street racing photography is a little too niche to expand" I reply. 

"Well yeah no shit, and quite illegal" Chaeyoung laughs. 

"I mean if you're good at taking photos of cars, you could probably do other stuff as well" she explains. 

Taking a few more snaps of the car, I tried my best to relax. 

"How did you do it?" I suddenly asked. 

"Do what?" Chaeyoung asks back. 

"Go from street racing to designing Porsche cars" I state. 

"And I don't know, even after winning everything felt stagnant." Chaeyoung says. 

"Like I was winning, and making money; but I knew I couldn't compete with the new generation of racers" she explained. 

"So I took my hobby of drawing and applied it to school. And with some connections in the street racing community, I got myself a spot in small automobile company making sketches" she added. 

"So then how Porsche?" I question. 

"One of my friends Daehyun was dating some CEO affiliated with Porsche. Had a house party at some point and he saw some sketches on my wall and looked into my work" she answered. 

"When I tell you to make connections with everyone, I mean everyone" Chaeyoung states. 

"Everyone?" I question. 

"Even the people you hate. I can't tell you the amount of times that name dropping someone I even hated has helped me in the past. In this industry, it's sad but you need connections" she explains. 

Chaeyoung and I had already gone over the photos. 

We even already discussed edits to be taken on them, and the date I'd be sending them. 

Yet we sat in the café talking for an hour. 

"And so that brings me to here..." Chaeyoung starts. 

"If you need anything in the future, let me know" she states. 

"I could never" I insist. 

"I mean it. Even if it's advice, I'll give it" she replies. 

"But I can't guarantee you'll like it" she jokes making me chuckle. 

"And if you're ever in Gwantoneon let me know, we'll grab some more coffee" I state, earning a grin from Chaeyoung. 

"Deal, and the same for if you're in Damyon" she replies. 

"Holy shit, that went way better than I expected!" Shuhua says with excitement. 

I had to admit, this venue for the race was probably the creepiest. 

Not only did we have to take the most raggedy elevator to get down here, every engine seemed to roar due to the echo's. 

"So much for faith" I joke, making Shuhua hold me arm. 

"Come on, I mean... You got yourself a mentor!" she says trying to save the situation. 

The location is supposedly under the cities river, which the tunnel is currently under construction. 

Not creepy at all. 

"Ladies..." we suddenly hear interrupting our conversation. 

I didn't even need to turn around, I knew who it was. 

Felix and Bangchan.

"I'm starting to think this is becoming a ritual for you guys to visit us before every race" I joke, which earns a chuckle from both the idiots. 

"Come on, you know you love it" Felix says nudging me with his elbow a bit. 

"You just like to think that" Shuhua retorts, making me chuckle. 

"Speaking of rituals..." Bangchan states. 

Pointing to the left of us, we watched Yeji's car pull to the line. 

"Are they becoming a thing?" Bangchan questions as we watch Haechan exit her car. 

Looking away quickly, I tired to not think too hard on it. 

I mean Haechan and I made out, we didn't confess an undying love to one another. 

If anything this just proves my point that the dude is a player, and probably has got with half the city. 

"I mean remember last year, it could just be verbatim" Felix comments. 

Sending a confused expression to Shuhua, she notices how I have no idea what they're talking about. 

"The two were hooking up pretty often supposedly, but shit went down and everything went explosive between them" she explains. 

"Supposedly he was cheating" Felix added. 

"I heard she cheated" Bangchan commented. 

I mean they definitely were hooking up, as Yuta wouldn't lie to me. 

Glancing over to Yeji's car, all I could remember was last weekend. 

Not Haechan and I making out. 

But instead intense glare I received from her after the race. 

Yuta said jealousy; but if she's used to Haechan playing her, why would I affect her that much? 

"This place is cute!" I yell to Shuhua through the music. 

"Fucking tell me about it! There's bubbles everywhere!" she yelled with a smile. 

I thought the BubbleBAR would rather be a champagne flute paradise, but it was still satisfying by the amount of actual bubbles floating through the outside bar. 

Downing a shot, Shuhua and I felt good tonight. 

Even though things felt weird. 

Jaehyun lost tonight to Felix. 

As we wandered past the bar, we watched drunk people in the pool. 

Spilling alcohol in the chlorine, and drunk chicken fights; we had all the entertainment for tonight. 

"I'm still so confused as how Jaehyun lost that race" Shuhua yelled over the music. 

"Quite honestly I don't either, I say we put it to luck and the universe" I yell back over the music. 

Today felt good, but also weird. 

I have a future job opportunity, my commission went well, and Haechan is out of sight. 

I know I had all these thoughts due to no explanation from the arcade, but seeing him with Yeji was enough to settle the thoughts. 

It's casual. 

"There you guys are!" I suddenly heard over the music. 

Felix, and the rest of his friends came trotting over to our high-top by the water. 

"There's the winner!" Shuhua yells, making me chuckle. 

Felix instead had a slight grin on his face, he was proud. 

"You did great, even though I only saw you leave and come back" I joke, making Felix roll his eyes. 

"Don't forget you owe me for last weekend" Felix replies closer to me. 

