the flash and the black widow...

By no_one_i_am_no_one

5.2K 158 58

Anastasia Volkov is back for another season of the flash, only this time after six months. what happened at t... More

new beginnings
the life ahead of us
get to know
your way
back to Egypt
back to Egypt 2
turn me to the dark side
white whale
let go of yourself
The truth after the lie
on our happy way to earth-2
change someone
swim away
a really short chapter
raised, friend, lover

never letting go

178 8 1
By no_one_i_am_no_one

You see her when you close your eyes
Maybe one day you'll understand why
Everything you touch surely dies.

Let her go.

Anastasia pov

She's alive.
She's alive.
She's alive.
She has to be...
I mean how can she die?
Why must everything I touch die?
Is it me?


"Yes?" I asked ad I opened the door.
Cisco stood in front of me. "Ana, you've been in your home for a week now, Barry wants to get his speed back through a dangerous procedure and we need your help.
What do you say?
how about coming back to the real world?" Cisco asked me.

"So how does this work?" Iris asked as I walked into the breach room.

"It's an abbreviated version of the accelerator evil Wells built, except Harry is isolating the antimatter and dark energy to direct it to Barry instead of the entire city," Cisco explained and I got to work with Cisco and Harry.

"Good. The last thing we need is more meta-humans running around Central City." Joe said.

"So... Barry just gets in, we turn it on, and that's it?" Iris asked.

No. Not exactly.
In addition to recreating what happened with the particle accelerator explosion, we also have to recreate what happened to Barry." Harry explained.

"Getting struck by lightning," Barry confirmed.

"That's right," I said.

"Wait, so how are you gonna do that?
It's not even raining outside." Iris asked.

"Well, Ramon, you have the wand?" Harry asked.

"The one I made for Mark Mardon?" Cisco asked.

"No, the one you built for the Harry Potter convention.
Yes, of course, the one you built for Mardon." Harry sighed.

"How do you know about the Harry Potter convention?" Cisco asked.

"Get the wand. Get on the roof." I ordered.

"Why the roof?" Joe asked.

"Because we're gonna need a lightning rod, and that, Ramon, is gonna be you," Harry answered for me.

"All right, I'm on the roof.
I've never actually been up here before.
I think I can see my apartment from here." Cisco said through the comm.

"Now head straight to the satellite, Ramon.
When I give you the signal, you're gonna create a lightning storm above you." Harry said.

"So I'm just supposed to stand here in the middle of a lightning storm?" Cisco asked.

The chances of being struck are slim, indeed." Harry smiled.

"Yeah, not when you're the one causing it." I smiled.

"All we need is one lightning bolt to strike the satellite.
The satellite circuitry's connected to the breach room.
Barry's in the breach room. Just do it." Harry ordered.

"Yeah. I'm doing it.
Mozart, you better watch out.
Cisco Ramon's about to conduct something nasty." Cisco said.

"You're gonna feel these clamps, but they're necessary," Harry told Barry, who in the meantime got in place.

"You good?" Joe asked.

"Yeah. You?
I'll be fine, Joe." Barry sighed after a moment of silence from Joe.

"Barry, whatever happens, it will never change the way that I feel about you," Iris told Barry.

"Son... You don't have to do this if you don't want to." Henry sighed.

"Being The Flash... That's the best version of me.
If I don't have my speed, I'll never be that person anymore.
I have to do this." Barry said to Joe.

"Okay," Joe whispered.

"You ready, Allen?" Harry asked

"All right, then.
Here we go.

"Particles are becoming unstable.
Ramon, get ready!
I'm going to release the chemicals into his system." Harry yelled.

"Why are you doing this?" Iris asked.

"The night Barry was struck by lightning, he was doing fingerprint analysis. Those chemicals got in his system then, and they are going in now." I explained.

"So you're injecting them into him?" Iris asked.

"We have to recreate everything that happened to Barry that night," Harry answered.

