Ouran High school Host Club:...

By BloodyRose64

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Only those with excellent social standing and those from filthy rich families are lucky enough to spend their... More

First Day At Work πŸ‘©β€πŸ’Ό
Let The Party Begin πŸ’ƒ
Physical Exams πŸ‘¨β€βš•οΈ
Who Is This Man? 🀷
Filming Day 🎬
Round 1: FIGHT!! πŸ’₯
My Resort Breaking Point 🌴
Tired Of The Beach Apologies 🍹
Gay PanicπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ
The Project Pays Off With A Home Visit πŸ’…
Prince Of Darkness Has A Sister?! πŸ§™
Savannah Really Is The Mom Of The Group πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘§
Extra! Extra! Read All About It! πŸ“°
Soft Melodies Compliment A Hot Summer Day β˜€οΈπŸŽΌ
The Green Eyed Monster Soon Turns Pink β˜”οΈ
Sleepless Kyoya Chronicles πŸ›
No Boys Allowed!! πŸ’…πŸ’‹
Gay Panic 2: Electric Boogaloo 🌈
A Very KILLER Halloween πŸŽƒπŸ¬
A Scary Face With A Heart Of Gold πŸ‘ΉπŸ’›
A Scary Face With A Heart Of Gold πŸ‘ΉπŸ’› (2)
Dancing In Snow For The Winter Ball ❄️
It's Over, Isn't It....? πŸ’”
It's Never Over πŸ’

Now It's Haruhi's Turn🏠

25 0 0
By BloodyRose64

      Today was the day we all had to chip in and go shopping for the house! Ever since the boys were over and that spa visit, we didn't really pay attention to how much stuff we were using around the house until there was literally nothing there. I was also pretty low on gas, so this time we had to walk back and forth from the house just for me to save it. It's a good thing we all came along, because we bought a lot of things...some not needed if I had to admit it. While walking back though, we ran into Haruhi who also took advantage on some of the specials they had. We all talked a bit, but mostly kept to our own business as we walked the same way. As we all walked, Savannah looked up and saw a shiny deep black Mercedes parked in front of her apartment building. "Um...guys," She called out to us. We looked towards it to see what seemed to be a chauffeur opening the door, then out came the guys we all knew and loved most of the time. 

      Haruhi slumped over in defeat as I tried to hold her up, "It had to happen one of these days, girl. They did want to come over to your house." Savannah did try and walk up to them, but Dayna stopped her. "What?" "Let's see how long it takes them to notice we're here~" That was brilliant of her. Spoiler alert; they really aren't that aware of their surroundings. Kaoru gasped greatly as he looked around, "Wow, so this is Haruhi's house, huh? It's pretty big, isn't it? Bigger than I thought." Are they serious? "It has lots of rooms," Honey cheered. Oh my god, they really are serious about this....do they not know what an apartment complex is?? It was so bad that Kyoya had to explain it to them in his own wording and tone, either way the explanation came across, "No, this is what's called aggregate commoner dwelling. Haruhi's place is probably just one of the rooms among these." While he spoke, Tamaki paced back and forth with a worried look on his face that was sort of mixed with anger and despair. He grabbed Kyoya by the shoulders, "What's with all of these people?! Especially those two doppelgangers!" "Oh. I was sure that you didn't have the courage to come alone, so it would be better if we came en masse." He teased him a bit by pretending to have everyone leave, even with the twins complaining, and Tamaki apologized to get them to stay. He has some kind of mommy or daddy issue, I swear. I can sense it from 40 fucking miles away at this point. 

