Bad idea

By Chris-evans_story

66.1K 2K 209

Y/n's sisters wedding is coming up. Her mother requested Y/n bring a date with her. Y/n being the loner she... More

1. Bad idea
2. Bad idea
3. Bad idea
4. Bad idea
5. Bad idea
6. Bad idea
7. Bad idea
8. Bad idea
9. Bad idea
10. Bad idea
11. Bad idea
12. Bad idea
13. Bad idea
14. Bad idea
15. bad idea
16. Bad idea
17. Bad idea
18. Bad idea
19. Bad idea
20. Bad idea
21. Bad idea
22.Bad idea
23. Bad idea
24. Bad idea.
26. Bad idea
27. Bad idea
28. Bad idea
29. Bad idea
30. Bad idea
31. Bad idea
32. Bad idea
33. Bad idea
34. Bad idea
35. Bad idea
36. Bad idea
37. Bad idea
38. Bad idea
39. Bad idea
40. Bad idea
41.Bad idea
42. Bad idea-final chapter

25. Bad idea

1.4K 46 20
By Chris-evans_story

Great how the hell am I going to get out of bed to open.
As I'm about to get up I hear the door swing open harshly. Great she broke my door.

"Y/n are you okay?" I hear Alejandra ask

"Yeah I'm in bed" I tell her. She follows my voice to my bedroom.

"Hi, just so you know your door is broken" she informs me as she walks closer in my bedroom.
I see her standing in the doorframe looking around my bedroom "so this is where you and Chris have sex?" She asks me

I was surprised by what she said but at the same time not.

"No actually we haven't- had sex yet" I look down

"What!" She jumps on to my bed lending next to me "why not?" She asks me.

"We aren't there yet" I tell her.

"Oh bullshit" she rolled her eyes "whats the real reason"
We really aren't close enough for me to talk to her about my non existence sex life. It's a bad idea. "I'm waiting" she says very unpainted

"There is no reason" I start off by telling her "why dose everyone think we have fucked?" I say sounding a little to annoyed then I wanted "can we change topic" I say

"Sure" Alejandra pulls out a nail filer from her bra, she starts filing her nails "so how did you get stabbed again?" She looks at me. I think she noticed I was a bit annoyed so she changed the topic again "sorry" she stops talking and keeps her focus on her nails.

She didn't stay quiet for long "you know I really like you"

Now this is something I wasn't expecting

"You are a good friend, I know we don't know each other that well, but some how you are better then all my other friends, while everyone was wasted at my bachelorette party you were the one who staid by my side, and when I wanted to cancel the wedding because I didn't feel ready you were by my side. You really helped me there if it weren't for you I wouldn't be getting married" Alejandra says

I don't know what to say. We have never really had any serious talk or even had a conversation before and she says all this. I guess it's sweet.

"Wow Umm, yeah you actually are my first friend" I say. It's true.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast, Alejandra and I ordered pizza and just talked and I got to know a lot about her.


Two days later and I'm good at new,the pain killers helped a lot. I have gotten multiple phone calls from everyone about the two wedding coming up this weekend.

Chris and I are still trying to figure out how we are going to mange it. After the other day with Alejandra I feel much closer to her and I actually want to go to her wedding.

Chris wanted to meet me for lunch today. He hasn't told me where yet, he just told me to get ready and he did mention something about me needing to wear leggings and a tight top.

Ever since me and Chris became friends he had bullied me to get new clothes more nicer once.

But finally now I can just wear my casual clothes.

So for the lunch today I wore black leggings white top it's nothing special to be honest. But it really fits me body. I just take my hair out of a messy bun giving it some waves.

Chris said he will pick me up 13:00 sharp.

I open my door well it's basically always open, after Alejandra broke it. Remind me to get it fixed soon. 

I wait outside for Chris

After waiting for a few minutes I see him pull up on his motorcycle, I fucking hate it when he's on his bike. He drives around like we have extra lives to spare.

Chris takes of his helmet "damn girl you look nice, need a ride?" Chris says jokingly

"Your three minutes late" I tell him as a cross my arms

"Sorry coconuts" he says with a cute smile as he hands me a helmet.
I take the helmet and sit on the back of his motorcycle. I put my hands around his body.

"Ready?" He asks

"Yup" I reply

And like that the bike makes a loud noice then goes forward

"Where are we going?" I yell. The only reason why I yell is because we both can't hear a thing when we have are helmets on.

"You'll see when we get there" Chris yells back.

As we stop at a red light we see the bar I used to work at.

"Ugh getting some bad memories" I tell Chris as he laughs

"Do you still have the costume?" He asks

"Fuck off" I slap him on his shoulder in a playful way "but yeah I do" I tell me

"The coconut bra as well?" He asks

"Mhm" I reply

"I should wear-"

"Green light!" I tell him

After a few minutes we finally stop outside a big studio. It's all black. I don't know how to explain it but it's just looks very luxurious.

"Okay can you now tell me what we are doing here" I say

"Just trust me" Chris says getting off his bike then taking my hand to get off as well.
He didn't let go of my hand afterwards.

We walk inside and there I see bunch of mannequin's and all types of fabrics an stuff

"Chris. Explain. Now" I say

"Fine" Chris stands now close to me facing me.
"You and me" he says getting closer to my lips "are going to get" even closer then before "custom matching clothes for the wedding's" he says lightly taping a quick kiss on my lips then someone interrupts us

"You must be master Evans" a young man in a back tuxs says

"That's me" Chris looks down at me and smiles

"So should we get started?" The guy in black asks.


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