Careful Rouge

De makayla8162001

1.3K 44 0

My name is Aiden Barnes. I was killed by the beast while camping. My girlfriend my mom, and my sister were al... Mais

Chapter 1: The dare
Chapter 2: The Beast
Chapter 3: Beauty and the Beast
Chapter 4: A Single White Rose
Chapter 5: Sweat mold and games
Chapter 6: Maybe my mates crazy!
Chapter 7: Luna Wright=WHAT!!!???
Chapter 8: So now you want me?
Chapter 9: Boy was I in for something
Chapter 10: I think I'm falling in love with you again.
Chapter 11: bipolar disorder
Chapter 12: man I have a great life
Chapter 13: A month
Chapter 15: Don't drown
Chapter 16:I am a queen
On hold
Chapter 17: You're a Luna.
Chapter 18:Memories
Chapter 18: Memories(part 2)
Chapter 19: Shoot him
Chapter 20:I remember
Chapter 21: Run
Chapter 22: Would I...
Chapter 23: Maya?
Chapter 24: I'm really queen?
Not an update
Chapter 25: Grown up?
Chapter 26: Pigs will fly.
2nd book

Chapter 14: Forgive me

31 1 0
De makayla8162001

Mia's Pov

I sat in the boring meeting like my father forced me to do. It was about me being an improper Luna. All the Alpha's were around me including the Alpha King who was superior to all of us.

I've stayed away from Luke for the last three days. I did apologize to Cameron and Cody then let them stay the week. I watched the twins Ivy and Isaac.

Luke and I have been sleeping in separate rooms. We don't talk much unless it's important like Aaron getting expelled from preschool. How does a preschooler get kicked out anyways?

Anyways, it was taking a toll on both of us. As I stared at him across the table his eyes were blood shot and his hands were shaking. Alcohol withdraw. He went back to drinking and smoking after all. I couldn't blame him though. I was going back to my old ways also.

Now it was just a game for me. He was going to be the one losing because I was not admitting I was wrong and coming to him. That was something I don't do.

Who changes for a man anyways. Certainly not Mia Lana Wright.

"Luna Wright are you even listening?" The King asked me. I blinked my eyes snapping back to reality.

"Sorry sir, I must've dozed off," I said which had him narrowing his eyes at me.

"She always does," I turned my head to see Alpha Clark rolling his eyes at me. I narrowed my eyes at him.

The lighting was itching my fingers ready to come out and show him what a badass I could be but I held back in front of the King.

"Mia, we all know you lost a child but-"

"Sir, do up bring up my child," I cut him off. He raised his eyebrows at me. He was challenging me to continue. I shut my mouth biting my tongue.

"Nothing else to say Ms. Wright?" He asked tilting his head. He was challenging me. I bit my tongue and balled my hands into fists underneath the table. My eyes were probably turning silver.

"My mother told me that if I have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all," I said through my teeth making him chuckle. Luke sent me a look, telling me to shut up.

"Well you see your mothers dead," he announced which made me snap.

I hit my fists against the table making electricity float above the surface. The King just watched it like he was in awe.

"That's what I wanted to see," he continued to stare at it until I put my hands in my pocket," Mia, you are awfully powerful. Why haven't you told us you have this power? How long have you had it?"

I looked around the table. Alpha Camden's eyes caught mine. He was staring at me. I had half the mine to jump across the table and strangle him but I held back from it.

Luke's eyes seemed to mirror the same while he was staring at him. He was the reason he died after all.

"Awhile now. I would've thought you wouldn't have been interested. I've already been through a meeting like this. You told me I was an unfit leader then," I stared at my hands. The electricity was still popping.

"Mia don't be an ass," he rolled his eyes which had everyone staring at him. I had half the mind to tell him I like being an ass," we know you and your mate have had complications. You were always a different type of Luna. I like different but I don't like when they have rumors about you being a whore. I don't like to hear rumors about you being a druggie."

"I wish they were rumors your honor," I almost freaking bowed. Mia, you are talking to the King. Get yourself together.

The King narrowed his eyes before continuing,"I'm leaving you as Luna but I'm assigning someone to watch you. Jalin Pierce."

I turned seeing Jalin walk through the door. I swallowed and turned back to the king.

