Polar Opposites

By Arrowbolt5

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Cora and Leo didn't have a lot in common. Leo was a fighter, he was brave and strong. A fearless leader. Cora... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: The Beginning II
Chapter 3: Peace Said No
Chapter 4: Reasons to Trust
Chapter 5: Slow Steps
Chapter 7: Rude Awakening
Chapter 8: The Past
Chapter 9: I'm Here
Chapter 10: Strange Sights
Chapter 11: Battlefield
Chapter 12: Outsider
Chapter 13: Quarrel
Chapter 14: Teamwork
Chapter 15: Forever & Always

Chapter 6: Survivor's Guilt

239 6 0
By Arrowbolt5

Cora grumbled something about stupid turtles guilt tripping her as she climbed down from the rafters. Her vision swam for a moment and she leaned against the wall before grabbing her bag and stuffing her computer inside.

She headed off to the farm, noting that none of the turtles were outside training, even though this was the right time of day. She shook it off and climbed up the steps slowly before opening the door.

Everyone turned their heads to look at her and Cora stopped in her tracks. "Why is there a random unconscious lady on the couch chair?"

Leo stood up. "We found a Kraang ship in April's basement. She was in a stasis pod for years. Before they both passed out, April told us it was her mom."

Cora blinked and walked further inside. "Wow. Okay."

"I can't believe she's alive." April said, making tea.

The woman breathed out a soft breath and then opened her eyes slowly. April smiled at her and held out a cup of tea.

"Here you go, Mom." April said.

The lady took it hesitantly, her eyes flickering to the turtles, obviously nervous with them around.

"Thank you, April. I'm still a little shaky." April's mom told her.

"So, do you have any idea how that Kraang ship got down there, Mrs. O'Neil?" Leo asked.

She nodded. "I know this is hard to believe, but the Kraang ship has been here for years. It was your great grandfather who discovered it. He made the mistake of awakening the Kraang. They paid him back by experimenting on him and his entire bloodline. They knew that we were the key to unlocking their precious mutagen. We their guinea pigs."

"Aw! Guinea pigs are so cute!" Mikey cut in.

Raph smacked him upside the head. "I told you not to be stupid, you moron."

"Please continue." Leo smiled to her.

"After you were born, it was clear you were very special. We knew it was just a matter of time before the Kraang came for you. We escaped. Kirby fled with you to the city, but I was recaptured and put into stasis." April's mom explained.

"All these years... I never knew what happened to you. Dad would never tell me." April said.

Both of them got up and held hands. "Well, now you know and we never have to be apart again. Where is Kirby anyway?"

"Kirby? Oh, he got turned-"

Cora smacked Casey upside the head before he could reveal that Kirby was actually a mutated pink Kraang thing.

"He's on a trip." Leo said. "A safari in Puerto Rico. He won't be back for a while."

"I'm just so glad to have my April back." Mrs. O'Neil smiled and the two of them hugged.

Everyone smiled happily, not noticing the suspicious face growing on Mikey.

"Is it me or does April's mom seem a little bit off?" Mikey asked Cora.

"Just you." Cora replied.

"For real though. I got those ninja vibes, yo. I don't trust her." Mikey said.

Cora shrugged, "Well, you've never met a mom before. Maybe that's why."

He frowned. "Nah man. It's something else."

"Why don't we go on a walk?" Mrs. O'Neil suggested, eyeing the turtles. "Just you and me?"

April smiled. "Sure."

They headed outside and Donnie stood up. "I'm going to go back to the Kraang ship. See if I can find anything useful."

"I'll come with." Cora said, following him out.

Leo frowned and went after her, stopping her before she went down the steps.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine now. Thanks, Leo." She smiled and went down.

"Thanks for the help, Cora." Donnie said as they both set up their computers.

"Anytime." She replied.

Cora got to work, once again thankful that she had so much practice hacking into Kraang technology and that she had taken the time to study Kraang code.

She was having far more luck than Donnie, who repeatedly got frustrated. This was one of those moments when he realized just how much Cora really did help him out back when only Mikey knew she existed.

And while Cora's fingers were flying across her keyboard, her thoughts were occupied in the past. Particularly remembering her own mother.

It had only been three years since the last time they saw each other, but Cora felt like it was a million years ago. Even then their time together had been so limited.

Cora and her mother worked day and night, so when they went back to their quarters, both of them were utterly exhausted. There was usually a small greeting, goodnight, and unless one of them had been injured, they would head straight to bed.

Cora remembered the nights that her and her mother stayed up. Few as they were, those were the nights that broke the monotony of their work schedule. The promise of those nights were what kept Cora going when work reached it's peak difficulty.

