Our Story (Meliodas x OC)

By meliodasbean

46.1K 1.2K 120

Meliodas x OC Alexandria, a goddess who's been ranked a high one at that falls in love with a demon while wan... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 14

1K 35 3
By meliodasbean

Alex finally sees an opening. She grabs his hand and flips him over her head, slamming his back into the ground. She quickly straddles his hips and pins his hands behind his head.

"Give up?"

"Not yet" Meliodas smirks and lets his demon symbol appear

"Oh, so we're doing that?" She laughs and her eyes switch from their usual blue to the pretty orange color with her little symbol but they both stop laughing and stand up abruptly, letting their features return to normal.

'What do you wanna do?'

'I'm gonna tell 'em I'm Meliodas and to get out of here or we'll kill 'em'

"Is it over?" A man speaks up

"Don't leave us hanging!" Another speaks up

"They haven't flexed so hard that they wet themselves, have they?" Hawk asks Elizabeth as the rest of the sins head up to the platform with Meliodas and Alex

'You don't think that'll really work do you?'

"Sir Ban? Sir King?" Elizabeth says

'I guess we'll find out'

'Wait no, Meli—'

"I'm actually Meliodas the Dragon Sin, captain of the Seven Deadly Sins! We're claiming the entire village
of Vaizel as our own!" Alex looks at him with her cheeks puffed a little, trying not to laugh

'Don't laugh Lexi'

'I wasn't gonna laugh' she bites her bottom lip to try and keep a poker face on 'You know, you're pretty cute when you're serious' she bites down harder when he gives her a playful little side-eye glare

"Hold on what? Why'd that idiot tell them who he really is? Do you know what's going on Elizabeth?" Hawk asks

"I'm giving you less than one minute to clear this town! Understand?! If you don't we're gonna kill you all! " Meliodas puts his pointer finger up

'Wow that's helping our reputation a lot Meli'

"You're not fooling anyone you brat!" A person in the crowd speaks up

"What he said! You don't look anything like that wanted poster!" Another speaks

"Wait. given how strong they are, you don't suppose it's true?"

"Yes please erase my wanted poster from out of your minds! I'm not and never will be that old and wrinkled!" Alex shouts and Meliodas covers his laugh with a cough

"Get the hell out of here!" Meliodas screams

"Hey, what's that?" The people from the crowd question as a bunch of fireball-looking things fall from the sky

'Can you get those for me please?'

'Yes sir!' She salutes and giggles, Meliodas just smiles a bit and goes to do his full counter on one of them while Alex uses a barrier to block the others from hitting Vaziel

"Damn, they're here already?" Meliodas asks

"That gear she's holding us sacred treasure class" King says

"It sure is, she's probably even stronger than when we all fought her back in the necropolis," Alex says

"And there's three this time. For now, let's split up" Meliodas tells everyone

"Alright looks like everyone from the village is evacuated! Now, where did everyone else go?" Alex walks around looking for everyone. She walked around a bit until she spotted Hawk dragging Meliodas and Ban somewhere, assuming Elizabeth was with him she figured it was okay to stall a bit. She spots King with Guila and Jericho a couple of feet away, then someone else comes up from behind. He tells the other two to find 'what they came here for' and they flew off so Alex followed them.

"Your objectives, or we'll Hendricksons objectives were Meliodas and that sword right? Alex hears Veronica say

"Be a good girl and hand over Elizabeth, if you refuse—" Guila gets cut off by a purple ball around herself and Jericho

"I will not allow you to address Princess Veronica in such a manner" she recognizes the voice and purple force field thing, Griamore.

"Nicely done! I don't know what you're planning to do, but you guys and Hendrickson need to be court-martialed!" Veronica tells them from outside the purple force field and Elizabeth takes off with Meliodas's sword and a purple jewel in her hands. Alex's eyes widen.

"Would you-" Alex hears Guila start before taking off after Elizabeth too, she makes it just 2 seconds before the ground explodes, capturing both princesses in a little force field of her own magic but not being able to get herself in one in time

"Princess Veronica!" Griamore shouts

"Elizabeth!" Hawk shouts as well

"No, Alex, Veronica!. This can't be happening. Veronica, open your eyes! Alex, wake up!"  Starts crying

"Hey Eli" Alex groans

"I'm here, I'm right here"

"Eli I'm fine, I'll be okay. Are you and Veronica okay?" Alex says already healing, she wants to see if she's right about something so she doesn't try to heal  Veronica just yet

"I'm fine Alex, but I think the force knocked Veronica out," Elizabeth tells her

"It was a smart move to plant a ring of them all around town. Killer mines" Guila and Jericho walk up to everyone