"Sir, you can't be serious. I've always been a fit Luna," I argued.

He growled at me,"I want it to get through your thick skull that I am your superior and I do what I want."

He stood up then pointed to the door. Everyone left except Jalin, Luke, and I.

"Jalin knows my terms and will talk to me everyday about your progress. I will be here whenever I please. I expect everything to be sorted out by then," he looked between Luke and I then his eyes softened which made my breath catch," Mia, you've been handed a hard deal. Many things seem to turn out bad for you. I'm sorry, but-"

"Mia," Paige ran through the door out of breath. He bowed to the King and said sorry for interrupting before turning to me.

By the look on his face and the nervousness through the mind-link, I could tell what happened. My father.

"Where is he?" I asked squeezing my hands together to keep my emotions in check.

"He won't let me take him to the hospital. He says its going to happen before we get there," before he finished I pushed past him running through the hallway and up the stairs. I burst through my fathers room.

His normal rosy color was pale and he shook when he moved. His eyes meet mine. He gestured me over with his hand.

"Come here little mouse," my breathing caught again and my vision was starting to get blurry as I walked beside him and laid down beside him on the bed.

"I'm sorry dad, I've been so selfish. You were d...dying and I only thought of myself. Please forgive me," I let my tears fall from my eyes and down to his shirt.

"Lana, I have a book of all the secrets I've kept from you under my mattress, please forgive me," he grabbed onto his hand.

"Only if you forgive," I tried to smile. He nodded at me then turned to whoever was behind me.

"Thank you...f...for making her happy. Please watch over her. She's...she crazy," he tried to laugh which ended in a cough.

His eyes were starting to droop. I held tighter to his hands. Luke came closer to me then stopped and walked to the door. He was leaving me alone to talk to my father.

"I don't know when it's going to happen but...but Mia, I love you," he said for the last time.

That was the last time that I heard my father say he loved me before he died in my arms and the pack members had to drag me away.

Now I sat on my window seat staring out at the rain. I held a knife in my hand that was full of my blood. No ones bothered to come into my room. Everyone's been worried about what my reaction would be.

After my moms death, I turned to drugs and drinks. I went downhill. Now I was just staring at completely nothing.

I never thought I could feel so numb. My legs were like jelly and my hands were frozen, one in my pocket, the other holding onto the knife.

I sighed taking a pack of cigarettes out my dresser. I lighted one and stared at it.

"Mom," I turned around to see Aaron standing at the doorway. I put the cigarette out and turned to him.

"What's wrong Aaron?" I asked putting on a fake smile. At least my voice didn't catch with emotion.

"Daddy told me to give this to you," he handed me a white and pink rose. Attached to it was a note with Luke's messy handwriting on it. That wasn't Luke's, that was Aiden's handwriting.

As soon as I took the flowers, he took off running out the door. I sighed and picked up the note.

There should be a red dress in your closet. I want you to put it on with some heels. This is your night to let go. Please, forgive and let go with me?

I moved to my closet. The red dress that he was talking about was there with the red heels beside it. I slipped it on. It was full of lace and had a red collar around the front. When I put my hands into the pocket there was another note from Luke.

Slip this bathing suit underneath. Don't be boring. We'll have a blast and a splash.

I rolled my eyes at him trying to rhyme. I slipped on the black, white, and red bathing suit. Of course it would be a two piece.

Beside the bathing suit were some red flip flops and a black string bag. It already had a towel in it. I stuffed the shoes inside. In the string bag was another note. How'd he write all of this when I didn't notice?

Mi amor, you'll have to find me now. I'm somewhere dark. I'm somewhere bright. I'm somewhere wet and somewhere big. I'm somewhere where the fish are magical and the we can float above water. Don't freight, I won't let you drown.

I bit my lip wondering where he could be. Somewhere wet. The pool, but it's closed. Its to late at night for that. The fish are magical, somewhere where there's fish. Float above water.

I closed my eyes. A ghost of a smile playing on my lips.

"C'mon Mia, I won't let you drown," he grabbed my arm and yanked me into the boat.

That was when he took my to a dock and we had a picnic under the moon.

