Naruto Shippuden (Male Reader...

By YourMother72

157K 4.9K 2.3K

It's been almost three years since (Y/N)'s disappearance. No one has been able to find him, and Minerva has a... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII
Chapter XLIX
Chapter L
Chapter LI

Chapter IV

6.2K 165 87
By YourMother72

Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

The group continued trekking through the forest. Sakura took out a food pellet and ate it.

Kakashi: You know, those food pellets are only for emergencies. And a girl at your age should especially be careful with the high fat—

Sakura ignored him and hurried ahead of him, leaving Kakashi confused.

She went over to where Naruto and (Y/N) were.

Sakura: Guys.

Naruto: Yeah?

Sakura: So tell me, you've met him before, haven't you? Itachi Uchiha. And he's after Naruto now, isn't he? You know, it's not like I just spent my time training these past two and a half years. I stole in Lady Tsunade's library and snuck out of the village as much as I could. And now one of the things that bothered me more than anything else finally makes sense. The person that Sasuke wanted to kill... It was his older brother, Itachi, wasn't it, a member of the Akatsuki?

(Y/N): Yes. That's the reason he left the village. He saw Orochimaru as a way to obtain power. But all Orochimaru cares about is Sasuke's body.

Temari: <thinking> Okay, that came out way more sexual than I think he meant it to...

Sakura nodded.

Sakura: And we only have six months left to stop him. But Orochimaru used to be a member of the Akatsuki himself. All I'm trying to say is we can't give up. The closer we get to the Akatsuki, the closer we are to finding information about Orochimaru. And the closer we get to them, the closer we are to Sasuke.

(Y/N): So there's been no word from either Sasuke or Orochimaru these past couple of years?

Sakura: <shaking her head> No. Nothing. All of Orochimaru's hideouts are abandoned, or at least the ones we've found. There could be hundreds of them that we don't know about.

(Y/N): <gritting his teeth> If only I had been there. I could've helped you all find out more about Sasuke's whereabouts. But instead, I made you all worry about me. No doubt some people even thought I was dead. And it's not like I even doing anything meaningful over the past two years. I've completely stagnated. I'm no stronger than I was two years ago.

Naruto: What do you mean?

Kakashi: (Y/N)...

(Y/N): I was captured by the same bat women we encountered at Kaneshiro's mansion after I attempted to block Naruto and Sasuke's attacks.

Naruto/Sakura: <shocked> What??!

(Y/N): I was taken to their leader who placed me in a comatose-like state for two and a half years. She was experimenting on me like she did before.

Sakura: Before...?

(Y/N): After Itachi massacred the Uchiha Clan, I was saved from death by the leader, a hooded woman named Yugen. She experimented on me and then dropped me off near Konoha, where Kakashi found me. The experiments completely took away my memories which is why I had to be placed under a damn Genjutsu to finally remember my time as a part of the Uchiha Clan.

Naruto: No way...

(Y/N): It gets even worse... I'm not an actual blood-member of the Uchiha Clan. I was born in Kusagakure with two completely normal people as parents. But then Yugen came and killed them before stealing me away. That was the first time I was experimented on by her. I was an experiment three damn times.

He grit his teeth and tried to stop tears from falling.

Sakura's hands covered her mouth, while Naruto looked like he was ready to punch something.

(Y/N): <voice cracking> That's why I have those alien powers. It's because I'm a fucking experiment! My Copy Jutsu is also a by-product of the experimentation!

Sakura: (Y/N)...

Temari stayed silent and looked at the ground.

(Y/N) stopped moving and looked up at the sky. Tears streamed down his face.

(Y/N): I hate her... so much... Kakashi-sensei...

Kakashi perked up and watched as (Y/N) turned his head to look at him.

(Y/N): Is it wrong to hate someone? Will I become like Sasuke, so overcome by hatred that I'll abandon my friends just for revenge?

Kakashi closed his eyes and walked over to (Y/N), placing a hand on his shoulder.

Kakashi: We live in a world where hatred is normal. We are human and being human means you will have hatred. What the woman did to you is pure evil and disgusting, and yes, you can hate her, I will not judge you for that...

Sakura hugged (Y/N) from behind. She hurried her face in his back.

Sakura: I hate that woman too. She did horrible things to you... but please, (Y/N)... Don't be like Sasuke. You have friends who will help you. Please don't abandon us too.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened. He turned his head to look at Sakura.

