Valentine's surprise

By WolfSama8

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Bonnie has a secret admirer, and it leads to an interesting night on Valentine's Day. Of course, what happens... More

chapter 1
capitulo 1
chapter 2
capitulo 2
chapter 3
capitulo 3
chapter 4
capitulo 4
chapter 5
capitulo 5
chapter 6
capitulo 6
chapter 7
capitulo 7
chapter 8
capitulo 8
chapter 9
capitulo 9
chapter 10
capitulo 10
chapter 11
capítulo 11
chapter 12
capitulo 12
chapter 13
capitulo 13
chapter 14
capitulo 14
chapter 15
capitulo 15
chapter 16
capitulo 16
chapter 17
capitulo 17
chapter 18
capitulo 18
chapter 19
capitulo 19
chapter 20
capitulo 20
chapter 21
capitulo 21
capitulo 22
chapter 23
capitulo 23
chapter 24
capitulo 24
chapter 25
capitulo 25
chapter 26
capitulo 26
chapter 27
capitulo 27
chapter 28
capitulo 28
chapter 29
capitulo 29
chapter 30
capitulo 30
chapter 31
capitulo 31
chapter 32
capitulo 32
chapter 33
capitulo 33

chapter 22

28 2 0
By WolfSama8

Ron sank into the booth seat heavily, his food forgotten. All he could do was stare at the check in his hands, running it over and over inside his head. Even with it in his hands, even with Kim, Bonnie, and Tara confirming the figure for him, he still couldn't believe it. "Ninety-nine million dollars."

Bonnie clung to his arm, squealing with glee. "Ron, this is so amazing. Now, I'm not just dating someone who is sweet and funny and handsome, but rich as well."

Kim was far more pragmatic about it, glancing worriedly at Ron. "Ron, I know this is a lot of money…"

"A lot of money?" Ron looked up in shock. "I think we passed a lot a while ago."

"I'm just concerned that all this money might go to your head."

Ron was back to looking at the check, close to the point of drooling. "And the zeros… look at all the zeros…"

"RON!" When Ron was looking up again, Kim continued. "I'm concerned Ron. That's a lot of money, and you can tend to let things get to you."

"KP, this money will not change me. I mean, look at Bonnie." Ron took a moment to do just that as she clung to him. "I haven't let dating Bonnie get to my head, have I?"

Kim reluctantly had to agree and decided to change the subject. "So Ron, what are you going to do with all that money?"

Ron shook his head slowly, his attention back on the check. "Honestly KP, I have no idea."

Bonnie leaned in to kiss Ron on the cheek. "I can think of a few things."

Kim glared at the brunette, her ire drawn. "I'm sure you have plenty of ideas how to spend RON'S money."

Bonnie returned the glare, her anger evident. ":And just what is that supposed to mean Possible?"

Kim raised her hands defensively, realizing she might have pushed too far without meaning to, still too hung up on the way Bonnie used to be. "Nothing, I…"

"I loved Ron long before he had money. So what if I want to enjoy this with him." Bonnie's eyes lit up as she came to a realization. "If Ron is a millionaire, there is no way that Daddy can't say I can't see him." Bonnie squealed again, clutching tight to Ron.

That caught Ron's attention, and he turned to smile at his girlfriend. "Do you really think so?"

Bonnie smirked happily. "If there's one thing my father appreciates, it's money and power."

"Uhh…" Ron cast a glance at Kim and Tara. "Isn't that two things?"

"Not to my father. To my father, if you don't have money, you don't have power. Now that you're a millionaire, he won't be able to say anything against us at all. This is perfect!" Bonnie started planting kisses all along Ron's lips and chin.

Tara had largely been silent up till now, but cut in now, before Bonnie could get too carried away in a public restaurant. "So Ron, now that you have the money and you know Mr. Rockwaller won't say anything about you dating his daughter, what do you plan to do with all that money?"

Ron stood there, his mind working a mile a minute. There were so many things he could do with this money, things he wanted to do. He knew that if it hadn't been for that dinner the night before, he'd probably being going nuts with Bonnie, spending like crazy and having a blast.

But his mind kept going over what Mr. Rockwaller had said. Everyone told him that what Mr. Rockwaller said was wrong, but Ron wasn't so sure. He didn't have any goals, any real drive to do better in school, and in a way, he was right that he didn't deserve Bonnie. But now he had the means to change all that for the better. School wouldn't be much better, but he could set what goals he wanted without having to worry. And most of all, he could really and truly be deserving of Bonnie, be the boyfriend she really deserves.