      "Listen up, men," Tamaki gathered them up. "Do not forget...this is just as we happened to be passing by sort of nonchalant visit-" "You really need to learn to whisper, blondie!" They all turned to our group when I said that loudly. Haruhi was steaming from the ears mad, so when the club tried to compliment her she just yelled at them to get the hell out. Tamaki was so hurt and surprised by that, he started blaming the twins over and over again. While one of the locals pulled us away to ask what was going on, I walked over to Kyoya. "Hey," I said to him. He said hello back to me, turning to me and putting his phone down. Going into one of my bags, I pulled out a box wrapped in dark purple paper and handed it to him, "I got you a gift. Don't open it until you get home though, it's...pretty big." He nodded and put in the car, "Thank you for the gift, Rose. I appreciate you thinking of me." "I'm sure you'll love the gift as well, since you love to put on the mysterious act I had to guess."

      Everything seemed to calm down after a minute, and the guys weren't really going anywhere. Haruhi had to let us all into her apartment, but she tried to use the fact that we still had out bags from shopping in our hands. Kyoya took care of that issue, having some of his workers actually take the bags to our house for us. He can be such a sweetheart sometimes, right? "I'm warning you," We all gathered at her front door as she was about to open it. "You just get a little look, like three seconds. Once you've seen it, you'll immediately--" Honey interrupted her by holding up a cake he brought over for her. That was the last column to make her cave in, sighing at the thought of having us over and finally opening the door. And she lived....in a regular apartment here. Sure, it was small, but not so small that you'd feel cramped. Hikaru called it a hovel and shabby, but me and Tamaki hit him straight in the head for that. They all started to observe and compliment the place in their own ways....they could've put more work into the 'compliments' themselves, but it's the thought that counts, I think. 

      "Haru-chan, we take off our shoes?" Honey pointed out as she did it. She nodded, "Yes, please." This had me thinking as I turned to Savannah, "Didn't we talk about having the guys doing that when they come over to our house eventually?" She started to sweat and laugh nervously, "W-Well, you see...everything was happening at once, and...and...I'm sorry." I shook my head at her and turned back to the main conversation. We all walked into house, settling into the sitting room after taking off our shoes. I whispered a quiet sorry to Haruhi as we walked by, and she just smiled softly at me. "Talk about small!" "You wouldn't expect a light to be hanging down there, huh?" There were plenty more comments, but started to tune out when Tamaki started talking. He stared intensely, "It looks like we haven't given commoners' housing enough credit. All right, it's tight in here, so everyone try your best to sit gym-style." The 3 of us just rolled out eyes slightly and sat like we usually do. "Dear," Savannah chuckled and patted Tamaki's shoulder. "I know this is just some ignorance to our ways of housing, but try to keep the comments to yourself. Honestly, I don't Haruhi to get anymore annoyed at us popping up out of nowhere." Tamaki thought about for a moment and nodded, understanding her point. 

      Haruhi groaned to herself, thinking no one could hear her from the kitchen, "I'll put some tea on." "Oh, Haruhi," Hikaru called to her. He pulled out an orange little bag with sun patterns all over it, "As far as tea goes, I have this black tea that our father bought as a souvenir from Africa. Here. I got some for you too, Dayna." He handed over both, but Dayna slightly cringed at it. She shrugged, "I'm not really a tea person. Savannah, you want it?" "Sure, Rose would probably like some for her writing session tonight." And she was most certainly correct about that. Haruhi didn't seem too indifferent to it, seeming somewhat interested in it. Kaoru added, "It's best as a milk tea. Do you have any milk?" "I think, when's the last time we bought milk?" For some reason that triggered Tamaki to pull in both twins into some whispering. "You idiots!" He yelled quietly. "How could you do something like this to her? Are you trying to embarrass Haruhi by giving her that stuff?" Embarrass...her? "Look at how Haruhi is at a total loss over what to do!" He continued. Now he has the twins believing in this shit. Dayna slid over to add her own thoughts into it, "You guys are being so dramatic. It's tea, hasn't she-" "She doesn't have a teapot, Dayna! And she can't bring herself to tell us so!" The twins sobbed quietly. There's always that time in our days where we ask ourselves....'That's the man I'm going for?' Kaoru tried to retract his offer, but the tea was already done so....all for nothing!