Kakashi: Yes. You have friends who will help you carry the burden of your hatred. They will help you deal with this. The mistake Sasuke made was believing he had to do everything on his own and pushed away his friends and even you, his brother.

Kakashi looked up at the sky.

Kakashi: I've made mistakes too, I won't deny it. I tried to blow off Sasuke's hatred as something would eventually grow out of, but what Itachi did has scarred him for the rest of his life. I also favored him more than the rest of you, and basically split our squad apart. Now I have a chance to rectify that. I will bring our squad back together again. But I can't do it alone. I'll need you guys' help, all right?

He smiled through his mask.

(Y/N) wiped his eyes and smiled too.

Temari: <smirking> It's getting late, you guys. I think we should stop for the night.

Kakashi: Good idea. I'm sure everyone is tired from traveling.

As everyone set up camp, Naruto walked up to (Y/N).

Naruto: You won't leave us, right, (Y/N)? I don't want to lose another friend...

(Y/N) ruffled Naruto's hair and smiled at him.

(Y/N): You think I would leave you behind? We're going to get stronger together, all right, Naruto? Then we'll kick the Akatsuki, Orochimaru, and Yugen's asses.

Naruto grinned at (Y/N). He then looked down.

Naruto: Thank you for never treating me like a monster. Even when we weren't friends, you never were disgusted to be around me.

(Y/N): You're welcome, Naruto. Now, let's focus on the task at hand: saving Gaara.


After some more traveling, the group finally reached the desert.

Temari: The Village Hidden in the Sand is just up ahead. It's best if I take the lead from here on out.

Kakashi: Lead on.

After stopping for a stupid sandstorm, the group eventually reached the Sand Village. There were two Shinobi standing guard.

Guard 1: We've been expecting you.

Guard 2: Lady Temari, you were with them?

Guard 1: Please, this way.

As the guards led the way for Team Kakashi and Temari, they shared some surprising news.

Temari: What? You say they've got Kankuro as well?

Guard 1: Yes. When the enemy took Lord Kazekage, Kankuro went after them by himself. He was poisoned. And we haven't been able to find anything to counteract it. He won't last much longer.

Temari: Damn it!

Sakura: Don't give up yet, Temari. Let me take a look at him.

When they reached the hospital, Temari burst into the room where Kankuro was.

Temari: Kankuro!

Team Kakashi hurried in after her. That's when an old woman randomly started charging towards Kakashi.

???: DAMN YOU!!! Get ready to defend yourself or die!

She jumped into the air.

???: Revenge at last!

Kakashi: <confused> Huh?!

(Y/N) quickly moved in front of Kakashi and blocked one of her fists, while Naruto blocked the other.

The old woman just backwards and stared at them.

Naruto: What do you think you're doing, attacking Kakashi-sensei like that, you wrinkly old prune?

???: I haven't forgotten what you did. I've waited for this day, White Fang of the Leaf, the day I wreak vengeance on you for what you did to my son.

Kakashi: No, no, no. You see, I'm not—

???: That's enough talk.

She was about to attack again, when an old man moved in front of her.

Old Man: Take a closer look at the man, sis. It's true there's a resemblance, but this one is not the White Fang.

Old Woman: Eh?

Kakashi: Heh. Hello!

Old Man: Besides, as you know, the White Fang of the Leaf died long ago. Remember? When you heard the news, you wept in frustration, because it meant you would never have your vengeance. Isn't that so, sis?

Old Woman: Oh, well. Never mind. <laughs>

(Y/N): <sweatdropping> What is with this old lady?

Suddenly, Kankuro started screaming out in pain. Baki, who was also in the room, looked down at him, worried.

Baki: Kankuro!

Sakura pulled her hair up and stepped in front of Baki.

Sakura: Here, let me take a look at him.

Temari: Yes, please.

Sakura: Listen, it might help if you all clear out and give us some room.

Naruto: You got it, Sakura.


After a while, Sakura wiped her forehead and smiled.

Sakura: I removed most of the poison. I believe that ought to put him out of any immediate danger.

Temari fell on the floor, sighing in relief. (Y/N) smiled and sat next to her.

(Y/N): You all right?

Temari: Yeah. I was so worried. I can't afford to lose any more family, especially since it's just me, Kankuro, and Gaara left.

(Y/N) put a hand on her shoulder.

