
By TheQuoteMan2

705 38 82

I've done it. Rank 13, lots of money to help my parents, and did not take me that long. I'm happy where I sta... More

My OC...
Chapter 2: Invitation
Chapter 3: Questions
Chapter 4: Acceptance
Chapter 5: First Time
Chapter 6: First Encounter
Chapter 7: Cursed
Chapter 8: Desire
Hero Analysis: Cyclone/The Wind Phantom
Chapter 9: Partnership
Chapter 10 Special: The Interview(s)

Chapter 11: Commotion

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By TheQuoteMan2


Third Person's P. O. V


Not much time has passed by since Cyclone seen the interviews promoting him on National TV. And it's definitely having an effect. He's getting more notoriety amongst the public. More famous amongst the Heroes themselves, and all seem good.

But Cyclone himself really only saw the negatives of this interview/glorified promotion.

Like he couldn't possibly live a normal life anymore, god forbid, his attire, is already recognizable when he appears in the news(papers). And he doesn't even show his face on close-ups or with short interviews.

Not helping that his Hero Attire is literally the only thing he wears since the guy has no life outside his Hero life.

Basically, his Hero life IS his life.

And the interview woke him up to that fact.

But he's fixing that problem some other time. For now, he's inside of a tall building in the middle of the bustling city as he had business to attend.

He used quite a bit of his money to buy some information on any villain activities in the shadows as is tradition at the start of every month.

Cyclone is pretty good at connecting the dots and can even cover for some weird situations and possibilities so he doesn't need that much information.


Cyclone's P. O. V


Why does everything secret needs a place with no lights? It's getting so cliche and we're in a building for crying out loud.

"People are just taking one too many notes from anime, dude." I look around the dark room. I wanna know how I can see in the dark with my wind powers... Maybe I'll look into it soon.

Regardless, I was waiting for my folder of information, and a .zip file on my phone.

And after a folder came out from the shadows and a ding on my phone, I immediately turned off my phone and grabbed the folder and got out of that place.

I'm gonna look at this info later when my teaching shift ends at U.A Academy. Thank god, I let them know beforehand.


Something's missing...

He's not talking... Hmm. Guess he's not up to it today. That's good for my sanity.

I open the door to get to the rooftop of the building and immediately flew, passing by people down below who happen to see me in the air, and I'm returning back to school.

I haven't got anything for breakfast too... I'll just get some food at the cafeteria. Hope they're not making slop there anymore like how they would do it when I was a student there.

But while I'm still in the air, might as well read the document now. I'm pretty far away from the building I came from anyway.

I check my pockets if there's anything I forgot to bring with me, and good thing there's none, locked my pockets and flew faster to get back to the school sooner. I may have overdid it, I think I was close to Mach speed. That's not good...

I got back to school, flew over the security entrance, and went into the school premises. Apparently, I was even more late than I thought. There's literally no one at school right now. Other than some janitors, that's literally I can see.

Did I miss an important event?

Then my phone started vibrating in my pocket, and checked what's going on.

"Oh..." I' getting called by Midnight to go to the open field that the academy has. Oh, yeah. It's about that Sports Festival. That time of the school year is here again.


Third Person's P. O. V


The young teacher passed by some students until he teleported to the open field, appearing right next to Midnight and scaring her. Cyclone smiled, knowing that.

But the field was getting built by a lot of construction workers and Cyclone didn't really know why they would need the heroes in here, a better idea is let the workers work and the heroes to get out of the way.

But alas, Midnight is here, and Present Mic.

...These 2 heroes are the most ill-prepared to start carrying stuff... So he had to ask.

"Hello? Why are you 2 here? What do we give that these workers are already doing?" Cyclone looks at Midnight, confused.

Then Present Mic started to use his quirk, telling the workers that there's food for them on the entrance. The loudness, made Cyclone teleport Midnight and himself to the food and definitely away from that human loudspeaker.

Then next, he raised all the food with wind, and carried some himself and brought it over to the workers. The workers were surprised with the kindness that the young hero showed and they show their respect for him in return.

As the workers started eating, Cyclone was particularly interested with the new obstacles that the school is using to test teamwork. As this was always the theme of the Sports Festival.

There's already podiums for the Heroes to stand on. As the teachers themselves would be an obstacle for the students to try to get past.

But a shout from Midnight, got Cyclone's attention and when he tried to see what's up, both Present Mic and Midnight are running. Not long after, he followed them.

Then his senses started to alert him. And he teleported to the roof of the stadium to see more. There's currently police vehicles blocking the entrance.

"Speaking of which..."


Cyclone's P. O. V


"That document... And the sudden commotion, and I feel strange presences nearby. They're not far... Ugh, so much to do."

I started to weigh in the options on what to do first, but since I was already alerted and summoned, I'll go to that meeting first.