I put the bag on my back and walked out of the room.The house was pretty dark. It must've been pretty late. I walked through the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" I turned looking at Jalin leaning against the kitchen counter.


"You do have to tell me everything," he pulled himself to a standing position. I growled under my breath.

"Screw you Jalin Pierce," I turned walking towards the door. I took my fathers keys to his white Buick Enclave.

"You already did that Mia,"he replied. I tensed but continued to the door.

I drove to the large lake in the middle of the pack house. I parked the car and walked the rest of the way.

"Glad you forgave me," I saw Luke sitting on the bench. He was wearing a black tux with a red tie and a matching rose inside the pocket.

"I had no choice, you made Aaron bring me the note," I put down the bag. He smiled, his white teeth sparkling from the moon. Almost full, but not there yet.

He held out his hand to me. I took it and he led me to the dock. He carried a picnic basket with him.

"Why are we dressing so fancy?" I asked. He smiled and put his finger over my mouth shushing me.

We sat on the edge of the dock. He started to pull food out the basket. I watched him silently until he handed me a container.

I opened it up smelling the quesadillas in the inside. The cheese and chicken smelled great.

Luke took out a container of fruit and little bags of pop rocks. I haven't seen pop rocks in forever. He ripped open the back and put some in his hands.

"Your favorite," he put some in my hand. I put it in my tongue feeling the popping. He smiled at me. I blushed by the look on his face. Just so much love.

After eating most of the food he took something else out the picnic basket. I watched him pull out a jar of Nutella and handed me a spoon.

I rolled my eyes and stuck the spoon in and put it in my mouth. There was something hard on the spoon. I pulled it off my tongue and stared at it.

It was a silver ring with diamonds all around it. There were one big diamond and two smaller ones beside it.

"Luke," I looked back at him. He was now leaning on one knee.

"Will you marry me Mia Lana Wright?" He asked slowly as if to get his words right.

I nodded. His face lit up and he kissed me. I wiped the Nutella off the ring and went to put it on my finger.

"Not yet," he put the ring in the bag then turned me around unbuttoning the dress. He slid it off me leaving me in the bathing suit.

He looked up at down my body before smirking and pushing me. I screamed then hit the water.

When I came back to the surface he was just taking off his suit showing black shorts underneath.

"Like what you see?" He asked flexing. I rolled my eyes at him and flicked water at him.

He jumped into the lake beside me making a large splash. He swam over to me.

"Mia..." he started to trail off. This moment was so much Aiden that I thought it was him. He wanted to tell me he loved me but he couldn't get it out through his mouth,"I love you Mia. You're my life. I don't know what I would've done if I didn't die and Cameron was my mate. I don't know what I would've done if I saw you everyday with the real Luke Conway, if he made you happy."

"Aiden, don't go soft on me," he frowned and splashed me. I laughed getting water in my mouth.

"You're ruining the moment," he said quietly while looking down. I frowned and swam closer to him.

"What's wrong Luke?"

"What was your past with Jalin Pierce?" He asked. Caught off guard, I stared at him.

"Ja...Jalin?" I swam to the dock and pulled myself above it while wrapping a towel around myself.

He sighed swimming to the surface. He didn't bother to wrap himself with a towel. That was how mad he was at me.

"Damn Mia, he already told me," he shook his head away from me. I looked at the ground away from him,"did you really get pregnant?"

"Aiden, I...I'm sorry, it was," I sighed and ran my hands through my hair angrily. I just couldn't say it.

"It was what Mia?" He asked standing up angrily. Tears started to come down my eyes. I felt myself shutting down and my wolf taking over everything.

She took over my body and my mind. She took over absolutely everything.

"My names Maya,"she whispered in my head before talking to Luke.

"It was at night. Jalin was one of her best friends. She went to his house to talk to him. He drugged her with something. She doesn't know what happened after that. She only remembers sleeping with him and having an abortion."

"He...," Luke growled and his eyes turned red. I fell over grabbing for my throat.

The asthma attack went away. I looked up at Luke. He was growling mad, but why? What did my wolf tell him?

"Luke," I grabbed for his hand. He pulled away from me and turned around.

He turned into a large grey wolf and ran from me. No matter how many times I called his name, he never came back.


Love don't die by the Fray.

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