      Savannah sighed at the continued talk between Tamaki and the twins, "There's no telling, but one of our offhanded remarks might inflict serious damage upon Haruhi's heart. Thus, in this fight...whoever embarrasses Haruhi is the loser." "Darling, I know you care about her feelings and being totally respectful...it's just-" "You're overthinking it," Dayna finished for her, experiencing Savannah annoyed glared after saying it. Kyoya spoke up as well, "I haven't the slightest idea why you need to turn this into a contest." "Just like Dayna said, you guys are taking this shit too far honestly. And that's coming from me," I joined it. Haruhi came back in with the tray of tea, also apologizing that all the cups don't match. The cakes were brought out and Haruhi got first picks, soon picking a strawberry one. All of this moment was mixed in with The Three Stooges making such a fuss about....whatever in the hell they had in their little pea brains. "Do you have any medicine for headaches on you, Kyoya?" Dayna and I turned to him.

      We all finished our slice, enjoying the aftertaste pleasantly. "After eating that cake, I'm getting a bit peckish," Honey sighed. "Now that you mention it, it is long past lunchtime." Kyoya stood up, "Now, we're the ones who dropped in on you without warning, so we'll put up the money." Such a gentlemen~ Savannah was the one to catch me slightly drooling Kyoya when he did that...I love me a man with smarts and a gentlemen side of things, what can I say! Haruhi objected to this for a reason that it'll end up piling onto the still large sum of debt she has with them, but of course Kyoya already had that figured out as well. Pulling out a gold card, he pushed up his glasses, "Not to worry. This comes out of sales of photos of you that we auctioned." Savannah slightly shook her head looking at me. "And she talks about me..." She thought to herself.

      The plan was that we could get some sushi from a shop that was run by one of her friends, and....oh lord they're at it again. Tamaki perked up and started writing on a piece of paper, handing it to Haruhi quick.

"Even if the sushi pack 

says premium on it, you can't call it '

high-quality.' Be very careful." 


      Savannah sighed deeply, going up to Tamaki as Haruhi looked even more annoyed. Tamaki yelled, "You dummy! Daddy even took care to act all casual so as not to embarrass you!" She pulled him by the shoulder, making him look at her. "Tamaki, Tamaki. Look at me, take a deep breath and...relax," She told him. During this, Honey suggested that she actually cooked for us instead, which Haruhi didn't actually mind since she did just go shopping. "That's fine, but even starting now, it will take some time," Haruhi pondered. Savannah held up her hand, "And I'm helping you, no excuses!" Turning back to Tamaki, she gave him a small smile, "Darling, I know that you're just looking out for Haruhi...for all of us, but she knows more than you think. How you're putting it into words just sounds like you think she can't tell a difference, which is very upsetting...since you have a more easy going life when it comes to social ranking." She held his face in her hands, shaking slight from being so touchy with him, "Just breath and be yourself, Tamaki. That's what I lo-....I mean, that's what we all admire about you anyway." He started to blush as did Savannah did before she hopped up and excused herself to stand next to Haruhi.

      After talking a bit with Haruhi, Savannah convinced her to try cooking one of her dishes for them. "Well, I'll have to go to the supermarket again," Haruhi exhaled. The whole wanted to come with, so the twins dragged Dayna out with them as the rest of us followed in tow. While we all walked down the stairs, someone else with bright red hair passed by us. Dayna looked up at the person and waved, "Love the new hair!" "Why thank you, sweetheart! Still waiting on a new painting!" The rest of the club was slightly confused at this, but when we all went back to see what was taking Tamaki so long...it was obvious really. The twins looked to Dayna and asked her, "So you know him?" "Yeah, started talking in the supermarket a while back."