After running a lot finding, Midnight to point me to the right direction of the meeting. But it turns out, it wasn't a meeting at all. It was a call by the Tenya Ida to immediately to get to the USJ's Training Camp as it was getting attacked by the villains.

There it is... I don't even have to look at that document. Seems that it's a waste of my money now.


Third Person's P. O. V


Cyclone couldn't even bother teleporting someone with him to tag along. As soon as he heard the news, he flew along with All Might straight to the Training Camp. Both arrived quickly but Cyclone wanted All Might to get in there first, as he'll try to stifle any attempt of escape for them.

All Might makes his entrance, as Cyclone sneakily moved past All Might to get into the many sections of the Training Camp.

The technology is so advanced, they can imitate rough weather conditions at some parts. But asides, that, Cyclone worked to identify the attackers, and it was clear who he wanted to attack first.

"Couldn't have guessed..." He murmured to himself, chuckling. As his eyes laid upon Tomura Shigaraki. His eyes glowed white, but he was holding the urge to attack him head-on but he knew that these monsters are not normal criminals.

But instead, he focused on getting students far away from the commotion before he can pounce. And he was partly successful, with the wind blowing ever-so slightly pushing them closer to the exit.

He didn't know that Thirteen, and Eraserhead was gravely injured in the process of saving as much students as possible, but this didn't matter. The explosions in the distance from earlier, got everyone's attention, but after that there wasn't any commotion all of a sudden

Cyclone used that opportunity as valuable time to move fast and close any exits for the Villains to use.

Then he moved closer to the action. The fight has gotten into a stand-still. The Villain Kurogiri having Nomu in a bind on a stuck portal.

'...What the fu... That's Kirishima, Midoriya, Bakugo and Torodoki. Why are they're here?' He thought. He knows that these latter 3 are the strongest of the class as of now, but he can't let them still be fighting that guy with that dangerous quirk.

But still, Cyclone didn't think that this was the right time to strike. He still has the element of surprise, he doesn't wanna use that prematurely.

But then when Nomu started to rise up from the portal and regenerating...


Cyclone's P. O. V


"Wind... Walk."

My movements, ever faster. Closing on my target...

Tomura... You're dead.


Third Person's P. O. V


From Deku's perspective, there was a massive gust of wind, that surprised everyone, but then Shigaraki went flying, from a kick.

"KUROGIRI!!!" Shigaraki yelled for help. As Kurogiri flew up trying to get Cyclone from behind.

Cyclone finally appeared out of thin air, and had the advantage.

"Wind Solidification: Wind Chain!" The assassin yelled as a cloudy, white chain sprouted out of his left wrist and wrapped Shigaraki in it, rendering him immobile and slamming the chain onto the ground, taking Shigaraki for a slam he'll feel for a long time.

"Deal with my chain, my guy. Now, you're next." His eyes glowed and immediately reacted to Kurogiri's predictable attempt of an backstab.

As he spun around to dodge, a hand appeared in his face, clearly from Shigaraki with teamwork from Kurogiri, the hand touches his face, and Cyclone disappears...

The student's and All Might's shock wouldn't last for long as Nomu was now fighting All Might trading blows and sending everyone for a whirl with winds so powerful all nearby spectators went flying.

Kurogiri, while in the air, tried to get Shigaraki out of there with the appearance of Cyclone. The one hero that even the League of Villains knew that they couldn't easily beat. But someone had another idea.

"This is the result if you come messing with our business."

Shigaraki's eyes widen as a massive white aura overpowered Kurogiri's darkness. As Shirgaki felt one of his hands cut mercilessly. With a loud scream of pain coming right after.

Kurogiri tried to salvage the situation by using his most powerful move on him, which made Cyclone back up, and ultimately, let them go as All Might was now losing the fight against Nomu.

"All Might. I'll take him." His Wind Aura was immediately felt as All Might decided to be okay with the help of another Pro Hero rather than a U.A Student.

All Might huffed...

"Hey villain, Have you ever heard these words?"

"PLUS ULTRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

All Might threw out the mightiest punch he had, and sent Nomu flying out of the dome, as Cyclone disappears again.


Cyclone's P. O. V


Faster... I gotta go faster!!!

Where is that monster?!

< I'll do the hard work for you. >


< This body... >


Third Person's P. O. V


After a massive shock to his body, Cyclone goes limp and is slowly losing speed and now falling from the skies... With everyone who happened to be near seeing him falling.

But the body suddenly came back to life and disappeared and after a sonic boom heard from everywhere, the phantom got to Nomu.

In a blink, Nomu's body is now cut up to so many pieces, and no super regeneration can save him. As its blood starts raining over a hillside.

< This is perfect... >

A-kun: This is a sloppy-ass chapter man. I'll work on Splatoon immediately and just forget about this. Jeez. My fight scenes are so poorly written. I'm just updating for the sake of updating. Sorry y'all.

Word Count: 1921 Words.

12:00 PM

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