Our Story (Meliodas x OC)

By meliodasbean

43.5K 1.1K 114

Meliodas x OC Alexandria, a goddess who's been ranked a high one at that falls in love with a demon while wan... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 13

1K 33 4
By meliodasbean

"We're betting on you, pretty little lady!" A man from the crowd shouts

"Yeah kick his ass, Lil lady!"

"I have to say, you are the spitting image of her. When I saw your face, I had my suspicions. I heard 'Kaiya' and threw them away though. The truth has to be your Alex and Meliodas daughter aren't you?" Cain says walking up to Alex and she turns to Meliodas for a second and he nods to her

"Nope. I'm Alex" she points to herself

"Stuff and nonsense! There's no way Alex could be a whippersnapper like you!"

"Shhhh! It's a long story but I'm using another name!"

"If she was alive, she'd be a young woman in her 30's or so"

"Why doesn't anyone ever believe us" Alex pouts

"The fact you don't even remember me makes that hard to believe"

"Yeah, I'm sorry I don't" She turns to Meliodas and he shrugs, she closes her eyes and pinches the bridge of her nose

"If it's true you're the Alex I knew all those years ago..." he jumps up and starts attacking, her eyes still closed she blocks each one effortlessly using her hands to catch his knees, feet, hands, whatever he throws at her

"I will never forgive you or Meliodas!"

'That crest..' Meliodas says

'Its Danafall's...  He knows about Liz. He knows Meli I can't'

'Shhh, Lexi it's okay. You can't freak out, I'm right here... You're okay"

"Why did you destroy our kingdom!" Cain let's fire spring out of his hands shooting at Alex, she takes the pain, letting it burn her skin knowing it won't scar.

"A direct hit!" King screams scrambling trying to get past the people holding them back


'Meli keep them back, don't let them interfere'

'Lexi I can't stand to see you hurt you know this, don't let him-'



"Why did you kill our people?!"

"Kaiya can't counter Cain's strange techniques!"

"Come on momma! Fight back properly!" Diane tries pushing her way past the people holding them back

"Let me get to her!" Ban says

"Guys chill out! Lexi can handle this. Leave it be." Meliodas tells them and they sit still biting their cheeks, lips, anything to keep them in their seats watching their mother figure get hurt in a fight

"Why did you kill Liz, The one you loved enough to claim as a daughter?!" Cain throws more fire her way a bigger attack than the last

"I tried to save them, I wanted to protect everyone by Meliodas's side, but we failed... this time I swear it won't happen again!" She disperses the attack with ease

"Where'd that fireball go?" A man in the crowd questions

"It vanished!" Another speaks up

"Counter vanish technique, The technique that disperses any offensive magic directed against you, the technique. You're the Alex I knew alright, where's Meliodas?" She points toward him in the crowd and Meliodas smiles and waves

"I just remembered who you are, Cain Barzard" Alex smiles

"You finally remembered eh?"

"Yeah! Back when you were in the Holy Knights, you went by the name Barzard the Flame. You were always wearing a full suit of armor back then though so it's not entirely my fault I didn't remember you." She laughs a little

"Oh, I was? I don't recall" he walks up to her "Can I take you at your word? That you guys didn't betray Danafall? You didn't betray us all?"

"Of course" he starts crying and hugs her "I'm so glad! How I've longed to hear those words from you guys! When I returned from my duties, everything was gone! All too plausible rumors were going around that you guys had destroyed Danafall! But I always wanted to believe that they were lies!"

'I would like the help now, he's crying and making my burns hurt'

"Alright, you old geezer getcha hands off my woman!" Meliodas shouts

"What's going on?" Diane asks

"Beats me" King replies

"I really am so glad, It's wonderful to see the lady of a comrade in arms from the old days still alive!"

"Um, excuse me? What about the fight?" Love Helm chips in

"I'll be forfeiting the match," Cain tells him

"Ah! What's this?! Cain admits his own defeat! The winner of the third round is Kaiya!"

"Are you sure?" Alex asks

"Yes, of course. You're still a softie, I see. Just like your husband, you could've reflected my techniques back at me whenever you wanted." Cain responds

"Ah yes, one of the many perks I've learned from him" Alex throws back a wink at Meliodas, and the guys behind him all start fangirling, he turns to glare and they all shut up

"But I suppose I'll take things easy now and sit back and enjoy the rest of the matches" he waves as he walks off the platform

"Now unto the semi-finals! We have our match up's... Meliodaf vs Baaaan and Kaiya vs Matrona! First. Standing at 5'2 and weighing 110 pounds... Meliodaf! And standing at 6'11 and weighing 170 pounds, Baaaan!" Love Helm announces

"It's about time huh? I suppose we should get down to it" Ban says

"You got it!"