Oh shit, that's right. 

"Are you expecting me to buy you a winning shot or something?" I ask with a slight head tilt. 

"You could start with that" he replies with a sly smirk. 

I knew Shuhua was in good hands with Bangchan, so Felix and I made our way to the outside bar. 

With the place being packed, I found a way to squeeze a spot for us. 

That of course coming with close proximities to one another, so much I could feel his breath above me. 

"Can I have two melon ball shots" Felix ordered while setting his card on the bar. 

"Are you kidding me, I thought I was buying!" I yell to him. 

"No you're taking the shot with me" he replies. 

With the bartender placing the two shots down, I sent Felix a deadpan glare. 

With each of us holding the shot, I was resisting for a second. 

"This is going to burn" I say, making Felix laugh. 

"No pain, no gain baby" he replied clicking glasses before both of us flinching. 

"damn" I say wincing after downing the alcohol.

"Holy shit I love this song" Felix says excitedly. 

Listening for a spilt second, I couldn't even recognize the song. 

All the music had been a blur until Felix mentioned how this was his favorite. 

Hearing a few more lyrics, I realized it was a Rihanna song. 

"Come dance" Felix says like he was trying to hold back a smile as best as possible. 

"Felix" I say with a mortified expression. 

"Come on, you and me" he says with a wink. 

Grabbing my hand, a part of me wasn't arguing with him. 

The base was louder when hitting the dance floor, so much my head was pounding. 

"I can't dance to save my life!" I yell in Felix's ear. 

He looked down and smiled while trying to hold back his laughter. 

"May I?" he says holding out his hands. 

"As long as you don't make me look like a fool" I reply. 

Felix's smile grew before turning me around. 

His hands rested lightly on my hips as he guided them to move slowly from side to side. 

"Just follow my lead" he said in my ear, his tone enough to make me feel a little funny. 

Turning me around to be facing him this time, I couldn't hold back a smile. 

Holding my hips again, we followed the beat until it was time for the chorus where he would embarrassingly mouth the lyrics in front of me. 

At this point I didn't care how we were dancing, we could've been making a fool out of ourselves. 

But it didn't matter. 

When I felt the bass change, I knew the song was over. 

Moving away from Felix's grip, I could tell he didn't want me too. 

"Come on, one more song" Felix yelled. 

"After restroom!" I yell back, earning a nod from him. 

Did I have to use the restroom?


Can I hold it? 

No doubt. 

I mainly needed a breather. 

I wasn't a dancer to begin with. 

And didn't see myself dancing with Felix. 

So things were hitting. 

"Do you know where the bathroom is?" I ask Shuhua, who was having a conversation with Bangchan. 

"Yep, up the outside stairs to the lounge room and their should be bathrooms" she explained. 

"Want me to come with?" she questions, winking at me. 

Obviously referencing Felix and I on the dance floor. 

"I'm okay, I'll be right back" I reassure, earning a nod. 

I wouldn't have minded if she joined, but I needed a breather as I said.

Maybe just my thoughts. 

Making my way up the stairs I'm met with the outside patio on the second floor. 

"Having fun?" I heard a voice ask as I trying to head to the doors of the lounge. 

Haechan leaned up against a guard rail that over looked the dance floor below. 

I couldn't lie and say my heart didn't just slight pick up it's pace by the sight of him.

You've got to be kidding me. 

What a fucking cliché. 

The rest of the guys were no where in sight. 

Was he just here by himself? 

"Yeah I guess, yourself?" I ask, asking natural. 

His serious expression faltered with a tiny smirk. 


"Not bad, I mean knowing I'm right" Haechan replies. 

"You're right?" I question. 

Feeling like I'm missing something. 

"I told you he liked you" he states, pointing down below referencing Felix. 

And also referencing our talk for when I took pictures of his car. 

"Quite odd that you spend your time watching me dance" I retort with deadpanned glare. 

"You didn't deny it" Haechan insists. 

Deny that Felix likes me? 

Why is he so concerned about that shit? 

"I've never heard him confess, so technically you're still wrong" I state with a slight head tilt. 

Like I was soaking in his loss. 

"That's cute.. " Haechan replies. 

"Wouldn't be surprised if he would've made a move on you for the next song" he adds. 

"Okay what's the point of this right now?" I question, annoyed with his pesters and weird questions. 

It's like he's sulking. 

" You're the one who was watching me dance in your free time" I add. 

"What's wrong with me watching you dance" Haechan replies quickly. 

The response making me pause for a second. 

"Listen, I'm just saying..." Haechan starts frowning his lips into a straight line.

"Saying what?" I question with raised eyebrows. 

Tired of him beating around the bush. 

"As someone leading the dance, he could've done more..." he says shrugging his shoulders. 

This is the response I waiting for? 

Complete fucking bullshit. 

"Are you trying to instigate something?" I ask squinting my eyes. 

"Instigate? I would never" he says holding his hand up in defense.

"You know what... since you're deciding to play a judge as if we're on dancing with the stars; why don't you put your money where your mouth is and show me" I state. 

"Show you what?" Haechan scoffs, making his way closer to me. 