'I'm okay, Iris!" Barry yelled.

"Hold on, Barry," Joe yelled

"God!" Barry yelled in pain.

"He's going hydrostatic," Henry announced.

"Almost there. Almost there." Harry said quickly.

"Wells!" Joe yelled.

"Almost there.
Ready, Ramon?" Harry asked.


"Now!" I yelled.

"Expecto Patronum!
Great Scott! It's working!"

"Initiating collision," Harry said

Did Barry start to...disappear?
"Barry!" Iris yelled and we all flew back from the blast

"It worked!
Is everyone okay?
What happened?" Cisco ran in with questions.

No. What did you do to my son?" Henry asked after seeing Barry was not there, Zoom, great timing buddy.

"You thought you could give the Flash his speed back?
Well done.
You killed him instead." Zoom said and sped out.
"I'm so sorry," Harry said quietly.

"We lost him," Henry said.

"No, no, no, no, he... He could've got knocked somewhere or maybe even run there." Cisco walked to the computer. "Nothing on the GPS."

"There were strikes all over the building.
Jesse, come down here, please.
Wally?" Harry asked and both he, iris, and joe ran out.

"Henry, Ana, Wells' daughter is upstairs.
The energy hit her too.
Her heart stopped beating." Joe said as he walked in but both Henry and I ignored him.

"Ana, Henry!" He yelled.

"All right," Henry said and got up while I stayed for another second.

"I'm coming." I sighed.

"I saw him!
I saw barry!
He's alive."

"Cisco says Barry's still alive.
Where is he?" Henry asked as we walked into the recovery room.

"I don't know," Harry answered.

"Harry, I vibed him in the center of a storm.
It was, like, in, like, a vortex or something." Cisco explained.

"He's in... He's in the Speed Force." Harry sighed.

"Get him out, damn it," Henry told harry.

"I..." Harry started.

"You can get him out, can't you?" Henry asked.

"I don't know if I can," Harry answered.

"Henry, come here," Joe asked Henry.

"Thank God you two are still here.
Caitlin and Ana are usually the ones doing this, but..." Cisco sighed.

"Heart rate's normal.
Reflexes and breathing are fine.
She should be waking up.
She's just not." Henry said disappointed.

"It was the same with Barry.
Um, after the first accident, he was in a coma that no one could explain." Iris told Henry.

"What did you do with him?" Henry asked.

"So they brought him here... Well, Wells brought him here." Cisco started.

"The other Wells," Iris added

"Right, the Wells who was actually Thawne." Cisco continued.

"Eobard, not Eddie," Iris added again.

It's... it's complicated.
Anyway, we took care of Barry while Wells... Thawne... treated him." Iris finally finished it.

"Are there any records of that treatment?
We might find clues on how to help Jesse." Henry asked.

"Uh, yeah, they'd be downstairs in the storage room, in the morgue," I said.

"Ew, you guys have a morgue?" Iris asked.

"Well, it's not like a morgue, morgue.
It's not... it's like a poor man's morgue, really. Morgue-ish." Cisco explained.

"Would one of you go get them, please?" I asked as I took the needle out of the vein.

"Okay, well, I'm not going alone," Cisco announced.

"Thank you," Henry said as they left.

"I know what... I know what it's like to lose your child." I said and looked at him with sympathy.

"You are so young though..." He sighed.

"I was young when it happened." I smiled softly.

"You dont... well you don't look like you lost someone this important to you."

"Иногда шрамы, которые мы носим, ​​невидимы для других," I said.

"What does that mean?" He asked.

"Sometimes the scars we carry are invisible to others." I translated.

"Thank you." He said softly.

"We got a new problem.
Our accelerator experiment seems to have reanimated one of the dead metas in our morgue." Cisco said as he and Iris ran in.

"."Reanimated," like brought back to life?" I asked.

