Darker Blood

By ImogenScott5

460K 17K 2K

Highest rating (06/01/2016) - #920 in FanFiction Massive thankyou to Radiant3 for this cover, I could never h... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
My message to u
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
My message to u part 2
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
My message to u part 3
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
My message to u part 4
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
My message to u part 5
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty-one
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter thirty-three
My message to u part 6
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter thirty-five
Chapter thirty-six
Chapter thirty-seven
Chapter thirty-eight
Chapter thirty-nine
Chapter forty
My message to u part 7
Chapter forty-one
Chapter forty-two
Chapter forty-three
Chapter forty-four
Chapter forty-five
Chapter forty-six
Chapter forty-seven
Chapter forty-eight
A message to you all
Chapter forty-nine
Chapter fifty
My message to you part 8
Chapter fifty-one
Chapter fifty-two
My message to u part 9
Chapter fifty-three
Chapter fifty-four
Chapter fifty-five
Chapter fifty-six
Chapter fifty-seven
Chapter fifty-eight
My message to u part 10
Chapter fifty-nine
Chapter sixty
Chapter sixty-one
Chapter sixty-two
Chapter sixty-three
Chapter sixty-four
Chapter sixty-five
Chapter sixty-six
Chapter sixty-seven
My message to u part 11
Chapter sixty-eight
Chapter sixty-nine
Chapter seventy
Chapter seventy-one
Chapter seventy-two
Chapter seventy-three
Chapter seventy-four
Chapter seventy-five
Chapter seventy-six
My message to u part 12

Chapter twenty-nine

5.3K 226 47
By ImogenScott5

Inori pov~

Bright lights flash across my vision over and over. Squinting, I held my hand up to cover my eyes, the lights burning me.


The sound of footsteps start to approach me and I move my hand away, squinting around, trying to see anything at all. The flashing lights finally stop.

I look up, seeing only half a person through my damaged vision. I reached my chained hands towards them, trying to get a better look.

The person sniffled, glancing behind them. "She's almost ready."


Just as quickly as the person had appeared, they disappeared. Frowning, I tugged on the chains binding me to the floor, trying to remember what happened and how I got here.

How long have I been passed out for, I wonder..?

My eyes fluttered open quickly and I took a quick glance around at where I was. I was nestled in Jungkook's chest, my ear resting right over his heartbeat. Not in a dark room, not with a strange person..

His hand lightly stroked my hair every now and then. Groaning silently, I searched for the strength to get up. He looked at me in surprise, his eyes blotchy red and watery.

"Why are you crying?" I asked him puzzled, brushing off the snow from my legs.

He simply sobbed to himself and pulled me closer.

"How long was I..?"

"I'm sorry." He sobbed, clinging onto the back of my neck tightly, refusing to let me go. "I-I shouldn't have.."

I shook my head, brushing him off, my head plagued by dizziness. "I urged you to."

He nodded to himself, wiping his nose with his soaked sleeve, looking down at his lap. I sat up, glancing at him nervously, dregs of my own blood etched onto his lips. He leaned forward to kiss me and I grimaced, leaning away at the sight of the blood staining his lips. Jungkook realized quickly, wiping it off with a pale hand.

My hand traveled to my neck, feeling the smooth skin. "Where are the marks..?"

"I healed them."


"You would have bled out if I didn't."

I nodded to myself nervously, the dizziness finally starting to leave. "What does it feel like for you..?"

His eyes instantly turned dark red and I shriveled back where I sat, slightly afraid. His tongue emerged, travelling painfully slowly over his plump delicate lips. "It's ecstasy.."

Those primitive eyes met mine and I flinched away a little more. In a flash, his normal eye color returned and I shifted closer, feeling reassured again. He trembled lightly, resting his hand over my shoulder.

"Aren't you scared..?"

I paused, before shaking my head. "I trust you.. but er, do you need to do it often?"

He answered quickly, tensing up noticeably. "I won't use you for every feeding, even when I want to I'll ask you.."

I gulped, the feeling of nervousness settling back in my stomach. It's funny how people change. A few weeks ago, at the encounter we just had, or even the conversation we're having now, I would have run away. But now I can't imagine doing that. Jungkook matters to me and I don't want to leave him. And now I know that he wouldn't intentionally hurt me. He's hurting inside enough as it is. So I'll stay around him for however long our relationship lasts for.

"Are the others vampires too?"

He nodded quickly, avoiding my gaze with those red-tainted eyes of his. "Jin turned me."

I nodded quickly, trying to shake off the fear boiling in my throat. "Why are your eyes red again?"

He glanced at me for a moment, slightly puckering his lips forward. "It took a lot of energy to heal the bite marks I gave you. It's only natural for my body to crave sustenance again."