"Come on capt- I mean Meliodaf! You got it!" Diane screams

"If you screw up and lose this match Ban, we'll tell Elaine!" King screams

"Mom would never!" Ban screams back

"Oh I would, I would love to see her whoop that ass" Alex laughs, and Ban smiles "Come here Eli, come watch Meli whoop on Ban!"

"Uh okay!" She hops onto Alex's hand and gets onto her shoulder so she can see

"Time for the match to get underway!"

"I sure wish we had more room to move around in," Ban says and Meliodas laughs "what's with the laughing? You looking forward to fighting with me that much, Captain?"

"I was thinking back to the old days, we had about this much space then, too"

"It's been a while, which time are you talking about?"

"Don't worry, cause you'll remember it soon enough"  Meliodas puts his hands up and moves as quick as light, it could appear as if he disappeared into the normal eye. He comes back around and hits Ban directly in the face, catching him off guard.

"Oh yeah! I think I remember now!" He quickly recomposes himself and they both start moving faster than the eye can keep up, throwing and blocking punches left and right, before Meliodas sends a punch right to Ban's stomach making him spit up blood and fly back. Meliodas stumbles forward falling to his knees

"Oh no! Looks like both fighters are down!" Love Helm announces

'Meli you okay?"

"Yeah it's just Ban, no need to worry'

"You jerk, you've gone and done it now..." Meliodas laughs

Ban laughs too "And up we go"

"What's going on?! All of Baaaan's injuries are completely gone!" Love Helm screams

Ban rushes forward, and Meliodas throws a last-minute punch in front of him trying to hit Ban, but he's in back of him and hits him to the ground. Some guys in the crowd talk about how they're crazy and one can't help but agree.

"I'm floating like a butterfly now!" Ban says and Meliodas comes out of nowhere elbowing him in his cheek "you knocked out one of my teeth!" Ban sticks out his tongue and lifts his lip "or not" Meliodas goes to kick Ban but he moves out the way and punches Meliodas instead

"You see that King?" Diane asks

"Yeah, the Captain's steadily losing his ability
to follow Ban's movements"

"His stamina's running out, you mean?"

"Right after the Captain's movements slowed down, Ban's agility shot up!"

"What are you trying to say?" Elizabeth chirps in

"Ban's ability, Snatch, is able to sap physical abilities
such as speed and power" Ban lands an uppercut sending Meliodas into a backflip but he lands and grabs Ban's arm slamming him back and forth into the ground

"Meliodaf has turned the tables! He's beating Baaaan like a rug! Look at that raw power!" Love Helm shouts once again

"This feeling as your strength flows from you to me, it's such a rush! I wonder how much power I actually ended up taking! Let's find out!" Ban jumps up fist ready to land on Meliodas's face, but he counters with a fist of his own. Breaking Ban's fingers and punching right into his gut, probably breaking more ribs than one could count.

"This has got to be some kind of joke, just how bottomless is your power, Captain? Okay, I've made up my mind"

"To throw in the towel?"

"It doesn't look like I can wrap this up by nibbling away at your speed and power, so I'll just take it all!"

Meliodas rushes in throwing punch after punch

"Hurry up and finish him off already!" Diane screams

"If Ban steals his strength, he'll win. If the Captain can put him down before then, HE wins." King says Meliodas's punches slow down until he lands one punch that is lighter than a feather and he falls to the ground

"That was delicious, Captain!"

"It looks like things have turned around folks. Meliodaf, who had been pummeling Baaaan mercilessly, has just run out of strength!"

"Alex, what's going on with Sir Meliodas?" Elizabeth asks

"Ban took his physical abilities. Making him lose his strength, but don't worry he's not out of the game yet" Her angel eyes showing as she winks at Elizabeth

"It's time to put an end to our pleasant little tussle, Captain."

'You ready Lexi?'


"What to do, what to do," Ban thinks aloud

"Ban! If you do anything more to the Captain, I'll never forgive you! Friendship over! Understand?!" Diane shouts and King holds her back

"No comments from the peanut gallery, except... mom do I have permission?" Ban asks

"Do as you please" he notes her angel eyes showing but continues anyways not thinking much of it

"Are you punch drunk or something? I'm the one who won." Meliodas laughs

Ban laughs back "You and I are the perfect match, Captain! Well, I'm gonna get in one last hit if you don't mind, mom doesn't anyway"

"Stop Sir Ban! If we don't do something, Meliodas is going to--" Elizabeth screams

"The Captain's won the fight. I can see it now he's just playing dead to catch him off guard and reflect Ban's all-out punch back in his face using his Full Counter."

