My Stepbrothers

By minluvr1

158K 5.7K 791

Y/N is a seventeen years old cute, loving, cheerful girl. She always has a wide smile that makes everyone mel... More

Twenty two
Twenty- Four
Twenty- Six
Twenty -Eight

Twenty- Seven

2.7K 124 25
By minluvr1

This isn't how they expected to be awake after a happy day. In a basement, hands, and legs are tied to a chair. The previous day was a blast for the family and they clearly remember sleeping in their respective rooms, then how did they end up here?

Y/N opened her eyes and hissed in the pain in her head. She adjusted her eyes to the light of the room. It was a basement. She tried to move but couldn't.

"You are tied, Fluffy." She stopped struggling and looked at her side to see Hoseok. He was also tied to a chair with chains. She looked around only to see the rest of her brothers and their parents being tied on chairs. They all were already awake.

’How did this happen? The Go mansion was highly secured and guarded, then how?’ Y/N felt her mouth and throat dry, from thinking. She felt her Merinthophobia kick in, she started to feel difficult to breathe.

(Merinthophobia is the fear of being bound or tied up)

Y/N was sweating profusely and shivering because of the anxiety. Her heartbeat was rising unhealthy. She felt the familiar fog bubbling inside her head which she pushed aside. She was trying desperately to get away from the restraints which resulted in bruises and wounds on her.

"Angel Eyes, you are hurting yourself please stop it," Jungkook said when he noticed she was hurting.

The others also tried to stop her by talking only to fall on deaf ears. She was panicking so much that she couldn't hear their assurance and soothing. Everything was muffled and the memories which she wanted to forget were flashing before her.

She made a heart-wrenching scream and cried historically still trying to get away from the chains to no avail. Her brothers and parents watched the scene helplessly. She fainted soon from all the crying and panic, worrying them. They were relieved when one man came and checked on her and confirmed she was alive and breathing.

It wasn't the first time for Cho-Hee seeing Y/N having a panic attack and passing out in front of her,but it felt like it each time watching her daughter helplessly. Y/N would be provoked if someone touched her when she was having an attack which made Cho-Hee keep her distance whenever Y/N had one. Cho-Hee assured Boem-soo and BTS that it is better for Y/N to stay unconscious than suffer in consciousness, to which others agreed silently. BTS and Boem-soo were furious after seeing Y/N like that, they will make them pay for this, it's their promise to themselves.


Moments later a masked man greeted them with a sickening chuckle. By the look of the men following him and the men guarding them, it is the leader.

"What a sweet family. Oh! how much a marriage and two females have changed the Kims. Loving and caring brothers….. protective and sweet father and husband." The man laughed at them mockingly.

"Do they know the dirty and cruel secrets you guys hide? The monster behind your clean image? Should I reveal to them who you all truly are?" He questioned.

BTS and Beom-soo tensed hearing it but still maintained their composure while Cho-Hee was confused.

The man tsked annoyed when he didn't get any reaction from them. That's when his eyes fall on unconscious Y/N.

"Oh! Silly me. How could I? When the main star is unconscious? Let's wake her up shall we?" The man asked in a sickeningly sweet tone.

He smirked when he saw their composure breaking at the mention of the girl. Bingo.

He got the trump card he needed and it is Y/N. The family was silent and emotionless, from the moment they woke up. Which changed only when Y/N woke up and had a panic attack.

"Bring some water.." the man ordered one of his men. "…. About 3-4 buckets." He said with a smirk when he saw their eyes waver. His men soon came with the water.

BTS and Boem-soo's jaws clenched when a bucket of water was splashed on Y/N's face. She was startled awake with a gasp.

The masked man smiled in victory seeing the worry on their faces, finally earning a reaction from them.

Cho-Hee was cursing under her breath. She doesn't have any idea why they were even kidnapped? She can see it wasn't a simple kidnap by one of their business enemies, by the look of the mens and the masked men she can guess they are not simple hitmans. They were gangsters or underworld workers.

She can identify one just by a look. The least she learned from the life in the underworld as a slave for some years and wife of a gangster for couple more years.

She had doubts about her husband before. She knows Beom-soo isn't the neat man he seems in the media, he has the dark side he hides but his love for her and his family was enough for her to overcome those doubts.

He had played the role of a good partner, lover, friend, mentor, boyfriend, husband, dad, mom, brother, and everything in her life for the past years of dating.

She, the independent woman who thought dependent on others is weak, realized depending can also be a strength, Boem-soo made her realize many things in life through his love, many things she missed out on.

She felt like a teenager all over again with him. She trusted him so much, but did he?

Y/N couldn't even keep her eyes open, she felt like she was hit by a truck. She was so tired, her eyes were drooping and were barely open.

She tried hard to open her eyes to see the man with the familiar voice. The voice she was searching desperately for years, finally, when he is in front of her, she can't even keep her eyes open. She wanted to scream in frustration but was too tired for it. She just wants to sleep, a small nap would be okay right? She will catch him when she wakes up.

Y/N hissed in pain in her jaws when she closed her eyes. He was holding her jaw tilted toward his face, she took advantage of the closeness by taking in his available details with her half-lidded eyes and dizzy mind. She carved the tattoo peeking from the collar of his shirt.