(Y/N): Don't worry. We'll bring Gaara back safe and sound.

Naruto ran into the room, grinning.

Naruto: Way to go, Sakura!

Sakura: But he's not completely out of the woods yet. Now then, I have to quickly put together an antidote for the traces of toxin still remaining in his body.

Baki: I see. Anything you need, don't hesitate to ask.

While Sakura and the old woman, Chiyo, got medicinal herbs for an antidote, Kakashi, Naruto, and (Y/N) stood with Baki outside of the medical room.

That's when a Shinobi came in, holding a scroll.

Shinobi: Lord Baki, a reply from the Leaf Village.

Baki: Thank you.

He took the scroll, opened it, and read it. He then handed it to Kakashi.

Baki: It's from your Hokage.

Naruto: From Grandma Tsunade? What did she say?

Kakashi: She says that Team Guy is on its way here to back us up.

Naruto/(Y/N): Huh?

Naruto: Bushier Brows-Sensei's squad? <laughs> I can't wait to see how much they've all changed. I hear even Neji's been made a Jonin.

(Y/N): <chuckling> I can't wait to see them either. Do you think Lady Tsunade's told them about me yet?

Kakashi: It doesn't say in the message, so I don't know.

(Y/N): Hmm... I hope she didn't that way I can surprise them! I wonder how much little Neji has grown.

Kakashi: Uh, isn't he only a few months younger than you?

(Y/N): <ignoring him> Ah, and he's a Jonin. They grow up so fast.

Anime tears fell down his face.

Naruto: <thinking> It's good to see (Y/N) acting like his old self. <out loud> All right, then! No sense waiting around for them to get here. Let's go after the Akatsuki right now!

He took off running down the hall.

Kakashi: Okay, but which way are you going? Do you even know where they are?

Naruto stopped in his tracks and looked at the ground, sadly.

Naruto: Uh, no...

(Y/N) laughed, while Kakashi turned to Baki.

Kakashi: If you don't mind my asking, what have been the results so far of your attempts to pursue the Akatsuki?

Baki: First, Kankuro went after them by himself, and you see what happened to him. Then we dispatched a tracking unit in pursuit, but as yet, we haven't heard back from them. And there's another problem. We believe that—well, it appears that Captain Yura, one of our council of advisers, has gone missing. We don't even know if he's alive.

Kakashi: So you're saying you've completely lost track of the Akatsuki?

Baki: Yes. We have.

One of the medical assistants walked into the hallway.

Assistant: Lord Baki, Kankuro has regained consciousness.

The four Shinobi walked into the room where Kankuro was. His eyes were opened.

Temari: Kankuro, are you all right?

Kankuro: <groaning> Temari, you're back already?

Temari: I heard the village was in trouble.

Kankuro: I'm sorry to be such a bother.

Temari: Shut up. Don't be ridiculous.

Kankuro slowly sat up, groaning in pain. His eyes fell on Naruto and (Y/N).

Temari: Yes, they came all the way from the Leaf Village to help us.

Kankuro: Is that Naruto Uzumaki?

Naruto: Hey, there.

Kankuro: Wait... (Y-Y/N) (L/N)?

(Y/N) waved and gave him a closed-eyed smile.

Temari: <smiling> Yup. He's back.

Kankuro: Everyone was so... worried about you.

(Y/N): They don't have to worry anymore. I'm fine.

Kakashi analyzed Kanjuro's destroyed puppets and summoned his eight ninja hounds, including Pakkun.

Naruto: Hey, Pakkun!

Pakkun: Is that you, Naruto? Long time no see.

Naruto: Look at you! You haven't changed a bit!

Pakkun: You haven't either.

Naruto: Huh? What are you talking about? I'm a lot taller, for one thing.

Pakkun: <to (Y/N)> Well, well. Look who decided to show his face.

(Y/N): Hi, Pakkun.

Kakashi: All right, all right. Let's skip the reunions. I need you guys to get on this right away.

He held out a piece of cloth that one of the puppets had belonging to an Akatsuki cloak. The dogs began to sniff it.

Kakashi: Find out which way he went, okay?

Pakkun: We'll let you know when we find something.

The eight dogs quickly ran out of the room.

Naruto: They won't let us down. Okay, we move out as soon as Pakkun and his posse get back. So I say we start getting ready.

(Y/N): You certainly are itching for a fight.