"You filthy swines!" Hawk screams

"You-" Griamore tries to shout but gets cut off by an explosion, and none of them react quick enough

"You sure that's a smart decision? He is the grandmaster's son" Jericho says

"The Seven Deadly Sins attacked and that's when he and Princess Veronica met an untimely death. Pretty believable right?" Guila responds

"You're one scary woman" Guila then picks up Meliodas's broken sword

"Now Princess Elizabeth, let's be on our way home, I ask you to come with us and not offer any pointless resistance" Guila smiles picking up Meliodas's broken sword and Alex is struggling because she's trying to heal and keep up the force field that's protecting Veronica and Elizabeth. She feels Elizabeth healing her as well though, so it's getting easier but the stress isn't.

"Alright before Meliodas gets here let me have a little fun" Elizabeth looks up from Veronica and sees Alex's eyes, her eyes widen as well. She's seen them before, in memory and on herself. Alex stands straight up shocking the two knights in front of her and starts moving her fingers around like King does to control Chasteifol, instead, both girls start flying around into things like the ground, the hill on the left, the hill behind them, and she finally sends them a few feet back. She runs up to them while they're getting up and starts throwing punches at them as she did with Meliodas except a little more serious. Faster too, so they have no time to throw around explosions or anything.

"Sir Meliodas, we need you. Help Alex" Elizabeth whisper shouts into the amulet he's trapped in. Alex finally steps back and examines Jericho and Guila, knowing they aren't dead she goes to sit by Elizabeth and Veronica letting down the force field she's put around them. Finally, the shell starts breaking, and the dark energy he's releasing can be sensed and seen from a mile away as well.

"Elizabeth are you two okay?" Alex asks while she's thinking of a way to bring Meliodas out of whatever he's in, she expected him to have his demon mark out but not to be in this state. Meliodas in the flesh and blood, has half his body covered with the dark energy. She just hopes it isn't corrupting him.

"Alright yeah, like this right?" Alex asks, Merlin has finally agreed to teach her some magic just because Alex has been begging since she's met, Merlin

"Yes, but enunciate your words more clearly. If you don't know your Latin your magic won't work properly"  Alex and Merlin have been out for several weeks now, leaving Meliodas and Hawk at the tavern alone. It doesn't help his nerves that she's cut off their communication either, because she wants to 'focus everything on this learning session she's been waiting soo long for'. Meliodas doesn't see the point in Alex learning magic, not when she's already almost as powerful as him with just her goddess abilities and not to mention she's pretty skilled in hand-to-hand combat, courtesy of Meliodas.

"venti vi," Alex says and a gush of wind comes from out of her hand

"Good, now try it again" Alex does as she's told and does it again without saying anything aloud but in her head. She learns more light magic throughout the weeks that she's gotten tutor lessons from Merlin

"Meli! Hawk! Come come look, look what I can do!" Alex finally returns home to the good old tavern, where 2 special people are waiting impatiently for her.


"Lexi!!!" Hawk and Meliodas scream and jump on her, she falls flat on her back

"Oh how I've missed you," Meliodas says while kissing all over her face, straddling her stomach

"Oh how I've missed your cooking" Hawk rubs his head on her side

"You guys are help- helple- Meliodas let me- talk!" She pushes his face away from hers but he pushes back, she rolls over away from Hawk and flips her and Meliodas over, pinning him to the ground, straddling him.

"You guys are helpless," she says out of breath smirking, he just smirks back because she doesn't realize what she's doing

'You might wanna check where your sitting' He tells her and she looks down then looks back to him for a second before getting off of him, swaying her hips a little more as she walks away

"Come on Hawk, I'll cook then I'll show you guys what I learned from Merlin" As Hawk exclaims and blabbers on about how bad Meliodas's cooking is, Meliodas grabs Alex's hand and spins her once before kissing her

"I've missed you, Lexi, seriously" she chuckles a little

"Yes I know, I've missed you too. Now let me go cook so I can show you what I learned!" He lets her go and as she's walking away he smacks her ass, earning a glare and a headbutt from Hawk

"Meliodas have a little respect! She just got back for Pete's sake!"

"I'm her husband I should be able to do that!" He rubs his head, hearing laughter from the kitchen and then laughing to himself, he then gets up to go 'help' with dinner.

Hey guys, let me tell you. Exams were a bitch, straight up. Anyways I didn't really proof read so if it sounds slow yk just ignore it. I might go back and edit all my chapters, might not. Summers around and I don't have much to do. Oh! I'm watching One piece, that's also a reason I'm a little slow with updates, but I'll be better I swear lmao. Anyways, enjoy😭

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