"That's not what's gonna happen, Full Counter can only reflect magical attacks, not physical. He can't use it against that punch" Alex tells her yawning

"No way! Then what's the captain gonna do?!"

"Just have a lil faith in him Diane" Alex smiles at her

"If you survive, give me your impressions afterward. Let me know how a punch fueled by both our power felt!" Ban says

"Sir Meliodas, look out!" Elizabeth calls out and Ban delivers his punch, dust blows everywhere

"Oh no, he really attacked him... Sir Meliodas!" Elizabeth screams once more with tears in her eyes and the dust starts to clear

"Shh, watch the name Elizabeth" Meliodas stands there with his finger to his mouth, winking at Alex as her eyes go back to normal

"Look at that! Meliodaf is standing all alone in the ring! Where has Baaaan gone?!" Love Helm announces

"See? He's right over there" Meliodas points to a cliff where Ban sits with a bunch of small holes in his chest and stomach

"How can this be?! But this means uh.."

"I win" Meliodas points to himself

"Victor, Meliodaf!"

"D-Diane, did you see that? It was over in a flash, but I think I saw something kind of strange" King says

"I saw it, plain as day. Ban landed his punch with all his strength, all right. But in the same instant the Captain crushed Ban's wrist and then, in the next instant Ban's body was sent flying. I remember seeing that look on the captain's face before, it makes me really nervous" Diane says

"Hey, guys, what's with all the gloomy faces?" Meliodas walks over and wraps his arm around Alex's waist

"They're talking ab-"

"So how are you holding up?" King cuts Alex off

"See for yourself, after I clobbered Ban I felt good as new!" Meliodas answers

"But how the heck did he move like that before he beat Ban?" Diane says quietly

"Something bothering you, Diane? It's not like you to stress out over something. Your next opponent is pretty tough though so I understand" they all look at Alex who's glaring daggers at King

"Oh yeah, I'm next!" Alex says and hands Elizabeth off to Meliodas while she and Diane rush to the stage

"Oh did Alex make that? She's pretty good eh?" Meliodas asks Elizabeth

"Oh yeah she is really good, it fits wonderfully!" Elizabeth gives a little twirl and Meliodas smiles a bit

"I know you can do it, Matrona!"

"Don't do anything too crazy guys!" Elizabeth shouts and they both give her a pretty closed eye smile until

"Diane be sure to rip off some of her clothes for me!" Meliodas screams

"Meliodaf!" Diane screams back

"Alright second battle of the semi-finals, begin!"

Diane runs in throwing punch after punch, trying to loosen Alex's guard by rushing in since she doesn't seem like much of a close-ranged fighter. To her surprise Alex is dancing around her like a feather, dodging and blocking each punch she throws, when she finally goes on the offense, Diane struggles much more than she would like.

"Would you look at that, Kaiya is more than just a pretty lady! She's dodging everything that comes her way! Will she win?!" Love Helm butts in

"Come on Diane is that all you got!" Alex kicks at her right side making Diane fall to the ground before getting back up and rushing in once again, but this time Alex counters her punch with one of her own, almost breaking Diane's wrist. Breaking the fist on fist action, Alex grabs Diane's arm and swings around. Completing circles before she throws Diane out of the ring, into the same hole Ban was in just moments before.

"That completes the semi-finals! The next matching we have is Meliodaf vs Kaiya!" Love Helm announces

"Hey, we'll get Diane's sacred treasure no matter who wins!" Meliodas tells Alex

"Yeah but I haven't fought with you in a minute, let's go semi-all out?" Alex asks

"You betcha!" They both get into their fighting stances and start going at each other so fast that nobody can keep up. They're not really getting nowhere, both punching and blocking each other's punches till they hit each other's fists and it knocks them both back. The ring cracks even more than before

"This is crazy! Are they the perfect matchup? They're both incredibly fast! I don't know if the ring can take it all!" Love Helm goes back to announcing random things

"Mom is crazy strong?! I've never seen her fight for real!" King says as the ground shakes even more

"Yeah! The captain is super strong too, he's not the captain for no reason that's for sure" Ban says

"Looks like I'm out of shape, back then I could've beaten you in 2.5 seconds" Alex chuckles

"Yeah, right you wish!" Meliodas laughs before they go back to trying to land a blow on one or the other

Ian to good at writing fighting scenes lmao, it probably could be a little more detailed but I felt bad for not posting for this long so Im trying to hurry and get it out there. I changed Meliodas's height if any of you noticed lmao I wanted him to be taller than Alex, hope ya don't mind cuz it's only 2 inches fr. Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter and the next!


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