Chiyo and her brother entered the room.

Kankuro: Lady Chiyo and Lord Ebizo, you're here?

Chiyo: There's something we must know, and only you can tell us. Am I correct in thinking that one of your opponents, the one you fought with, was Sasori?

Kankuro looked down.

Ebizo: Well, speak up, Kankuro.

Kankuro: Yes, Sasori of the Red Sand. He told me so himself.

Kakashi: Sasori of the Red Sand, huh? I get the feeling you know something about these Akatsuki. Will you tell us?


Sakura returned and gave Kankuro an antidote that completely removed the poison from his body.

Naruto put on a backpack.

Naruto: C'mon! Let's get out of here!

(Y/N): Slow down, Naruto. Not all of us have your energy.

Sakura: Yeah. I just spent the last hour trying to figure out an antidote.

Naruto chuckled.

Kankuro: Naruto Uzumaki... Please save my little brother.

It was silent in the room for a while before Naruto smiled.

Naruto: Of course! I'm going to be the Hokage! For now, the Kazekage can just owe me one!

(Y/N) smirked and ruffled Naruto's hair.

(Y/N): I guess we're on our way then.

Naruto: Yup! Let's go!

As the group walked out of the hospital, Temari and a group of Sand Shinobi walked up to Team Kakashi.

Temari: Wait for us. We'll be your backup.

Kakashi: <unsure> You will?

Temari: We'll go!

Chiyo's voice was heard. She was standing on top of a building.

Chiyo: Temari, you stay to aid border security. I'll represent the Sand Village myself.

Temari: But... Granny Chiyo!

Baki: It seems inappropriate for...

Chiyo: Don't treat me like a fossil!

She jumped off of the building and landed on the ground just fine.

Naruto/(Y/N)/Sakura: <shocked> WAHH!!!!

Chiyo: It's been a while since I've taken care of my adorable grandchild...


Team Kakashi and Chiyo were running through the forest.

Sakura: Hey, Naruto. Can I ask you something? How long have you been a target of the Akatsuki?

Naruto: How should I know?

(Y/N): Two Akatsuki members came to Konoha looking for Naruto about three years ago. Sasuke and I encountered them as well as Kakashi-sensei.

Kakashi: Yes. Now they're back, but I'm still not sure what they want exactly.

Sakura: Why did they wait almost three years?

Chiyo: Extracting Tailed Beasts sealed in a human body requires some preparation. They needed time.

Sakura: What's a Tailed Beast?

Chiyo: What?! You're a pupil of Tsunade's but don't know that?

Kakashi: In Konoha, information about the Nine-Tails, the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox Spirit, is absolutely top secret.

Chiyo: Well, that's not surprising... Tailed Beasts are giant tailed spirits. From long ago, there was the One-Tail, the Spirit of the Sand, Shukaku, which was sealed in Gaara.

Sakura: One-Tail... So, there are demonic beasts other than the fox...

Chiyo: Yes. There are nine Tailed Beasts in this world. Tailed Beasts are distinct in character. Each of them has a different number of tails. One-Tail means one tail, Two-Tails is two... Up to Nine-Tails, the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit. Their names represent the number of tails they have.

(Y/N) frowned, remembering Han.

Chiyo: Tailed Beasts are huge concentrations of chakra. During the era of great war, every nation's hidden village competed for control of them for military purposes. But their power is beyond human understanding and no one could control them. I don't know the Akastuki's intentions, but that kind of power is far too dangerous for them to get ahold of. Well, in peace times, things have changed. I heard that Tailed Beasts have spread all over the world now.

(Y/N): So I take it when you have a Tailed Beast sealed inside of you, you're called a Jinchuriki?

Chiyo looked back at (Y/N), surprised.

Chiyo: Yes. Gaara is a Jinchuriki, and so is Naruto.

(Y/N): Han was also one.

Naruto/Sakura: Huh?

Naruto: That's right! He did say he had the Five-Tails sealed inside of him.

Sakura: The big man that Kaneshiro's mansion was a Jinchuriki...? Wow.

(Y/N): That means the Akatsuki are also after him. I wonder where he is...

Suddenly, Kakashi gasped and yelled.

Kakashi: Everyone, stop!!

Everyone came to a screeching halt. In front of them, standing in a field, was Itachi Uchiha.

(A/N): Deez nuts.

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