But to do all that, he was going to need some help. Taking a deep breath, he looked into the living room, to find the one person he thought could help him.

"Hey Dad, you got a second?"

Gene Stoppable put down his newspaper, smiling up at his son. "Of course Ronald. Is this about what that awful father of Bonnie's said?"

"Sort of, but not exactly." Ron sat down, rubbing the back of his neck. "See, I think he was right. I don't have any goals in life, and I think I should. Plus, I think Bonnie deserves a guy who is able to take care of her and provide for her."

Gene nodded with a smile. "That's very good. Even if it's a small one, everyone should have some goals that they want to achieve. It's very responsible. Do you have any ideas?"

"Some. See, Kim and I went out, and we got together with Bonnie and Tara..."

Gene frowned slightly. "Are you sure that was wise right after what he said, even if we think he's wrong?"

"It's cool Dad, it wasn't exactly a date."

"Still, you should be careful with that. I don't want to see you or Bonnie get into trouble."

"I don't think that will be much of a problem." Gene's eyebrow shot up at that, knowing what Bonnie's father had said firsthand, but waited for Ron to explain further. "See, after we played mini-golf, we all went to Bueno Nacho. Well... when we got there, Ned handed me something from their head office." Ron paused, taking a deep breath. "A naco royalty check."

Gene's smile got very broad as he considered that. "Well that was unexpected. Most of those big chains would just steal the concept and never give anyone a dime. So what do you want, help putting a down payment on a vehicle? Maybe look into a college fund for the money?"

Ron squirmed in his seat. "Umm... not exactly." Rufus popped out of Ron's pocket long enough to hand him the check, then hopped up onto Ron's shoulder to see the older man's reaction.

It didn't take long. Gene took the check from his son and the smile froze on his face. "Uhhh... Ronald... this... this is..."

"A lot of zeros, huh?"

Gene was breathing heavily now, one hand over his chest. "And this is real?"

"A nickle for every naco sold." Ron chuckled wryly. "I guess that really adds up over a year, huh Dad?"

Gene was still clutching the check in his hand when he called out to his wife in the kitchen. "Honey... Ronald brought home something you should see?"

Jean Stoppable walked into the kitchen, wiping her hands with a dish towel. "What is it Dear? It's not one of those awful devices you're always confiscating from those villains because I told you I won't have them in my house."

"Not exactly." Gene rose to his feet, handing the check to his wife. Jean, took a look at the check, blinked twice, and fainted dead away into her husband's arms.

Ron sat passively on the chair, looking over at his parents. "Now Dad... about those plans..."

Bonnie walked with a bounce in her step through the front door, not bothered in the slightest that her father was standing there with his arms crossed, a stern look on his face. "Hi Daddy."

"Where have you been?"

John's tone was harsh, though it barely registered with Bonnie. "Oh, I was just out with Ron. We played mini-golf and then had lunch."

John's frown deepened and his eyes became ice. "So, not even a day and you are already flaunting your rule-breaking."

"Oh, I don't think you'll care about that silly rule in a moment."

Neither were paying any attention as Connie, Lonnie, and Dawn came into the room, watching the confrontation, Connie and Lonnie with glee, Dawn with dread. John stepped closer to his daughter, staring her down ineffectually. "Now what could you possibly say that would make me countermand what I said just last night?"

Bonnie waved her right hand in the air as if it was no big deal. "You remember how Ron created that little thing Bueno Nacho calls the naco? Well it turns out he got his first royalty check for that."

John laughed darkly. "So the boy has enough to buy a car maybe."

Bonnie seemed to consider that, her finger tapping her chin. "I suppose he could buy a car lot or two. Do you think that jaguar salesman might sell his business to Ron?"

All sense of jocularity, what little there was, disappeared completely from John Rockwaller's face. "What the are you talking about Bonnie."

Bonnie shrugged with a smile on her face. "Oh, just the fact that Ron's first royalty check is for ninety-nine million dollars."

"WHAT?" Connie and Lonnie's jaws dropped to the floor, unable to comprehend what their sister had just told them, having expected their sister to get grilled good. Bonnie's mother was shocked, but also smiling as she understood the implications.

It was John Rockwaller who had the most surprising reaction. He smiled. "Really, isn't that interesting."

Bonnie's smile faltered slightly when her father didn't react as she expected, but she retook control quickly. "Yes, isn't it. So... it should be no problem for me to date Ron then, is there."

