Appetite For Love

By thedreadedangel25

357 140 90

When Aïda Völlenhoven and Aden van den Heever meet each other again, after twelve long years, old wounds will... More

An original story by Angelique Jacobs.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty One

Chapter Thirty Three

10 2 7
By thedreadedangel25

"Thank you, for coming, Aden. Have a seat." Kannemeyer said.
"What is new?" Aden asked.
"A lot actually. We have a lead on the suspected kidnapper. We know where he lives," Kannemeyer paused.

Aden raised his brows. He was relieved and nervous all at once.

"Erm, what about Aïda?" Aden asked.
"Hopefully we'll find both of them at his home. Actually I have to leave for that operation now, but you can not join us. Go home and wait for my call."
"Okay. Let me know as soon as possible. Please and don't let any harm come to her. Promise me."

Kannemeyer looked at the man infront of him with sadness in his eyes but he did his best to conceal it. How does he tell Aden that this is real life? In his opinion, the woman was probably long dead.

"I know that you think she's dead but I can't feel it. I can feel when a loved one is gone. I've lost three of them already. She's not gone. She can't be."

What else could Kannemeyer day? He did not believe in feelings, but in facts. He hoped for Aden's sake that she was alive.

"Aden you look like you have not slept or eaten in days. Go get some brunch. Please. You'll need strength. We need to leave."


"What are you saying, Aden?"
"Yes, Johanie, the police are about to rescue Aïda."

Johanie got up from here seat and accidently collided with a waitress. The contents of the platter the waitress carried, was spilled on the Johanie and the floor. She looked like she was going to explode. The waitress apologized profusely.

Aden got up from his seat. "It's okay, Thandie. Get the fiid replaced while I clean up here."

"Thank you, sir."

"I'll get some fresh air, Aden."
"Okay, Johanie. Have you gotten a hold of Adriaan, yet?"
"Actually, I was about to do that."

Aden nodded as Johanie went outside. He was worried about here, but he had bigger issues at hand.


Several hours later, at 21:34, Aden Evelynn, Johanie and Martin were standing inside the police station, waiting for information. It was five in the afternoon and they had not heard anything from Detective Kannemeyer. They were tense.

"Officer Dawood, is there any news?" Aden asked, his eyes boring into hers.
"Not yet. These situations take time," The officer replied, "Maybe you should go home and rest."

Aden gave the officer a blank stare and took a seat.

"I might be long night, but I'll try to keep you updated. Go eat something or atleast stretch your legs," Officer Dawood said.

"You don't get paid to give useless advice, officer, get us some coffee."

Not only did Najwa stare, but so did everyone around them. The woman had some nerve!

"Miss Majied, this is not a hotel, if you want coffee, go buy it outside. Tsk."
"How dare you 'tsk' me? I pay your salary."

Najwa walked away before she said the wrong thing.

Aden was beetroot red from embarrassment. His future mother inlaw was too much. Too much of everything wrong. He caught Martin trying to stifle a laugh, as he walked outside to get some 'fresh air'. Johanie gave him a sympathetic smile.

Aden was about to join Martin outside when Martin rushed back inside.

"What's the matter?" Aden asked getting up.
"Officer Kannemeyer is back and there's other officers with him."

The others stood up. All four of them were now looking at the entrance, so were everyone else.

Officer Kannemeyer looked at Aden as he walked in and motioned, with his hand, for him to wait. He was busy speaking to the other officer that came with him. He then went to his office. Aden felt like he was going to jump out of his skin. Where was Aïda and why did he have to wait?


Forty five minutes later, Detective Kannemeyer came out of his office and called for Aden and Evelynn. The other's were not related to Aïda so they had to wait outside his office.

"I need you two to sit down."

Aden and Evelynn looked at each other, but did as Kanneyer said. Aden took a deep breath and wiped his wet palms on his jeans. Evelynn looked like a dog waiting for a juicy steak.

"We did not find Aïda, but we did find the suspect," Kannemeyer lifted his hand to the two of them, before they could interrupt him.

Evelynn phone rang, but she quickly put it on her silent, her breath coming out rapidly. Aden took her hands in his.

"As I was saying, we found our suspect. We went to his home this morning but he was not there, so we want inside but no-one was present. While we were inside we looked for evidence. We also spoke to two witnesses who told us that our suspect, Gert Hendrikse had last been seen this morning at approximately, 02:15 when he loaded a large suitcase into the booth of his car and drove off. Several of the neighbours told us that they heard a woman screaming prior to him lea-"

Aden tensed up even more,"Get to the point, please! Where is she?"

Kannemeyer filled down a glass of water as the other two looked at him, nervously.

"As I was saying, several neighbours heard the screams of a woman, but we did not find a woman. We did however, find Hendrikse on the be the beach, after a tip off from the public. He found to be deceased."

Aden got up from his chair, the tension was too much to hear. Next to him, Evelynn's hands were on her head.

"Allow me to continue." Kannemeyer said.
"Do you have an idea where my Angel could be?"

Kannemeyer mototioned, with his right hand, for Aden to sit. Aden reluctantly sat down.

"We found a large suitcase in the booth, we believe it's the same one that the two witnesses saw. There was hair present long curly hair in the suitcase and also the presence of a dried red substance," Kannemeyer looked a the stunned faces in front of him, "We believe it to be blood."

"What?" Aden uttered.
"You think it belongs to my daughter."

"We can't be sure, but our forensics team are working on it as we speak. We have Aïda's DNA in our evidence. Mrs Majied we will take a sample of your DNA. It will take a few days for us to be certain."

"Officer, do you think Aïda killed him in self defence? She's probably hiding somewhere scared of being arrested." Aden mused.
"No, Aden, Hendrikse committed suicide. We suspect he dumped the woman's body into the ocean. His car was found in the dunes, not far from the ocean. I'm sorry but be prepared for the worse."

Aden got out of his seat and went for the door. Evelynn was close behind.

"Aden, try to stay calm. Please!" Kannemeyer begged him, but Aden was already out of his office.

Outside of the station the other's were calling out to him, Aden ignored them as he sped off into the night.

"Not again! Not again!" Was his refrain as his vision blurred.

Soon everything was blank.

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