Standing over me and looking down, I knew he was trying to intimidate me. 

But I was tired of his shit. 

"You said he could've done more,.. show me" I reply, cocking a brow at him. 

Looking up, my sight didn't falter.  

I watched him poke his tongue against his cheek as he looked at me. 

"Alright, follow me then" he say walking over to the lounge doors. 

With him holding the door me, as soon as I was in the club Haechan took no time snaking his hand around my waist. 

"Let's go to the inside club, I'd hate for your boy toy to get jealous" Haechan says in my ear. 


"He already is, that's why I'm about to dance with him" I retort back. 

The response making Haechan pause. 

I knew it would get a rise out of him to call him my boy toy. 

Looking down to me, he was held off a smirk. 

Leading me down the stairs, a bigger dance floor awaited us. 

Reaching the end of the stair case, the base was pounding. 

"Whatever is about to happen is going to happen when you walk on the floor with me, make your decision now" Haechan yelled in my ear. 

Staring down at me Haechan had the expression that almost scared me. 

With no response, Haechan was game. 

Sliding his arm out from my  waist to grip my hand, he guided me through the crowds. 

Closer to the DJ where the bass and the volume were unmatched. 

Feeling Haechan run his hand from my thigh up to my hip, my eyes widened. 

Thank god he couldn't see my face. 

"What he did wrong, was the light touch" Haechan yelled. 

Gripping my hips, he was quick to press his croch against my ass. 

With the song changing to something more upbeat, I felt my heart through my chest. 

Haechan took no time to change the pace before spinning me around. 

Still gripping my waist, his eyes looked darkened in the lighting. 

"Follow how my hips are moving" he almost orders, never breaking eye contact.

"And what if I don't?" I yell back. 

The flirtatious comment making him lean down in my ear. 

"Then you're coming home with me" he replies. 

The statement taking the air out of my throat. 

Excuse me? 

Haechan guided me to the base of the song. 

My hands following from his abdomen and and to the side base of the neck. 

The same grip I had when we kissed.

My touch making him lean down in front me where our lips were inches apart. 

He was practically teasing me. 

With the chorus slowing down in the middle Haechan had me spun again, making sure my ass was against his again. 

His hands feeling up and down, I could feel his irritation by my clothes. 

"He fucked up" Haechan stated as I leaned against him. 

"It wouldn't have mattered if he kissed you, I still did it first" he added. 

The words coming out Haechan mouth was shocking to say the least. 

'I did it first?'


But before I could reply, lips began to practically devour on my neck. 

Goosebumps were ridden all over my body, and my breath was hitching. 

I couldn't help but turn around on my own to face him myself. 

His breaths were deep, almost like he was holding himself back. 

"God, I have jealousy issues with you" he states lowly, so low it made me wonder if I heard it correctly. 

Jealousy issues? 

With the song smoothly fading into the next,  I could see Haechan faltering. 

Like he was trying to resist something. 

Or even realizing what he was saying. 

Moving his grip to both sides of my face, I was anticipating a kiss. 

But instead I watched him disappear into the crowd. 

What the actual fuck. 

No like seriously... 

What the fuck? 

"I know how club bathrooms can be, honestly Felix can be as disappointed as he wants" Shuhua states. 

"He's all like, we should look for her. And I'm like... clinger alert..." she adds making me chuckle. 

While eating some left over ramen back at my place, we recounted the night. 

"Shuhua, I'm so confused" I state. 

"Over what" she questions. 

"Haechan and I-" I start. 

"Danced tonight?" she questions in finishing my sentence. 

"You-" I say 

"Me? Yes, I knew. Who do you think ended up checking on you when you were gone too long?" she questions. 

"And-" I start 

"And yes you've had something going on since the arcade..." she finishes again. 

"How do you know????" I ask perplexed. 

"Listen, I went through my own hiding relationship of my own. So I know the signs" she says nudging me. 

"Well if you know all of this, do you have any advice?" I question. 

She pauses for a second as she thinks. 

"Follow your heart, but take your mind with you..." she states. 

"That's so fucking vague" I retort. 

"I know, because I have no advice" she replies sheepishly, making us both laugh. 

"No advice? Are you shitting me?" I question. 

"Listen I've never had a thing with Lee Haechan, so your the learning curve here" Shuhua replies, making me laugh. 

"Alright so I should go to you if I ever have a thing with Jaemin?" I shoot back. 

The reply making her have a horrified expression on her face. 

"How you do you know?" she asks, while moving closer to my face. 

"Come on.... I've seen the way he looks and worries about you!" I explain. 

"Nope, no way...  did he mention something?" she questions, becoming suspicious. 

Really suspicious. 

"No weirdo,.. I jUsT kNoW tHe SiGns" I mock her, making us both laugh. 

"Oh, shut up!" she says, beginning to grab a pillow. 


omg, hiiiii. i know it's been so long. my last semester for college was rough to say the least. but im happy to upload and continue the stories. still love ya'lls comments, votes, and saves; i literally try to check whenver i can. hope everyone is staying happy and healthy, and i'll try better to upload more !! <3 ~k

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