John's smile was almost predatory as he eyed his youngest daughter. "If your young Mr. Stoppable is indeed a millionaire of that caliber, I have absolutely no problem with you seeing him whenever you like."

Bonnie was a bit deflated that her triumphant announcement wasn't going like she planned. "Thank you Daddy. Ron are I are going out to dinner than to celebrate. We were planning on Pierre's."

Now John reacted slightly. "How did you get reservations so quickly? It usually takes a week."

Now Bonnie was getting a bit of the reaction was was looking for originally and her smile broadened. "Oh, didn't I tell you? Ron knows the owner, we've been there before. It's no big deal. Maybe Ron could hook you up if you need it on short notice for some function or whatever. Anyways, I'm going to go get ready. Toodles!" Bonnie waved to her sisters with a little finger wave and then dashed up the stairs.

That seemed to break Connie and Lonnie out of their stupor, both rushing to their father. "Daddy, she can't talk to you like that. Shouldn't you pun..."

"BE QUIET!" John glared at his two eldest until they were cringing in front of him. Satisfied that they at least reacted to him still, he headed for his office, intent on making some calls.

The first was to his friend in New York. The type of friend who knew how to get things done. "Cameron, it's John. I want you to do some digging on something for me. A Ronald Stoppable... Yes, I know we already looked into that family, but there have been some new developments. Look into what you can about Ronald and his ties to Bueno Nacho, in particular the naco and royalties owed. Apparently the kid just got a huge check for close to a hundred million... yes, that's what my daughter told me. I want you to see if it's true, cause if it is..." John's smile grew dark and insidious, "he could be just the patsy we need to make it big."

Bonnie and Ron lay in the grass looking up at the stars, holding each other close. Dinner had been an extravagant affair, with the teens able to order anything they wanted without worry. After that, it had been a movie and then a walk along the lake as the sun was setting. Now, they were just enjoying the night and the closeness, a comfortable silence keeping them.

Ron though was never known for being silent for too long. "So... your Dad was REALLY all right with you and me now?"

"Yeah." Bonnie sighed, snuggling her head deeper into the crook of Ron's neck. "He didn't react the way I thought he would. He just... smiled. I know he didn't expect it, but he wasn't shocked like everyone else was." Bonnie looked up at the sky, her thoughts somewhat jumbled. "I don't know if that's a good thing or not."

Ron turned his head slightly, though with the way they were lying, it was impossible for him to look into her eyes. "Why wouldn't it be a good thing? Maybe he was just... overly concerned to find someone who can take care of you the way you should be."

Bonnie sighed again, letting out a slow breath. "Maybe. I just hope that is the case."

They held each other peacefully for anouther few minutes, but one thing was still bugging Ron a bit, something he had to get out in the open. "Bonnie... this money... it's not going to change anything between us, is it?"

Bonnie rose up off Ron's shoulder so that she could look down at him. "Ron, how could you even think that? I loved you long before you had ANY money."

"I know, I know, I just... I can't help..."

Bonnie leaned down and kissed him softly. "Okay, I will admit, the money makes things even better. I'm not going to lie, I'm going to love you buying me things, but that's not why I'm with you and you know it. I love you and not for your money." Bonnie paused, allowing a sly grin to cross her face. "Okay... so I love the money too."

Bonnie laughed as Ron wrapped his arms around her and rolled on top of her, laughing along with her. "So, you love the money then, huh? Maybe... I shouldn't let you come with me and the rest of the girls when I give them that shopping spree tomorrow."

Bonnie's eyes hardened instantly, her hands gripping his arms tightly. "Don't you even kid about that Ron Stoppable, that is not funny."

Ron kissed her quickly and jumped to his feet. "I thought it was." Ron appeared thoughtful as he backed away slowly from his girlfriend. "Hmm... just what would Kim, Tara and Monique do aaaalllllll day with an unlimited credit card without you there."

Bonnie was on her feet instantly, chasing after a fleeing Ron. "I'm going to get you for that Stoppable. I mean it!"

The two teens chased each other, laughing and cavorting until they tumbled to the ground together, laughing, kissing and cuddling without a care in the world, unaware of just how bad things were going to get in the very near future.

Author's Notes – Next... What are Ron's plans with the money? What is John Rockwaller up to? Can Ron survive the shopping trip with 4 women and an unlimited budget? How well does Kim's date with Josh go? And how fast do you think I can get the next update out? Stay tuned!

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