Cora was only five when her mother's boss discovered her existence and dragged her into the family job. She didn't remember a life from before that time.

The fact that April had her mother back was so heartwarming to April. It made Cora homesick for the small bedroom that she and her mother had shared. To see her mother's face again.


She blinked and turned away from Donnie, wiping away the single tear that had sneaked out of her eye. Thankfully it was on a different side than the one Donnie could see.

"Yeah, Donnie?"

"You've been staring at your computer for the past few minutes. You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah. I was just lost in thought." She told him, giving a reassuring smile.

"Alright. Hey, if you start to feel bad again, I can-"

"I'm fine, Donnie." Cora said, rolling her eyes at him playfully and getting back to work.

A few minutes later, Leo came into the ship, looking annoyed.

"Mikey attacked April's mom." He stated.


Both Donnie and Cora immediately walked forward angry, following Leo to the shed. Donnie was upset because Mikey was messing up his chances to get April's mom to trust him. Cora was angry that Mikey was being insensitive and completely out of his mind.

At least, more so than usual.

They all walked in, seeing Mikey sitting in a chair in the dark. Raph and Casey glared at him and turned on a single lightbulb as the others arrived.

Donnie stood directly in front of him. "Michaelangelo. You. Attacked. April's. MOTHER?!"

Mikey laughed nervously and stuck his head into his shell partially.

"Mikey. Have you completely cracked your shell?" Raph demanded.

"I don't trust her! She's all kinds of wrong. You guys got to believe me." He argued.

Leo stepped forward. "Oh. Just like the time tiny elves stole your nunchucks and replaced them with mozzarella sticks?"

"Yes!" Mikey agreed.

Cora facepalmed.

"Or the time you and Ice Cream Kitty entered a break dancing contest?" Raph asked.


"Stop it, Mikey!" Casey glared. "Do you have any idea how much this means to April? If you ruin this for her-"

"Fine! If you don't believe me, I'll prove it!" Mikey stomped out.

Cora huffed. "I'm going to follow him. Make sure he doesn't mess anything up."

The others nodded and she left, following Mikey to the kitchen.

"Are you here to yell at me too?" He grumbled.

"Depends." Cora sighed. "Mikey, you're usually the welcoming, nice one. Why don't you trust April's mom?"

"I just got a feeling!" He exclaimed. "I know it! You gotta believe me, Cora!"

She sat down across from him and huffed. "Well, maybe until you have actual evidence, you should leave her alone."

"How am I supposed to get evidence if I leave her alone?" He asked.

"Well, I'm going through the Kraang database, I'm almost done. You can read through the information I've already decrypted and if you find anything, tell me and the others." Cora suggested.

"But what if the mom does something before then? Bro, I'm telling you she's not a mom! We've got to act now." Mikey convinced.

Cora sighed and bit her lip, trying to think of some way she could convince Mikey to leave Mrs. O'Neil alone.

Mikey suddenly leaned forward and she followed his gaze out the window, where April's mom was walking into the forest.

He stood up.

"Mikey, don't." Cora warned, standing up as well.

"The guys don't believe me. April doesn't believe me. You don't believe me. I'm going to show you that she isn't what she says she is." Mikey told her, heading for the door.

Cora grabbed his arm. "Mikey, I'm serious. April finally has her mom back. What happens if you're wrong and you mess up her chances to reconnect?"

Mikey pulled away. "Because I mess up everything, right? Well, let's not forget who the one who left their mom to die is."

He stepped back and ran through the door, following after April's mom and leaving Cora standing in the living room.

Mikey was the only person who knew her past. To use it against her like that... it was a betrayal that cut deep.


She turned around quickly in surprise and saw Leo limp in.

"I thought you were watching..." He trailed off, obviously distracted by the tears running down her face.

Leo stepped forward quickly, but Cora stepped back, wiping them away.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" He asked, touching her shoulder softly.

Cora suddenly jumped forward and wrapped her arms around him. Leo froze for a moment in surprise before hugging her back.

"Cora, what's wrong?" He asked.

She pulled away just as quickly, her mind moving a thousand miles per hour. Maybe she wasn't right in the head. Maybe Mikey was right and she wanted to protect April's mom because she felt guilty about her own mother.

Mikey was a good turtle. He wouldn't hurt April's mom unless he was sure.

She bit her lip and decided against telling Leo.

"I just- I got frustrated about the Kraang database. I know how to do it now, I'm going back. Sorry." She lied, quickly stepping around Leo and hurrying down the trapdoor.

Leo watched her all but run away from him and frowned. He knew she was lying. As usual.

But he had no idea what to do about it.

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