      So, first impressions of Tamaki from Haruhi's dad was....not in a good light. With the twins trying to lie a lot about his relationship with Haruhi, and Tamaki finally telling him the truth, the verdict was...Tamaki is a fucking idiot. We all eventually sat back down to talk with him, "I see. You're the Host Club I've been hearing about. You really are a fine set of boys. I don't know which one of you I would take." He looked over to us, "I thought Haruhi was the only expectation to the club. Are you all in some kind of debt too?" "Oh no, god no," I shook my head. Savannah answered for us, "Think of like the crew for a play. Or waitresses at a restaurant." "Expect we get paid a lot more," Dayna added in. Since we were so friendly, he wanted us to called him Ranka-san. Haruhi nudged Savannah a bit to point over to Tamaki, who was just rotting away in sadness in his corner. 

      It turns out that Ranka knew everyone by name and year, including us, and how would she know this? Our lovely tax collector, Kyoya, got in touch with him...very surprising, I know. Tamaki tried questioning him about it, but it was thrown right back in his face, "We're looking after his precious daughter. It's only natural that I'd say hello, and give periodic reports on her, right? Ordinarily, that should be your job, right?" If Ranka had to pick someone for Haruhi, I think the top one would be Kyoya at this point, since he just gave off the aura that he approved of for his daughter. He smiled bashfully, "You really are a fine club president. Oh, Kyoya-kun, you're the vice-president, aren't you? You do know how to pick them Rose~" That got me choking and Dayna trying not to laugh out loud. I turned to her and whisper, "You talk to him about me, don't you? Oh, I'm gonna fucking kill you someday." Haruhi was pissed about not knowing this at all, yelling and all. During the whole ordeal, I thought about how Ranka and Tamaki wasn't that much different....in treating Haruhi like their daughter. And the cross dressing...weirdly enough.

      "Oh, no, where are you going?" "The supermarket. I'm going shopping-" Savannah hopped up, "With me! You aren't leaving me behind like that!" Before heading to the market, she went to Tamaki and put a hand on his head. Looking up at her, she gave him a concerned look, "Are you going to be okay while I'm gone?" He didn't say anything, but nodded while keeping a strong eye contact. She smiled and patted him on the head, leaving with Haruhi leading the way. When they left, Ranka started to tell of how Haruhi was always so independent for her age. She even filled out all of the paper work for her transfer to Ouran Academy, which wasn't a real shock but still shows a lot about her character. "I'm grateful to all of you," Ranka to us. "She seems to be happy and enjoying herself at school now, in her own way. Right, Suou Tamaki-kun?" That made him put some pep in his step, but not until the hammer came down again with how Haruhi told of how they all first met, putting an emphasis on how Tamaki was the last one to know that Haruhi was a girl. 

      "You just don't get it, do you? You're awful," Ranka sipped from his tea cup. Dayna and I agreed, drinking along with him, "Tell me about it." The mood changed fast with Ranka asking us if we should 'all have ourselves some fun?' Dayna leaned over to me confused, "Why do I feel violated?" "He's not like that...right?" I'm so relieved to be right. His version of fun was called The Stalking Game a.k.a. follow Haruhi and Savannah to the supermarket...that's it. The rest of us followed them both quietly as Savannah tried to comfort Haruhi from the outburst of information earlier. Kyoya even tried to be sly about this being 'fun', so I looked over to him, "Can you really talk? His type of fun is a level down from your interesting." He smirked at me, and I smirked back. 

      We got to the market and honestly, I just looked around at some stuff I wanted instead of keeping an eye on Haruhi. Dayna followed me as well, and eventually we bumped into Savannah. "Got bored of stalking us?" "Yup, they really don't know how to blend in, do they?" Apparently what Haruhi and Savannah decided to make was a stewpot, which Dayna and I were excited about. Dayna smiled, "They are going to die when eating this. You season the hell out of your food." I laughed about as Savannah tried to defend herself about it. This wasn't such a disaster after all, it was really fun and felt like a whole family gathering. I've only said this a few times in my life, knowing it was a fully empty promise, but...I hope this never ends. If it does, then nothing will ever be able to top it.

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