"Sustenance meaning-"

"Blood." He cut me off, shortly and directly. I gulped, pulling my eyes away from him completely. He continued to peer at me and I tried hard to ignore it. "If any of the others hurt you, I'll kill them."

I looked at him in shock.

Killing? Isn't killing a bit of an extreme? What if his friends bite me..?

"Don't think badly of me, Inori. I don't want to share you with anyone."

"No one else can bite me?"

He shook his head, scrunching more snow between his pale freezing fingers. "No. The others at home can bite you, but only if they do so with your consent." The light red in his eyes intensified.

"I don't want to be bitten..," I mumbled, looking away at the snow now lightly falling, dancing in the air.

"Let's go home.." He stood quickly, holding out a hand to help me get up.

"I-I.." I trailed off, looking up at him. He pulled me up and into a tight hug, breathing deeply. His hand ever so lightly rubbed my back in a reassuring manner and I stayed still, enjoying it.

"Inori.. I can sense your fear.."

I pushed myself away lightly, desperately trying to think of the words I wanted to speak. Jungkook, I wasn't scared of. But the others? That I hardly know? Yeah, quite a lot.

"Are you sure it'll be safe..?"

He smiled lightly, taking my hand in his, entwining those freezing fingers with my numb ones. "They're not cruel or evil. They'll probably be scared of you."

"Scared of me?"

He walked forward hurriedly, pulling me with him. "They know not to mess with me." He flashed a wink and I grinned. I'd never seen this side of him before.

We walked home together, which didn't take too long at all. Walking into the lounge, his hold on my hand intensified and I clung close to him, every breath of my air flavored with the light smell of Jungkook.

Taehyung frowned, walking up to him first, glancing over the blood staining in light patches down his chin and neck, a small patch nestled on his shirt. "You showed her?"

He nodded quickly, looking directly at Taehyung in a trusting manner. Taehyung simply twitched his eyebrows up in an almost surprised way, digging his hands into the pockets of his tight denim jeans. His gaze wandered over to me and I quickly pulled my eyes away from his bright blue ones, clearly afraid. Taehyung grinned lightly, moving closer to me.

"Don't worry Inori, I don't bite."

Jungkook shot him a warning look, making Taehyung explode in laughter.

"She can't be too scared, otherwise she wouldn't have come home with you."

He walked over to the kitchen casually and Jungkook followed, pulling a rigid me with him. Taehyung bent down slightly, opening a cupboard, digging around for something, while locking eye contact with me.

"What does it feel like for you?"

I gaped, my mouth dry. He sighed hurriedly, rolling his eyes, cursing under his breath, digging around even more furiously.

"When he bit you, what did it feel like?"

I gulped again, glancing at Jungkook for a moment. I could feel Jin's eyes on me, even though he'd walked into the room so silently. "U-um.. it hurt?"

Taehyung laughed again, clearly proud of himself, pulling out two packets with a satisfied grin. I looked at the dark red liquid, sparkling slightly in the light of the room. He tossed a packet towards Jungkook, while holding onto the other for himself. Jungkook stayed silent, looking down at the packet full of blood in his hand. His eyes started to change red again and I pulled him towards his room, scared to be around Taehyung much longer.

"I'm sorry."

He dropped the packet of blood onto the floor and walked up to me, kissing me deeply. I whimpered, pushing my tongue into his mouth. I'd missed it, the way he dominated my mouth. His hands slid down my sides, feeling every curve, until finally resting on my hips, tilting them towards him more. I moaned, sliding my tongue over his fangs, still extended. He pulled off quickly, refusing to keep kissing me. I looked at him with a confused expression as he panted to himself, bringing my hips ever closer.

"Don't tease me," He breathed into my ear, my whole back instantly covering itself with goose bumps. He attacked my lips once more, harshly sucking on them, glancing his fangs over them. I whimpered, sliding my hands into his hair. His mouth moved to my neck, nipping at the skin without real force. I rolled my hips against his, making him groan needily and tug my hips closer still.

Without any prompt, he sank down to his knees, breathing heavily. I stayed, clutching at his hair, watching him as he parted my legs slightly, before pressing a light kiss to the very underside. He started to rub one perfect finger along the underside, now warm from touching me. I whimpered, begging him to continue.

"I can't." He got up quickly, blushing in embarrassment.

"What's wrong?" I sat on the bed, trying to ignore the feelings of pleasure cascading down my stomach.

He shook his head, heading towards the bathroom, a bulge very clearly visible in his tight pants. "I just can't, Inori.. I can't risk killing you.." He glanced at me sadly one last time, before closing the bathroom door, locking it behind him.

Puzzled, I snuggled up onto his bed, breathing in more of his scent. It smelt so good, so addictive, almost to the point of being sinful. Before too long, the influence of sleepiness started to get to me and I closed my eyes, still listening to his heavy breathing and occasional whimpers, the water thrumming endlessly in the next room.

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