"Life-ish. Have you ever seen "The Walking Dead"?
It's "The Walking Dead," but without higher brain function and with major rage issues.
Still unsure if our brains are on the menu, though." Cisco explained quickly.

"Which one?" Joe asked.

"Tony Woodward," Iris answered.

"The bully from school who turned into the metal man?" Joe asked and iris and Cisco nodded. "That's not good, Cisco."

"History repeats itself.
First as tragedy and then as farce." Harry whispered.

"Wells, as a parent, believe me, I have nothing but sympathy for what you're going through.
Listen to me closely when I say to you, we got a lot of fires burning at the same time, and if we all work together, we just might be able to put them out.
Let Henry take care of your daughter.
I and Iris will handle this Girder situation,
but you and Cisco, and Ana are the scientists.
You're the only one who can bring Barry back from wherever the hell he is right now." Joe told harry.

"Ramon, give those medical records to Henry and meet me in the Breach room in five minutes.
We've got work to do." Harry told Cisco.

"Now we just need to find Tony,"  Joe said.

"Yeah, hopefully before he kills someone," Iris added.

"Come on," Joe told Iris and they left.

"This is the safest place for her, for now," I said as placed Jesse's bed along with Henry in the breach room.

"Well, not safe enough," Harry said.

"Plans A through G did not work," Cisco announced as iris, Joe, and he ran in.

"Do we have anything in here that can stop him?" Joe asked.

"Barry could stop him if we could bring him back." Henry sighed.

"We tried that already, Dr. Allen," Harry said.

"We need to try it again," Joe said.

"Somebody needs to try something.
That door's not gonna hold." Cisco told us.

"Is there any other way out of here?" Joe asked.

"No, the Breach Room was designed to be sealed off," Harry answered.

"All right, look, if it's me that he wants, I'll just lead him away," Iris suggested.

"No, you won't.
You'll never even make it past that door.
If he came back from the dead and still wants you, what makes you think he's gonna let you go now?" Joe asked.

I saw Barry. He had this look.
What if we couldn't get him out of the Speed Force because he didn't want to come back?" Cisco asked.

"Turn it on.
We got to try again.
Any of you got a better idea?" Cisco asked.

"When you look into the Speed Force, can someone else see into it too?" Henry asked.

"Well, as long as you're in physical contact with Ramon while he's vibing, then... yes," Harry answered.

"Let me do that.
I can get Barry to come back." Henry asked.

Let me do it.
Please." Iris asked and Henry smiled.

A weird-looking storm started at Cisco and got bigger and bigger until it contained both Iris and Cisco.

"Barry!" Iris hugged Barry who just popped out of the blue.

" I'm so glad you are back because we are about to die." Cisco smiled.

"Wait what?" Barry asked.

"So... Girder came back to life and he's all young Frankenstein now, and he only recognized Iris, and she lured him to my workshop so we could demagnetize him, but the machine shorted out, so he's about to come through that door, and smush us all into chunky salsa
and possibly eat our brains out.
I don't know. The jury's still out on that." Cisco explained very quickly.

"All right, I got it.
I-I will lure him to your workshop, and we figure out a way to turn the power back on, okay?" Barry asked

"Plan H." Cisco and Harry said together.
And just at this moment, Tony walked in.
Barry sped Iris to the entrance. "Hey, tony!"

"He's taking the long way." Cisco Harry and I said together.

"Come on," Cisco added and they both left while I stayed with Henry and Jesse.

You should rest.
You don't need to be here." Harry told Barry who walked in with everyone.

"No, that's just it. I think I do." Barry touched Jesse's arm and she woke up a second later.

How did I get here?" She asked and hugged Harry and then me.

"How did you do that?" Henry asked.

"Are you, like, magic now?" Cisco asked.

"Did you know that was gonna happen?" Iris was the last to ask.

"Maybe. It's hard to explain. It's..." barry started.

"It's the Speed Force," Harry answered Iris.

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