He was speaking but she couldn't register a single word. Everything was muffled, she didn't even feel when the second and third bucket of water splashed or the cut made on her right hand, she was already passed out.

Boem-soo and Cho-Hee shouted when the man cut their daughter. The brothers, except one diverted their gazes, they couldn't bear the scene.

Namjoon didn't look away, he watched the scene with a dark expression, his Munchkin didn't even flinch, she was so out of it fueling him more. He absorbed every single thing, to make him pay for all those, he won't miss even a single scratch they made in her. Suddenly his dark expression turned into surprise then to a mischievous smirk which he soon changed dark again seeing the blood oozing from his sister.

Namjoon gave Yoongi a meaningful look when he saw his hyung was looking at him with a judgmental look, Yoongi nodded to it with a subtle smirk.

Yoongi had noticed the change of expression passed his brother's face earlier. Yoongi gave a signal to Jin and it passed in between the brothers in silence, without anyone's doubt or notice.

They were communicating by eyes, facials, and gestures, which was impossible for them a few months ago, but which now they mastered.

"What do you want? Name it. Leave my daughter and family alone you b*stard." Boem-soo reacted, he couldn't bear his daughter getting hurt in front of him.

"I will play with her when she is awake, it isn't fun to play with a motionless body even though I enjoyed your reactions, it will be even more interesting watching you all when I torture her in front of you all, she would be screaming in pain, begging me to stop. You all can only watch everything helplessly. Oh… can't wait,.for now, let's leave her to sleep while we elders talk shall we?" The masked man monologed anticipatedly, which made Kims's stomach twist in discomfort.

"So com-" the masked man was cut off when one of his men came to him urgently, annoying him.

The family could sense something was wrong, the man had a scowl on his face, he was angry, and he dashed out of the room angrily while giving them death glares.

Y/N was slipping in and out of consciousness, she could hear everything but couldn't open her eyes or react, but a small victorious smile appeared on her lips when the man exited the room urgently. She twisted the ring on her finger, which is a tracker and emergency alerter. She had pressed the button when she woke up, which had sent the emergency message to her gang.

She opened her eyes with so much difficulty when she felt a vibration on the ground shaking them a little, they could hear the sound of a commotion, and gunshots when one of the men guarding them opened the door to check outside.

Namjoon double-checked the two men in the room left before standing up. The other nine, even Y/N who just opened her eyes, looked at him wide-eyed when the chair just fell off into pieces. He was truly the god of destruction.

He only gave them all a sheepish smile, while he undoes the chains and restraints expertise.

The mens came while he was helping Seokjin out, he knocked them off easily and resumed his task. They all except Y/N were free when more men came sensing their actions. BTS fought with them while Boem-soo and Cho-Hee helped out Y/N, who was awake but weak by now.

When the family exited the room they could hear the commotions. The building was under attack. Hoseok saw some bodyguards securely transporting their leader, the masked men out of there to a van. Coward.

Hoseok was disappointed that they couldn't even find the reason for the abduction or find who is behind all these. Now their biggest task was escaping the place alive. The males fought whoever came in their way, while Cho-Hee supported Y/N walking. She was invigorated by the walking and pulling round from the phobia slowly.

The place was highly guarded and secluded, by the time the family reached the exit, their abductors had taken care of the intruders and were after them, again.

They escaped the building somehow, but the building was surrounded by trees and trees only. Not a single thing was in sight other than darkness or trees. It was dark and they don't know how long they have been captured. The building was in the middle of a forest is their best guess. They ran into the forest aimlessly when they heard an alerting siren from the building.

"Trying to run away? To where? You can't escape. It's my land, my men will soon catch you so enjoy your run till then." The man's mocking voice is heard through a speaker on the tree. It was not an abandoned land; it was under their observation.

Boem-soo cursed when they came to the same place once again. It was like a maze and they couldn't find a way out, they again came to the same point for the third time. They were hopeless.

"Follow the moon," Y/N said in her strained voice. When she saw the clouds clearing and the moon was visible. She was back on her feet but was weak after the endless run for an hour now.

They all were tired, thirsty, and hungry. The men were back on their tails but they diverted them for the time being.

There was no other option and followed it, not knowing it was out of the land or deep into the forest.

The family had to overcome some traps on the way signaling they were on the correct way. 

Soon the road was in sight, but many men were rounding with guns and weapons to their disappointment. They walk around the other two areas only to witness a similar scene.

It only had several meters after jumping a fence, they saw some lights from buildings, and they were about to turn thinking they were back in the same place when Cho-Hee gasped in recognition.

" Look!" Cho-Hee pointed toward a flag hosted proudly between the buildings. Taking a close look they can see it was a small village.

Relief flows through their veins which was short-lived when they were suddenly surrounded by armed men.

They were caught just when they were about to reach somewhere. Flashlights torched their faces blinding them. The ten were captured even though BTS tried to put up a fight. They were exhausted.

Y/N felt her chest tighten again. She was going to take her small hidden dagger out when.




Thank you for reading.

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Sorry for my poor English and grammar mistakes. English is not my first language.

Thank you for 100+ followers.🥳🥳


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